TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 242: Jennifer Coffindaffer Made A Complete Fool Of Herself On Court TV Trying To Defend Michael Morrissey And Colin Albert 


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Last night Court TV did a full hour segment on the Karen Read case, in light of the new developments that Michael Morrissey asked the US Attorney’s Office to stop investigating his office’s handling of the Karen Read case. Host Vinnie Politan invited on Boston 25 News reporter Ted Daniel, Boston defense attorney Peter Elikann, and disgraced former FBI agent turned Twitter boomer mouthpiece for the Commonwealth Jennifer Coffindaffer. Overall it was very positive for Karen Read. Ted’s tall ceilings at his house caused some acoustic issues, but he did a good job explaining the new developments. Both Daniel and Politan credited turtle riders protesting outside the courthouse for being informed and galvanizing support from “incredibly passionate” people.

Court TV also aired some of my greatest hits from the July 25 protest, including a rant about the close relationship between Michael Proctor and Chris Albert’s family.

The Boston defense attorney came prepared and did an excellent job pointing out key elements of the case, including the 2:27 Google search, the dog bites, Colin Albert’s history with John O’Keefe, Michael Proctor’s close relationship with the McAlberts, and Lucky Loughran seeing a Ford Edge but not seeing a body.

Then it was Coffindaffer’s turn. A lot of people object to her being invited on Court TV, especially after a public records request led to the discovery of emails showing that she was being used by the Commonwealth to spread their lies on social media. However, I’m glad she was on, because her stupidity and lack of facts when juxtaposed next to the factual statements made by Elikann, Daniel, and Politan, exposed just how devoid of facts the McAlbert propagandists are. She didn’t address Loughran or the relationship between the Proctors and Alberts, because those are indefensible positions. Let’s review some of the dumbest things she said.

“John O’Keefe’s hair was on the tail light, part of the vehicle.”

It’s like she can’t keep her lies straight. I think she was trying to say that the hair found on the quarter panel was O’Keefe’s hair, which is untrue because that “hair” was tested and came back to be non-human hair. The Commonwealth didn’t like that result so they want the hair tested again and destroyed. But to be clear, none of O’Keefe’s hair was found on the tail light, nor would it make any sense if it was.

“The O’Keefes like the Alberts. As a matter of fact they were at the pizza shop recently. They are in support of Karen Read’s guilt, not all of the individuals that were inside the house.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – all these people know how to do when they’re in a jam is hide behind the O’Keefe family. Paul O’Keefe’s stubborn stupidity is the gift that keeps on giving for them. Somehow this woman in Florida knows where Paul O’Keefe went to eat today, and is apparently happy to report that Paul is subsidizing the welfare pizza shop owned by a man whose family murdered his brother.

There are a bunch of gems in this clip:

“There’s no dog bites. You can’t see a second set of teeth. They’re not scratches. It’s the opinion of two medical examiners.”

These are clearly dog scratches:

They are deep parallel gashes that eerily similar to the one’s on Chew Toy’s face from a couple years ago:

Chloe has since disappeared, but prior to that sent two other people to the ER after biting them.

Additionally, an independent expert determined that they were in fact dog scratches. The government examiner, who was told that O’Keefe was hit by a car prior to drawing a conclusion, said that those parallel gashes were abrasions caused by grass and snow while Michael Proctor was standing in the room with her.

“All these individuals looking at this picture, which was leaked by the way….”

Who cares if the pictures were leaked? Why do they hide behind that, as if it matters? The picture clearly shows dog scratches, and the reason the Commonwealth didn’t want them “leaked” (the black and white images are in public court documents anyway) is because the public isn’t stupid and would immediately draw the conclusion that these are dog scratches:

Coffindaffer also seemed to finally admit that Karen’s tail light was not shattered and missing 35 pieces as she pulled out of 1 Meadows Ave at 5 AM.

“You can see as she pulls away that the tail light is well in tact.”

Thank you Jennifer.

Then she suddenly became a Google expert:

“That Safari was simply opened at that time stamp of 2:27 and so somehow that’s being attributed, it wasn’t the proper time, it was the time that occurred later.”

It’s painful to listen to a boomer attempt to explain a world she knows so very little about, despite spending so much time there – the Internet. Adam Lally tried this word salad in court and it made sense to exactly nobody, but Coffindaffer managed to make even less sense than he did.

Then came the “poor Colin Albert” defense:

“In terms of this poor kid Colin Albert, at the time he was 17 years old. He wasn’t even there. They are going to have not only text message proof of that, they are going to have witness proof of that. The individual who picked him up, drove him home, and his parents. So there was plenty of evidence that he wasn’t even there when the drop off occurred.”

When this is all said and done the first thing I’m going to do is put together a montage of all the people who staked their careers and reputations to this person:

They don’t have “text message” proof that Colin wasn’t there, they have what they claim is a screenshot of a text message showing Allie McCabe picking up Colin Albert at an undisclosed location at 12:09 AM.

The funniest part was when she said that his parents will be the key witnesses who exonerate him. Because the two deadbeats who constantly get sued and would say and do anything to keep their son out of jail are really credible. I for one cannot wait for Chris Albert to get on the stand and undergo cross examination from Alan Jackson. This is a guy who is too afraid to talk at Selectmen meetings and can only utter phrases like “I’m a witness” in order to get 17 year olds charged with intimidating him for standing on a public sidewalk. By all means, make Chris Albert the star witness for Colin in this trial. I’d pay good money to see that.

