Canton Cover-Up Part 300: Caitlin Albert’s Interview Proved Parent’s Lied To Police By Saying She Left House At 1:45, Contradicts Other Stories As Well

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Firefighter Katie McLaughlin is the only witness listed in the charging documents who stated that she heard Karen Read utter the words, “I hit him.” She also happens to be close friends with Caitlin Albert, and they party together.
When Brian and Nicole Albert were questioned by Michael Proctor days after John O’Keefe was murdered in their home, they told Proctor that their daughter Caitlin had left their house at 12:15 AM on the morning of January 29, 2022.
Notice that they also lied about who wasn’t in the house “at some point during the time in question” – Sarah Levinson and Colin Albert. Levinson, whose presence was intentionally hidden until November of 2022, is a registered nurse in Milton. She also stayed at the house until 1:47 AM when she left with the McCabes. There is no way the Alberts could have forgotten she was there. However, if she witnessed a horrific crime like a murder it would make sense why the Alberts would want to have one less witness speak to police and potentially mess the story up. Or, perhaps the Alberts told her that if she didn’t say anything they would leave her name out of it, knowing the type of anxiety it would cause someone like her if investigators began asking her questions.
If Caitlin Albert left the house at 12:15 it would mean that she was not there when John O’Keefe arrived at 12:19, and thus would be one less witness for police to speak with and potentially mix up the story. Indeed, she was not even the person who told Proctor she left at 12:15 – her parents were. By not being there when John O’Keefe arrived she had nothing to add to the investigation.
However, I always found her story odd. Caitlin was out with her parents at the Waterfall from 7-12, and her boyfriend Tristin ate dinner with them. At some point Tristin went somewhere – we don’t know where – because he was not there when the group left the Waterfall Bar around midnight. So why did Caitlin go back to 34 Fairview Road only to leave minutes later?
As we reported months ago, Caitlin was one of several second generation McAlberts – including Allie McCabe, Brian Albert Jr, and Colin Albert – who were summonsed to testify in front of a federal grand jury in July. As soon as the State Police found out that they had spoken with the FBI they immediately took an interest in these people, much as they did when they suddenly decided to interview Lucky Loughran two days after Turtleboy broke the news that Loughran had also spoken with the FBI. Proctor realized he was under federal investigation and couldn’t afford to not have an interview with four people who were inside 34 Fairview Road that night.
During Caitlin’s interview she told Proctor something that proved her parents lied to investigators in a murder investigation – she didn’t leave the house until 1:45 AM.
Caitiln’s parents had gone out of their way to protect their daughter by not placing her at the house at the same time John O’Keefe arrived. Now in August of 2023 she was suddenly putting herself in the crime scene, opening her up to a line of questioning that could potentially contradict other witness statements. If Karen Read had killed John O’Keefe and 12:30 then Caitlin Albert and Tristin Morris are now two more witnesses who drove directly passed O’Keefe’s dead body and didn’t see anything. They also didn’t hear him getting hit either.
So why would Caitlin Albert tell police something that proved that her parents lied about important facts in a murder investigation? Why would she voluntarily put herself inside a crime scene 18 months after the fact? This is a woman who hides her head in shame when people take selfies near her at football games.
The only possible explanation is that the feds have geofence data proving she was there. Unlike Karen Read’s attorneys, the FBI doesn’t need to beg Auntie Bev to order police to obtain geofence data showing everyone who was inside the house at what time. Unlike Karen Read’s attorneys they don’t have to rely upon Michael Proctor, who forgot to apply for geofence data for iPhones, which the McAlberts all own. They’re the FBI – they can get anything they want. Albert’s attorney Greg Henning is well aware of this and would be wise to tell her not to lie to the feds, because they don’t ask questions they don’t know the answers to.
Caitlin also told Proctor that she was the last person to leave the house at 1:45.
This contradicts forensic evidence showing the McCabes were the last to leave at 1:47. It also contradicts Sarah Levinson’s story who confirmed that the McCabes were the last to leave, and that the Jennifer and Matt made a joke about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich an hour after they helped murder John O’Keefe. Proctor made sure to spell Sarah’s name wrong throughout his report.
