Poor Behavior

Woman Who Threw Stick At Gloucester Mother And Baby For Not Wearing Mask Is A Wakefield Elementary School Teacher


Jenifer Cooke was identified the other day as the Karenysaurus Rex who harassed, filmed, and threw a stick at a Gloucester mother and her 7 month old baby for not wearing a mask during a walk.

People like this are drunk on power and need to be exposed and taken down a notch. But as it turns out Jenifer Cooke is also an ELL teacher at Woodville Elementary School in Wakefield.

She was featured in a video the school produced at the 5:18 mark telling kids how much she misses them.


The fact that a woman employed as a teacher thinks it’s OK to throw sticks at children and openly casts judgment on parents, is problematic. Would she file a 51A on a parent of a student if she found out they had a playdate over the summer? I would have concerns if she was my child’s teacher.

Speaking of schools, there is no reason schools can’t open up again soon. Kids don’t die from coronavirus.

“bUt tUrTleBoY tHeRe wAs a bAbY tHaT DiEd iN kEnTuCky.”

This is not a serious argument made by a person in good faith. This disease almost exclusively preys upon people who are sick and elderly. Kids don’t even transmit it according to new studies. The real problem plaguing children is the lockdown itself because it has led to a decline in domestic abuse reports:

The closures of schools and other critical community organizations has limited key community partners in their ability to detect and report abuse. In the United States, 67 % of substantiated child abuse or neglect reports come from victim-serving professionals and 19 % of these reports come from education personnel. 

86% of violence against children is reported by people who are now unable to see kids every day. Children now have to advocate for themselves.

Of those young people who contacted the hotline in March, 67% identified their perpetrator as a family member and 79% said they were currently living with that perpetrator. In 1 out of 5 cases where the minor was living with their abuser, RAINN assisted the minor in immediately contacting police.

Quarantine forces at risk children to live with the monsters they fear. Not a single person on Team Lockdown has even given a thought to this. Team Lockdown doesn’t use logic and instead relies exclusively on hysteria and fear. They want to feel good about themselves by using Facebook filters about “saving lives,” but at the end of the day kids are dying because of the policies they advocate for.

I’m willing to be based on that video that Jenifer Cooke does not want to return to school. Why would she? She’s still getting paid, she has more power than she’s ever had in her life, and she finally gets to live her dream of shaming parents she doesn’t like.


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