TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 188: Attorney Timothy Bradl Issues Scathing Press Release Demanding Charges Be Dropped Against Turtleboy, Announces Hearing Thursday In Dedham


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Attorney Timothy J. Bradl issued a scathing press release last night regarding his upcoming defense of Turtleboy and the First Amendment.

The Law Office of Timothy J. Bradl, PC is pleased and privileged to announce that we have been retained by Aidan Kearney, a/k/a Turtleboy, in connection with the scurrilous prosecution mounted against him by the Norfolk County District Attorney.  Attorney Bradl will represent Mr. Kearney, along with a talented team of investigators and forensic experts.    

In unleashing its unprecedented, retaliatory, misguided prosecution, the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office and the Massachusetts State Police have opened up a new, dark chapter in the annals of censorship and suppression of those on the front lines of investigating and criticizing the government. We call on the MSP and the NCDAO to immediately halt this prosecution and bury these censorious tactics. We cannot allow the government to selectively weaponize criminal statutes to suppress the legitimate voices of its political enemies. 

Fighting Back

They have trampled on Turtleboy’s civil rights, stolen his ability to earn a living, and upped the ante to new levels in the multi-front censorship war on the public’s entitlement to good government and our right-to-know. This will not stand. 

To date, we have demanded that the MSP cease and desist any further searches until we can litigate the appointment of third parties to screen and protect Turtleboy’s privacy and unrelated sources. The special prosecutor has just agreed to halt the further pillaging of Turtleboy’s electronic devices until this point is litigated. 

We have appealed the District Court’s overbroad stay away orders to the Norfolk Superior  Court.  The hearing will be this week. 

We have demanded the return of Mr. Kearney’s phones and computers, the tools of his trade.  We have requested early production of all search warrants, discovery and exculpatory evidence. 

The pretrial hearing is set for December 5.  

What is at stake here?

Time-honored journalistic tactics aimed at getting to the truth cannot be twisted into felonies. Journalists cannot be arrested and their homes invaded when they discover and publish truths the government or its favored friends find uncomfortable or inconvenient. Investigating government corruption requires sharp tactics and relentless methods, all of which fuel the discovery of truth. 

The defense and preservation of freedom of speech should bring together patriots from all political corners to urge the Norfolk District Attorney and the State Police to abandon these tactics, dismiss these cases and apologize for their abuses of power.     

We intend to honor these principles by securing victory for Mr. Kearney which will be a victory for the first amendment and for all of us.

I am in good hands. There are so many great points and powerful quotes from that statement.

The prosecution is “unprecedented” and “retaliatory,” because the people who arrested and charged me are the exact same people I’ve been investigating and criticizing for the last 6 months.

The MSP and NCDAO have “opened up a new, dark chapter in the annals of censorship and suppression,” against someone who has been “investigating and criticizing the government.” Only oppressive dictatorships sit by and allow the people with all the guns to censor and imprison those who criticize and investigate the government.

The MSP and NCDAO or “selectively weaponizing criminal statutes to suppress the legitimate voices of its political enemies.” Key word there is “selectively.” For decades reporters have used the same tactics I have to question subjects of stories by going to their homes, asking them questions in public, and participating in public protests. Only I am being charged, because my voice is too effective. I clearly have not violated the witness intimidation statute, yet it is being “weaponized” against me. They are doing so because I am a “political enemy” of Michael Morrissey, and have repeatedly announced that I would support any candidate who ran against him.

By unlawfully arresting and charging me the government has violated my civil rights. By taking the tools of my trade they have made it difficult for me to earn a living.

The have launched a “multi-front censorship war on the public’s entitlement to good government and right to know,” by arresting me for educating the public on the facts of the Karen Read case, and framing it as “tainting a jury pool.” I am quite literally being charged with witness intimidation for saying that I like the Karen Read billboard outside of Gillette stadium, because potential jurors could see that and learn the facts of the case. Education is not a crime. But they want the citizens of Norfolk County to only be exposed to the lies that Adam Lally repeatedly spews in court about Karen Read.

Attorney Bradl has already scored one victory as he got Special Prosecutor Ken Mello to agree to cease and desist the “pillaging” of my cell phone, after Mello initially refused to do so. Looking through my phone and messages gives the State Police access to the sources who reached out to me in confidentiality, and puts them all in danger of similar retaliation.

As Attorney Bradl pointed out, the things I am being charged with are “time-honored journalistic tactics” that the Commonwealth has turned into felonies. Because I criticized the government and selected “witnesses” who they believe cannot be asked questions, the government sent men with guns to invade my home to find out what other information I had on them. My tactics are relentless and make some people feel uncomfortable, but they are all in the pursuit of the discovery of truth.

