TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 222: ER Doctor Mike Valkanas Assaulted Police Audit Supporter On Camera At Town Meeting, Stole Camera, Tried Hiding In Police Car


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The era of corruption and coverup and in Canton may be nearing an end if last night’s resounding vote to audit the Police Department and Select Board at the Special Town Meeting was a reliable indicator of sentiment in town. But nothing was a bigger indicator of everything that is rotten in Canton than what happened outside Canton High School as a turtle rider named Tom Derosier was assaulted on camera by an ER doctor who attempted to hide in a Canton police cruiser after the fact.

As you can see, Tom was live streaming the long line out the door with other turtle riders who were urging residents to vote yes on the audit. As he was walking along one man decided that he didn’t want to be filmed in public so he intentionally backed into Tom and elbowed him as he walked by.

Even the guy’s wife told him to stop.

But that wasn’t enough. The man then took Tom’s phone from him and began to film Tom who was understandably freaking out as a result of the incident.

Someone came over to the assailant and asked him “did you take his phone?” The man’s response was telling:

“Well, he’s filming me!”

This is the result of a culture created by Helena Rafferty where the First Amendment no longer exists in this town. If other people’s speech makes you uncomfortable it’s OK to use bullying tactics and/or violence to silence them. The well connected know that they can get away with anything, up to and including murder.

Major kudos should be given to Tom for standing his ground and refusing to let this assault go:

Townie: “Move along”

Tom: “Negative! I’m not moving anywhere!”

Apparently the police refused to arrest because they cannot arrest someone for assault that they don’t witness, even if it’s caught on film. The man stuck around but much to his dismay Tom (or someone friendly with Tom) got his phone back and kept on filming. When the man saw that he was once again being filmed his immediate instinct was to run to the closest Canton Police cruiser and get in the front seat. An officer immediately shut that down, at which point the unnamed man wrapped his arm around the cop in a friendly way as if they were best buddies.

The friendly pat on the back was this man’s way of letting others know, “the cops are all personal friends of mine.” And why wouldn’t he? Almost the entire police force was born and raised in Canton, and have known the well connected people in town their entire lives.

That interaction right there is EXACTLY why an audit is needed. The mere fact that this man felt entitled to hide in a police cruiser after assaulting someone and stealing his property tells you everything you need to know about the culture in Canton. I didn’t know who this man was, but I knew right away that he was there to vote No, and as a result felt that the police are on his side.

Sources tell us the man’s name is Mike Valkanas, and he is an ER doctor in Brockton at the same hospital where John O’Keefe was declared dead.

He is a hockey Dad, much like the other well connected McAlberts. Sources tell us he is married to Chief Rafferty’s ex-husband’s sister, so he was at one point her brother in law. This is what a former Canton Police Officer tells us:

“He was basically blowing (Ken) Berkowitz. He was deemed the medical officer by Berkowtiz. I’m sure that’s why he hopped right into the marked unit. His wife Lynne Valkanas (Findlen) was actually a special police officer or permanent intermittent in Canton for a while.  I think you’ll find he was connected to the Meterolec SWAT team as the medic or some stupid shit. He’s a wannabe police officer.”

I reached out to both Mike and his wife Lynne for comment. Both took down their Facebook pages minutes later.

Mike Valkanas is really no different than Chris Albert. In 2007 Albert got into a fight with the Lopilato brothers at Centerfields and immediately ran and told his off duty, drunk cop friend Mike Lank about it, who sprang into action and arrested the brothers. He called the cops on me twice for peacefully protesting on a public sidewalk, and did the same when 9 others showed up 2 weeks ago. He attempted to get a HPO on me for exercising my First Amendment rights. He made sure to shake every court officer’s hand during my arraignment, because without being good ol’ boys people like Chris Albert are just common criminal deadbeats.

The McAlbert Mafia use the Canton Police as their personal Pinkerton agency, who not only allow them to commit crimes, but threaten to arrest anyone who gets in their way. They feel emboldened knowing that Chief Rafferty will always have their back, and will weaponize her officers against anyone who questions them.

But last night a message was sent, and change is coming.


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      1. Based on TB’s shitty defense, he’s going. And he actually has a head start on everyone but Karen.

