Canton Cover-Up Part 207: Jennifer McCabe’s Sister Scolds Concerned Citizens For Wanting Answers About Her Family’s Involvement In Murder Of John O’Keefe

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Two months ago Alan Jackson, Liza Little, and two female producers for 20/20 were accosted, threatened, sexualized, prevented from driving out of a parking lot, and told to go back to where they came from outside of D&E Pizza by Jen McCabe’s sister Denise Galvin, her husband Bob, Roast Beef Ronnie, and D&E Prius delivery extraordinaire Jim Farris, who is rude.
For months the Alberts and McCabes have watched as the town they once controlled through fear and intimidation began to stand up to their bullying tactics. In particular, the Select Board meetings have become contentious as concerned citizens have shown up to voice their displeasure against Chris Albert in particular, and for their failure to hold the Canton Police Department accountable. This award winning journalist showed up to a meeting in late September in solidarity with these “random f**ing citizens,” as they were called by member John Connolly.
However, now that 8 of the “witnesses,” include Selectman Albert, have asked the judge for stay away orders to insulate themselves from legitimate public criticism, I can not temporarily attend meetings. Although they do not physically fear me, the McAlberts lack the fortitude to stand up to tough questioning in person, which is why they have not shown their faces at one of these meetings. But that changed last night, as these people suddenly found their balls as a result of the stay away orders.
Denise Galvin apparently forgot that less than two months ago she threatened and harassed innocent people in the center of town and told them they had to go back to California, because she gave a speech last night in which she presented herself as some sort of victim. The speech was in reference to an upcoming Special Town Meeting at Canton High School on November 20, in which town residents will decide to vote yes or no on an independent audit of the Police Department and Select Board. Audits are routinely done by consulting companies for any business or public institution looking to be more efficient. But Denise Galvin and her supporters don’t want an audit because they fear transparency. They prefer things the way they are now because it means that her family members can murder people and frame innocent women after the fact, without worrying about being investigated. Watch:
All three people who threatened the out of own guests of Canton were there, along with Jennifer McCabe, Matt McCabe, Jill Daniels, Julie Albert, Jill Harrison, and a bunch of other members of the Canton KKK-Mart mafia.
Denise got a round of applause from her friends and family, who tried to convince themselves that they represent some sort of silent majority. But in reality most people in Canton support Karen Read because they know what Denise’s family did to John O’Keefe. Let’s break down her speech to analyze just how ridiculous it was.
I am disheartened and disappointed in members of the Canton community who continue to come forth to the select board to publicly vent frustrations and make accusations based on unsubstantiated claims that the police and select board are neglectful in their duties.
Oh no! Not citizens coming to a town government meeting to vent frustrations! How very un-American of them! This country was founded on the principle that free people should sit down and shut up when they don’t like the way their government is functioning. So be a good boot licker like Denise and quietly accept the fact that the select board, which includes a convicted killer who owes over $60K in taxes, refuses to provide any sort of oversight to town departments.
These people, without justification or first hand knowledge, accuse the Canton Police of being incompetent and corrupt, while raising questions of the select board about the police department’s investigation into the death of John O’Keefe.
How dare anyone suggest that the Canton Police are somehow neglectful, corrupt, or incompetent in their duties! It’s not like they failed to search a house where a dead body was found on the lawn due to the fact that the homeowner is a Boston cop, allowed a supposed confessed murderer to leave the scene of the crime with the murder weapon, or somehow missed 35 pieces of red tail light, a size 12 shoe, and a blood soaked baseball hat. Any such accusations are completely unsubstantiated and without justification!
Your accusations and anger against the select board and the police are based purely on speculation and rumors.
I could’ve sworn that the accusations of concerned citizens were based largely on the fact that one of the members is a tax dodging deadbeat who killed a Hungarian immigrant in 1994, while another one quite literally called the people he serves “random f***ing citizens” into his microphone at a meeting. Maybe I was wrong.
The Canton Police, the Select Board, and the silent majority of residents are not responsible for the divide within the Canton community.
The “silent majority” used to be the people who were too afraid to speak up due to fear of Denise Galvin’s family. Luckily this silent majority are no longer living in fear and have decided to stand up to the bullies. Sorry Denise, but there’s like 20 of you, and not one of you owns a pair of pants that needs to be dry cleaned.
The divide in the Canton community is caused by Karen Read’s defense team, an online blogger, his followers, and a small fraction of outspoken Canton residents influenced by imaginary tales of conspiracy.
