TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 279: Turtleboy’s Prison Journals Part 3, Turtleboy Detox

Donate to the Turtleboy Legal Defense Fund

Today is my 35th day in jail. Last week, we filed a Petition with the SJC asking them to do a number of things:

  1. Reduce my jail time from 90 days to 60 since bail in Superior Court can only be revoked for 60 days, according to the law.
  2. Overturn the bail revocation, which is only to be used with dangerous criminals. I am not violent or dangerous, and the lies that Lindsey Gaetani and Brian Tully conspired to make up about me was that I pushed her onto a comfortable couch, resulting in no injuries.
  3. Get rid of the unconstitutional Paragraph 14 in Lying Lindsey’s restraining order, which says I can’t publish “confidential DCF documents or court records.” Although her DCF documents are likely voluminous, I don’t have any of those, nor would I publish them. However, the public court documents we do have, which can be accessed by anyone in Norfolk County Probate Court, are not confidential. It is unconstitutional to tell an American citizen that he can’t publish court documents because it proves that Lindsey is a substance-abusing liar who falsely accused her own father of domestic violence.
  4. Give me my phones and computer back.
  5. Throw out the witness intimidation charges completely.

We asked for immediate relief on 1 and 2, which will be decided by Justice Kafker, the same Justice who ordered Jen McCabe’s phone records be given to Karen Read. We have asked for a decision in the next 7-10 days, since every day of incarceration is irreparable harm. The Karen Read case is falling apart and there is no chance of me being convicted, therefore any time spent in jail, robs me of my freedom. We will post the whole SJC petition shortly.

Last week I came to the realization that God put me in jail for a reason. I am not a criminal, I have not intimidated any witnesses, and I certainly never hit a woman. I don’t belong here, but I kind of needed it. The fact of the matter is that although my professional life was good, my personal life was shit. Not that it’s anyone’s business, but when Lindsey Gaetani decided to file a false police report and take abortion pills for a fake baby, because I wouldn’t spend the night and cuddle with her, my personal and sex life became public record.

Although I didn’t break any laws, the reality is that I chose to associate and fornicate with gutter-trash like her, because something inside of me is attracted to fast women with loose morals, no matter how dangerous they are. I will explain the whole story when I’m out of here, but December 23rd was far from the first time she pulled a stunt like that with me. Yet, I kept going back. If Lindsey never called the cops and made up a lie, I definitely would have been back over there a couple days later despite the fact that she held me hostage, threatened her own children and caused me to crash my car. I was addicted to the thrill of it. If I had given her what she wanted and stayed the night, I’d be stuck in the perpetual cycle of the mentally-abusive relationship I was in. The only way it was going to end was in dramatic fashion.

You guys look up to me because I’m good at journalism, not because I’m good at relationships. Tiger Woods, and greater men than me, have had their personal lives upended for similar reasons. Being in jail has given me a chance to detox on my personal life, and examine why I end up messing around with women like LG and LG Part 2. I can safely say I no longer want any women like that, no matter how skilled they are at … certain things.

I get hundreds of uplifting messages a day and have built new friendships with people on the outside, who I know are healthier people. I look forward to starting fresh when I leave here. Everyday during morning rec, I look out at the front door and imagine what it’s going to feel like walking out. I know there will be Turtleriders and my new puppy, Rider, waiting for me. My parents will likely bring me home and I’ll get to surprise my kids, as I don’t plan on telling them I’ll be coming. I told them I’m going to be bringing a surprise home with me, and my daughter keeps asking, “Is it a puppy?” She is intuitive like that. I just really can’t wait to hug them more than anything.

I won’t get into details about plans for my personal life, but let’s just say I’m finally doing something that I should have done a while ago, instead of living the way I was. I know that I will be better off and healthier for that. I will no longer have the cloud of this double life, that led me to be held hostage by a crazy woman in Medfield. I don’t know where I’m going to go, but I do know that it’s better than living the way I was living. I will still be getting the kids on and off the bus every day, going to all their games, and telling them how much I love them before they go to bed.