        Let’s hope that “more charges for Aidan on Friday” rumor isn’t true. Between that and the rumored protest outside of his house on Thursday (public property, 1A, freedom of speech) it’s gonna be a long holiday weekend for our hero Aidan.

        1. If the protesters outside TB’s house obey the law, he won’t have any problem with it. He’ll just video them, they’ll be identified and their dirty laundry will be aired and become another TBDN article.

          The problem is however that people like you are unable to obey the law.

          That will always be your undoing.

    1. Who is Clownboy? Is that Colin Albert, Brian Albert, Michael Proctor, Yuri Bukhenic, Michael Morrissey, Matt McCabe, Brian Tully, Jen McCabe? Which one of those clowns are you referring to?

      Or maybe you are thinking of Helena Rafferty, Ken Berkowitz, Lank, Chris Albert, oh god the list just goes on and on.

      Which of those clowns are you referencing? Boy, this police cover up and corruption case just has so many disgusting people that are involved and including that pathetic woman that has kids but then lost her kids to the state and has a sad obsession with Aidan. Imagine living your life with your head so consumed by someone else. That is someone that really needs intense therapy. Figures she is aligned with the rest of them.

      Let’s not forget about LP. She’s probably not going to jail but boy is she a gem.. Her punishment will be complete shame for years to come and maybe getting fired from her position…

    2. Let me get this straight: your name is “Clownboy” and your question is when is Clownboy going to jail?

      That is some kind of genius right there!

  1. If a loosely connected ER Doc acts like this on camera, in public, you can just imagine how the really connected, “good old boys” of Canton behave. Canton must be a dangerous place to be an outsider. If you do something they don’t like they’re free to victimize you.

  2. Oh my goodness… an ER Doctor behaving like this? So disgraceful.

    I hope the hospital gets wind of this TODAY and takes action.. Imagine going into that hospital and having him as your doctor? NO THANKS

    1. Not the Dr I want holding my balls and coughing for….. betting it’s his favorite part of the job…. his wife will be squeezing his when she finds out he’s been bangin the barmaid.

    2. If this ass clown doctor is on duty and you go to the hospital in severe pain and he knows you voted YES I WOULD BE TERRIFIED WHAT HE WOULD DO!! This guy went as far as assaulting a disabled man!! He shouldn’t be practicing and I hope the hospital takes steps to reassure the citizens of canton can feel safe when they go to the hospital.

  3. Tom is the man! Way to stand up to this cowardly fool! I think it’s time go all Lizzie on this clown!! 🤡. I hope Dr.Douce bag knows what’s coming his way!!! TURTLE POWER🐢💪🐢💪🐢
    P.s I love how all of the Canton Cowards are real selective of who they get tough with!! Keep that same energy when this is over and it’s not a respectable person like Aidan or Tom in your face “asking questions” lmfao
    Also Rita and Kathleen were amazing and so brave last night!!

  4. A violent felon (allegedly) medical doctor assaults (allegedly) a peaceful protestor at a town meeting. In the text morning’s edition, only TB Daily News has the exclusive, with sources, interviews, and requests for comment.

    Isn’t this what *real* reporters and *real* newspapers used to look like?

  5. Stupid move jackass!!
    How’s the hospital going to like the ethics of your assault?
    Doubt Canton PD is going to bury this, as there is an audit coming!!
    I guess the bright side is egg whites will sell your house for you in a jiffy and you can move away from Canton and go into exhile while you await sentencing!

  6. “Good Moral Character” the townie doc had a moral lapse in judgement last night!

    You just can’t make this stuff up! ;(
    Chief Rafferty’s ex-husband’s sister’s husband? A physician, no less, who took the Hippocratic Oath and has Massachusetts medical license?
    —>From the Board of Registration’s web-site–> “The Board of Registration in Medicine’s mission is to ensure that only qualified and competent physicians of good moral character are licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Seems entering the Canton Crime Family’s orbit rots the soul of everyone who enters it…

    1. How can they all be related?😂
      Such a strange group.
      To be so angry and violent the guy has something to hide.
      Open the books!
      Let the audit begin!

  7. How great would it have been if the Feds showed up and rounded up all of the scumbags involved in this murder and coverup as they walked out of that town meeting last night, in front of the whole town? It would have been a perfect time.