The four of them also would have driven right past where O’Keefe was dying had Karen Read killed him an hour prior, but none of them saw a body 12 feet on the lawn.
Caitlin also said that Brian Higgins arrived after she and her parents got there, and made a point to say that Chloe remained upstairs all night, because of widespread coverage of autopsy photos showing O’Keefe was clearly bitten by a dog.
There’s just one problem with that – Brian Higgins told investigators that HE was the first one to arrive at the house before the Alberts, and that he plowed the less than one inch of snow in the driveway before parking on the street in front of the house.
But wait – if Higgins was parked in front of the house then how come Karen Read and Ryan Nagel didn’t see his Jeep with the plow on it parked there? How could Ryan Nagel have seen Read’s tail light in pristine condition if Higgins’ Jeep was in between them, blocking his view?
This is why the McAlberts went out of their way to remove so many witnesses from the house at the time John O’Keefe got there – the more people who talk, the more the story gets messed up. The second Caitlin Albert spoke with police she had already contradicted the McAlbert’s story about:
- What time she left the house
- Who was the last person to leave
- Who was the first person to arrive at the house
Details like this matter in a murder investigation, and real police immediately begin to suspect people when their stories aren’t straight. Now imagine how screwed up this story could have gotten if they had told investigators Colin Albert and Allie McCabe were there. Would you trust this person to stick to the script if your life was one the line?
This is why the Alberts needed Michael Proctor to be the lead detective on their case – a real investigator would have noticed that the “witnesses” were lying and not ruled them out as suspects. But we know now that the Alberts aren’t just friends with the Proctors – they’re a second family.
As Tim Albert said – family protects family, which is why the older generation of McAlberts has gone out of their way to protect the younger generation and keep them out of this story.

Damn, I’d eat a mediocre chicken parm from between those titties. BANG BANG!
All damn day
I think the google search should have been how long will it take to die in between my daughters titties!
Unfortunately that butter face comes from Brian, not the lovely Coco
All that aside has Aidan ever cum on his own face? And will he be uploading any new jackoff videos of himself? Because the posts about his own personal drama and poorly written O’Keefe murder articles are getting super boring. Too bad Read isn’t spoon feeding Aids any more info. I guess she’s just not that into him. Aids is rejected by yet another woman again.
Another Canton Crony that needs to bad mouth someone that is trying to show the corruption that every resident in this country knows is happening. If the McAlberts are innocent then why lie? You must of been rejected by the 3rd grade and stopped school. The only poorly written article is your pathetic comment.
How can a comment be a poorly written article when a comment isn’t an article? Have you ever shook Aids hands and then wonder where that hand has been? Like his own asshole?
Well you call a blog an article. Jen are you still BANG BANG with Colin?? Remember most of the people that started the cover-up are staying inside and hiding now. You and Chicken Parm Chucky are the few that are in public constantly. But hay (I meant hey, or did I) keep going out like you don’t care and karma will reach you.
Yet, you cannot seem to contradict ANY of his evidence! You can bash him all you want but you don’t have the guts to debate the facts
Ain’t my job honey to contradict conspiracy theories. All that can be sorted out at the trial which is happening. And you can wait outside waiting for the Feds to come annnnyyyyyy dayyyyy nowwwwwwww
Is this KP? If so, some questions. Are your parents completely disgusted with you? Have they just tossed their hands up and said “we tried”
Has anyone ever commented to you that you are like the little girl in that old movie “Bad Seed”. Remember that, the little girl that is just vile, evil, and just wishes harm on everyone.
That’s when you know you are a FUCKED up person. When you obsess and ruminate about causing harm to others.
Bottom of the barrel, degenerate, loser, but even worse dangerous. You are a dangerous person and hopefully that gets across to whoever needs to hear it.
Are the Feds coming any day now or is it just Aids who’s cumming today?
Lol even trying to spin who rejected who 🤣🤣
Pray tell, why ‘Jane’ was Calling Aiden at 01:53am on the morning of his release by video call??
