TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 232: Police Report From Chris Albert’s 1994 Hit And Run Homicide Shows He Hired Judge Beverly Cannone’s Expensive Attorney Brother, Police Never Questioned Him About Drunk Driving 


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When he was running for Selectman last year Chris Albert intentionally hid from voters the fact that he was a convicted felon who killed a man in 1994 when he was 22 years old, and served 6 months in prison for it. Albert led State Police on a 30 hour manhunt after rear ending a car on I-95 in Attleboro and killing the driver Peter Berger at 3 AM before fleeing the scene. Passenger Peggy Lau survived. Berger was a 23 year old exchange student attending Johnson and Wales, and was described as “one of the top students in the MBA honors program.” Peter had a bright future ahead of him which was stolen from him by Chris Albert. He would be 54 years old today, and possibly have a family of his own. To make matters worse Berger’s parents couldn’t travel across the world to grieve him, and had to send their younger son instead.

Albert received a suspended sentence of two years in jail with 6 months to serve a year later after negotiating a plea. The victim’s father “lost his will to live,” and the parents couldn’t travel from Hungary to attend the proceedings. Albert was represented by John Prescott, the brother of Judge Beverly Cannone, who has issued countless judgements that are favorable to Chris Albert in the Karen Read case.

We initially reported in Part 102 of the Canton Coverup series that Albert’s Attorney was Cannone’s father, John Prescott Sr, who spent much of his career as a public defender. Thus we assumed that 22 year old Chris Albert was indigent and needed the services of a public defender.

But as it turns out his attorney was actually Prescott’s son, John Prescott Jr. Unlike his father Prescott was not a public defender, but rather worked for the pricey law firm Taylor, Ganson, & Perrin LLP in 1994, which mostly represented “high net worth clients.”

Since Albert turned himself in it would be impossible for him to have a public defender. Somehow this 22 year old man was able to afford a pricey defense attorney who happened to be the brother of a Judge who is currently taking steps to protect Albert’s brother and son from being looked into for a murder.

We have obtained the full police report from the Bristol County District Attorney’s Office. Chris Albert cut across three lanes of traffic and rear ended Berger in the process, who was driving the speed limit. Albert’s murder weapon was at a pizza shop in Cumberland, RI where he worked at the time. Albert refused to give a statement to police.

At no point during questioning did police ever ask Albert if he had been drinking, or why he fled the scene. He did explain that he lived with his parents and four brothers (presumably Keith, Kevin, the alien looking one, and Fredo), and that he managed Sakis Pizza in Cumberland.

Police asked him if he had ever been arrested before, but his response is redacted. However, it’s apparent from the number of spaces it takes up that the answer was yes. This is further backed up by the fact that it led to a back and forth exchange between State Police investigators and his attorney.

Of course he has a fighting Irish tattoo as well. Because, of course he does.

When we assumed that Albert’s attorney was Cannone’s public defender father, so it was plausible that the Albert family had no connection to Cannone. However, the fact that Albert sought out Cannone’s expensive private attorney brother makes it much more likely that the Albert family did have some connection to Cannone in the past.

Albert was treated by State Police much the same way his son Colin has been – protected with kid gloves. At no point did they ask him any tough questions or try to prove that he was drunk driving before he fled, which would have led to much more serious charges. Instead his family got him a well connected attorney who brokered a deal for him that allowed him to do just six months in jail for taking a man’s life. He was able to keep all this hidden from taxpayers and voters in Canton.

State Police were able to get away with this because Peter Berger’s parents lived in Hungary and had no connections to Massachusetts. What uproar could they make over this? In much the same way John O’Keefe’s family has been silenced, but more so through their own gullibility and stubbornness.

We grieve for Peter Berger, who never received justice. He was the first of many victims of the McAlbert crime family, and there will be many more to come until these criminals are finally held accountable.



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  1. Chris’s connections are protecting Colin. Whose connections protected Chris back in the day? Bernie’s? This family seems to be embedded in the system like ticks.