Attorney Bradly has called for the NCDAO and MSP to drop the charges immediately and apologize for abusing their power. I won’t hold my breath, but it’s in their best interest to do so. Is that “witness intimidation” on the part of my attorney? Because I’m being charged with witness intimidation for saying that I don’t want the Karen Read case to go to trial. Apparently in Norfolk County you are not allowed to oppose a fraudulent prosecution from proceeding.

I will be in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham on Thursday at 9 AM for a hearing on a motion to review the terms of bail. The hearing is open to the public and will be heard in front of Judge Krupp. As it currently stands there are 8 individuals, all of whom I have reported on, who I am not allowed to contact or question. I must “stay away” from them as well. It does not say how far I must stay away, and Judge O’Malley said that it was “overly broad on purpose.” The law does not permit him to do that. I have the right to report on and question these 8 individuals, and I should not have to worry about being sent to jail for 90 days if the same corrupt detectives who took my comments on YouTube out of context in order to charge me, take future comments I make out of context in order to to violate my bail.

We will have more motions to come next week, as we have only begun the fight to protect the First Amendment and stand up to government suppression and censorship. Hope to see some of you there on Thursday, where we will be speaking on the courthouse steps afterwards. If you’d like to donate to the defense fund you can do so by clicking here.



Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. While it is great the Mello is ceasing and you get your phone back … I am still worried that they already got what they wanted.

  2. I’ve never donated anything but clothes. If they didn’t arrest you. I probably wouldn’t ever donate my hard earned money ( I pour concrete daily). This is an entirely different situation. I will be donating shortly (after I’m done pouring an finishing concrete). Keep up the fight an thank you for all you have done an keep it going….

    1. perfectly said my mason friend—have been watching this case with disgust for the past 6 months and cant believe that this charade continues—they all need to be locked up—29 years NYPD here and im embarrassed by the system that i am part of and usually defend. if you want to be a bad guy, thats fine , go be a bad guy—but dont put the shield on, say you’re the good guy and are on this team, and then do this to Okeefe and Reade. Hoping the feds swoop in soon

  3. Time to water the tree of liberty.

    Needed: individuals willing to die for what they believe in.

    Let’s make an example of a few but we will need to sacrifice to make it happen.

  4. Tully and his little parasite crew are walking zombies just like their careers

  5. “I am quite literally being charged with witness intimidation for saying that I like the Karen Read billboard outside of Gillette stadium” – that’s not true and you know it.

    1. Chris, how do you find the time……. Making chicken parm all day, selectman’s duties at night all while never paying your bills and you had time to help cover up a murder, wow talk about multi tasking.

      1. You people don’t realize how many people hate Aiden. Not everyone badmouthing him and/or calling him out on his lies is Kate or a McAlbert. Time to open your eyes, you smooth brained cult followers. P.S. Some of the calls are coming from inside the house 🙂

        1. Why do some hate him? Is it because he asks tough questions? (that are legal btw) Is it because he’s rooting out corruption? Is it because he’s calling out scumbags who do terrible things to children? Please, I want to know. Till then, I’m going to keep supporting truth telling, justice seeking, hard hitting journalism. If you have a legitimate reason to “hate” him, come out and tell your story about his “lies”…otherwise, go back to your sandbox and be quiet.

          1. “come out and tell your story about his “lies”” – well, he starts off this entry lying about being persecuted for liking a billboard when it’s actually witness intimidation and conspiracy charges LOL I don’thave enough time nor does his shitty webhosting plan have enough storage to document all of AIDS-den’s lies. Suffice it to say that it’s all out there if you have the stomach to look it up.

          2. Claiming you have no relation to Kate, but using that nickname for TB. Very covert. It’s stunning how f**king stupid you people actually are. If sh*t-talking on the Internet was your profession, you’d even get fired from that job…nothing you say EVER happens. Every time you say Aidan has lied, it turns out that YOU’RE the one lying. You had nothing at all to do with this story, but inserted yourself into it because you couldn’t stand to be left behind. Face it, you ARE nothing without Aidan, HAVE nothing without him, and WERE nothing before him. How does it feel to just be a footnote in someone else’s story? Because until you actually do something that doesn’t include riding on this guy’s coattails, that’s all you’ll ever be. And that is f**king pathetic.

        2. Who gives a fuck, I don’t care how many people hate Aiden, just as you obviously don’t care how many people hate the McAlberts!

          You are the 1 with the closed mind, do you know for a fact Read killed O’Keefe? I don’t, I don’t honestly know what happened to O’Keefe, but it’s looking more and more like the McAlberts are hiding something, and Proctor and Bukhenik at a minimum should be fired for absolutely butchering this case!