Why did ‘Jane’ turn up to court when she didn’t attend a single hearing whilst Aiden was in Jail??
Why were the A&B charges dropped the very morning that Bradl was dropping off all of the evidence proving the Honeytrap??
Why has ‘Jane’ accused 4 different men of the exact same thing when they try to leave her??
Why did one of her ex boyfriends contact Bradl who was on holiday and unable to attend the hearing go out of his way to send an affidavit to court in defence of Aiden saying that she did the same thing to him??
Why did ‘Jane’ claim to be pregnant and provide a pic which the metadata showed was taken before even meeting Aiden??
Who was it that threatened ‘Jane’s’ babysitter Grace not to attend court after she freely met with Bradl’s PI’s and even gave a statement to them asserting that ‘Jane’ admitted to her that she lied about the alleged assault??
Why did Jen Mcabe pay for ‘Jane’s’ very expensive lawyers for that hearing only??
Why did Jen Mcabe babysit for ‘Jane’ to attend court??
Why was Jen Mcabe overheard in court on Monday 26th February 2024 telling the court officer that ‘Jane’ was family … she could get into Karen Reads hearing …..the person that she has an inate jealousy for when ‘Jane’ had never ever met John O’Keefe??
Why did Gianetti give an interview outside court on Friday 23rd February 2024 stating that he was sent there by ‘Jane’ and that they were friends?? Is it normal for a mother with 4 small children to be friends with the local crackhead??
Who looked after ‘Jane’s’ 4 children whilst she attended court on Monday 26th February 2024 when her babysitter Jen Mcabe was also there??
Do you condone women lying to courts of law??
Whose idea was it for ‘Jane’ to be holding the Restraining Order in her hand when she walked into court knowing that Aiden would already be inside reporting on Karens case??
Does ‘Jane’ know that there are 100 witnesses and probably 50 of them with cameras that will testify in court ….that ‘Janes’ latest court filing is another pack of lies that Aiden shouted at her from across the street??
Is ‘Jane’ aware that Court TV caught Aiden on camera which was streamed live leaving the court the moment that ‘Jane’ walked in??
Is ‘Jane’ also aware that upon leaving court Aiden went straight to a policeman asking where was an appropriate place for him to be so that he WAS NOT in breach of the Phoney Restraining Order against him, all caught on camera??
Is ‘Jane’ aware that the whole time Aiden was in jail that Bradl had his phone and all of the voicemails ‘Jane’ sent were kept as evidence??
Do you think that wasting police resources and court time is rational behaviour from a woman who is a proven liar??
Does ‘Jane’ know that lying to a court of law is perjury??
Does ‘Jane’ know reporting false crimes is ‘Perjury’
As you can see from my many many questions you appear to absolutely have your facts wrong …..I have even provided the evidence that I cite!!
I won’t be holding my breath awaiting your response because you cannot dispute a single thing.
Both of our comments are here for posterity and it seems to me I’m the one that will be looked upon as being educated and knowledgeable whereas you are the one with the vulgar words, and very very bitter personality!
Get help for your issues it may just make you feel a little bit better about yourself!!
Great summary!!
Do you think “jane” knows that her nursing license is going bye bye after the unprofessional and unbecoming behavior she has demonstrated? For instance, the recording of the unhinged meltdown “jane” had while threatening to take an abortion pill in a public driveway while screaming profanities in front of her children? Making false accusations related to violence in a court of law? The best one is for committing Acts of Moral Turpitude, “jane” wins the nursing boards top place for disciplinary code violations obtained in a year!
I don’t care lady who loses what or what ratchet drama the married Aidan and his side hoes are having. Let his side bitch lose her license why do I give a shit? I wonder if Aidan masturbates compulsively while thinking about real men fucking the woman who’s now fucking him in court?
Seems to me you’re into Sharing Cocks? We all know you want Aidan to share his with you.
I kinda get the feeling she will be finding out real soon ……especially when she has befriended the local crackhead Gianetti.
