Woman Arrested While Protesting Lowell PD On Behalf Of Domestic Abuser Who Died Swimming In Frozen River Was Out On Bail For Beating Woman Pregnant With Her Grandchild

In early January we blogged about social justice warriors who were protesting the Lowell Police and blaming them for killing a man named Moses Harris, who was last seen running and jumping into the Concord River in order to avoid arrest on a domestic violence call. Harris had previously been arrested for domestic abuse 3 times in the last 2 years, and 5 times total in the past 5 years.
He was out on bail on domestic abuse charges on December 19 when a Lowell woman called the police on him, alleging domestic abuse. When the police arrived he was not there, but two hours later he returned and the victim called again. This time the police attempted to detain him in a parking lot, but since he didn’t feel like going back to jail he made a break for it and ran toward the Concord River where he went for a polar plunge and never came back. The family refused to look at the surveillance footage, and insisted that it was somehow the cops’ fault that their woman beating son chose to jump in a river in December.
Last week his body was found many miles down river, thus ending any speculation that the cops shot him or were covering something up.
Just kidding. That’s not how BLM rolls. Instead of feeling dumb and disappearing forever they’ve increased their protests. Over the weekend they held a rally outside police headquarters led by Tina Degree.
Beast Lighting is quite possibly the most ratchet scam artist who has ever lived. Her son Augusto was murdered in 2006, and it remains unsolved. She blames police, but as you can see from the manner in which his family chooses to remember him, he more than likely was killed while in the process of keeping it real.
Her other son Devonte Degree was arrested in 2013 for assaulting a cop.
A Lowell police officer was attacked by a man after he became angry that his girlfriend’s car was being towed. Devante Degree, 21, ran towards Officer Charles Pappaconstrantinou’s cruiser Saturday morning when he saw that his girlfriend’s vehicle was being towed and began cursing at the officer, according to the Lowell Sun. When the officer tried to explain that the vehicle needed to be towed, Degree told him to remove his badge and fight. Degree’s girlfriend arrived on the scene and joined him in threatening the officer, according to the report. Back-up officers arrived and attempted to arrest Degree after he removed an object from the car’s trunk. He allegedly tossed an officer into a chain link fence, and was subdued with pepper spray.
Tina Degree has mastered the art of using her family members to raise cash for fraudulent GoFundMe’s, including one to sue the police for arresting Devonte, which went nowhere.
She also claims her brother Michael Degree was retaliated against by the police as a result of his 2017 arrest.
And those are just the “Lowell Police be racist for arresting my family because I’m all marginalized and whatnot” GuFundMe’s. She also does the “single Mom needs Santa” GoFundMe’s.
Then there’s the “muh niece ran out of unemployment and needs to travel across the country to go to muh nephew’s funeral” GoFundMe.
And my personal favorite – the general reparations GoFundMe for being black in Lowell.
You’ll just have to trust that she gave the money raised for dining room sets to unnamed black families in Methuen, Leominster, and Fitchburg. Trust her, it’s not like she comes from a family of criminals.
At Saturday’s protest at LPD headquarters Beast Lightning brought a smaller crowd of 15, blocked the driveway where cop cars drive into, harassed and taunted the police when they told her to move, and couldn’t believe it when she got arrested too.
Tina Degree, 50, of Lowell, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she allegedly did not move from the center of the driveway and continued yelling at police through a bullhorn, LeBlanc said. He said Jackson Patrick, 29, of Lowell, was arrested for disorderly conduct and wanton destruction of property after several officers observed him allegedly grab and throw down a barricade. LeBlanc said Degree was later found to allegedly possess an expandable baton and Patrick allegedly had pepper spray, resulting in each receiving an additional charge of breach of the peace while armed.
While being arrested she told the white cops to back away because she’s allergic to white people.
But it’s not racist, because only white people can be racist. This is literally taught by schools that institute critical race theory.
After getting bailed out she then posted on her Facebook page that the only language the Lowell Police understand is when protesters like her start getting violent.
Tina Degree was allegedly bailed out by the Mayor and two city councillors, and the Mayor’s teenage son yelled profanities at the police while alongside the protesters.
Following 13 weeks of protests over the disappearance and death of Moses Harris that culminated in the arrest of two protesters Saturday, both of the city’s police unions are outraged over the belief that a group of city councilors allegedly bailed the protesters out. Mayor John Leahy and City Councilors John Drinkwater and Sokhary Chau — who were at City Hall Saturday afternoon for the unveiling of Leahy’s mayoral portrait — denied contributing any money toward the protesters’ bail and said any actions they took were made in an effort to defuse a chaotic and emotionally charged scene.
The unions alleged an unnamed city councilor’s son also shouted expletives at officers, and they took issue with the mayor’s aide coming to post bail, clad in a mask with the same city emblem they wear on their uniforms. Such alleged action by the councilors “tells the people that choose to cross the line and break the law ‘that it’s OK, come to Lowell where your bail will be paid for,’” Roussell wrote. In a joint statement Sunday, the police unions said several officers and bystanders overheard the councilors discuss taking a collection for the bail as “a good gesture” and a short time later a man who said he was “from the Mayor’s Office” posted bail for the protesters. Drinkwater said he, Leahy and Chau were able to confirm with police the protesters could be released on $40 bail each and told Harris’ parents, which helped calm the situation.
“At no time did any of us post bail,” Leahy said. “We didn’t contribute to posting the bail. I found out that the bail had been posted afterwards.”
He said his aide did bring the money, collected from unknown persons, to post bail. Leahy said no one had any ill intentions or meant to be disrespectful to the officers, and that they were just trying to show compassion in what was a “very, very stressful day for everyone involved.”
Yea, Mayor Leahy totally had nothing to do with the bail. An aide of his just showed up and bailed out these criminals on their own.
Meanwhile, here’s the Mayor’s wife comforting the family of a domestic abuser who have been harassing and blaming the police for their son’s death because they did such a subpar job raising him that he thought it would be wise to jump in a frozen river instead of going to jail for beating a woman (again).
Here’s the wife Of the mayor of Lowell comforting the family that is blaming Lowell PD for killing their shitbag woman beating son who died after jumping in a river to avoid being arrested for beating another woman. pic.twitter.com/1GsaLhRpws
— Aidan Kearney (@turtleboyphone) March 23, 2021
She was telling the family that bail was being paid for the two career criminals who assaulted cops on behalf of their dead woman beating son.
Leahy’s teenage son was also marching with the protesters.
And he fully supports BLM, a partisan terrorist organization which seeks to abolish the police and jails.
To review, the Mayor is sympathetic towards BLM, his son was with the protesters, and his wife informed the family that the protesters were being bailed out, but the Mayor himself had no idea any of this happened.
But wait, it gets better.
When she was arrested Beast Lightning was already out on bail for beating a pregnant woman who alleged that her criminal son Devante (who assaults cops and tried to sue the city) knocked her up.
One of her lawyers is court appointed, but the other wants to get paid.
You know what that means…..
She makes a good point though, going to court is expensive. And a great way to avoid going to court is to obey the law and don’t get arrested while you’re out on bail for beating a pregnant chick whose carrying your grandchild. Oh well, same time next weekend!
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