I am the happiest prisoner in jail history. I’d like to get out early, but I’m mentally prepared to do the full 60. Last week, I found out they’re not moving me out of the isolation of medical, and I’m at peace with that. I’d rather be in a housing unit, but I’m so overcome with optimism for the future that I don’t even care.

I’m going to miss morning recess a lot. I run seven miles a day on the basketball court now, and closing in on 50 pull-ups. Afterwards, I love putting my feet up, drinking coffee, watching TV, and reading messages. It’s like a ghetto vacation, where I have no responsibilities and everything is taken care of.

I used to hate going back to my cell because the 8.5 hours until the 6:30 recess would drag. But I keep myself so busy that I often run out of time. I call people on the tablet all day, including one person I’ve really enjoyed getting to know. I am no longer consumed with hatred of the people who put me in here and instead, my conversations are positive and talk about what a force Turtleboy is going to be when I walk out those doors.

Locking me up was the dumbest thing they’ve ever done. It’s made me a martyr for a cause, and got me national attention I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. I’ve become a frontline soldier for the First Amendment, unwilling to back down or give into a tyrannical government. It’s gotten the attention of James O’Keefe, who I now message with on Twitter. He has expressed interest in interviewing me in jail. It’s been the greatest career move ever.

A few months from now, Karen Read and I will both be free, doing speaking tours, holding parties, writing best-selling books, and suing the pants off people. Jen McCabe will be in jail, or out on bail if she’s lucky. Michael Proctor and Brian Tully will no longer be cops as they face federal indictment, and Michael Morrissey will no longer be District Attorney. Lindsey will move onto a new guy, to ruin his life, and maybe facing charges of her own. Krusty Panties is being arraigned in Plymouth on 2/7 on a new charge of violating an HPO, and has a court hearing on 2/12 for witness intimidation against me. The tables are turned.

The crazy Asian guy, who ends every sentence with the n-word, was finally moved to Bridgewater Friday. But not before I walked by his room and saw him sprawled out naked on the floor, going to town on his Samurai Salami. He’s been replaced with a much less hilarious guy, who yells “You’re all retarded!” and bangs on his door, screaming into the void 24 hours a day. It’s a zoo in here, but I block it out by focusing on my work. I’m also reading To Kill a Mockingbird, which I think was too young to appreciate after being forced to read it freshman year.

I talked to one of the black kids at evening recess, who was put into SMU earlier in the week after getting into a fight. He said that I wrote about his mom in an article about the shooting at the South Shore Plaza. I didn’t remember the article, so I asked if his mom shot someone. He said no, it was him who was wrongfully accused of being involved. One of my favorite COs pulled me aside and told me the 21-year old was going away for life for shooting someone in front of their 3-year old. I remembered the article because his mom was a woke member of the Maynard School Committee, with Google trophies of her own. He was on the run for about a month. While she was lecturing others about diversity, equity, and inclusion, her son was shooting people in the face. It’s crazy how people like him and Brian Walshe walk around this jail with this aura of confidence, like they’re ever going to live outside of a jail again. These are the kind of people I’m in here with. I don’t belong here.

Not a lot of journalists can say they’ve been to jail, but I have. This makes the whole story so much more compelling, and drastically increases my street cred. I don’t even mind it that much anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I hate that I can’t go live, publish as many articles as I used to, and be with friends and family. But it’s made me appreciate the outside world so much more, and it’s going to make my return that much better.

I won’t be doing my show the first night back because I will want to spend time with my family. I will probably do a quick Facebook live on the way home, as I imagine I will be happier than I’ve ever been. But maybe I’ll do my show the second night. The first show, which I want to have at least 10,000 live viewers for, will be a recap of jail life, and my thoughts on developments on the Karen Read case that I was gone for. The next show will be a one-time exposé about the recent, detrimental period of time just before my bail was revoked. Then I will bury that part of my life forever. It’s a crazy story that I’d rather the world not know, but I think it’s important that you know the mental hell I’ve been dealing with, while continuing to put out content.

In the meantime, I sit here and wait for the inevitable day to come when the bad guys are arrested. Maybe my bail revocation will be overturned, but I will be OK if it’s not. It doesn’t matter when I get out because years from now, a couple extra days in jail will only make my return that much sweeter. Justice is coming, one way or another.

Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Aidan, great post. I’m glad you realized that your personal life can’t be a pornographic film. I’m sure being locked up teaches you being bored is ok Over 1/2 way home you have this.

    1. I read all your comments and not one of you mention the betrayal of his wife and children, are you all to scared to call him out for his wrong doing.He wants to claim victim hood and you all support that, he was found in violation and he new he was guilty that is why he run, he crashed his car no one else when will he ever admit when he is wrong. If any of you were truely a friend you would tell him when he is wrong not keep stroking his over blown ego. His post continues to smear his victim which is another violation and it will be reported as such. He is no victim he just creates victims constantly starting with his wife and kids, stay away from those kids it is healthier for them, does he not know his kids can read and have access to the internet so are well aware what they have for a parent. He is where he belongs and many are fighting to keep him there the full 90 days and with further charges to come his next sentence hopefully will be much longer and no protective custody. Work is being done to have all his social media shit down, maybe a fair and just trial might happen. Aiden the Storm is nearly there….

      1. You just stated in the end of your long pointless rant about how we should all care what he does in his personal life that the end goal of this entire witch hunt and charges are to get his social media shut down to limit his free speech and stop him from voicing his opinion and view on things that are happening. That should be enough to make you second guess the entire motive of these charges and why he is actually in jail and should frighten you as a citizen with your own opinions. What if at some point in time it is you that has an opinion that goes against what our government does and it is you or someone you care about that is thrown in jail and held against your will so you stop voicing that opinion?

  2. Brian Walshe et al may have an ” Aura of confidence ” , because many of the current clientele who have been convicted or charged under the purview of the NCDA’S office may have their cases vacated or granted new trials in the not too distant future. The bribery scandal into the MSP that came to light today from the US attorneys office, may be the opening act to a bigger press conference coming soon to a Theater near you. . His justice cometh and right soon!

    1. Pretty witty but the irony is the bite marks from Chloe are the albahos around the McAlberts proverbial neck

  3. Glad you’ve realized your “picker” sux. Crazy women will provide you a crazy life. Who wants that? To Kill A Mockingbird…fabulous book. I may reread it myself.

  4. I’ve said it before an I’ll say it again. Crazy women = Crazy in bed. When they’re crazy in the head, they give the best head. You gotta find the middle ground. I didn’t find mine till my mid-40’s. I call her my mid-life crises lol. Well she’s got curves like a sports car. PHAT Perfect Hips Ass & Thighs. Keep your head up. You’re 100% right it’s your personal life, unfortunately you’re a public figure now brother. Can’t wait for future content coming our way… Almost there…

  5. Thank you, TB, for your brutal honesty here. So happy you heard the message God was bringing you. What a “blesson”, a blessing & a lesson simultaneously. You deserve to have a fully integrated & happy life with much success! TY for exposing those responsible for JO’s death and for blowing up Canton so that all the bad guck comes out and we can start again on a healthier note, just like you!

  6. Aiden remember that after every trial is a blessing. Not sure if you’ve ever read the Bible, but you may want to check out the life of Paul!!! You have done an incredible job exposing corruption- now is your time to reap the rewards! God Bless

  7. Aidan – It’s always darkest right before dawn. Things happen for a reason – love that you’ve done some soul searching and have such a positive outlook. Sending prayers and positive light your way!

  8. It isn’t clear that Tiger Woods is better than you or anyone else except in golf. Keep running/jogging and investigating TB…. you spaz!

  9. Thank you for being so honest. Shut the noise out and concentrate on you and your mental health. That’s what’s important right now.

  10. Stay safe Aidan you have so many wonderful behind you .. Your in my prayers a your family 🙏.. Reading how you’re turning this time in that place is really amazing . What you have done for KR a justice for John O’Keefe will never be forgotten .

  11. Oh for fuck’s sake – do not get caught up with anyone! Stay single. No offense but these women wouldn’t give you the time of day if you were not TB.

  12. Keep up the great work TB and stay strong!

    We are with you in spirit. You have shed light on the sewer of MA corrupt politicians and cops. Looking forward to watching you walk out a free man!

