TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 219: Chief Rafferty Dropped Charges Against Albert Family Friend Who Threw Egg At 5 Year Old Victim, Blamed Mother After Not Notifying Her About Court


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There is a Special Town Meeting in Canton on Monday at 5 PM at Canton High School. The Jill Daniels’ of the world will be out in full force to vote against the audit of the police department and Board of Selectmen, who have been providing cover for the people who murdered John O’Keefe. We need a massive turnout of people to show up and vote YES for the audit. Chief Helena Rafferty has been lobbying hard for NO, since an audit would likely find that she is incompetent. In a recent interview with the Canton Citizen Chief Rafferty repeated her baseless claim that “there is absolutely no coverup in the tragic death of John O’Keefe,” despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

Every time the reporter grilled Raffery on specific criticisms, such as Canton PD’s failure to find 35 pieces of red tail light that the State Police found in 5 different trips to 34 Fairview Road over the next month, Rafferty refused to answer. She simply deferred to the “upcoming trial,” showing a complete lack of leadership. She also claimed that her officers did not threaten to arrest peaceful protesters outside of D&E Pizza, while at the same time saying their nonviolent peaceful protest was “criminal in nature.”

Generally when people commit crimes they get arrested. I guess her officers were just there to scare them into thinking they would be arrested. Maybe if they threw a dead cop on their lawn the Canton Police would leave them alone.

But it was the part about the egg thrower that stood out the most.

This was in reference to the incident at the end of the peaceful rolling rally we held in Canton, which I am now being charged with witness intimidation for. At the end of the protest a woman named Diana White and her teenage daughter threw an egg at a 5 year old boy while standing outside of the Canton Police Department. White is a close friend of the Alberts and McCabes.

According to Chief Rafferty:

“We recently brought charges against the person responsible for throwing an egg at protesters in July. The case went to court and the victims neglected to show, so the case was dismissed.”

Except there’s just one problem – the child’s mother is saying that Rafferty is lying.

Jennifer Hartford is a Milford resident and teacher who attended the rolling rally with her 5 year old son. She, like many, believes that Karen Read is an innocent woman being framed for murder by the Commonwealth. I witnessed her son crying afterwards and could see he was visibly upset. I knew she was pursuing charges, so I was shocked to see that they were dropped. Her case was initially looked into by Officer Ted Lehan, the same legacy Canton cop who recently harassed citizens and demanded they tell him the names of people who conducted signature drives for the Special Town Meeting.

When I messaged Jennifer yesterday to ask her about the charges she was shocked. It was the first time she had heard anything about the charges being dropped, and she was very upset that she had to read about it in a Canton Citizen interview. Chief Rafferty was libeling her, and making it seem like she didn’t want justice for her son. According to her, Office Lehan repeatedly told her “it’s with the courts.”

“He told me he would call me.  The courts obviously have to call me. Nothing came in the mail. They didn’t assign me a victims advocate. They didn’t tell me a case. They didn’t give me a case #, date, call for a magistrate hearing.”

Jennifer initially was afraid to go to CPD, specifically because she believes the police department would not help someone who was sympathetic towards Karen Read. She overcame her fear and was slandered for it by the police chief.

“Going to CPD was scary.  I was so afraid of retaliation because of how thin skinned they are about even total strangers who have nothing to do with the case.  So to read that they are going to play it up like I didn’t follow through really upset me.”

She didn’t even know what court it was in, so she had to call around herself after reading the article:

“I called and spoke with Kevin from Stoughton District Court in the clerks office.  He said he did not have anyone in the system under the last name White. He said he could reduce that dirty. Diana probably used her child as a shield, and it went to Dedham juvenile court. He said that I could call the Canton Police to get an update. He said they should be updating me. And I said well they won’t update me or any of the other witnesses who have been calling for updates. He said that it’s in your hands.”