“There was no bad blood. This supposed bad blood occurred after a party when some kids dropped some beer bottles in John O’Keefe’s yard, but on the Ring camera it wasn’t even Colin Albert.”

Jennifer is an expert on all things Canton from her home in Florida. She knows all about Ring video at John O’Keefe’s house that she has never seen because Chris Albert is her exclusive source for information, as she accidentally revealed months ago.

Proving that she is simply a mouthpiece for the DA’s Office, Coffindaffer used the same excuse Morrissey did for the federal investigation into his office – it was all Rachael Rollins fault!

“Who began this was Rachael Rollins, a former US Attorney, who is not the US Attorney now because of an investigation they had on her.”

That is a complete lie. Rollins has never been involved in the investigation. Joshua Levy has been running point the entire time. The grand jury convened in July and August, months after Rollins resigned. But Coffindaffer just repeats whatever lie David Traub emails her, so you can’t really blame her for getting that one wrong.

Then there was this gem:

“Just because there is a grand jury doesn’t mean there will be a true bill or a no bill.”

Over 99% of federal grand juries end in an indictment. But yea, maybe the one that involves the coverup of a cop’s murder will be the one they let slide. Keep banking on that one and trotting Coffindaffer on TV to be your mouthpiece. Things are going great!


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  1. Coffin-stuffer is clinging to the McAlbert defense lies and fantasies almost as much as she clings her to 30 year-old self, it’s kind of sad. Her younger self must have been a big hit at Quantico with men and women nodding and agreeing with her nonsensical stupid rants in an effort to seduce the once young fbi princess. 😂😂

    Coffin-stuffer’s head on Colon’s homoerotic shirtless selfie lolllllll 😂😂😂😂😂

  2. This coffindaffer is talking like Colin was a toddler who hit his sleeping dad with a hammer from watching cartoons. He is young but also grown enough to start a fight with a grown okeefe.

  3. How could all these people put their own careers on the line for these scum bags? Imagine how they are gonna look once all the facts come out in court! Anyone that puts their career on the line for a guy like Chris Albert should have their head checked! They should all loose their jobs and have to move to Vermont with Chloe’s corpse!

    1. “How could all these people put their own careers on the line for these scum bags? Imagine how they are gonna look once all the facts come out in court!”

      They’re not facing indictment. That’s why. Nobody who understands the process is yet afraid for their own life because they’re in no danger of facing prison time. What don’t you get? Just because something is untrue doesn’t mean a guilty party will pay for it. 🤦

  4. She fits right in with the rest of the canton cum burping gutter sluts Rafferty, Jenn,coco, Jill , Kerri, egg slob, Denise, and the queen Jackie
    Just a used up entitled pretentious douce bag who plays a cop on tv.

  5. Coffinlicker is panicked, just like the rest of them. They can’t keep their lies straight and it’s glorious to watch. Oh, and one funny thing? On the Court TV YouTube channel the video that’s posted doesn’t even include the part with Coffinlicker. So maybe the editors realized how foolish she sounds and decided to cut her so the YouTube audience doesn’t get her crap on their brains.

  6. VInnie gets it… He knows

    Boy, what a huge GAFFE she made on Court TV… and now lets hope that the defense uses this “experts” words in the courtroom to defend Karen Read.

    Wake up DA Michael Morrissey.. We know what you are doing. Trying to deflect blame to Rollins & using people like JC to promote your bullshit lies. Your days are numbered.

    Same goes for the Troopers… it’s just a matter of time…

    Hey Lizzie, it must really suck thinking that your husband will be charged but maybe the Alberts and your good friend Jennie won’t be.. What a kick in the head that is!

    And please, spare us the “Poor Colin” crap. He is a punk and a thug and likely took part in killing John O’Keefe. Jail is where he belongs. As far as his “academic career”. he can hit the books in jail and get a degree from there.

    Thank you Aidan for all your investigative work on this case. Saving an innocent woman from jail is now part of your legacy.

    1. She’s not recognized as an expert by the Judge. She will not be recognized by the court (the rule maker) as an expert witness for anyone. She’s an expert by her own admission, which legally means nothing but is more than enough to earn a living being a grifter.

  7. On YouTube they only have Ted Daniel’s. They know Jennifer Coffinduffer is a fraud an won’t even put her on the YouTube video’s. That’s rough country right there lmao… I don’t think Vinnie will have her on again ever after this… I pray you are suing her for the libel/deformation. They will never learn unless it hits them in the bank account..

  8. Between W. Murphy and Coffindaffer the only thing they have accomplished is setting woman back about 50 years. It’s almost unfair making fun of them.

  9. CoffinDildoer is close friends with Lizzy Proctors retired FBI Agent father. She got cut from court tv last night for talking nonsense. Awesome job you washed up Hag, probably killed the court tv gig for good. Higgins has not been seen or talked about, he definitely got the first deal to talk. Someone was always going to Rat them out, Higgins knew he couldn’t lie to the FBI. One of the Troopers will eat his service weapon before going to Federal prison, my guess is Tully.

    1. I think you are right about one of them eating his service weapon. There seems to be a lot of egos involved and if anyone of them gets arrested it will ruin them in so many ways, financially, legacy, reputation, and to have your entire identity be ruined is a lot to absorb.

      1. That’s a challenge for anyone arresting them. They’d have to all be taken as close to simultaneously as possible and when they all least suspect it.

  10. Someone give that thirsty hag a bottle of water. Imagine being in so need of attention that you go on TV and make a donkey out of yourself.

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