    1. lol from a distance like watching crazy movies or reading a book on them, YOU CAN NEVER GIVE CRAZIES ANY AMMO, man they love the attention…. RUN!!!! YOU need to treat them with indifference….

  13. What an awesome article/prison journal…. It’s so true. Sometimes I think there’s a greater force in our lives that just put us in certain places even though it is devastating at first. We all miss you. I was literally just crying laughing at that Tom Mountain video. Oh my God I was dying laughing so funny, best humor ever we love you and yes Justice is coming!

  14. First of all don’t let fame go to your head….you think because you got done notiarity that you can pull down how 😺? Look at what ACTUAL famous guys like Tom Brady bang and look at what you bang….. you’re not as famous as you think you are if you think LG is top shelf…

    And you think only crazy diseased sluts can suck good dick?? Eat your ass?? Turtle phuleeze..

    I’m married ..a mom ..big house I keep up..go to church volunteer in my town… and I can suck an egg through a straw if I had to….

    Not all good cock suckers are psycho you just don’t know how to find us ..

    You probably need some help from SAA

    Glad you are doing well …And whoever you are “enjoying getting to know ” should have a dick…..you need to swear off pussy for quite some time bruh

    1. I love how he thinks he has street cred in this whole thing when he’s in the medical ward. Might as well be the looney bin considering the retards he describes in cells near him and his own self delusion.

  15. 60 days is nothing- you got this Doc! Though I’m sure every moment spent away from your sweet children feels like an eternity. You are right about appreciating time spent with your family (whether it be time with your children or your parents). When you get out you will have a new appreciation for even the smallest things, that people take for granted every day. This will be a gift. Even though you don’t deserve to be where you are one bit- and pure evil brought you here- JUSTICE IS COMING, and it will be glorious.

  16. Somethings gotta happen in the next 45 days. They said they won’t let it go to trial. I’ve been glued to this story since April and can’t wait to see who’s indicted. I’m guessing proctor for sure and hopefully his Ukraine bottom boy partner. Still think morresey plays dumb and tosses everyone else in front of train.gonna be so good to watch.

  17. Hey Morrissey, you think you’re winnin’ this game? You don’t even know the goddamned rules. But don’t worry, Aidans gonna teach ’em to ya.

  18. Keep your chin up Aidan! God put you there for a reason….i don’t wanna sound all preachy but when we don’t pay attention to our own lives and then find ourselves in a “wake up!” Moment….IMO God is saying “hey you it’s time you wake up and see which path you’re on!” We learn as we get older and see what choices we made that led us to where we are…..don’t give another thought to women for now…..concentrate on your children and your career no woman is worth losing the most important things in life (your kids)…..keep your spirits up as you now know you have God on your side. ✌️🇺🇸. Great post Keep’em coming ✌️

  19. Aiden, I’m so proud of you! You uncovered CORRUPTION and continue to do more than your part! I see you 😘 and as for your personal life… we all have one … !!! And who cares although hey sounds exciting 🤣. Just please be careful from now on! No more white trash so all need to be approved by me! Keep your head up. You got this cause we ain’t got no quit! 🐢♥️🔥

  20. Sounds like your on the right path. Your doing it! We are all looking forward seeing the day you are out and with your kids especially. But, selfishly we want you back on LIVE! TICK TICK BOOM💥 keep up the genius work Turtleboy. Xox

  21. Aiden you need a new approach in being a catalyst for change. I Liked listening to your attorney’s interview with Howie Carr. Hang with good guys. Forget people you wouldn’t want your kids and Rider to meet. Glad you are Reading To Kill a Mockingbird again. Maybe you will write a bestseller that might become required reading in schools after what you have done this year. Thanks for enlightening us, hang in there we miss you !

  22. James O’Keefe is a criminal, just like Aidan. And neither one of you is a journalist. Bullies yes, journalist no way.

  23. Turtledope
    Single justice will deny , as you have not followed the process, and you are not entitled to drastic Relief.

    Brandl should of filed bail review ( and had vacationing witness testify upon his return)
    Again what are judges written findings?
    Have you violated a hpo?