    Tick tock.

    1. The feds have proven themselves absolutely worthless at best and enemies of the constitution at worst. How anyone can put any amount of faith in government is beyond me.

  8. I’m sure j c had some Jamison on standby to comfort him.
    Lol, on the Canton vote.
    A win for the good guys!
    Congratulations to all of those courageous people that were harrassed and threatened but stood their ground.
    Just the beginning.
    The ship is sinking.

  9. Canton is the new Charlestown. It’s like Copland. Although they don’t rob banks anymore, they actually go into law enforcement themselves and murder and pillage and cover up for each other. Makes evolutionary sense, it’s the new wave of crime, make legitimate what was once patently illegal. This Town is absolute fucking trash and I grew up in Revere. This ER Doc looks like such a fucking scumbag. You can tell just by looking at him he has a massive temper, is insecure, wants to play cop. Guarantee he abuses his wife and is a tyrant to his family and those who have to put up with him on the floor at the hospital. This fucking shitbag Town should be put in Receivership like Chelsea years back. I feel bad for the good people who live there, but at least they are fighting to take their town back.

    1. You can thank the Mass Civil Service system for hiring of police/fire . So outdated and really shameful. Mass and NJ only states that use a statewide test to hire. Instead of it being local town/city boards that should hire. System archaic and no longer should be in use. That’s why numerous cities and towns have left the Circus the last few years.

  10. A) Tom CPU is a pussy. I thought he was going to cry.

    B) Now that you’ve stated your lawyer is charging you a flat fee and that he’s now paid in full, will you be refunding the leftover defense fund money?

    C) Will you be doing another “Thugs! Thugs with guns!” video soon? The sight of your tears made me wet.

    1. You are the pussy. Just like your pussy father raised you to be. Tom is a fucking citizen idiot not a thug goon. But luckily for you and the rest of you fake internet gangsters, there are plenty of them here riding the turtle! We just respect our leader and his wishes. As soon as he lets the dogs lose…….. ruff ruff pussy

      1. “Ride the turtle” lol. All of you clownboy riders need to move out of your mom’s basement and lead a productive life. Ignorrant, scared and white is no way to go through life.

        1. Perfect name for you. Clown boy.
          What a bad night for you. Hahah Hahah.
          Better a basement than yellow cottage tales creepy attic.
          Funny, the articulate speakers for voting yes did not seem ignorant or scared. Valid points that clearly resonated. That must suck for you.
          White? The whole fng town is white.
          Hell, yct guy looks like Casper.
          Ignorant and scared is what I saw from the dumb speakers against the vote. Not one made any sense. I was hoping to see the flannel shirt lady speak just for giggles.
          Then crazy DR goes all bat shit and try’s to hide in a police cruiser. Can’t even make that shit up.
          Freaking hysterical. Who’s the clown?😂

        2. You realize that you named yourself Clownboy and then you use your own name as an insult. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome again rears it’s ugly head.

    2. And since you are so concerned with turtles finances. You should be aware we are going to keep giving him our hard earned money and buying his merch. Not because he needs it. But because we love, respect,admire and trust him. Something you fools know nothing about! So go back down to mommy’s basement and stfu.

        1. Whatever the cost, seeing your people either out of a job or behind bars will be payback x 1,000

        2. Also how many times have you retyped a new name to make a new comment? Clearly the same person from the loosing side!🤡🏆
          We won last night so move along

        3. The fool of the week. Crazy dr guy.
          The crazy dr guy is going to have to part with his money. Now that is a fool. Did the dude have a mental break? Too much pre gaming?
          What is he so scared of?

    3. So, the simpering ninny who runs for cover – literally into the police cruiser – is your kind of man. It all makes sense now.

    4. Probably yellow cottage clown from what I’ve heard.
      He’s so bummed out other people raised money,
      He started his own go fund me and got peanuts.
      Also lost most his followers after begging people on tb to watch his stuff.
      Still can’t figure out basic technology.
      Will be so funny in a few months when he has to eat crow and give up his silly attempt at true crime.
      Total loser.