I wonder if she also knows that along with her job she also loses her medical insurance?
I wonder when Jen kicks her to the kerb and Tully and Co are locked up will she think it was all worth it.
I can’t see her kids being with her too much longer either especially with how unstable she is. Oh and leaving herself wide open to Perjury charges all just to save Jen Mcabes ass!!
Maybe she’s hoping they’ll be cell mates but woe betide Jen if she makes any new buddies Jane doesn’t take rejection too well 🤣🤣🤣
Perhaps this will be her Karma for all of the innocent men she has had jailed with her compulsive lies
I scrolled and scrolled down your comments with eyes glazed over until I came to the comment box just to tell you that I didn’t read anything you wrote but you should still feel proud of yourself for wasting your time writing something the intended recipient isn’t even interested in reading. Besides that, when is Aidan’s bail revocation hearing? Or he didn’t tell his followers what the court docket reads?
Lol you clearly read it, and that’s why you replied unable to deny anything that I have written!!
We all know about Jane’s false allegations……it was caught on camera by at least 50 of them!!
It’s going to be hysterical when the Judge hears her latest lies especially as the Judge was duped the first time around I dont think “Jane” appearing in front of her again is going to do her any favours especially with the Restraining Order photographed in her hand 🤣🤣🤣
You people never learn you actually believe that everyone is as morally corrupt as you all are but I tell you something Karma is a bitch!!
I wish Jane well on her next quest, I feel a section coming on for mental capacity…..especially when you lie to a judge. They have super powers like ordering psych evaluations where they can keep you there for however long the docs feel is necessary……she is currently a danger to the liberty of any man that she comes across and that’s not good for society is it!!
Sshhh don’t tell by spoiling the surprise
Hmm. If you find TB News to be so boring, why not visit a few porn sites? Judging from your comments, it sounds like porn sites would be a better fit for you.
I do visit porn sites. And Aidan’s jack off videos and revenge porn vids are there. He’s everywhere even porn sites
11 out of 42 posts on this story. That’s an impressive level of unhinged ranting. More than a quarter of the posts on here. Now do you know how easy it is for the site owner to track who is really posting?
The site owner can have all the IP addresses he wants no problemo. I wonder if Aidan has ever come in his own mouth or if he’s gonna try it in jail later to pass the time?
But you’ve read all 300,
have fake FBs to join the Karen Read page as a voyeur – just here to watch.
Research personal details about the reporter/blogger, rather than the real, major issue at hand…
Like a creep. A stalker. A predator.
Apparently, you’re also covered in semen.
What’s it like being consumed by your obsessive thoughts… oh, nvm, all 15 of your posts will tell us.
These are probably the only names Proctor spelled correctly when recording the names of people inside >Caitlin Albert, Allie McCabe, Brian Albert Jr, and Colin Albert
Treacherous little leper of a man! How crooked~~
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Caitlin Albert should face consequences for her lies and her role in the coverup. I hope she also is sued when this is all over. She’s an adult and I believe has a state job. Add her name to the lawsuit and garnish future earnings and even any inheritance.
Tristin too, he knew. Did he come forward? He allowed a cover up to continue even though he had all the details. Add him to any lawsuits.
Brian Albert Jr, another adult, in the house and went along with the conspiracy to cover up. Add him to the lawsuit list as well.
Allie McCabe, an adult. Add her to the lawsuit list.
Sarah Levinson, an adult, a nurse. Add her name to a lawsuit
Julie Nagel, an adult. Add her in too
So many to sue beyond Jen, Matt, Brian, Nicole, Tully, Proctor, Yuri, etc. Not to mention the Town of Canton, members of the CPD, and any town departments that helped cover up the truth.
Let us not forget the former CPD that had a part! And…another list – all other people and/or family members on record, vehemently denying any wrong doing by others, including but not limited to boyfriends, spouses, best friends, coworkers etc. with full knowledge of this crime!!
My suggestion -since this is going to cost the tax payers millions… take away ALL PENSIONS TO FUND THE CASE!!!!!
