Winchentucky Wayne Charged After Trying To Meet Up With 12 And 13 Year Old Girls For Threesome In Westminster, Tried To Get 14 Year Old Girl To Have Dog Lick Her Sexually In 2019

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (19:00) and Eric from For The Kids Predator Intervention joined us to talk about this catch.
Two months ago we published a blog about a new vigilante predator poachers group on YouTube called For The Kids, after they busted a pedophile who worked as a manager at the Honey Farms in Rutland. On Friday night they had another very disturbing catch in Westminster, but this time the chomo was looking for a 12 year old girl named Ava. The poacher even through in a 13 year old girl named Haley for a threesome, and he was all about it. Usually when these guys get caught they make up excuses or try to run away. But this guy was different. He actually stuck around for almost 2 hours at the Cumberland Farms and admitted to everything in an interview. Finally someone watching called the cops, they took down his information, and he ended up leaving.
You probably didn’t have time to watch the whole thing, but he admitted to literally everything. He also claims to have a 12 inch penis, but the poacher claims that the dick pics he sent the decoy 12 year old says that is fake news. He was also so familiar with the conversations that he was able to correct the poacher about the things that he said, often admitting to much worse things than he was initially accused of. Like how she was a bed wetter, or how he hooked up with a 16 year old girl when he was 22 and she had hair “down there.” At any point he could’ve just run away, but instead he thought he could win the poacher over and sat down for an interview like Trump talking to Maggie Haberman.
The most remarkable part is that until the cop arrived he was still convinced that the person he spoke to on the phone who was pretending to be a 12 year old girl, was actually a 12 year old girl. This was glorious:
“Keep it between me and you, are you gonna tell her about that.”
Bruh, he’s live streaming you on YouTube. Also, she’s not real.
Some more disturbing things were that he referred to himself as “Daddy” when talking to the 12 year old girl, and the fact that he said this:
“She was fingering herself with 2 fingers and she got wet.”
Or when he bragged about being a good guy because he was planning on using a rubber with the 12 year old. Or this exchange:
Uncle Chester: “Do you have any woods near your house?”
Poacher: “Why were you asking her if she has woods near her house?”
Uncle Chester: “To go for a walk.”
Oh good, he’s looking to take 12 and 13 year old girls for walks in the woods so he can lick both of them up and down. I don’t even need to see the chat logs on this one because he admitted and repeated everything. He copped to jacking off in the car on the phone with while telling the 12 year old to finger herself.
If you really wanna hear something disturbing listen to him on the phone for an hour telling a 12 year old girl to touch herself as he pleasured himself in his car. Trigger warning – you will have nightmares if you listen to the whole thing:
At one point he tries to flash a State Police sticker to get himself out of the jam.
His tone sure changed the moment he got in that car.
Also, not for nothing, but I say this every time they do one of these busts – the most offensive thing about these guys (besides the fact that they’re trying to bang kids) is that none of them get dressed up for these meet and greets. How you gonna show up looking like this and think you’re gonna get laid?
You couldn’t even wear a hat dude? And how do none of them stop and ask themselves – if this girl is into older men, why were her first choice be a creepy looking bald man? This was the non-dick picture he sent:
You couldn’t even shave dude? He might be a sexual deviant, but I doubt he’s ever had the opportunity to act on it. I don’t care how damaged a kid is – no girl would ever do anything sexual with this man without puking all over herself.
When I saw this catch going down in Westminster I knew there was a 99% chance Uncle Chester was from Winchendon. He identified himself as Wayne Allaire at one point in the video, so I searched for his name in a Winchendon Facebook group and then – BOOM:
He’s a well known child predator in town who’s done this before. Just Winchentucky Wayne doing Winchentucky Wayne things. Three years ago he messaged a 14 year old girl on Facebook, and she alerted her mother who went along with it to see what he wanted. He then asked for naked pictures of her, he indicated that he knew it was wrong when he asked her if she was gonna tell on him multiple times (the same thing he sent the 12 year old girl in Westminster), and even asked her if the dog could lick her sexually.
Welp, that’s enough Internet for me today. Another historic first in the Biden era.
The poacher was aware of this conversation and referenced it while talking to Winchentucky Wayne, who told him that he was spoken to by the police about it but they couldn’t charge him with a crime. He clearly isn’t all there (he knew what he was doing was wrong but though it was just sexual harassment), but that doesn’t really matter. A 12 year old getting raped by a mentally challenged man is no less traumatizing than a 12 year old getting raped by a rocket scientist. This man has a job, he has a drivers license, and he clearly knows he’s not supposed to be doing this. He’s even had the luxury of getting caught before by the police without being charged, so he should’ve been on guard. But nope, he’s just out here messaging girls on Facebook to see if they wanna walk into the woods with him in Westminster.
Then yesterday WPD announced that he had been arrested and charged with enticement of a child and sending obscene material to minors:
Props to FTK for doing this the right way, explaining to Wayne for 2 hours why his behavior was problematic, and making sure he was held accountable this time. If Winchentucky Wayne is really so mentally challenged that he doesn’t understand that you can’t do this, then he should be living in a group home with full time supervision. Instead he’s driving around in a Honda CRV, working a job, and using Facebook to get into fights with women and meet 12 year old rebound chicks.