  2. Fighting Irish tattoo? Amateur fake Irish. I’m actually Irish…Irish born parents and siblings. We would NEVER put that bs tattoo on us. One, it’s stupid, and two, it in no way represents the Irish. I hope he was going for Notre Dame fame but he’s a HS drop out so I doubt it.

  3. On the Record of Investigation, Form SP-12, Box 35, the Desk Officer’s name is McCabe? You can’t make this stuff up! 😂

    1. The judge appears to be protecting some PEPs
      PEP =”Politically exposed person/people,”
      a class of client that poses a risk of bribery or corruption.

  4. The GOOD OLE BOY system of justice is alive, well and thriving in Norfolk County…there’s no way the feds aren’t coming

    1. In my opinion, the feds are no less corrupt than the Norfolk County crowd. They are just much less amateurish.

    1. I could be mistaken, but if memory serves , didn’t she make it sound absolutely preposterous that anyone would have the audacity to even suggest such a thing? I thought she made a comment along the lines of it having no merit and being unfounded… idk I’d have to look back to quote her on anything, but my general recolectiin of that hearing was that she made it out like it was pure lunacy to think she had any connection to any of them.

  5. I’d bet my house he was drunk, no other reason to leave the scene of that accident! I wasn’t there obviously, and haven’t seen any photos of the crash, but people flee accidents for a a few reasons, their drunk/high, have no license/insurance, or are in the country illegally. He had a valid license and it was legally registered, so he had current insurance otherwise his registration would have been cancelled. He’s not an illegal immigrant, he had to have been drunk. He killed this young man, immediately called daddy when he got to the pizza place, they got him home, sobered up, and contacted an attorney.

  6. So isn’t that a conflict of interest? Unless.she was a judge when her brother was CA’s attorney. She didn’t recuse herself but was this fact brought up? Even on the outside looking in, it looks horrible. Let’s see how many ethics complaints she can get… Unless she really doesn’t give a shit the fbi is gonna bring her up on this. You know that’s what they love high up on the food chain. Troopers are ok DA’s are better judges are promotions just saying…

    1. I’m not sure how big this town is but in our small town if the judge has to recuse himself every time a witness was going to testify that might have had contact with a judges family member almost 30 years ago there would never be a completed trial

  7. Nothing to see here! Absolutely no conflict of interest- no well known connection! Move along now 🤣 pathetic.

  8. TB, Delaney never asked him about anything regarding the crash (OUI etc) because it was already understood he wasn’t answering those questions. Before the tape recorder went on, the attorney already told him he wasn’t answering any questions about the crash other than confirming he was the operator. What attorney would allow his client he knows was cocked and killed a guy to actually be questioned?

  9. This becomes more and more infuriating and unbelievable every fucking day!! When will it stop? How will it stop?? Where is the FBI or whoever needs to get involved? The AG??

  10. Famed WCVB meteorologist Dick Albert’s obituary shows a brother named Bernie – same Bernie Albert?? Who knows? The reason for WCVB’s lack of fair coverage, and the lynch pin of the Albert connections?

  11. Dude has aspired to own a shit hole pizza joint since he was a kid. He learned all about serving up horrible food and NEVER doing anything to make his spot look nice.
    TB, there has to be something to connect Aunty Bev to the McAlberts out there. No way a dumb ass 22 year old could afford a good attorney serving slices. Seems like B Albert called in a favor?

  12. I wonder how many of the non Alberts that are doing the dirty work for the Alberts are now realizing just how bad they FUCKED UP by getting involved?

    Imagine risking your livelihood for anyone in that family? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  13. This family is such a sad excuse for humanity.
    I don’t understand how you can be on the road at 3 am and not be drunk !
    This family are just deplorable .
    I wish they would just fall off the face of the earth .