What about a story about the puppy dog Rider who Aids is supposed to get then abuse and ignore? Story about how he lied to the SJC about his cancer mother he’s supposed to live with and help take care of? Or a story about how Aids isn’t fucking his own wife but sure likes to fuck himself. Does Aids have any more prison journal ideas and does he know he can be arrested again any moment???
Does Aids think about how he’s gonna be arrested long before anybody he’s accusing of murder is? Does Aids cum on his own face then let it drip down his lips so his ant eater tongue can wipe it all off???
nice deflections, you walking cumdumpster…
Does Aids print out Karen Read pics so he can cum all over them in tribute? Will his kids see his own jackoff videos online when they’re older and proudly tell their friends “yup that’s my dad!” And the friends will say “the one in prison right now!?”
You’re disgusting …and wrong!
It’s pretty clear that you get off on fantasizing about Aidan performing perverse sex acts. I sense a bit of projection here. You’d like us to think that Aidan is performing sex acts that in reality it is you performing them.
You’re weirdly obsessed with Aidan’s jizz. You must miss getting it all over your face.
Hey Jen… Again.
This isn’t about Aidan. It’s about corruption.
So sorry you’ve become obsessed with this individual. It makes sense you’d pour all of your emotions into Aidan Kearney’s perceived personality and the reality of a corrupt state.
But yea.
Obsession isn’t cute on you.
Canton Coverup Part 2,876 – Feds coming any day now for mass arrests, Karen Read unjustly sits in prison waiting and it’s my 505th day in solitary and 905th time I came on my own face out of boredom, my kids are graduating law school to get me out
Part 3000 will come along and you’ll still be Sharin’ Cocks. Bubba and company are coming for you, dog.
Bubba will be probably be busy with Aids showing him how to be a good little prison fleshlight. As for the rest of us? Life will happily go on as usual my man 🤷🏻😁 the Feds ain’t coming bro. Sorry reality hurts you so much lady 🤷🏻
Sharon, you dropped your handicap plate on your way into planned parenthood.
His kids won’t care about him
They probably hate him already
Do you realize you’re posting all of these under the same user name?
At least Moe, Larry, and Tully got around to interviewing these key witnesses a year and a half later. Not that they were important to their case, they had the suspect they wanted all along. Committing and hiding a violent murder is bad. Covering it up as these detectives and DA have done is just as bad if not worse. I believe the USAO did give these clowns the rope to hang themselves.
I agree. The USAO is merely allowing these gluttons to walk the plank they’ve constructed for themselves. There’s nowhere to go but down. They can’t recover or hide what they’ve already done or attempted to do.
Yeah she made sure to mention running into Colon who was leaving with blah blah and that the dog was put upstairs for the night after doing its business (maybe Chloe is still upstairs), and of course remembers Jen leaving a message for John. All very convenient details.
Lucky saw light colored Ford Edge about 3am and now we find out Tristan supposedly picked up Caitlin at 1:45am. I’m thinking it was his car and if they left it was much later than the time they claimed.
I remember the blog a while back that showed Tristan’s car. But that is actually a light color Ford escape. They look very similar and think that’s what lucky saw and maybe mistook it. Colin is known to drive an edge.idk what color tho
If you google map 34 fairview and easton, the directions take you past the body if you were leaving the house – if he was there, they def saw him.
The FEDS aren’t publicly acknowledging this case to give a nice pat on the back to the DA/CW to say “Keep up the great work guys. We’ve checked your files and findings and you’re doing a great job with your investigations. Keep doing what you’re doing 👍🏻”. The FEDS would say NOTHING if they believed from their findings that the DAs office has done their due diligence here and that the person responsible has correctly been accused and the process to convict is moving along as it should. Those letters back and forth weren’t just for fun.
The FEDS have raised the red flag for a reason 🚩Something is amiss. Norfolk County smells. I implore you to use your eyes and ears here.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself WHY no BPD officers have been present for any of the pretrial hearings? and WHY the homeowner (party host) hasn’t been present for any of the pretrial hearings? That should speak volumes to you.
