Canton Cover-Up Part 203: Commonwealth Says Chris Albert Is Intimidated Because A Woman He Sexually Harassed Roasted Him In Waterfall Parking Lot In July


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The Commonwealth wants to silence me because I’m the only reporter exposing what actually happened in the Karen Read murder case. In order to do so they are trying to present me as a dangerous psychopath who’s trying to prevent the “witnesses” from testifying, by taking out of context clips from the Turtleboy Live show in order to justify their need for stay away orders which prevent me from reporting the news. This quote from Episode 598 sounds menacing on paper when Judge Krupp read it.

“This guy (Chris Albert) has his head on the swivel, looking for Turtle Riders,” “I got bad news for you Chris, I got really bad news for you,” “They are literally everywhere,” “You guys should just stop going out in public,” “It’s only going to get worse from here.” “I know where y’all were today, you were in Agawam, weren’t you?” “You guys were at some sort of little league thing in Agawam.” “Alberts, McCabes, all you people were there. Just know that there will be no….Life as normal is nover. Life as normal, you had normal for a while there, from January 29th, to about April 2023. You guys literally got away with murder.”

If you weren’t following this story and don’t watch the TB Live Show it may sound like I am stalking the Alberts and McCabes around the state, vowing to make sure they could not live peaceful, normal lives. But in reality I was telling the story about two women who were sexually harassed by Chris Albert in the Waterfall Bar and Grille parking lot for taking his picture in public.

I was merely pointing out that as a public figure whose family was clearly involved in the coverup and murder of John O’Keefe, life would not be returning to normal any time soon. That’s not a threat, it’s just a fact. Having your picture taken would be the new normal at local bars. Here’s what I actually said:

Let’s compare the transcripts. What the Commonwealth said that I said:

“This guy (Chris Albert) has his head on the swivel, looking for Turtle Riders,” “I got bad news for you Chris, I got really bad news for you,” “They are literally everywhere,” “You guys should just stop going out in public,” “It’s only going to get worse from here.” “I know where y’all were today, you were in Agawam, weren’t you?” “You guys were at some sort of little league thing in Agawam.” “Alberts, McCabes, all you people were there. Just know that there will be no….Life as normal is over. Life as normal, you had normal for a while there, from January 29th, to about April 2023. You guys literally got away with murder.”

What I actually said (with parts they included in bold):

“A turtle rider named Deanna goes to the Waterfall Bar today and she posts this and says, ‘this is Chris Albert right? We are at the Waterfall.’ I don’t know if he (Chris Albert) drove there or not – look at that face right there. That is the face of a man who knows he’s being photographed. He’s not happy about it. I confronted this guy a couple weeks ago. This guy (Chris Albert) has his head on the swivel, looking for Turtle Riders. I got bad news for you Chris, I got really bad news for you – they are literally everywhere. You guys should just stop going out in public. That would be my recommendation. It’s only going to get worse from here. I did not direct this person to do this. I can’t stop them. They’re everywhere. They don’t like you. Nobody likes you. You guys killed someone. You literally killed someone. Not you, you didn’t kill someone. You raised someone who did, and your big bro did it, but you’re help covering it up, so I guess you didn’t kill anyone, so good job. 

“This dude is ready, looking around. They insist on going out in public. Chris, I knew where you guys were today. Y’all were in Agawam today weren’t you? I got pictures of you in my cell phone. I got people sending me pictures. You were at some sort of little league thing in Agawam. I got pictures of Courtney Proctor, there was a whole crew of you – Alberts, McCabes, all you people were there. Just know that there will be no….Life as normal is over. You had normal for a while there, life as normal. You had normal for a while there, from January 29th, to about April 2023. You guys literally got away with murder.”

Now let’s take the same text and bold KEY sentences they left out, which completely change the dynamic of the message:

“A turtle rider named Deanna goes to the Waterfall Bar today and she posts this and says, ‘this is Chris Albert right? We are at the Waterfall.’ I don’t know if he (Chris Albert) drove there or not – look at that face right there. That is the face of a man who knows he’s being photographed. He’s not happy about it. I confronted this guy a couple weeks ago. This guy (Chris Albert) has his head on the swivel, looking for Turtle Riders. I got bad news for you Chris, I got really bad news for you – they are literally everywhere. You guys should just stop going out in public. That would be my recommendation. It’s only going to get worse from here. I did not direct this person to do this. I can’t stop them. They’re everywhere. They don’t like you. Nobody likes you. You guys killed someone. You literally killed someone. Not you, you didn’t kill someone. You raised someone who did, and your big bro did it, but you’re help covering it up, so I guess you didn’t kill anyone, so good job. 

“This dude is ready, looking around. They insist on going out in public. Chris, I knew where you guys were today. Y’all were in Agawam today weren’t you? I got pictures of you in my cell phone. I got people sending me pictures. You were at some sort of little league thing in Agawam. I got pictures of Courtney Proctor, there was a whole crew of you – Alberts, McCabes, all you people were there. Just know that there will be no….Life as normal is over. You had normal for a while there, life as normal. You had normal for a while there, from January 29th, to about April 2023. You guys literally got away with murder.”

I wasn’t telling him not to go out in public because I was threatening him. I simply made a recommendation that would make his life less stressful. I gave him solid advice on how to avoid unfortunate confrontations like that. I pointed out the undeniable fact that he would be noticed, and that people would continue to do this. I made sure to point out that I had no control over that, and did not direct anyone to do that. I pointed out that this was only happening because there is so much evidence that his family was involved in a murder.

The Commonwealth knew that I wasn’t threatening Chris Albert or anyone else. They knew this wasn’t intimidation. They knew that me talking about a funny video of someone else roasting Chris Albert in public would not obstruct him from lying on the stand in order to protect his family. They knew that I was simply commenting on what someone else did, and that I had no knowledge it even happened until after a video of the encounter was posted on social media.

But they intentionally and maliciously omitted sentences and phrases from the charging documents in order to deceive the judge. In doing so they transformed a bunch of cop killing bullies into victims in need of protection, and used it as a way to violate the First Amendment rights of an award winning journalist.

P.S. It should be noted that this happened on July 16, two days after his son Colin testified in front of the grand jury investigating the coverup, and two days before Colin was first interviewed by State Police. No wonder he was cranky.


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