          My mind is open, so please explain how ANYONE can support those cops! I don’t care if you think Read did it, the McAlberts did it, or someone that hasn’t been identified as of yet did it, these investigators completely mishandled this case and whoever the guilty party is WILL WALK because of it.

          Do I agree with everything Aiden has done or said, no, but the fact remains he has uncovered/reported some very serious issues within this investigation. If Aiden didn’t report on any of this, the public wouldn’t realize the extent of the incompetence from the MSP and NCDAO. Now, with the open mind you claim to have, how can you explain that these same detectives literally left no stone unturned in other investigations, yet completely hacked 1 involving a DEAD COP? O’Keefe’s case was treated like a gang shooting in LA during the 80’s, a half assed attempt was made to make it look like they were actually trying to solve the murder. And how do you explain that Brian Albert acts like a dead squirrel was found on his lawn, not a fellow Boston cop! Whether he knew him or not isn’t the point, literally a man that was attending a party at his house, that was in the group he drank with all day is dead on his lawn, and he couldn’t be bothered to even go outside! If anyone was found dead even on my street Id be outside seeing what’s going on, especially if they were found on my lawn, and I’m pretty sure the only people that wouldn’t care either are sociopaths, or already knew he was there!!

          But I’m wasting my time here, the reality is you are the one with the closed mind!

          1. Here’s the thing: in this case it doesn’t matter if KR is guilty or not guilty, because either result has nothing to do with Aiden being charged with (and found guilty of) witness intimidation and conspiracy.

            Get it? Even if KR* walks free, Aiden still has to face the music for his own actions. Since the little chud recorded everything, he’s fucked. That conspiracy charge is a done deal, and he needs to take a plea. That last visit to D&E, where he tried scaring off business? That intimidation charge is a done deal, and he needs to take a plea.

            He can play the First Amendment card, but good luck with that. The First Amendment lets him ask Jen McCabe “Why did you do that Google search?” It doesn’t mean he gets to stand there, shout the question at her 50 times at her kid’s sporting event, and then scream “Cop killer! COP KILLER!” at her when he’s shown the exit. That behavior is what determines intimidation from journalism, and that’s not protected. He’s well and truly fucked no matter the outcome of the case.

            *Of course, she’s guilty as hell. Her interview where she says she watched JO walk into the house and then states that she wondered if she’d incapacitated him is a real gem; her brain is wet enough that she clearly can’t think straight. I hope Yannetti is forcing her to dry out and scarf down tons of B vitamins so she’ll at least understand how well and truly fucked SHE is when the prosecution presents the GPS evidence showing JO never went into the house, her BAC levels, her flirty texts with Higgins/the “I hate you!” messages to JO, the video showing JO’s car MOVED during the night (this is what that retard Lucky Loughlin saw as she checked out JO’s corpse and came up with a story).

          2. So, yes it is about the Alberts and Mccabes or that rant would not have been so detailed. Then you just get weird as f..k.
            How do you know what was in Higgins text?

          3. You took all that time to write a page of the same BS heard from Liz, Karl, Chris.
            Get a job. Do a fit mom video, or go make a pizza.

          4. So answer this McAlbert, why does JO’S apple data show he was moving up or down or just around? If KR hit him like you say. Wouldn’t hers show the same? Especially if they where right next to each other an or near the suv in anyway? Also Proctor only getting android info on the people in the house, an shortening the court ordered timeliness (also not sharing that evidence with anybody). When it’s proven that over 60% have Apple products? Even Jo an Kr have apple products… Along with 60% or more in the house has them as well. If you think this investigation was on the up an up oh boy do I hope that you get wrapped up in something one day an fyi no one will come to help you. Have fun an less than 48hrs you will be without your spokes person cuz she will be doing 90days or more…

    2. Seriously dude? Buckle up buttercup. This goes beyond the corruption surrounding covering up a murder…Aidan’s battle is for Freedom of Speech.

  6. I finally put 1 and 1 together. The BIGGEST douchebags in the MSP are the troopers sopping up the OT at Patriots games, bullying fans in the parking lot like they’re the Gestapo. Then I realized, Foxborough is in NORFOLK COUNTY. Now they’re trying to silence Aidan.

    What a bunch of inbred hacks.

  7. You and your attorney should reach out to Boston Globe reporters that uncovered the archdiocese scandal.
    They also had a lot of obstacles and backlash to overcome. Might be a good source for you.

    1. Anti-Turtleboy bias festers at the Globe. This isn’t TB’s first run at reporting political corruption. He’s exposed some of the Globe’s faves and they’re big mad about it. No quarter for the Turtle in that house.

      1. I’m sure they aren’t at the globe anymore.
        Was a long time ago, and have since have had books and a movie about it.
        I meant reach out to them personally.
        The globe has probably been bought by various companies since then.
        They used to have real news.