    5. Albert get off of facebook and pay attention to me! Stop passing me around to all your mcalbertfriends in canton cant take much more while u sit on a dildo and watch me and drink twisted tea! Albert im done! We swapped enough times and i am done! Colin was right switching to men! Since decision last night u have all been up drinking thinking of further lies im tired of the alcoholism too its in the albert DNA!

    6. So let me get this straight…..your calling Tom a pussy and yet it was the ER prick who literally RAN to jump into a police cruiser to get away from…….Tom. Lmfao. Ummmmmkkkkkk well you just made yourself look like the total fricken moron you are! Hahahahaha

      1. I watched that again for some laughs!!
        Why didn’t the guy just turn if he didn’t like being on camera? He’s just a guy in line to vote.
        What the hell does he have riding on this?
        Then crazy dr guy jumps in a police cruiser ti hide?
        That and John C standing up by himself in shock and awe. Priceless.

    7. I notice all you pussies only comment under fake names and accounts. Keyboard warriors😂 you lost last night TAKE THE L and move it along.

    8. I cannot wait until the trial and all these “witnesses” take the stand.
      What will each crooked person say?
      Will some get jumbled up with all of the lies told?
      Of course they will.
      If they plead the 5th, then the truth is 100 percent exactly what the defense has been saying.
      You are f’d either way.

  11. I wonder how Brian is doing in Norwood this AM knowing his little empire of lackeys is falling apart and his estranged wife the beastly Nicole is getting Eiffel towered by some new friends.

  12. not a lawyer, but from my understanding taking someone’s phone while assaulting them IS witness intimidation.

    If he just stepped back to get in his way and it was not a serious bump then apologized I’d have a hard time thinking this was news worthy, but this is brazen escalation.

    1. I haven’t seen the disease, but I’ve heard the crap coming out of Tom’s mouth. I love that he’s from Carver, sticks his nose into another town’s business while openly supporting the Adderal junkie who’s directly responsible for all of the upheavle and then Tom *can’t understand why people in Canton hate his guts*.

      I’m sure there’s no shortage of people willing to play amateur dentist on Tom’s wrecked teeth.

      1. This is such a statement of values – Since Tom is apparently from Carver the assault by an ER doc can be justified. Then when all else fails, mock someone’s teeth. Makes sense. Such Canton logic.

      2. Serious question – Wouldn’t the person/persons who killed John be the ones “directly responsible for all of the upheavle”?

        Seems illogical to blame anyone else.

        1. Yes, you’re correct, Karen Read is directly responsible for the Canton Chaos (Aidan, bless his demented heart, only amplified her strategy).

          Fortunately for her she’ll be safely behind bars in the spring. If he’s lucky so will Aidan, ‘cuz when this whole thing comes out in the open there’s gonna be a LOT of mad Turtleriders who’ll want to get their hands on him.

          Especially when they learn what he’s really doing with the money…

          I imagine they (the citizens of Canton) will be burning Aidan and Karen in effigy soon enough.

          1. These stupid mouthbreathers are so stupid that even after Karen is found guilty they’re going to be yelling corruption and dog bites.
            It’s scary how a blogger with zero writing ability and a low I.Q. has this much of a mindless cult

          2. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and when she’s found not guilty you’ll be crying that the jury pool was tainted!

            P.S. It’s hard to take your comment “a blogger with zero writing ability” seriously when you write things like “these stupid mouthbreathers are so stupid”! You sound like a 5 year old!

          3. Thank you for highlighting the “corruption and dog bites” which are both central to proving Karen’s innocence!

            You people just can’t help yourselves!

          4. What’s “this whole thing” that’s apparently coming out in the open? Oh…it’s just more mindless drivel from Alberta.

          5. Ummmmm not! It’s freaks such as yourself that continue to back bad cops…..karma comin for ya…..lol 100 fold chick or dude whichever you identify with.

      3. You’re a real piece of work. You do realize that what you put out in this universe comes back to you 100 fold right? Wish I could be there when karma meets up with you! Lolol

      4. Hey dickhead, what happened………you were claiming all the people of Canton hate Aidan, hate Read, and are tired of all this and just want things back to “normal”, (and by normal I mean corrupt retards running and policing the town)!! This should’ve been a landslide vote of NO.