Under normal circumstances, a man hunt would have ensued for the perpetrator in the early morning hours after JO was found, before KR was named a suspect.
Under normal circumstances that court room would be FULL of officers in uniform at every pre-trial hearing, showing support and seeking justice for their fallen brother.
There’s a reason they are tight-lipped. Seriously, think about it.
These aren’t normal circumstances. The writing is on the wall. I am confident Justice will be served here.
Yeah yeah. Are you done trying to convince yourself lol? The Feds ain’t coming and there’s no coverup and there never was. Accept reality meatball. Read is the correct person charged and Aids didn’t “break” any story. The evidence already shows Aids was communicating with Read before he even posted a story. All these ridiculous blogs of his came straight from Read’s mouth and vagina.
You’re unhinged. Relax. Sending healing and peace your way. Distance yourself and take a mental break. Anything that’s making you this upset is not worth it. You’re spewing venom on a blog of someone you hate, yet giving him more clicks and views. You are quite literally helping the algorithm, contributing to the very cause that you’re complaining about.
Go write in a journal or tell it to a therapist.
BPD stands by Karen Read. Tight-lipped for a reason 🤙🏻
What does Read talking to Turtle Boy have to do with all the lies from the State Police, though? This article is about the police being lied to about what time a witness left the house, with evidence proving the lie. A body was found on the front lawn of a house where people lied to police about who was at the scene of the crime at the time of the murder. That alone, that single piece of evidence, would raise a red flag, no?
All I needed to convince me was to see the autopsy photos of both hands clenched into fists and both fists with significant bruising. I didn’t even get to the arm wounds yet and I already knew he fought hard for his life with the wounds he had. You would not have to defend yourself double fisted if it was a rear bumper coming at you instead of an enemy with intent to hurt. In the beginning, in a single moment before ANY of the other lies and stories were so much as thought up yet for alibis and excuses, all it took was one good look at this ppr guy with the shittiest family and friends in his short life to know he died viciously protecting himself from those who were supposed to unconditionally love and defend him.
Completely agree.. and lots of us know cops either in local towns/cities and/or at the State Police and they know it’s a bogus case. The ones I know, both in my town, surrounding towns and from the local State Police Barracks all know it’s a sham. And all are disgusted in their fellow “brothers”.
Everyone is just waiting for Josh Levy before they can speak out and condemn the actions of this corrupt group.
If Karen was believed to be this evil murderer.. you’d need a bigger courthouse. Those pre-trials would be bursting at the seams with the boys in blue. Tight-lipped for a reason ✊🏻
Exactly … these “little” signs are speaking volumes.
The fact no BPD has been in attendance tells you exactly what is going on here.
I can’t wait to see McCabe in shackles.
TB, your leadership is still appreciated.
Remember what you are fighting for.
Maybe stay humble, but DON’T STOP.
Obviously, you must do what is best for you and your safety. Health & happiness is paramount, above all.
These people are psychopaths.
They GET OFF on fucking people over.
It’s a power trip for them. Interacting 1st hand with them, they are very scary, what they’re capable of.
Among them: murderers, hard drug dealers and users, and pedos. Cops, DA’s and more. Do you need anymore warning/ convincing?
You think they don’t have kompromat of all these news casters?
Take a guess which of your familiar news faces are into, say, little boys?
I’m saying BE CAREFUL.
They’ve been doing this for years, with impunity.
Must we be willing to die for what we believe in? Many are not.
These followers of yours are psychopaths.
You and them GET OFF on fucking people over.
It’s a power trip for you Aidan and for them. Interacting with yourself and your followers 1st hand, you are very scary, what your followers of capable of.
Among your followers and you: murderers, hard drug dealers and users (especially you Aidan because you admitted to selling drugs and now you use them!), and pedos.
You delusion fuckwad man lol What a sad paranoid completely ridiculous idiotic garbage comment you wrote. Flip it and clearly you’re describing yourself and every other hypocrite turtle “rider” and the king pervert himself, the wife beating and cheating Aidan KKKearney.