    (7) A person aggrieved by the denial of a district court justice to admit him to bail on his personal recognizance with or without surety may petition the superior court for a review of the order of the recognizance and the justice of the district court shall thereupon immediately notify such person of his right to file a petition for review in the superior court. When a petition for review is filed in the district court or with the detaining authority subsequent to petitioner’s district court appearance, the clerk of the district court or the detaining authority, as the case may be,

    I copied and pasted just a primer- your entitled to a review 2 days after you petition.

    Again I suggest you take advantage of the law library- and get yourself out of jail.

    Detoxing only occurs when your cold turkey, suboxone just a new addiction.
    Jumping from speed to opiates, less than intelligent thinking. Slow down- stop reacting While panicked- think it through.

    How long was Samurai in shu, before the sent to misery mountain?
    Im still betting , you’ll be seeing him again.

  24. Even a high class woman who understands the law, such as myself, can see how delusional you’ve become behind bars. More indictments are on the way both for yourself and Karen Read. That grand jury is not amused by your antics. If you do manage to get released it will be temporary.

    My farts smell like liver failure.

  25. Came here after a coworker who is really into the Karen Read case told me to check out the TB site. Seems like Turtleboy is a bully with serious personality problems. I hope the guy can eventually get the help that he needs and I hope none of the people he has cyberbullied do harm to you him while he is in jail. That young man who approached him could have done great harm.

  26. It’s also funny seeing Turtleboy constantly attack other people for being bad parents as he does in the story about the kid he met in jail. What kind of example is he setting for his own kids by being a cyberbully? I know people like Turtleboy are all about generating controversy but this is as much attention as I am willing to give this guy. Have a good life.

  27. Bad choices are just like alcoholism, when you hit bottom you decide to try and heal. Addiction comes in many forms. Best to you in all your future plans. Looking forward to your release.

  28. Aidan, you’re doing important work and years from now people will still be talking about what you’ve helped uncover. I was reading a NY Post article yesterday that was completely unrelated to you or Karen and in the comments section someone had posted #FreeKarenRead, her story is spreading beyond Massachusetts and thats largely thanks to your work. I hope you get that interview with James O’Keefe, he is a great journalist too and yours and Karen’s stories will reach even more people with him reporting on it. Once all the dust settles, both of you need to get good literary agents and go make a fortune. Think about the journey you’ve taken from a central Mass blogger with a talent for coming up with hilarious nicknames for scumbags to a legit journalist who is a political prisoner of possibly the most corrupt state in the country. You’re going to be more famous than you probably could have imagined all those years ago and even the mainstream media that loves to pretend you’re still just some blogger will have a hard time ignoring anything you report about in the future, especially government corruption. Stay strong, you and Karen will both be free and vindicated soon enough.

  29. After that search warrant story just dropped, looks like we will have prison blogs from this tiny man for years to come! Yayyy!

    1. Oh wow a search warrant. And from the same people who keep changing their story! Totally legit, right? I smell a rat

  30. Ever the toxic narcissist, Aidan Kearney feels compelled to share the tale of his jailhouse conversion from sex-obsessed adulterer to repentant savior of Amanda Read, protector of the First Amendment, soon-to-be dog-lover, and doting Dad (based upon his track-record of behavior, seemingly in that order of priority).

    To hear Aidan tell it, God visited Norfolk County Correctional Center, squeezed inside Turtle Boy’s shell, made His way past Clarence Woods Emerson’s throbbing phallus, crawled into the self-reverential cesspool that is Doctor Turtleboy’s brain, and whispered, “I shall raise you up and rescue you from those who would lay you low – Oops! Sorry. Best not to use the word LAY when dealing with an emotionally and mentally manipulative SEX addict – those who would strike you down and victimize you.”

    WRONG, Aidan! YOU are NOT the VICTIM! YOU are the VICTIMIZER! You’d like the world to think you’re the victim. That plays to the default setting for the mind of the narcissist. YOU believe the world revolves around YOU! Fulfillment of YOUR wants, YOUR needs, and YOUR desires are of tantamount importance.

