TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 138: John O’Keefe’s Medical Examiner Previously Changed Cause Of Death In Murder Cases After Being Coached By ADA’s


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The supporters of the Alberts and McCabes frequently point to the findings of Medical Examiner Irini Scordi-Bello in order to dismiss the allegations that John O’Keefe was murdered by anyone except Karen Read. They argue that she is a trained medical professional with no ties to the Alberts or McCabes, and that suggesting she’s part of a wider conspiracy is absurd.

However, I’ve never argued that she was, and neither has anyone else. We’re just pointing out the obvious fact that these injuries didn’t come from being backed into by a Lexus, before landing on snowy grass.

The fact of the matter is that medical examiners gets it wrong quite often. Two years ago we wrote a story about a Lowell woman named Emely Nieves, who documented the abuse she received at the hands of her boyfriend Devante Degree on social media. One morning she was found dead in Degree’s mother’s house from blunt force trauma, but the medical examiner determined that it wasn’t a homicide – she had simply died from falling out of bed.

After that there was nothing the police could do. Devante Degree got away with cold blooded murder because of the incompetence of a medical examiner.

Dr. Scordi-Bello said that the parallel gash marks on JO’s arm were simply “abrasions” caused by a blunt object, and said she observed no signs of a physical altercation.

These are not abrasions.

She claimed that they were caused by a blunt object, which is defined as “any solid object used as a weapon, which damages its target by applying direct mechanical force, and has no penetrating point or edge.”

But those cuts were not caused by a blunt object like a car because it requires a sharp object to be able to penetrate skin like that.

Scrodi-Bello also said that there were no signs of defensive wounds, despite what appear to be bruising from punching something on his knuckles.

Dr. Frank Sheridan also inspected John’s body and determined that those were dog bite marks on his arm. The DA’s Office basically laughed him off for disagreeing with Scordi-Bello.

Scordi-Bello performed the autopsy of John O’Keefe on January 31, in the presence of State Police detectives. They had told her ahead of time what they believed happened to him (he was run over by a car), so Scordi-Bello worked backwards from there. What she should have done, and what all medical examiners should do, is examine a dead body and try to figure out what happened without the assistance of law enforcement.

But this is not the first time she has done this. Prior to becoming a medical examiner for the Commonwealth in 2016, Dr. Scordi-Bello was a ME in New York City. In 2013 she was the medical examiner in a case in which Brooklyn plastic surgeon Oleg Davie was charged with criminally negligent homicide for performing liposuction on a woman with a medical history that should’ve prevented her from getting the procedure. Scordi-Bello initially wrote that the cause of death was “undetermined,” but later changed it to homicide after speaking with two ADA’s.

It is not her job to solve murders. It’s her job to look at a dead body and determine how the person died.

In 2014 she was the ME for a case involving a mother accused of killing her son. She conducted an autopsy on the two year old boy in February of 2014, but couldn’t figure out the cause of death. Eight months later she finally determined what the cause of death was after speaking with other medical examiners.

She didn’t consult with any other ME’s about the cause of John O’Keefe’s death because the police already told her how he died, and it was all over the news. Michael Proctor got in her ear, influenced her findings, and once she was taken care of it became a lot easier to indict Karen Read.

Why would Scordi-Bello feel the need to include in her report that there were “no signs of a physical altercation or fight”?

Does she often share what she believes were NOT the causes of people’s death? I’m surprised she also didn’t include in her were report that John wasn’t eaten by Godzilla.

Perhaps Trooper Proctor specifically asked that question in order to try to rule it out. By saying that there were “no signs of a physical altercation or fight” it gave Proctor justifiable reasoning NOT to pursue the possibility that he was beaten inside 34 Fairview Road.

P.S. This is the most Lally-esque run-on sentence I’ve ever seen, and I can picture him in court reading it out loud in a monotone voice off of a piece of paper that he brought in his 5-ton lunchbox.



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  1. The medical examiner in the Chauvin case amended his findings after speaking with the DA. These people make errors ALL the time. They aren’t God. They also have plenty of motivations as do Cops, Teachers, DAs, politicians to GO ALONG TO GET ALONG.

  2. Let’s not forget we haven’t actually read her actual GJ testimony. Just Lunch Box’s spin on it. Given what became public yesterday, and other past incidents of his “truthiness,” taking his version of what she supposedly said at face value would be pretty dumb at this point.

  3. Lunchbox. Oh Lunchbox. How could you!

    I have many acquaintances in your branch of the profession. All of them I know to be honorable, decent, intelligent and capable. Personally, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I assumed you were just a lackey, unwittingly caught up in the stink of corruption.