Will Fairytale in Canton part 301 be you got cum in your face from cumming into your own eyes and were so blinded you missed all the facts of the case and will now say Read is guilty?
Are you gonna stay up late tonight peeking through the blinds watching for cops prowling around waiting to arrest you? Do you have millions of dollars when you end up being sued by innocent people you cyber stalked, stalked physically, and repeatedly called “murderers”? Do you think you’re gonna be found innocent of the 19 criminal charges you’re facing? Does it make you sad your legal bill is gonna be north of 100,000k all for losing results?
Your failed and laughable SJC appeal cost you about 10 grand. Hear the toilet flush? That’s all your donation money you cum on your own face conman grifter lol
Lol what are you talking about? Please try to form a readable sentence.
Well said!
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What sewer did the McAlberts find you in? A cum dumpster? That doesn’t win trials. Silly. Throw your DNA everywhere, though.
Don’t mind me. I stopped taking my meds last week and I’m going through an “adjustment.” It’s like I’m obsessed with Turtleboy. I keep yelling at him and saying naughty things. I am sorry.
I’m starting my meds back up soon. I’ll be ” better” in no time.
Please Aidan, write another piece so I can obsess over some new material.
Much Love, Peace Out, xoxo
Yes Aids, please write a new blog! Part 301 of the Fairytale in Canton! And don’t forget to close your mouth when pumping off to your revenge porn.
Ok McAlbert. Put down the booze for a minute …
Drugs are bad. Mmmkay?
Wow Caitlin’s a little porker with major love handles!
Too much jizz and tranny fluid slurping
They say fat chicks give good head. I’m sure Caitlin is a cum guzzling slob based upon a few of the photos in the article.
This platform is phenomenal. The magnificent data uncovers the maker’s excitement. I’m shocked and expect additional such astonishing sections.
You could actually look at all the evidence, for yourself, and form your own views. If you’re able…
This site is incredible. The radiant material shows the essayist’s enthusiasm. I’m dumbfounded and envision more such astonishing presents.
Caitlyn Albert in her statement says
We now know that Caitlyn left the house at 01:45 how did her mom Nicole tell her to change her shoes …..when in one of Nicole’s statements she said she was asleep by 01:00 ???
Originally she stated midnight but then changed it to 01:00 after the evidence came out about Jens location data proving that she left at 01:47!!
Note how Caitlyn also says that she thought Higgins had been to the house before and didn’t understand why her dad was showing him around!!
Now suddenly out of the blue they are claiming that Karen and Higgins had a thing going.
The problem is the night of the ballgame where he claims to have watched it with John and Karen ….he got the teams wrong yet when he gave his statement only 2 weeks had passed how could he not know the teams??
They then claim that Karen made a pass at him ….which is hearsay how do we know it wasn’t him making a pass at her??
He then claims that Karen invited him to her home …..wasn’t Karens house rented out then and she living with John and the kids??
Now go to the night they were all out at the bar ….if Karen and Higgins were having a thing, then why did John and Karen look so affectionate together ….in front of Higgins?? You can’t fake the way Karen looked at John!!
Just wait and see, I bet they are going to pin this on Higgins in some way ….its not a coincidence that Coffindaffer weeks ago said …..why are none of you mentioning the ATF guy!!
If they claim Chloe was upstairs they have inadvertently proved John was in the house by Caitlins statement ….the Apple Data shows John climbing stairs ….who was upstairs ….Chloe, Higgins and Brian Albert!!
My friend was on life support after going to her dad’s house to deliver a Chinese…..she fell down the stairs fracturing her skull, she was put on life support but a few days later it was turned off after finding there was no brain function.
It’s not too far fetched that Brian got into a fight with John and Caitlin either let the dog out or the dog got out by Brian opening the door!!
Brian never attended Johns funeral and has kept out of the limelight ….was Higgins forced to help with the body and that’s why he left and signed into the office after drinking all day??
There is a reason Caitlin added all of those details ….to be used at a later date !!
If the Feds have found Exculpatory Evidence revealing Karens innocence which it should ….who is the next best person to pin it on?? …..HIGGINS!!