        I get it though, you really can’t let that diarrhea spill out of your mouth in person, you’d have to actually have a conversation, answer questions, show facts, etc, etc. It’s much easier to spew your shit anonymously as you troll TB’s comment section! Same reason Morrissey released a pre-recorded statement, he avoided the tough questions, which he doesn’t have answers for!

    2. Something tells me he didn’t need to beg him for anything.
      Something tells me the good doctor shall be paying up for that live, un provoked assault.

  13. It is shocking how many times I find myself thinking “this really can’t be happening” as it relates to this story. So, we have an emergency room doctor accosting a random person in public when they know full well they are on video. This emergency room physician is so arrogant that they then go and simply decide to attempt to jump in the front seat of a patrol car in the effort to take cover. Completely unconcerned that his actions demonstrate his level of intimacy and comfort with CPD and that neither are a problem and that he can seek cover related to his assault and battery (it was an assault and battery by the way). The fact he thinks he can do this in such a public way and not face any problems speaks to the depth of the problems in Canton. Just remarkable. The best part of the video is when the CPD officer makes it immediately clear he better get out of the patrol car. This clown must perceive himself to be an “insider” (and maybe he is) as he does a lot of roll call training for first responders. I hope Tom files a police report. While it will go nowhere, the paper trail could prove to be important in the future.

  14. I don’t think the Mansfield Fire Department should be paying a doctor who assaults (allegedly) people $110,000 a year to be their part time medical director.

    1. It would be really interesting if Aidan did a public records request to every police department and fire department in the area to disclose their medical directors. I wonder how many other entities he is connected to and how much the total is he generates a year for these part time gigs.

    1. You would have been taken down to the ground and boot on your neck! Folks need to call the administration at the hospital he works at and complain that they had witnessed and assault perpetrated by this doctor!!!

    2. No, you would’ve been tazed, maced, and probably choked out, guaranteed there was an assault rifle in the front seat!

  15. Haven’t heard much discussion lately about the drug dealing subtext / potential Canton cop connection…the very reason O’Keefe called CPD on Colin to begin with….
    Remember speculation Berkowitz was once in rehab for pills? Another officer friendly with Colin allegedly dismissed for same, also possibly steroids? Suspicions that maybe D & E was delivering more than mediocre chicken parm?
    One could ponder the value an MD with prescription powers would bring to those with an interest in Percocet, OxyContin , etc. Pure speculation of course.

  16. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this “armed robbery”?

    “Armed robbery Section 17. Whoever, being armed with a dangerous weapon, assaults another and robs, steals or takes from his person money or other property which may be the subject of larceny shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for life or for any term of years”

    The Canton police won’t arrest a man, who on camera used force to steal a cell phone!!!!

    1. Yes sir it is!! Intent to permanently deprive him of his property might be tough to sell but between that and just jumping into a cruiser and NOT getting hooked up won’t age well.

      1. I don’t know, in the video he clearly took the phone, the “victim” clearly is visibly upset and asking for the return of his property, and the suspect continues to deny and conceal the stolen phone! I think it could be argued that the only reason he returned the phone was because he was “caught”, much like a shoplifter giving the merchandise back after being stopped outside by loss prevention, he still stole it!

        My confusion is, would it be armed robbery, or aggravated robbery, or something else? I’m sure the fact someone commits assault and battery in the commission of a robbery ups the charges!

        1 last thing, it’s 💯% bullshit the cops can’t charge this clown “because they didn’t witness it”! A) it’s on video, 2) there were witnesses, 3) the police charge people literally every day for crimes that the police didn’t physically witness! The only time that comes into play is in instances of no proof or witnesses, basically “he said, she said” situations! If I were Tom I would pursue WHY the police refuse to prosecute! Hell, the Canton police didn’t witness that clam throwing the egg at the kid, yet the allegedly charged her!

        1. Police “shall” (meaning they WILL) arrest any husband or wife that claims the other assaulted them with zero evidence all the time.

          Just on the word of the victim.

  17. Man, this town is fucked up. We’re going to need 5 two hour episodes to tell this story. And the trial hasn’t even started yet.

    1. She as in your mother!! Well that sucks for u. Maybe you should have taken her license away. Shame on you.

    2. Hey Prick – what’s the matter, you can’t read? I’ll be very surprised if this makes it to the March trial date. Of course, part of me wants to see the cross of some of these idiots.