    But you’re in the thick of it, aren’t you? It turns out you’re just as bad as the Canton Crew. You’re an evil, soulless manipulator. You’re an embarrassment and an affront to the profession.

    You knew all along, and you lied. You deserve everything that’s coming your way.

  4. An abrasion is essentially a scrape – good example (and its probably happened to everyone reading), is the old gym floor skin of the knees, although it’s more of a burn.
    A laceration is a cut, such as when Chloe grabs on to your arm and shreds like she’s in K-9 training.
    Last is the contusion, which is when your neighborhood “friends” give you a basement beat-down after throwing sh*t on your lawn.

  5. Remember Wendy’s theory that JO
    “fell on the driveway and the plow later pushed him onto the lawn” at the other side of the property? Looking at 34 Fairview’s mailbox – its not a mail slot in their front door… or a wall-mounted box…its literally a 3ft rusty metal post mounted mailbox at the end of the driveway. How would a plow scoop JO across the lawn while missing the mailbox? The mailbox location completely refutes Wendy’s claim.

  6. That bruise on John’s hand could also happen if you have your hands up in front of your head trying to block being hit with maybe a pipe, a bat, or it could be from him punching something. But whatever bruised his hand could be what caused the gas on the back of his head as well. However I think he was pushed down the basement stairs and whacked his head, the dog was kept in the basement because she was a biter, John’s head hits the ground, he is semi-conscious or unconscious and Chloe pounces.

    1. His hands are both still fisted. I would think that is not a natural death pose, he was like this when rigor mortis set in….

  7. That poor guy was beaten to death!!! Look at his eyes and nose. The gash in the back of his head had to bleed like a faucet. He definitely was trying to block whatever they were hitting him with. His arm those are dog bites. Excuse my language but those FN Pussies killed him. WHY

  8. You know what they say about liars? That they often include a lot of extra unnecessary information to cover the lie. And that’s what happened here with the ME putting in writing that there were no signs of a fight or altercation. Gaslighting any reader (i.e. the court & public) into what she wants them to believe…that there was no fight. Because if somebody in a position of power says it, it must be true, right?

  9. Irini Scordi-Bello, hyphenated Boston area person in a sensitive government job this person likely views everything in strange unexpected ways. Has anyone checked her car for Kerry-Edwards or “I’m With Her” sticker?

    Surprised she didn’t say the cause of death is global warming or white supremacy.

  10. This is an age of lies and even the most extreme lies and fantasies are treated as true facts. Gasoline lawn mowers cause terrible storms and your son is a woman.

    Please get in this home built submersible for $100k we’ll go see the Titanic, it’ll be fun!

  11. I don’t understand why the Boston Police Internal Affairs is not involved. A Boston Policeman killed at a Boston Policeman house. The owner doesn’t even go out to see his fellow patrolman dying on his front lawn. NO outrage from John O’Keefe’s friends. This stinks all over.

    1. If I had to guess, the outrage is there, they’re just either quiet or waiting for all the facts. In my opinion, if this went down the way we all think it did, then they will seek their own justice. Just a matter of time.

  12. Karen you could have just pleaded guilty to DUI involuntary Manslaughter and did your 6 months like Chris Albert did in the 90’s when he killed a college kid. Judge Conones father got him a light sentance and he was a free Public d fender, but NOOO…your not man enough like Chris Albert and Admit when you are wrong spend you 2 Million and still go to jail for 15 years ya stupid Biatch….so Say La Vee biatch.

    1. Brian and Colin could have confessed to involuntary manslaughter as a result of a drunken mutual fight and been out in 18 months or less, Colin far less. Chloe could still be alive, the Albert and McCabe murder clans and all their vile blood soaked friends wouldn’t be starring down decades somewhere like FCC Yazoo, Mississippi.

  13. I used to hate the word “statist”. Now, I can’t ignore it. If a person looks at those photos of JOK and thinks a 100 lb woman driving a car did that…? Statist. Straight up. How is this real?

  14. The Medical Examiner should not be told the circumstances of the death until after writing an initial report on their finding after examining the body. Them…and then after the initial examination report is filed…should they be told the circumstances of the death.

  15. This article is misleading and irresponsible journalism. Leading people to think that Bello was anywhere near the Emely Neives case is crudely done.
    If you actually want to include her Grand Jury testimony, you need to actually read the minutes and include, verbatim the questions and answers. Relying on unreliable sources like Mass CW summaries is something you definitely know not to do.

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