    Right now – in the wake of being exposed for your failing to be a faithful husband, a responsible father, and a decent human being – your greatest want, need, and desire is to spin the narrative in order to preserve your place as the center of attention. But not as the selfishly debased villain you actually are. Oh, no! The toxic narcissist is ever the hero of his own story. Besides which, being recognized for the ratchet you are would likely slow the flow of donations from the easily-gulled mooks, mopes, and mouth-breathers you shamelessly sponge off of. Heaven forbid that Aidan Kearney should have to turn off the camera and microphone, crawl out of his basement lair, and actually get a 9-to-5 job.

    Your wife is a victim of your unwillingness to stay true to your wedding vows. Your children are victims of your failure to treat their mother with the respect she deserves and your inability to put their welfare ahead of your desire to slake your carnal urges outside of your marriage. The women you seduce are victims of the deceptive stories you tell them, wherein your wife is painted as an emotionally distant and sexually frigid spouse and they are each told that they’re your sexual soulmate.

    You say that your adulterous behavior “didn’t break any laws”. However, you also state that you “chose to associate and fornicate with gutter-trash” because you’re “attracted to fast women with loose morals, no matter how dangerous they are”. With regard to the law, if it can be shown that adultery threatens to harm or impair children, a party in a legal separation or divorce in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can find their child custody arrangements impacted. Just how “dangerous” are the “gutter-trash” and “fast women” you “fornicate with”, Aidan? “Dangerous” enough to pose a threat to your children? You may want to prepare yourself for supervised visitation, Turtleboy.

    Also, as an adulterous fornicator yourself, do you think you’re better than “gutter-trash”? If so, why? Doesn’t your adultery and fornication exhibit “loose morals”? If not, why? And that “mentally-abusive relationship” you were in with Lindsey Gaetani? Are we to understand that the only person being mentally abused was you? It seems that’s your take, since you claim you were “held hostage by a crazy woman in Medfield”. I’ll be frank with you, it seems like your wife and children have been held hostage by a crazy man in Hudson.

    You regard yourself as a crusading journalist, Aidan. A teller of tales that afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. You’re no such thing. You are a self-serving liar. And the biggest falsehood you’ve created is the one you tell yourself: that you’re an altruistic man of the people, a defender of the downtrodden, a champion of justice. That’s tripe, Aiden. Complete and utter BULLSHIT!

    You want to know the truth, Aiden? The irony in all of the effort you’ve put into analyzing the Karen Read case is that your purported “ability” to peg the Alberts, the McCabes, and their circle of toadying hangers-on as the smug, predatory, loathsome, and debased scum that they are has nothing to do with you possessing anything in the way of investigatory prowess. Rather, it simply points out that you’re largely cut from the same cloth as they are. You’re all toxic narcissists. You all believe that you’re somehow special. That the usual rules don’t apply to you.

    Had you been born and raised in Canton instead of Worcester, you’d likely be part of the Albert-McCabe circle… or desperately longing to run with their crowd. Think about it. You could have indulged your outsized sexual urges by trawling for adulterous partners at Canton’s notorious swingers hangout, Matt Kelly’s Pub. Can you imagine the rutting that you and Jen McCabe could have engaged in? Also, that tough guy scowl that adorns your “Prison Journal” entries wouldn’t look out of place in one of the signature “Albert-McCabe Fist-Clench Hardo-Douchebag” photos the males of their ilk so love posing for at their gatherings. Just sayin’.

    You’ll protest that you’re different, Aidan. The only difference is that the Canton crowd’s toxic narcissism culminated in them taking a man’s life. You? You trade in destroying people’s hearts, minds, and souls with your narcissism. All the nights that your wife lay at home alone, while you were out adulterously fornicating, you were “killing” your wife – psychologically, emotionally, one precious piece of her at a time. Who knows what the ultimate impact of your infidelity will be on your children when they put two-and-two-together as adults. You, the Alberts, the McCabes? All narcissistic takers and destroyers of precious things.

    Bottom line? The only “cause” you’re willing to be a “martyr for” is one that serves your aggrandizement.