After that she tried juvenile court in Dedham, who told her the same thing – the police were duty bound to update her on the status of the charges:

So then I called and spoke with Stacey at Dedham juvenile court. She was really interested in, interrupting me and cutting me off, but was semi-pleasant. She told me the same thing that they can police should be updating me. And I was like well they’re not.

They advised her to call Michael Morrissey’s Office as well.

“And then the best part was she told me to call Meatball’s office, and ask to speak with the victims witness advocate. She didn’t give me a name or direct line, so I am at the mercy of somebody returning my voicemail.”

Jennifer was adamant about getting justice for her son, but got the runaround from Officer Lehan.

“Stacey said that it is common that the claimant would not be part of the magistrate hearing. Even though Lehan told me that I likely would. I told Lehan that I did not want an apology no. I said that I wanted to be there. And you will remember that he filed it as a misdemeanor not assault and battery.”

“Stacey said that the victims witness advocate could probably give me some more information. But both Stoughton and Dedham said that they cannot give any information out about children. They can’t even tell me if the magistrate hearing occurred let alone anything else.”

“I said, so even though my child was victimized, and I filed a complaint, you’re not even gonna notify me that anything happen? And she was like oh just call Morrissey.”

Chief Rafferty and the Norfolk DA’s Office have not returned her voicemails.

“Update: Also just called and emailed Rafferty.  Obviously she did not pick up her phone. I will let her know that it is inappropriate to not update a victim and his family, and to portray me as someone who did not follow up with the process.  It is slanderous to say so.”

This woman’s experience is EXACTLY why the Canton Police Department needs to be audited. Chief Rafferty either made up a lie to the media that the mother of a 5 year old victim was too lazy to show up for court, or her officers completely failed in their duty to alert the victim about an upcoming court date. More than likely the Police Department lied to this woman the entire time and never filed a criminal complaint in order to protect another member of the McAlbert clan. Currently in the town of Canton it is permissible to throw eggs at 5 year olds from moving vehicles, but it is illegal to peacefully protest on a public sidewalk with a sign that says “Justice.”

Chief Rafferty has gone out of her way to protect the Alberts and McCabes, while declaring war on the First Amendment in Canton. She exists to protect the status quo, and is a lifelong Canton resident, not apt to rock the boat. She did nothing to protect a child who was assaulted in her town, but has gone out of her way to bring charges against the peaceful protesters who don’t like the fact that her department covers up murders.

Jennifer and Rita Lombardi will both be guests on the Live Show tomorrow night at 9 PM to discuss the Special Town Meeting and rally the troops to show up in full force. These thugs have run the town for too long, and it needs to end on Monday.


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  1. Do you know what you would find if you looked up the word audit…the definition of audit which the Canton Police Department really needs.
    GOD BLESS AMERICA in these 1776 moments

    1. She sets the sexuality of tight jeans back by light years….. if you listen closely you can hear the inseam crying for relief.

  2. Come on people. Enough is enough
    Stay calm stay home or this will raise our taxes 3-5,000 a year to pay off people that had their feelings hurt.
    Let’s just get on with our lives.
    Time to heal and Outsider’s too go Home !!

    1. Cucks like you are the reason our country is so Fd up right now.
      Just remember that if the Bear eats you last,, you still get eaten! If you don’t have the fortitude to stand up then just STFU and let the grownups take care of it for you but you loose the right to bitch about anything else about the town of Canton!!

    2. A “townie” who doesn’t want an audit is also a “beneficiary” of the same corruption.
      Hands in the cookie jar. Oopsie.

    3. You’re right. It would be cheaper on the town’s tax base to have you charged with murder since the town won’t be on the hook for that.

  3. From the way everyone has been carrying on you’d think the little rug monkey had been hit square in the face with a hard-boiled ostrich egg.

  4. Mother can file her own application for criminal complaint at Stoughton District.

    If police have nothing to hide why oppose the audit so vehemently?

  5. Whoever opens a Weight Watchers and Curves Gym franchise in Canton will make a fortune. To hedge your bets also open a chocolates shop.

