TB Investigates

Attorney Robert Fojo Writes Email Demanding Takedown Of Blog About Delinquent Manchester Nightclub Owner For Insensitive Comments About Greeks And Female Employees


Robert Fojo, the lawyer representing Manchester night club owner Thomas Svoleantopoulos, sent me a threatening demand letter today, attempting to force me to voluntarily give up my First Amendment rights in order to avoid frivolous, expensive litigation, because his client didn’t like the blog written about him. If you’ll recall, a woman who owns a cleaning company wrote in a viral Facebook post that she was never paid by Mr. Svoleantopoulos to clean his filthy townhouse. He dodged her and blamed it on the economic effects of the coronavirus, even though, a) she was hired to clean his house, not his business, and b) he hired her almost a month before the order was put in place for all bars to shut down.

This is Attorney Frojo.

Just to be clear, I’m not saying that he’s a self-absorbed, narcissistic ambulance chaser overcompensating for a bad receding hairline that keeps him up at nights, who gravitated towards a political candidate most famous for being associated with small hands.

Nor am I suggesting that anyone leave bad reviews on his law firm Facebook page because of his inability to understand how the First Amendment works. I’m sure he’s a very competent attorney that anyone who can’t afford to pay their cleaning lady would hire if someone wrote satirical and critical things about them on the Internet. And I’m sure he would never accept a retainer or payment from a client, knowing full well that he can’t do anything to silence the speech his clients hoped would be silenced. That would be unethical and worth reporting to the bar.

Attorney Robert Frojo is a man of character who takes his profession seriously, which is why he was willing to sacrifice his Pauly D haircut, and give up the Scott Peterson look in order to pursue a career as a respectable attorney in Manchester, NH.

His law firm’s Facebook page certainly is not trying to be deceptive by posting pictures of diverse, youthful, physically attractive young professionals who have nothing to do with his law firm either.

Attorney Robert Frojo is a very, very serious man, and certainly would not be considered Manchester’s bootleg Michael Avenatti.

Let’s take a look at the email he sent me yesterday.


He is not only contacting me as the attorney for Mr. Svoleantopoulos, but also represents three other women who work at Whiskey’s 20 and were pictured alongside Svoleantopoulos in several photographs posted on Whiskey’s public Facebook page.

One of those women he represents is Lea Stevenson, who prior to the blog’s publication had an impeccable reputation in the community, and certainly had never been arrested for resisting arrest after refusing to leave a McDonald’s while drunk at 2 AM.

He continued.

Lots of serious lawyers send demand letters via email, and include snarky remarks about spelling and grammatical errors in parentheses. Even when the words they were correcting were actually spelled correctly.

I’m sure that his employees work very hard in order to pay their bills and maintain a livelihood. Kind of like how a cleaning lady expects to get paid when she is hired to clean a person’s house.

Mr. Svoleanthopoulus id definitely a “reputable” business owner. He certainly never felt the need to rename his nightclub after a 2015 stabbing murder took place there. Nor is he currently suing the New Hampshire State Liquor Commission for costing him “millions of dollards in lost profits” when Whiskey’s license renewal was held, and they no longer were able to let in people who weren’t 21.

Nor is Whiskey’s claim to fame that no one was murdered at their establishment in 2019, unlike Club Manchvegas.

Their murder was in 2015, and the bar was called Drynk at the time, not Whiskey’s 20.

Just to clarify, TB Daily News blogs often contain elements of what is known as “satire.” These often appear in the form of jokes or light hearted commentary that is not meant to be taken literally, but may or may not have some foundation in truth. As for the claim that Mr. Svoleanthopoulus is a “juice head” (2 words), I don’t know why anyone would take that literally. This gray haired man is clearly an all natural gym enthusiast.

The commentary about the “loose moraled” women was also satirical and sarcastic, because I think we can all agree that when people see photographs like these, the first words that come to mind are “purity,” “chastity,” and “prude.”

I also would never accuse him of not paying other bills, on top of the cleaning bill he never paid. Other people might.

But I would never do so without speaking to witnesses, which I will have to do now in order to clear this up. I’m sure Attorney Fojo’s client will thank you later for that after I find out all the details.

It continued.

I would never suggest that the women he hired were SNHU rejects. That wouldn’t make sense if it was literal because everyone knows that it’s virtually impossible to get rejected by SNHU, and his employees have no problem getting through their rigorous application process.

As for count #5, I never insinuated that Mr. Svoleantopoulos was a drug dealer. Quite the opposite:

“the fact that you claim to owe $650K doesn’t make you sound like either a liar, or a drug dealer.”

See? I said that he does NOT sound like a drug dealer just because he claims to have debts totaling $650K.

Mr. Svoleantopoulos is a very respected business owner. His employees would never mock a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of people by using language like “corona who?”, and proudly announce that Whiskey’s was holding the “biggest and ONLY PARTY IN NEW ENGLAND” at a time when bars and restaurants everywhere were sacrificing for the common good by shutting down.

The letter/email continued.

I deeply apologize for upsetting the Greek community by using various Greek foods to nickname blog subjects of Greek descent. I know that the Greek community would hate to be type-casted as shady, ultra-sensitive snowflakes (like the Portuguese) who run to their lawyers when their feelings are hurt. Unlike the Portuguese, Greeks rarely can be seen displaying pride in the country with limited economic opportunity that they fled in order to come to America and open up overpriced pizza shops.

Sadly I did not read the email until after Attorney Fojo’s arbitrary deadline to remove content from the website I own.

I know his client is strapped for cash right now and cannot afford to pay his cleaning lady to scrub his toilet, but I’m glad to see that he can afford to pay this attorney potentially tens of thousands of dollars to file a VERY serious lawsuit that ultimately will go nowhere. I’m also very scared of libel lawsuits as I have never been sued before, and I am not currently carrying an undefeated record in defamation lawsuits.

If Attorney Fojo, Thomas, or any of the unloose-moraled women he represents would like to share their thoughts, opinions, or issues they have with the story, they are more than welcomed to contact me and come on the Live show this Saturday night.


Clarence Woods Emerson


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