    1. Correction… “I’ll be frank with you, it seems like your wife and children have been held hostage by a crazy man in HOLDEN.”

      Let it never be said that The Truth is not scrupulously accurate.

  31. I see today in the news you were caught lying over and over again. I am glad to see you are in jail, that is where you belong creep !

  32. Really makes one sorry for Turtleboy’s crotchfruits, don’t it? While he rots in prison for years who will teach his kids to throw a football? Is there a real man who will step up?

    1. Son will be a homosexual crackhead. Daughter will be slobbing knob in no time. TB will be an intern for Alex Jones.

      1. Seems like the taxpayer dollars are being used quite well here. It’s just such a strange hill for all you people to die on believing a woman being for murder instead of everyone else. If this was some big conspiracy, it sure would take a lot of people in a lot of different positions working together to put all the pieces in place. Lucky for them to have done it on the night Karen was driving home so drunk she can’t really remember what happened. But I guess it’s easier to believe that dozens of people conspired to stage a murder instead of the fact that a woman having an affair would run her boyfriend over while she was drunk.

        Also, still waiting on the comment for lying about colluding with the murder suspect. You wouldn’t just be lashing out at my question cause you’re mad you got duped, right?

        1. Sure thing buddy lol. Another “star witness” for the Commonwealth with some sort of mental disorder is the kook lady from California who pretended to be best friends with Karen Read and was the subject of Canton Coverup Part 215. She’s starving for attention and looks to be a drama queen. But meanwhile you should read the court documents sometime and look at the autopsy photos. JO was never hit by a car and his wounds showed he was in a fight and bitten by a dog. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

          1. How did bits of her tail light get embedded in his clothing then? The medical examiner stated the injuries were more in line with an impact with a vehicle than a dog bite, so was the examiner in on it too? In all seriousness, what do you think about this guy and Karen both lying about being in contact this whole time? I am genuinely curious.

          2. How did tail light fragments not be found, then found 42 different times and once while a keystone cop was driving 3 streets away…. all while The Tail light is on camera NOT in pieces?

            You’re a special kind of special, ain’t ya?

          3. Another genuine question, why does no one want to talk about how they feel about the guy charged with witness intimidation, for this case, lying and being caught communicating with the woman being charged with murder? How do you think it’ll look in the trial if the judge let’s the prosecution bring up the fact that the defendant lied about talking for over 40 hours to the dude who intimidated a witness in her own grand jury trial? (also to your point, who placed the fake evidence? how many people have needed to be in on this at this point?)

          4. Stop deflecting. Tell me more about the tail light. Try forming an educated opinion. Or, continue the failed talking points your blind sheep brethren spew.

          5. lol “stop deflecting.” That’s the second time you replied to me without answering my question.

          6. Erm, You mentioned the tail light, I asked you to elaborate You are literally responding to everyone without answering because your “argument” is baseless.

          7. Maybe you’re breeding taillights Paul. You need to read the court documents; it’s all in there. And the autopsy photos show no impact bruises below the neck where a car would have hit him if that were true. They show bruising on the knuckles, two swollen black eyes, and dog bites all over his arm. Was Chloe riding on Karen’s rear bumper to inflict the bites? If so, how was he/she/they holding on? If you think that those are ridiculous things, then what about the Commonwealth’s theory? I’m genuinely interested.

  33. 2 award winning journalists
    I personally think both being eagle scout is a good thing, people of course want to insult because that’s what people without empathy and people who are narcissists do. But sometimes we all need a wake up call it causes to self reflect,which is a good thing.

  34. Thanks for the update, it’s good to know you are using this time to make yourself a better person. You didn’t deserve being thrown in jail but I am glad you found something positive to make you an even better journalist and father. Our prayers are with you.

  35. I have a cousin that is just a polished up version of Lindsey. Its comical to watch the wheels come off when they get to the age where the “unexpected pregnancy” is no longer believable.
    When they have spent 20+ years leap frogging from guy to guy with tales of phantom pregnancies, or worse yet, very real , very planned pregnancies that they claim were accidental…they truly do not know what to do when that’s no longer an option. Its like watch a train derail.

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