No, the divide in the Canton community is caused by the fact that your sister and the Alberts murdered John O’Keefe, and one of them is a member of the select board. The “imaginary tales of conspiracy” we are influenced by actually include evidence such as Cellebrite extraction reports, documented lies on police reports, Apple health data, and Newton’s laws of physics.
These people are self serving while claiming to want justice for John and his family.
I want justice for John, but I never claimed to want justice for John’s parents or brother. They’ve chosen to align themselves with the people who murdered the man they claim to have loved. We’re just fighting for justice for John, his kids, and Karen Read. Paul O’Keefe is free to humiliate himself by aligning with his brother’s killers though.
I stand here today to tell you as someone who wants nothing more than justice for John, the O’Keefe family is appalled and outraged by the public accusations, protests, and harassment of people closest to John and his family. The O’Keefe family supports the Canton Police Department and the Select Board.
We get it Denise – you’ve got them completely fooled and on a leash. You guys laugh at them and thank God every day you found people naive enough to overlook undeniable evidence that your family and friends murdered their loved one.
Sorry Denise, but justice for John means your sister spends at least a decade in prison. But thank you for speaking on behalf of the O’Keefe family, who loved John so much that they can’t seem to speak for themselves or utter a word in his memory.
Some residents tearfully spoke about anonymous harassment and fearing for the safety of their families due to receiving a mildly contentious letter. Have you been blind to the constant, vicious, hateful, abusive posts, letters, memes, messages, calls, visits, name calling, and profanity that has been directed at my family and friends for the last 8 months on social media? Pages that you support.
Oh no, not memes! Sure, the residents of Canton have been threatened with anonymous letters in the mail for speaking out at public meetings, but someone called Denise’s sister “horse face” due to the undeniable fact that she conspired to murder John O’Keefe. They’re the real victims here!
My nieces have been threatened and sexualized.
That literally never happened. These people are so shameless that they intentionally drag minor children into drama that they created, and in this case sexualize them, in order to use them as human shields. Remember, the only reason Jennifer McCabe’s daughters are ever brought up is because she and Adam Lally both denied that a picture of her daughters Olivia and Maddie with Michael Proctor are actually her daughters.
The only reason for Jen’s children to be upset, embarrassed, or angry, is because their own mother denied they were her daughters in public court filings. Imagine how much it must hurt to have your Mom look at a picture of you and say, “that’s not my kid.” Ouch.
If you support and fuel this grand conspiracy that includes attacks on police and the select board, then you condone the abuse and harassment of everyone involved.
Translation – if you have a problem with public corruption then you support the completely fabricated sexualization of these two girls who Jennifer McCabe uses as pawns in order to avoid telling the truth about her family’s close relationship with the Proctors.
Unlike you my family didn’t ask for this, they didn’t insert themselves into the case, they are witnesses to some event, and a tragic death of someone they love.
Your sister Jen went out of her way to become a part of this case when she called Michael Lank at 8:38 AM and told him that she forgot to mention that Karen had allegedly confessed to hitting John O’Keefe on the way to Fairview Road. The only person who loved John was Karen Read, which is why she was the only person who tried to save his life.
I realize that this tale of corruption is exciting for some, but this case will be charged in a courthouse, not by a blogger charged with felony witness intimidation and harassment, who hurls profanities and attacks people’s physical appearance for pleasure.
Look Denise, I hardly even mentioned the fact that you went full Blossom/Auntie Bev with your haircut.
But I got bad news for you – the felony witness intimidation charges are widely viewed as a joke, and no serious person believes they are anything but a transparent attempt to shut me up. But please, tell me more about how these people are offended by profanities.
It seems like the outspoken Canton residents may want to consider practicing tolerance and acceptance and ask themselves why they are so quick to believe a false narrative concocted as a legal strategy.
They’re probably quick to believe this narrative because it’s backed up by facts, data, and logic. Just sayin.
In closing, on behalf of my family and friends I would like to say thank you to the select board and the Canton Police Department. Don’t let the efforts of a few overshadow the gratitude and appreciation of many.
I for one am shocked that the woman whose family’s involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe felt the need to publicly thank the select board and police department who ensured that their family members would never be considered suspects.
For those of you who are not happy with the select board, have some respect for the democratic process and allow them to do their jobs. The constant derailing of these meetings interferes with town business.
Sorry dear, but part of respecting the democratic process means allowing citizens to come to public meetings and air their grievances to elected officials. If they were doing their jobs then none of these people would be there.