      2. Thank you for enlightening me🙄
        I meant former reporters, once at the globe.
        It’s a pretty big case, you should learn about it before complaining about the original newspaper.

      3. Tb should double check who responds to his stuff, if he wants support.
        I’m done – AsI tried to assist in some way and I got back some angry c u next Tuesday.
        All set with this crap.

  8. I never met Turtleboy in person, have not been to a protest or standout but I support this fight for Justice for John O’Keefe, Karen Read and now Aidan. There are so many red flags regarding the death and investigation of John O’Keefe’s murder that are impossible to ignore. This entire case smells rotten and looks to be a case of corruption by the MA State Police with the help of DA Michael Morrissey. Shame on them for for doing such a lousy job of investigating a murder and shame on them for pinning it on Karen Read.

    This collection of MA State Police out of the DA’S Office are either completely incompetent or completely corrupt. Doubtful that this is the first time they have done this. Every case they have worked on deserves to be looked at.

    1. Well of course…lets look at Trial 4 and it’s been decades that these corrupt individuals abuse their power!

    2. I agree with you. I actually wasn’t what you would consider a fan. Yet, this case stinks. So thankfully someone brought it to light. It is obvious to anyone with an open mind who looks at the facts. Their case does not add up.

  9. When the press can’t be trusted, you get turtle boy. Then they arrest him. Notice how nothing about turtle came up on Google besides his site until his arrest. Then all news stories were on that, not the truth.

    1. A localized example of what’s happening nationally, if not globally. True oppression of truth in the name of progressivism.

  10. Aidan, please have your lawyers take a look at Planet Valenti versus Meredith Nilan in Berkshire county.
    The similarities in these two cases are stunning.

  11. The arrest of Turtleboy only ignited his base and it put a lot more exposure on the Karen Read Case. I doubt the so called “victims” thought this through and thought about the ways in which his arrest could backfire.

    If they had gone over it with a lawyer, a good lawyer, then they would have talked about the various scenarios that could play out. Obviously they didn’t have those conversations and instead got excited about the idea of him being arrested. But that excitement was very short lived. Now there’s even more Karen Read Supporters and more noise about this case. More exposure, more eyes looking at it is not a good thing for anyone that was involved in his murder.

    Now imagine a trial and how horrible these people will appear on the stands. Their secrets will come out and the whole world will see it. When Karen gets found Not Guilty there will be more outrage if the State doesn’t arrest someone soon for John’s murder. Imagine how Jen McCabe, Michael Proctor, and some others will look when they get called to the stand?

    But one thing is for certain, those “victims” in the house that night will always be labeled potential murders. That’s going to stay with them for a long time.

    1. Very well written. Very accurate. I thought the same thing. I understand their need/want to find out who he was communicating with. Clearly some inside information and that’s what they were looking for. That’s what they do. They want to find anything they can to use against anyone speaking out. Yet, they did not stop to think of the possible consequences. Not a good chess move.
      They were blinded by finding that out and thinking it would somehow scare people.
      People will just find another way.
      More people line up.
      More people stand up.
      Most people have an inherent instinct to do the right thing. When they see people the know start being called out, they will speak out.

      1. These “victims” and the MSP are desperate now and it shows. They are desperate to not let this case and the details of it get more exposed. I don’t know one person that knows the case and thinks she’s guilty. NOT ONE. I know some that say they haven’t been following it and then I know others that are following it and they believe she is being framed.

        Such desperation on their part and I doubt It will end anytime soon. I keep thinking that we will hear about one of them killing themselves. So many big egos involved here.

        1. The odds are I’m commenting to someone I know. As those are my exact thoughts, and things I have heard. Either way, I agree and hope that as long as it will probably take-all of the truth comes out.

        2. These are exactly the type of people who off themselves, due to ego.
          They can’t live in a world where they’re held accountable and judged by a jury of their peers. They’re “above” their peers.

    2. Absolutely.

      Aiden dared them to arrest them. They took the bait. They felt a thrill. Now they’re screwed.

      These “victims” are such trash, on top of it all! They make themselves look worse, every move they make. The guilt … it seeps out of them. The ego in the MSP decision making.

  12. This has me so angry I’m taking time off work to protest the next karen read trial. I’ve been on the sidelines throwing money at this. I haven’t shown up to protest anything.

  13. Ever thought maybe this arrest has equally to do with Sandra Birchmore, and silencing the only investigative reporter not under control of an editor who answers to a board of directors?

  14. I hope he brings up the fact that the MSP has clearly leaked some of the texts/conversations that were on your phone! Such B.S.!

  15. If I could stand up and cheer right now I would. That was one of the most accurate statements I’ve seen in a long time. I loved every single word of it.

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