  14. The Alberts are all bottom feeders, so I can’t figure out why all these people go to such lengths to protect them. Why are these people putting themselves on the line for such trash? For decades, this has been going on. I don’t get it. I also lol-ed at Chris stating he had brown hair. Not anymore, he doesn’t!!!

  15. Just a few things of note, on the Record of Investigation From SP-12, it shows right in box 14 Prev. Record that the YES box is checked off. There is no assumption that Chris Albert has a previous record. It’s confirmed right on that form.
    The second thing, is that his lawyer stated right out of the gate that they were not giving any statements. which pretty much nullifies any opportunity for the MSP any chance of asking questions such as was he drinking. There was no point in asking, so they didn’t bother wasting their time knowing full well that CA and his lawyer would not give any answers.

  16. Little by little, one by one, the Turtleriders are starting to distance themselves from you. You can feel it, can’t you? The growing disillusionment, the slowing of the donos, the questions about FKR and the unlikely conspiracy, the disbelief when yet another person is added to the conspiracy…

    They chat among themselves, you know, wondering just what’s so incriminating about Jen McCabe remaining calm during the 911 call, and why KR’s story changed. They wonder what the Natalie thing REALLY means, and why it seems you fell for Karen’s bullshit hook, line and sinker.

    If the CW is lying about Aidan, they ask, then why hasn’t Bradl simply shown the truth to the judge instead of arguing a defense based on interpretations of the law? Why not show the facts that would clear you? If the conspiracy and witness intimidation charges are bullshit and based on falsehoods, then how does the CW feel confident enough to file even MORE against you?

    And why is there always fear in your eyes? If you’ve been honest with us and right about everything, why is there fear in your eyes? And why are you so afraid that even the Dominos delivery guy makes you fart in fear?

    It’s starting to slip away, little by little, and when the truth comes out that Karen made it up, and that the McAlberts had nothing to do with the death of JO and begin to sue you for every last dime you have or will ever have, well, there’ll be nothing left.

    Plead out now, and make a deal throwing KR under the bus, where she deserves to be.

    1. Hey it’s been a few days since you been around in the comments section. You got work to do! CHOP CHOP JACKIE!

    2. Jackie/Karl
      Notice you have gone silent since outing yourself on X. Could you make it any more obvious that the X account is 💯you two morons! You erased the post of Jackie’s credit card and license that showed us it was you posting under a burner account. Now you’re too scared to comment in TB daily news comments 😂😂. You two idiots couldn’t help yourselves and had to get into the headlines in this case. Well now you’re here and you go silent? Cmon we need someone to make fun of on here.

    3. LOL -News flash today is 6/24/2024 and the Turtleriders have grown unbelieveable. Youtube is 85k abd the video of the McAlberts assaults TB 7 hours ago had 21k views. FKR -justice for John OKeefe.

  17. I wonder if the connection is hockey related. Per his linkedin he’s been involved in hockey organizations for decades.

  18. How can you kill someone and end up with just 6 months in jail????? This is insanity!

  19. You can’t overlook the fact that all these events occurred over the 4th of July long weekend. Most lawyers are not available over the weekend for matters such as these. But this wasn’t just a weekend, it was the weekend leading into the July 4th holiday, a time when many Americans take extended time off for family vacation and such. There is a miniscule change that Chris Albert could reach Attorney Prescott at hiis official place of business on Saturday, July 2, 1994. It is plausable that Prescott had a cell phone or a beeper, but it wasn’t common for those devices to be used for regular business activity.. Therefore, someone in Chris’ orbit had to know Prescott well enough to know how to conact him over a holiday weekend, and in turn, Prescott not only took the call but actuallly agreed to represent Chris, all over the long July 4 weekend.