As usual, the MVP of the meeting was this woman:
Unlike the McAlberts, Rita Lombardi does not have any family members she’s trying to cover for at these meetings. She’s just a concerned citizen who doesn’t like what these people have done to her town. Last night she bravely stood up to them and was booed and laughed at by Jennifer McCabe, who helped murder John O’Keefe and now pretends to be a victim.
You can see her speech at the 42:15 mark, and I would love to have Rita on the show sometime to talk about her speech.

What irony. These people with their unhealthy obsession over alcohol, who never miss a chance to give the middle finger in PHOTOS and scream swears at innocent bystanders on the street are now playing the victim, defending losers like that ball-less Chris who’s a tax deadbeat and murderer. And they have the nerve to claim the high road?! At what point to do they finally wake up and realize that this whole case aside, THEIR life choices brought them to this point of accountability. Rachets, indeed
Their day is coming. I am sure that the spineless legacy media in Boston will look the other way when they are all dragged out of their houses by federal agents.
How can they say they loved John and ctill claim they didn’t even know him well?
I’m sure these people know that most of the town don’t like them because they have walked around like they are better then everyone, people don’t forget faces when they are treated like crap.
Innocent people don’t look like that. They look haggard and tired. That comes with the truth eating away at them.
People with nothing to hide would welcome an independent audit.
The resistance to an audit is quite telling.
There is no dispute that things are not right in the town of Canton.
The fear these people have of what could be exposed is evident.
The people that spoke who are opposed to it were strange. Where is police chief? She went quiet. The lack of leadership is embarrassing.
I feel bad for the people that have to live in that town.
I would guess they are afraid of the financial reports. Its more likely than not that some of them are stealing funds. If they go back 25 years that could add up to felony levels of cash = JAIL. Yes they are scared.
A mildly contentious letter eh? What a load of shit. 20 years from now random fucking citizens will be reminding them that they are trash. There will be nowhere to shelter from the storm. Well maybe florida.
Florida is a sunny place for shady people.
Where does one even begin??
First, the behavior of these people at the Select Board Meeting was a bit absurd. The over cheering was obnoxious. Imagine you are thinking of investing in a home in Canton and you see this? I know I would opt opt out of a town like this. Who would want to have neighbors like them, have their kids go to school with their kids, etc. NO THANKS.
The comments made by Denise were interesting. She mentions how they “loved” John. But I guess not enough to attend his funeral. She mentions her nieces being “sexualized” but forgets that her own sister and another Canton woman went and made extremely lewd comments to a 16 year old girl to try and get her to not say anything about a call made to the girl from Colin Albert. A very lewd comment from two moms to a teenage girl! How sick is that? JM tried to get an order on Turtleboy a few months ago and said her children are suffering from anxiety over all this. I got news for you Jen McCabe. Your daughters are suffering from anxiety because they are realizing what their mom and dad did and how they helped to kill a person. They are realizing just how evil you both are and what the consequences will be. It’s not anyone’s fault but your own. It’s your own actions that have caused them this stress.
There’s a woman standing in the back with a brown plaid shirt that I noticed. I actually thought she was on something. But then someone references her and that she lives outside of Canton.
This is another attempt by them to claim some sort of victory but it failed again. They look foolish and very desperate. The arrest of Aidan was one attempt and any excitement they felt was very short lived. They notified the media and guess what? That gave him a platform and now more eyes are on this case, more media eyes too.
In about 120 days Karen Read’s trial will begin. There are a number of people that will get called to the witness stand and will have a very tough time answering questions. The trial is expected to be covered by Court Tv and local media. Lots of eyes on it. How will JM explain that very nefarious google search at 2:27 AM? The answer is she can’t. She will be exposed as a very evil and conniving woman that assisted in a murder of a Boston Police Officer. How will the troopers look when their investigation techniques are questioned? Not good at all is the answer. They will incompetent to some and corrupt to others. They have created a massive mistrust in the MA State Police.
All of their actions are very, very desperate attempts to prevent the inevitable. It won’t work. The more this case is talked about the more people realize this is a massive case of corruption and an attempt to frame an innocent person. It will end at some point and all those in the house that evening that chose to not help a dying man will always be connected to that. Sort of like OJ Simpson. He may have been found not guilty but everyone knew otherwise. He has been shunned by society ever since.
