
Black Man Harassed With Racist Threats By Brother Of Woman Arrested For Welfare Fraud


For SSTG’s uncensored take on this (the blog contains a lot of foul language we had to bleep out) click here to read it on Turtleboy, where there are no rules.

A few months back a North Kingstown woman named Nicole Almstrom was arrested for fraudulently obtaining public assistance.

Now, as a taxpayer, I don’t have a problem with part of my paycheck going towards helping people in need. However, I do think that if you get public assistance there should be certain restrictions on what you can’t purchase with cash. The first thing on my list would be tattoos.

But that’s just me.

As it turns out she does have 3 kids, but only has custody of 1 of them because the children’s father has custody of them and recently moved to Tennessee to start a new life with a new wife. But she kept claiming that they lived with her in order to get more assistance, which is why she ended up getting caught.

Nicole Almstrom is no stranger to the Rhode Island courts though. She has multiple evictions, has been sued by a bank, and had a default judgement against her for not showing up.

Which happens a lot.

After her story made the news a lot of people around town began to cast judgement on social media. This led to her family reaching out to people who were critical of Nicole, and saying some really nasty things to these people, starting with Mom.

And just think, there are children who call this person Grandma.

I for one am shocked that someone who demeans a person because they’re black, and believes being black is worse than welfare fraud, would raise a child who ends up committing welfare fraud.

Her older brother Kenny also rushed to her defense, and really let his true feelings.

Slow clap to the turtle rider who kept his cool throughout those racist threats. This is why you’ll never hear me deny that racism exists. There’s no shortage of racist people in this country. But in my opinion if you’re going to call someone out for being a racist, you better bring receipts like we did.

Someone should probably tell Kenny Almstrom that his favorite musicians are both….

Ya know….

I got bad news for Kenny though. Being white doesn’t automatically make you better than black people. Calling someone the n word in order to demean them when your sister is a food stamp thief, and you have more Google trophies than anyone in the history of this blog, isn’t an effective way to establish that you’re better than them.

Make that a double actually.

My favorite question in his racist tirade was “why are you in my sister’s business?”

Oh, I know the answer to that one! It’s because he’s a taxpayer, so welfare fraud is his business.


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