Law and Order

Woman Calls Judge Explicative In Open Court After Being Denied Harassment Order For Appearing On TB Blog, Smearing A&D Pizza


Today was my day in court with Letticia “Lettuce Wrap” Freitas, after she took out a harassment order against me because I wrote about her disgusting, horrible, xenophobic attack on an immigrant-owned pizza shop in Millbury because they made a Trump themed pizza for a customer.

It was on a Zoom call, and according to people who watched it and screenshotted it this is how she came to the hearing.

With a mask on, indoors, and a with notes in front of her. You could hear her Mom in the room with her coaching her along, and shockingly this genius duo was unable to get a simple harassment order against yours truly, bringing my record in court to 16-0.

Funny thing is that I didn’t even have to mention her fraudulent Yelp reviews, the Trump pizza, or the blog itself. As a matter of fact I didn’t say a word. They had to bring in a judge from out of Worcester, because no Worcester judges can impartially hear a case involving Turtleboy. I did take some notes though and here’s some highlights:

  • It started off poorly when the Judge asked her how she knew me, and she said she didn’t. The Judge’s face was priceless. Normally people seeking restraining orders have at least some sort of prior relationship with the person they’re seeking to get the order against.
  • She claimed that I had engaged in deformation of character in my “blog filled with hate,” and alleged that I called her a white nationalist and a c***, both of which are accurate. He informed her that this was a harassment order hearing and if she wanted to sue me she had to do that in civil court.
  • She did not like this answer and responded by asking, “cyber bullying isn’t harassment?”
  • She also told the judge that we’re in a pandemic and she didn’t have $1,000 to sue me. She said it was pointless to sue me because I’m so good at court and I live on donations so I could afford an attorney, and she couldn’t.
  • She blamed me for “directing hate towards her,” even though all I did was write about how she was organizing and directing hate and fraud towards a small business because they sold a pizza to a customer.
  • She said that I was not allowed to write about her because she was previously in a hospital on suicide watch, and I had forced a man to kill himself this summer after blogging about a video in which he was seen beating his ex-girlfriend.
  • She said she was getting calls from unknown numbers and although she couldn’t prove it was me, she was pretty sure it was me.
  • She said she called the cops over all the alleged death threats she’s getting but the cops haven’t gotten back to her yet.

Ultimately the order was denied because obviously this was not grounds for an order. I smiled, turtle riders turned on their cameras to give me a thumbs up, and she concluded the hearing by telling the judge, “Thanks for nothing, you piece of shit.”

After the hearing her mother drove to A&D Pizza and according to the owners they had to call the police on her because she was calling them pieces of shit, and threatening them. Ratchet behavior clearly runs in the family.

And that was my Monday. Another victory for Turtleboy.

P.S. Look who else was lurking at the hearing.

Hi Kate! I look forward to our court date in Leominster soon!



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