Brookline Activists Previously Featured On Turtleboy Daily News Demand Brookline Police Ban TB From Facebook Page At Public Meeting Dedicated To Turtleboy

In January we published a blog about a man who was arrested at a Brookline Dunkins for throwing coffee on an unmasked patron. Included in the blog was legitimate criticism about an elected official named Bonnie Bastien, who attempted to justify the assailants behavior and questioned why the Brookline Police Department was being so transparent on a public platform.
Eleven days later we published another story involving BPD when a Beth Israel employee named Kayla Jones tagged them in an Instagram video and threatened the healthcare of family members of BPD officers because her car was towed during a snowstorm and she had to walk to work. Brookline Police defended her on social media after she was terminated.
Both of these blogs were revived last night at the Brookline Police Commissioners Advisory Committee meeting, as residents demanded that BPD do more to censor Turtleboy on social media.
First up was this he/him:
Ryan Black is a socialist carpetbagger from upstate New York, and an ardent supporter of defunding the Brookline Police, despite the fact that he hasn’t lived in town very long.
He was very concerned that people who say dumb things on the public forum that is the BPD Facebook page have been “targeted” by online alt-right toxic sex cults like Turtleboy, whose followers threaten the department’s critics.
As usual, the “threats” are completely made up in an attempt to silence the First Amendment rights of people who criticize the communists.
The Chief addressed the Kayla Jones car towing story, and claimed that the woman was “attacked” by Turtleboy. This led to a response from a woman named Kimberley Richardson, a communist who also wants to defund the police and serves on something called The Task Force To Reimagine Policing. According to her Turtleboy is “disruptive” and shouldn’t be allowed on the BPD page.
Turtleboy doesn’t “attack” anyone, Chief. I criticize abhorrent public behavior. For instance, Kimberley Richardson lied several times on the record at this public meeting, and complained about the principle of free speech.
“I wonder why Turtleboy would even be allowed on the police page. I get the whole free speech thing and all that…”
The “whole free speech thing” is one of the fundamental principles this country was founded on. Communists like Kimberley don’t like that because it allows us to criticize people like her. They believe that the idiotic things they say should go unchallenged, and that any criticism of them is a threat to their very existence.
“Turtleboy has threatened other people on your page.”
I have never threatened anyone on the Brookline Police Department Facebook page. I didn’t even comment on it at all. I saw the public post, screenshotted the dumb things communists said, and mocked them the way they should be mocked for trying to protect criminals. That includes elected officials and court officers like Kimberley.
Then again, protecting criminals is one of the primary goals for communists like Kimberley Richardson. Last summer the public housing resident demanded that there be less police officers in the area, despite higher crime rates, because as the official spokesperson for all black people Kimberley said that people of color felt “on edge” with police officers around.
The “Walk and Talk” unit was created in 1992, with the goal of being liaisons to the residents of Brookline’s public housing agency, the Brookline Housing Authority. The unit’s specific task is “…To establish relationships with residents and assist residents and staff with problem solving, quality of life issues, and to promote safety and wellness,” according to the department.
If you see police officers and you feel “on edge” instead of safer, it’s either because you’re a criminal or because you’ve become mentally ill after consuming BLM propaganda.
Kimberley went on and demanded that Turtleboy (presumably me, Aidan Kearney) be disallowed from commenting on the BPD Facebook page, even though I’ve never commented on it. She alleged that I am friends with Brookline Police Officers and threatening Brookline citizens. Luckily one of the officers clarified that Turtleboy is a news platform they can’t control, and that they would not be banning people who read our blogs and then comment on the BPD page afterwards. The moderator, who seemed to be the only person in this meeting who doesn’t know what Turtleboy is, asked that the Turtleboy conversation be taken offline.
“I’m not one of the cool kids, I don’t know what Turtleboy is.”
It’s OK, I still like you.
“If a news outlet was making threats to commit a crime on our website, then I didn’t see that, ever.”
Thank you officer for not only countering her lies and lecturing this moron about how free speech works, but for also establishing that police departments everywhere consider Turtleboy a news platform.
The communist’s lies that I’m threatening people is nothing more than a way for them to get the government to ban our speech. Unfortunately for Kimberley and company the Brookline Police Department isn’t stupid and can see through their disinformation.
Unfortunately for the moderator who asked that the TB conversation be taken offline, Bonnie Bastien talked about the blog for three minutes straight immediately after being asked not to.
“This lack of safety that is your Facebook page. Your Facebook page is actually dangerous to the residents that live here.”
It’s a Facebook page, not a construction worksite.
“My comment was taken up by Turtleboy News, which resulted in multiple people posting this article on your Facebook page, and people spreading this everywhere. At no point was this article removed!”
Yea, why isn’t the Brookline Police Department doing more to protect the feelings of people who voluntarily say dumb things on the Internet?
“Is this what happens when someone posts a criticism on your Facebook page?”
Yes, welcome to the Internet.
“What resulted from this was phone calls to my personal phone that were threatening, threatening DM’s, threatening emails to me.”
That never happened.
I also know that other people who commented were also threatened”
That also never happened.
“And that’s in line with Kayla Jones, who was fired from her job. She may have made a mistake but Turtleboy News picked it up and was a threat to her livelihood because they commented on what you did.”
Kayla Jones tagged the Brookline Police Department in a video she voluntarily uploaded to Instagram in order to antagonize them. The biggest threat to her livelihood was her. She also presented a threat to public health and created distrust in the community that Beth Israel would provide equitable healthcare to family members of police officers. She was a liability due to her own actions and had to be terminated.
Bonnies was also upset that I criticized an elected official named Raul Fernandez because he wants to defund the police and get rid of traffic enforcement.
“And you know that this is a toxic website because this website also took up Raul Fernandez’ statements some years ago and ended up in death threats.”
Everything with these people always “ends up in death threats.” It’s the only thing they have. They know that the things they’re advocating for are unpopular and stupid, so they try to silence opposition by pretending that criticism of them leads to death threats. Even if it did, which it did not, it still wouldn’t justify silencing criticism. That’s not how freedom works.
“I just need you to understand that Turtleboy News is a foul, racist website, that is infesting your Facebook and social media pages. And there are also authors of Turtleboy News that are posting, none of which live in Brookline.”
Turtleboy Daily News is an anti-racist social justice website that fights for equality and calls out racism whenever we see it. People like Monica Cannon-Grant, who Bonnie Bastien no doubt supports, should not have their racist world views go unchallenged. It’s not enough that we not be racist, we must actively be anti-racist. Although I do not live in Brookline I will still call out racism from white supremacists like Bonnie Bastien whenever I see it.