      24.2mph in 67ft. Good luck with that.

      1. Hos long to die in cold?

        Well, Karen hit him around 12:30 am, and then when he was found it was what,6:30 am? So about 6 hours, I guess. Although the ER docs did try to revive him, given the history of people surviving hypothermia, so he wasn’t pronounced for a couple of hours. The rule is “cold and dead is not necessarily dead”, something that people who are emergency medical responders know. Anyoe who’s taken first aid courses (like, say, cops) are aware of this too. It’s why hypothermia isn’t normally used to murder people; there’s a chance the victim gets revived. Cops would know this, even the cops in the house at 34 Fairview. Apparently they all wanted to get caught, rather than toss JO’s body down a flight of stairs and report it as a drunken accident (a much simpler and more believable story, BTW).

        [Given TB’s mouth, I would not be surprised if he ‘falls down the stairs’ once or twice while he’s in custody. Despite what he tells himself, most of the police really do hate him.]

        Good thing the conspirators knew that KR wasn’t going to come back looking for John until around then, right? I mean, imagine how embarrssing it would have been for her to show up looking for him just as they were tossing him onto the lawn?* It would have been quite the faux pas!

        Or worse, if she had walked into the house with John?**

        *because experienced cops and investigators all know that the best way to avoid a murder charge is to toss the victim onto their own front lawn and hope he freezes to death before his erstwhile girlfriend comes looking for him. Oh, and hope the medical examiner doesn’t determine the beating injuries to be, y’know, beating injuries. You need to be dumber than Aidan’s son to believe that one.

        **And maybe run him down later?

          1. Explain the technical vagaries behind Write Ahead Log files. You can’t.

            Explain why Cellebrite is testifying for the prosecution. You can’t.

    3. Well fucktard the reason Canton PD is being audited is because random fng citizens can see that there is clearly some major corruption going on.
      What do you think a jury is going to think?
      Norfolk County couldn’t even convict a clear case of murder in Weymouth.
      Princess will soon be queen.
      Check mate.

    4. Yes, I am sure Adam Lally will prove your point without a smidgeon of doubt. Lmao!
      Please tell me you realize who is prosecuting this case?

  18. Someone mentioned on the FB group that it was strange that John was brought to good Sam. I would love to know if this guy was on in the ER that night?! That would be a BOMBSHELL!

  19. By the way how is Milan Lucid in court for an assault that the police also didn’t witness?? That is bullshit

  20. It’s like the rest of the world. There are two sets of laws. The first type is regular folks have to follow and the other law that applies to the Biden’s of the world

  21. Hope this crazy doctor loses his license fuck him. How many lives are going to be ruined by stupid violent Brian the drunk loser?

  22. Wanna be Tough Guy Dr should have been arrested and charged. All the evidence was on the phone he stole. Getting in the front seat of a police cruiser should have got him arrested. Simply pathetic what Canton Police let these people get away with.

  23. Wow. What a bunch of snowflakes you TB folks are to complain about this. I hope no one broke a nail.

    She killed him. Ran him over with no remorse. The princess will be in prison soon and TB’s gravy train will have run dry.

    1. Hey PricklyPete… keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good. But anyone with common sense can see right through this cover-up and why it happened.

    2. I’d love to see a qualified psychologist break down what makes you people tick. Something went wrong either in the womb, at birth or somewhere in your formative years. I don’t know if it’s a mild case of fetal alcohol syndrome, abuse, neglect. Something has twisted in your psyche that makes you people wish grave harm on innocent people.

      You have my sympathy but not my support.

    3. Ok explain these 3 things and I will believe you
      1. where was the body of John O’Keefe at 2:30am.. Not on the front lawn of 34 Fairview
      2. why was there a ford edge parked at 3:00 pm at 34 Fairview in front of where Johns body was found
      3. Where is all the blood that came out of the back of his head with a 2.5″ gash

  24. Rumor has it that this ER Doc is having an affair with a bartender from Matt Kelly’s Pub. Her name is Melissa Hayes.

  25. Here’s the awesome part: Canton auditing their police department doesn’t affect Aidan’s felony charges at all. He’s still heading to jail…especially with that shitty defense. It’s almost as if Bradl WANTS Aidan jailed (perhaps he sees Aidan being in prison a public good?).