It seems to me this was planned, not at all spontaneous like they want people to believe! It’s very obvious that they had as many friends and family show up at this meeting as they could specifically to applaud Denise after her “speech”, which was probably written, passed around, read, re-written, read again, added to, and finalized by the group as a whole!
It’s been pointed out already, but the McAlberts claim now “we all loved John O’Keefe”, but told investigators they really didn’t even know him!
That meeting eeked of desperation.
20 people in a room>100 people on a website.
That doesn’t come close to the hundreds of thousands of people that now follow this via any news or YouTube channel, and those people call BS.
Let them have their moment.
As the trial looms there will be more acts of desperation.
All of those so called witnesses have to take the stand under oath, in front of the world.
It is called the walls closing in.
What will a trial expose?
Corruption in the Canton Police Department
The names and involvement of all those in the house that night.
The Incompetence of the Prosecutor
The MA State Police and a handful of very questionable troopers, possible corruption
The DA’S Office and possible Corruption
The Judge and whether she acted ethically by not removing herself
A trial is a NO WIN Situation for all those above. The ones that win are the lawyers they all needed to hire and the defense.
Q; If there are 10 Alberts drunk in a basement and 4 go for a drive to the waterfall to
sucker punch people. What are you left with?
A; Six drunk Alberts in a basement.
Hahaha. but its pronouced Suka not Sucker punched.
I think he got Suka punched then was over whelmed by the stench of the Alberst fell backwards and hit head on the dumbbell Colin Albert. Who then carried him out to the Ford car but was foiled by that meddling snow plow driver forcing them to run back to the basement. Realizing they almost got caught they decided to google “Hos long to die in the cold at 2:27am” Which turned out to be around 4 hours give or take.
I am looking for a lawn sign. Anyone know where I can buy one? Please note I am not on Facebook so I would not be able to obtain through that avenue. Thank you!
Cannot wait for the special election to choose to audit or not. That will be a true barometer of the feelings of the town of canton, not this bullshit speech with all the Mcalberts present. My money is on an overwhelming vote to audit. Residents of Canton, show up in force for the good of humanity.
Also, Rita Lombardi for the Canton Select board please!!! Your courage is admirable
Who is the little, strange guy rudely blowing bubbles while people speak?
What the hell is that about?
What a tool!
He’s concerning. He has an angry, disturbed look about him. I think he’s that really odd person that is desperately trying to fit in. He seems Off.
Yes he is all that.
Clearly insecure little dude.
Definitely doesn’t like or respect women.
Never mind being sad about your mother denying your existence in a photograph. Did they ever ask their mother WHY she denied it was them?
“Mom, what are you hiding when you say that’s not us in the picture?”
Initially they may feel sad but then the real question of WHY just has to be eating at them.
Two police chiefs, a D.A. and assistant D.A., Selectmen, State Police, Medical Examiner, Boston Police Officers and Detectives, A Superior Court Judge, an ATF agent, former FBI….
Seems like quite the tight knit gang.
Who are the multiple bpd and detectives?
There were more people in the house?
Brian Albert and mentioning that other detective who wasn’t in the house but was antagonist at the court house. Karl Dugan or Dugal or whatever his name is. Guy is a clown.
Wasn’t everyone you just mentioned at Berkowitz retirement party a few months later?
As an actual attorney with decades of experience, I can confidently state that Turtleboy’s (and by extension, his followers/cultists) understanding of the law is the same as that of a child, or someone who’s watched far too many episodes of “Law and Order”.
I feel bad for my colleague, Mr Bradl, as he clearly has a fool for a client. I also feel bad for Mr Kearney’s followers as they clearly are being lead in a wrong-headed and legally dangerous direction.
These blatant misunderstandings and (in my opinion) very, VERY weak defensive arguments are bound to land Mr Kearney (and probably some of his followers/cultists) in prison for varying amounts of time. This result appears inevitable.
A “Real Lawyer” with “decades of experience” who doesn’t use his real name is an untrustworthy coward.
What exactly will a follower of TB land in prison for, unless of course reading something is illegal now!
Save your “as an actual attorney” bullshit!! Far too many assholes claim to be something they’re not online for that to be believable!! You want credibility, don’t do it anonymously!!
It’s supposed to scare people from peaceful protests.
How would someone who reads info and holds a sign be arrested?
It’s just another form of intimidation.
The police thing didn’t work, so vailed threats are another tactic.
Actually, the people, LE, that are violating citizens rights that should be concerned.
I would love for Mr. Esteemed Attorney to explain what legal action there is.
a “real” lawyer? indeed! would that be attorney McCabe or Albert? or Proctor?