    1. the Curves for women went out of business years ago.. used to be a little south of D&E on the opposite side of washington street

  6. Rita is a champion of the people. That lady inspires the hell out of me. Thankyou for not being afraid to stand up for whats right. Your courage and humility is infectious.

  7. Can the CPD make themselves look any worse? Nothing to see here😂
    Any Canton resident that doesn’t want an audit should have their head checked! The corruption isn’t even being hidden. Wake up

  8. Sounds like Krusty stirring the pot.
    It’s funny she’s inserted herself into this story trying to play fixer when she can’t keep herself out of legal trouble.
    She thinks she’s backing the blue and they’ll help her with her own trouble in the end .
    when ironically with her big crooked beak makes her look like Gargamel from the smurfs and is the villain of the story.
    And is protecting other villains in this case, they are using her to deflect attention from themselves .
    It’s funny how she thinks they’re all friends but they refer to her as “Trailer Swift” when she isn’t present.
    And have zero interest in being her friends when this is over .

  9. Rafferty is an incompetent liar and just dishonest by nature!!! She is everything that is wrong with police and the institution of police. Obviously no good cops in canton, at this point any cop who follows such a lying corrupt leader is either a coward or complicit!!!!
    Turtle is cleaning house in Norfolk County!!!! 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🙏

    1. I hear there’s a public demand for all the documentation regarding Rafferty’s “ascension” into the role of “chief” in that town. Did she take the right tests along the way? No way that dough girl passed the physical tests. No way she can run. Did she take a written test? What was her score? Did they do a nationwide search for the best candidate in Canton? Sure doesn’t seem like they did. Seems like she was groomed by her predecessor, the clown who was on paid medical leave when he “miraculously” “found” taillight at the Albert’s house, just when they needed the taillight pieces the most. Lucky the feds are looking closely at this place.

    2. I know a Canton cop very well, he is a great guy and I would call him a friend. I’m not going to say to much about him because it would narrow down which officer I’m talking about, but he has told me for YEARS how fucked up the Canton PD is!! He has always told me he wants out. I always told him he was crazy, how bad can it be, he’d say the whole department is rotten from the top down! He basically said there’s a few good cops, but complaints go nowhere, or lead to retaliation and resentment from the department! This is a guy that wanted nothing more than to become a police officer, now he wants out ASAP! I haven’t talked to him in a few years, (just before COVID was the last time I saw him) but I’d love to be able to ask him about all of this (the Read case, etc.) if I see him again.

  10. Gov Healey. Stop the corruption. Stop the lie.
    The actions of the police and those in power are infringing on the rights of the people of Massachusetts in broad daylight.
    Hold them to a higher standard and to account. The Commonwealth cannot be built on injustice and corruption.

    1. Someone at Whole Foods-on Cambridge Street in Boston, who claims to know, tells me Healey got a lot of corruption problems of her own. Sounded bad. Guess I’ll wait.

      1. If true, I guess I’ve been fooled. I voted for her cause I thought she was above this nonsense we’ve seen from the state house, crime labs etc from the recent past.

        1. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: She is LITERALLY in bed with MSP. I wouldn’t expect any action from the top which might upend the Troopers apple cart.

          1. If so, then she is starting to look like Bernard Law 2.0. Although he was appointed within a papal hierarchy.

            Government Leaders are elected and should be accountable to the people of the Commonwealth.
            They need to reform corrupt systems within and not empower and provide cover for them.

  11. Anyone notice Albert Sharon hasn’t been around a few days? Long weekend in Maine perhaps? Or maybe the IP on Jen’s phone might match upon forensic review?

  12. TB, Thank you for having Rita on and having the chance to get to know her better. You can see she is genuine and cares about the town and society.
    She does stand behind facts and evidence. So much so that the witnesses to the murder are getting more afraid and gaslighting louder. Lobbing more eggs so to speak.

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