    Even better, the Canton police audit won’t affect Karen Read’s case either.

    It’s absolutely classic that TB paints this as a “win”. It’s really just a distraction.

    Also, why are Elise and The Racoon talking behind TB’s back?

    1. The best part of this week is you all live in Canton.
      Your whole town hates you.
      It must be awkward when you go out to eat, the store, anywhere in town.
      The vote confirmed that.
      Everywhere you go people look at you with disgust.
      They know what you did.
      I mean it’s not just Canton. It’s everywhere.
      You feel people looking at you with disgust.
      Must get super awkward.
      Then Karen gets all kinds of support.
      People see her and tell her they know she’s innocent.
      It must eat you up.

    2. Do you have Nicole’s number? I want a shot at the title. She’s single and hasn’t been fever been fucked by a real man. Bald, fat and a murderer is not someone you want to hitch your wagon to.

  26. What happened to the bone rides and rachet blogs? This shite was much less messy when clownboy made fun of the poor, the addicts and the others. Why can’t we go back to them good ole days?

    1. Why do you thrive on being mocked?
      I know it’s been a bad week, but why bother?
      You just show how much it bothers you.
      It’s so funny that people like Rita and Angela get thanked all over Canton.
      People like you are the joke.
      It’s pretty sad that all of the people involved live in Canton. Used so much p r and threats and still lost.
      The majority has spoken.
      Canton is the one place you people should have won.
      Yet, you didn’t.
      It’s just the beginning.
      We all find it so funny that you are squirming.
      Pack of losers that are exposed.

      1. Take your tinfoil hat off and try and think reasonably, I know that is a foreign idea. And I know what you think about foreigners. Is it reasonable that I have no affiliation with any asshole in this story (btw, real journalists don’t put themselves in the middle of a story) and are only commenting at the sad and ugly turn that the clownboy site has taken?

        Karma, like time, is undefeated.

  27. Wait. How come this guy has not been arrested? He assaulted him on live feed.
    He was not provoked.
    This is BS.
    The other way around he would have instantly been arrested.
    If Canton police department won’t arrest him then file a complaint against them as well.
    This is Bull shit.
    There is something wrong with that man.
    I wouldn’t feel safe around him.

  28. So the Alberts are so dear to this guy he’s willing to embarrass himself, his wife, put the police there on the spot. Also the hospital and his patients? To bad Tom didn’t step on the guys fingers when he stole phone. This is the type of guy I’d guarantee has a gun on

  29. Tom if your reading this if you’re experiencing any pain from here on out, I think it’s only fair you go to the ER where this “ Doctor “ has plenty of insurance to pay for your injury’s and tell them this. I cannot imagine a Doctor willing to throw it all away over ppl I’m sure don’t give a F about him but he secretly idolizes these grown men thus much.Also Tom make sure his firearms are taken away during restraining order, it’s evident this man is not in control of his own thoughts and actions!

  30. The rock has been turned over and we see all the slime in Canton. Never going to be the same for the Canton Mafia, you scumbags are done doing what you want. The residents of the town realize how bad it is now. More than enough reasonable doubt for Karen, no way she gets convicted. Norfolk County couldn’t get a conviction on Sargent Chesna’s killer, that pathetic. Post Commission is going to have a field day on Canton Police and State Police when this is over. I was against the Post Commission until all this Canton corruption. Now I’m happy there is higher oversight.

  31. We used to have a lot of laughs when coaching against Mike Valkanas. He’s basically a midget with a Napoleonic complex. All of his 10 to 12 year old Pee Wee players were taller than he was. He fits right in with the rest of the inbred, alcoholic, Canton youth hockey coaches!

  32. Hey guys, Ricky here. When Danny Risteen was caught at the airport giving criminal record checks to his former boss who retired and owned a PI business, we did the same thing this guy did,.

  33. Now that his kid is a student at Providence College, Is Mikey Valkanas still coaching youth hockey? Surely this would put him in violation of USA Hockey’s code of conduct.

  34. Hate to tell you but I bet most of the state is like Canton. I know for a fact in athol ma crimes committed by the well connected go unpunished even with proof, seen it personally.

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