Boston City Councillor Tania Fernandes Anderson Posts Picture With Husband She Married While He’s Serving Life Sentence For Murdering Immigrant

*Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (1:14:55)
Two weeks ago we published a blog about Boston City Councillor Tania Fernandes Anderson, after she wrote some really racist tweets complaining about the city’s superintendent, fire chief, and teachers because they are white.
Since then it’s been revealed that she sought out the endorsement of Monica Cannon-Grant, and had the audacity to attend a press conference at BPD headquarters about the dangers of racism.
On Saturday she posted a picture of a man who is apparently her husband, commemorating their 13th anniversary.
But she turned off the replies on that tweet in case someone figured out that that picture with her husband Tanzerious Anderson was taken on prison visitation day, due to the fact that he is a convicted murderer. You can read about it all here, but it’s pretty vicious stuff:
- A 35 year old Lebanese immigrant named Iman Yazbek was lured by a 16 year old girl he knew named Joleena Tate, to be robbed by Anderson and Jason Robinson
- Days before the murder Tate and Tanzerious Anderson went to North Conway, NH, broke into her father’s condominium, and stole a revolver before checking in to a motel under Anderson’s name
- Yazbek went to drop Tate off at her home in public housing at 89 Faneuil Street when she tipped off Anderson and Robinson who showed up to rob him
- Yazbek freaked out when they pulled a gun on him and began sobbing “please, please,” but because of his accent they thought he was yelling “police, police,” so they panicked, shot him, and took the $46 in his wallet
- According to Tate, after the shooting Anderson stated, “He’s murked [dead],” and, “I got my body for the summer”
- Anderson told 3 people he committed the murder, including Tate, Robinson’s ex-girlfriend Heather Coady, and Robinson’s friend Edward Gauthier
- Tate testified that after the murder her, Anderson, and Robinson got into a car and that he brandished the murder weapon that they had stolen from her father
- In his appeal Anderson basically says that Coady, Gauthier, and Tate committed the murder, the witnesses lied, and that since Yazbek’s death was instantaneous his conviction for Murder with “extreme atrocity or cruelty” should be thrown out
- Anderson also appealed to have his statements to the police suppressed, and thinks it’s unfair that the jury was allowed to repeatedly see images of the murder victim because it affected their emotions
- The appeals all failed
The murder occurred in 2000, which means that Tania Fernandes Anderson married Tanzerious while he was behind bars. Apparently she wasn’t interested in a husband who hasn’t committed murder, or someone she could have sex with sometime before she dies. There are millions of men in this country, and the only guy she wanted was a convicted murderer. That’s the kind of trash that is currently running the City of Boston.
Tania Anderson started a petition to have the Suffolk County DA’s Office reopen the case, and started a Facebook page and website called the A&R Project, dedicated to smearing the witnesses who helped convict her husband.
But falling in love with convicted criminals is all the rage these days for Boston politicians. Ayanna Pressley’s husband spent 10 years in jail for drug trafficking and was rewarded with some easy jobs at nonprofits, talking about how racist the criminal justice system is for incarcerating people like him.
Unsurprisingly Anderson’s codefendant from the A&R Project has good things to say about State Rep Liz Miranda in a blog her wrote, in which he endorsed her for State Senate.
And just like Anderson’s hubby, Miranda’s boyfriend is also a convicted murderer named Corn, who she met for sex in New Jersey in violation of his parole.
Of course Tania Anderson is blaming her husband’s murder conviction on structural racism:
While the only persons independently verified at the scene of the crime were three White youths, all of which had criminal histories, it was these two Black boys who were arrested and held responsible! Fueled by politically motivated prosecutors, a criminal justices system ravaged by structural racism, and ineffective representation, Jason and Tanzerious were both sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison, without the possibility of parole.
Tania Anderson’s prison husband also wrote a blog about how racist the country is on the 4th of July:
What is the 4th of July to a Black man? I must confess, I am buried in emotions. I love my Country, knowing full well, it doesn’t always love me back. This Country’s independence was also the start of the codification of my dehumanization. And we still haven’t recovered from that systematic torture of State sponsored terrorism yet. Three fifths of a man, enshrined into the consciousness of a nation. Yes, we do pay for the sins of our fathers. So what do I do? I watched our President celebrate Independence without regard, in front of a monument build by a Klansman, carved into sacred stone stolen twice from our indigenous family. How can we have reconciliation without truth, celebrate freedom while honoring slavery?
Dude, you killed an immigrant for $46. You’re not a victim, and no one cares if you like America.
You would think that the Boston Globe or some sort of media outlet would report on this, considering the fact that she’s an elected official in Boston and her husband murdered someone in the same city. But not a single media outlet has. The Globe did publish a puff piece on Anderson last year about how she “overcame” monumental challenges to become the first “barrier breaking” Muslim woman on the City Council. But her life story forgot to mention the fact that she married a man in prison who was 9 years into a life sentence, because apparently that’s not relevant to her life story.
People like Tania Anderson, Liz Miranda, Michelle Wu, Julia Mejia, Monica Cannon-Grant, and Rachael Rollins are destroying the City of Boston in the name of diversity and “intersectionality.” They allow their love for gangstas to affect their politics when they demand that life without parole be eliminated, as Miranda has proposed in recent legislation. But at the end of the day these are just trashy people who are sexually attracted to deviants, drug dealers, and murderers, and they hide behind identity politics because they know that the Boston Globe and liberals in Boston think that’s the only thing that matters.