Poor Behavior

BLM Cambridge Leader Didi Delgado Celebrates The Murder Of 2 Bristol Police Officers On Facebook

Editor’s Note: We discussed this topic on the Live Show (15:25)

Didi Delgado, the self appointed leader of BLM Cambridge, posted on Facebook yesterday about how happy she was that two innocent Bristol Police Officers were murdered when responding to a domestic call on Wednesday night.

The comments were equally as revolting and heinous, including a woman named Angela Kanahale who celebrated the death of a Las Vegas Police Officer.

Officer Alex Hamzy leaves behind his wife who he married last year. Sgt. Dustin Demonte, who was also the school resource officer, leaves behind two children and a pregnant wife who was due to give birth to his third. These aren’t cops. That’s just what their job was. These are human beings who leave behind children who will grow up without a father. It’s a horrible, unspeakable tragedy, and it’s being celebrated by BLM supporters.

I hate to even give people like this attention, and many of them use troll names anyway. You can see all the comments on her post. But I think it’s important for this to be documented in case any of these people try to show their faces in respectable society. If you know their real names feel free to message me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email [email protected]. I want this to come up in Google searches for them. I want them to stand by what they say and have their words follow them wherever they go. I want it sent to their children’s schools to warn the community about what worthless, soulless creatures they are. Maybe some of them have nothing to lose and don’t care. But some of them probably do, and you should have your life permanently ruined for posting things like this on social media. You wanna be edgy? Cool. Deal with the consequences.

We have written about Didi Delgado many times before, and she did something similar after Yarmouth Police Officer Sean Gannon was murdered in 2018, but this is low even for her.

You can read all about her here, but she is an unemployed, welfare collecting race grifter who earns a living by forcing white women to pay her reparations every month. And they do it because they are emotionally damaged and consumed with white guilt.

Unfortunately Didi is allowed in polite society, and her opinions on racial issues matter to elected officials in and around Boston and Cambridge. In 2017 Watertown High School used taxpayer money to have her speak to kids about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Do they have any comment about this? You should ask them why this cheesehog was allowed to pervert their children’s minds with hatred.

Last year Didi was featured alongside then Mayor Marty Walsh (now Secretary of Labor) at the grand opening of a fraudulent nonprofit run by her friend Monica Cannon-Grant.

Medium allows her to publish blogs on their website, including a piece urging service industry workers to spit in the food of police officers.

Didi sent a mob after us in 2017 to mass report our Facebook page with 112K followers, successfully getting it removed from the platform. Facebook allows her to remain and post things like this, because they prefer her values to ours. Feel free to mass report her post linked here. Probably won’t work, but at least you’ll know where they stand.

I won’t be giving any of my time to this attention seeking, morbidly obese cow today. I just want to document the things she does in case she ever tries to associate with a respectable member of society, so that we can send this to them and demand that they disavow themselves from her. Let it be known – anyone who willingly associates with Didi Delgado will be called out in a similar manner. I want her to be a social pariah who only exists on social media. I want her to become destitute as she ages. I did it to Monica Cannon-Grant, and I’ll do it to her too. It’s OK to hate people like this. They are evil, and that’s all there is to it.


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