Well, now I know not to hire any lawyer with enough free time to post comments in TBDN!
Maybe you should be devoting this time to your clients?
1130am and three sheets to the wind, Sean? You are not 18 anymore, Mr. McCabe.
You say the defense is weak. How? Where are your examples? I assume this case will involve getting just ONE person to believe in the reasonable doubt. The fact that Jen didn’t bang on that door screaming for help and that Brian Albert NEVER came out of the house is more then reasonable doubt for something…strange going on. Not to mention the “hos long to die in cold” that in ANY other case that wasn’t corrupted would’ve gotten that person a ton of attention from LE.
But you give yourself away as not being serious when you call people seeking justice wherever it may lead “cultists.” If I follow a news reporter like Mike Wallace in an investigation against the insurance companies he used to expose, was I a cultist…or someone who cares about the TRUTH.
(Something you appear not to be interested in). I’ve known a few lawyers in my time as acquaintances and they didn’t and wouldn’t accept such nonsense without question as you appear willing to do.
I also know someone who was struck by a car at 47 MPH and … bruised his leg. Yet, you believe someone going 5 MPH (or even 27) sustained those kind of injuries? Do you seriously believe this nonsense from a corrupt and State that are constantly changing their stories?
Hey Brian Riccio! Where did you get your mail-in degree? Revere Law Online?
This drunk clown puts the Bar in Barrister…
This is the least sounding “lawyer” on the ‘net. Lie better, or don’t lie at all.
Well if you can call yourself a lawyer so can Yosemite Sam! GTFOH with your lies dude… real lawyer would come in here and post the trash you just did! Lolol
Yet you support Solo cups for crime scenes. SCS as you call it. You are entitled to your opinions but at least cover them.
Some sanity! ty
what a bunch of classless, howling hyenas, is that how you show support and respect at a selectmen’s meeting? I’m only surprised they didn’t follow up the howling with the Canton “salute.” and kudos to you, Rita Lombardi !! In the immortal words of gunnery sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket, “you’ve got guts and guts is enough !”
Why you scared of an audit? You’ve got nothing to fear if you’ve got nothing to hide.
Got something to hide? Like maybe a body?
If these people aren’t stopped now they WILL kill again. The fox is in inside the hen house.
Of course they are afraid.
Remember, it’s not just this case .
The audit will open a closet full of skeletons.
Debating if the 3-hour round-trip drive to the next Canton Selectboard meeting is worth being able to step up to the microphone and just say; “I’m a ‘f#%*+€g’ random citizen…” before I inquire how things are progressing with CAASA. I’d obviously pronounce it “kah-sir”, so CP Charlie understands my ? Is directed to him
Bitch looks like Creepela Gruesome from the Flintstones. Canton is basically the inbred east coast version of those western movie towns that John Wayne and Clint Eastwood clean up.
Denise stated in her speech that Jen was being harassed because Karens defense attorneys came up with a theory.
The How long to die in cold google search is the biggest flag in this story.
The prosecution keeps saying that the 2:43 a.m is wrong.
That she she actually googled it at 6:24 am. Which still doesn’t make sense.
The data clearly shows the 2:43 a.m search, but think about it.
911 was called at 6:04 a.m.
Jen then called her sister in the house.
Karen was doing CPR.
First responders were already at the scene when Jen made that second google search.
Lank arrived at 6:24 a.m when she was doing google search.
It is recorded that 2 other officers and paramedics already on scene.
At the time of that google search they must have been putting John in ambulance.
Think of how absurd Jen’s story is.
As they are putting John in ambulance or trying to revive him, Karen just randomly ask’s her to google how long to die in cold?
For what purpose?
Didn’t they also say Karen was hysterical and had to go to hospital?
Yet, she randomly wanted someone to do a google search? Absolutely ridiculous!
Sorry Denise, Sorry Lally, it does not add up. You are just wrong.
Karen was put into the police cruiser to warm up and calm down. If and that a big IF she asked Jen to Google it would all be recorded. All cruisers have video and audio these days so I’m assuming Canton does as well.
I’m going to take a wild guess that Video and audio were not working for CPD that day.
If Jen McCabe is so innocent why don’t you grow some BALLS matt McCabe and stick up for your wife?? MATT McCABE IS NOTHING BUT A CUK!!!! I BET HIS NICKNAME IN THE OFFICE IS BALLS IS TO SMALLS IS
Rita is a legend.