    Timeline per reports above.
    1. Saturday, July 2, 1994 @ 3am: Motor vehicle accident
    2. Saturday, July 2, 1994 @ “evening hours”: An attorney called SP Foxboro and advised he would be bringing in his client, who was involved in MVA, the following day,
    3. Sunday, July 3 @9:20am: Attorney John Prescott and his client, Chris Albert arrive at SP Foxboro

  20. Die Diät des “Trennkosts” – ein Ansatz zur gesunden Ernährung

    Die Diät des “Trennkosts” hat in den letzten Jahren an Popularität gewonnen und wird
    oft als ein natürlicher Weg zur Förderung der Gesundheit
    und zum Abnehmen angepriesen. Diese Ernährungsweise basiert auf
    der Idee, dass bestimmte Nahrungsmittelgruppen getrennt voneinander konsumiert werden sollten, um die Verdauung zu optimieren und den Stoffwechsel zu unterstützen.

    ### Grundprinzipien des Trennkosts

    Das Konzept der Trennkost wurde in den 1920er
    Jahren von Dr. William Howard Hay entwickelt.
    Laut Dr. Hay sollten Proteine (wie Fleisch, Fisch und Eier) und Kohlenhydrate (wie Brot,
    Pasta und Kartoffeln) nicht in derselben Mahlzeit konsumiert werden. Der Grundgedanke dahinter ist, dass der Körper unterschiedliche Enzyme benötigt, um diese Nährstoffe zu
    verdauen, und dass die gleichzeitige Verdauung von Proteinen und Kohlenhydraten den Verdauungsprozess verlangsamen und
    zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen kann.

    Neben der Trennung von Proteinen und Kohlenhydraten legt die Trennkost auch großen Wert auf den Verzehr von Obst
    und Gemüse, die als “neutrale” Nahrungsmittel angesehen werden. Diese
    können mit beiden Hauptnahrungsmittelgruppen kombiniert werden. Die Diät empfiehlt auch, auf verarbeitete Lebensmittel, Zucker
    und übermäßig fetthaltige Produkte zu verzichten.

    ### Vorteile der Trennkost

    Befürworter der Trennkost-Diät behaupten, dass dieser Ansatz
    zahlreiche gesundheitliche Vorteile bietet. Dazu gehören eine verbesserte Verdauung,
    weniger Blähungen und Völlegefühl sowie eine höhere Energie.

    Viele Menschen berichten auch von einem effektiven Gewichtsverlust, wenn sie diese
    Ernährungsweise befolgen, da die Diät die Kalorienaufnahme auf natürliche Weise reduziert und den Fokus auf gesunde,
    unverarbeitete Lebensmittel legt.

    Ein weiterer Vorteil der Trennkost ist, dass sie zu einem bewussteren Essverhalten führt.
    Da man sich intensiver mit der Auswahl und Kombination der Lebensmittel beschäftigt, wird
    oft eine gesündere Beziehung zur Ernährung entwickelt.

    ### Kritikpunkte und wissenschaftliche Sicht

    Trotz der Popularität der Trennkost gibt es auch Kritiker, die die wissenschaftliche Basis dieser Diät in Frage stellen. Viele Ernährungswissenschaftler
    sind der Meinung, dass der menschliche Körper durchaus in der Lage ist, verschiedene Nährstoffe gleichzeitig
    zu verdauen, und dass die Trennung von Proteinen und Kohlenhydraten keine
    wesentlichen Vorteile für die Gesundheit bringt. Studien haben gezeigt, dass es keine eindeutigen Beweise dafür gibt,
    dass die Trennkost effektiver beim Abnehmen ist als andere ausgewogene Diäten.

    ### Fazit

    Die Diät des “Trennkosts” kann für manche
    Menschen ein hilfreicher Weg sein, um Gewicht zu
    verlieren und ihre Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu verbessern. Es ist
    jedoch wichtig, diese Ernährungsweise kritisch zu betrachten und sicherzustellen, dass sie den individuellen Bedürfnissen und gesundheitlichen Zielen entspricht.

    Wie bei jeder Diät ist es ratsam, sich vorab gut zu
    informieren und gegebenenfalls den Rat eines Ernährungsberaters oder
    Arztes einzuholen.

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