Regardless if he did anything or not. Or even if he was in fact upstairs at all and it was actually Colin with one of the girls possibly Julie Nagle who was staying the night and then wasn’t!! But then went home anyway!!
Either way Caitlin is still lying to protect her dad!!
So you’re Sherlock Fucking Holmes now? Thanks for cracking the case man! Aidans gonna cum into his own mouth now that you solved it all!
Have you answered all of my questions yet??
Is there a reason you are so vulgar …..did your parents not love you enough??
You must be very lonely, spending all night watching this thread so you can reply to every comment.
I don’t think your brain is wired correctly or is it the drugs??
Go and get some help perhaps Jen Mcabe will welcome you into her gang.
You will fit in there quite well …..we have Paul O’Keefe…..who killed a pensioner with his car
Brian Albert who also killed a student with his car!!
Kate Peters currently on Probation for Stalking and Harrassing the daughter of a Boston Cop and due in court in March for breaching her Restraining Order for the second time…..oh yes and thinking it was a really good idea to threaten a witness if they turned up at court “men with jobs” would be waiting ….hmm yet it was just her boyfriend that turned up that likes to pull knives on her kids which she has only just got back after spending their lives in care who is now on an assault charge because he wasn’t clever enough to assault the witness away from the court steps where the cameras are!!
And then we have good time gal Lyndsey and her brood of kids who is friends with Gianettti the local crackhead!! Who is so wasted that he gets interviewed and tells people that Lyndsey sent him to the court house to start trouble on the day of Aiden’s release …..but hey at least Jen Mcabe pays for her lawyers so she can lie in court about non existent babies eh??
Like I say I’m sure you’ll fit right in with that crowd ….maybe next time at court Jen will tell everyone that you are family too ….hmm but I’m not sure they allow dogs in court …..maybe she can tie you to the steps outside and you can use your vulgar tongue and show Grant the retard how it’s supposed to be done!!
Sorry whenever she escapes the kitchen she likes to shitpost on tbdailynews
You seem nice. Your mom must be proud of what she raised.
Very good observation. I did hear a while back cw said they had a bunch of text between read and Higgins tho idk how real. They are mad he blabbed to the feds and helped trigger investigation.
Sharon Cox has some serious mental issues. She should Crack the Prozac in half before leaving comments.
Prozac?? Sounds like she she is smoking too much crack.
Aidan took the entire east coast supply of mental health drugs sorry. He’s the one crying about his mental health issues while jacking off into his own face and writing blog entries on his walls in his own feces. I’m sorry to give you this reality check lady 🤷🏻
Caitlin is a kid who likely had nothing to do with however O’Keefe died, so when the Feds cornered her with evidence she was still at the house, she had no choice but to come clean. She likely tried to protect her family, but those are the first witnesses to flip. You had nothing to do with this, until you lie about what happened – then you’re a co-conspirator going away for a long, long time. So what’s it gonna be?
I hope you’r right
The photos of the firefighter and Caitlin are antiquated, resembling a high school snapshot rather than recent evidence. Notably peculiar, yet somewhat understandable upon consideration.
A paramedic’s Patient Care Report should not be misconstrued as a police report, highlighting a crucial distinction.
Reports indicate McCabe had already initiated the inquiry into the “did I hit him?” exchange. Amidst the frantic moments of tending to a severe trauma, snippets like “woman on scene stated ‘I hit him’” are hastily documented. Any emphasis placed on this detail by the commonwealth could ignite widespread scrutiny within the EMS community, raising myriad concerns.
The crux of the evidence lies in the absence of vehicular impact, coupled with multiple lacerations and wounds consistent with physical altercations.
Perhaps the pedestrian recently struck in Quincy can illuminate whether their hair is entangled in the front light, as captured on camera. Intriguingly, eyewitness testimonies align with the recorded footage, unlike Canton.
Jen McCabe’s 911 call presents damning evidence. Describing a “man passed out” is oddly specific, suggestive of a deliberate attempt to downplay a dire situation.
“A man passed out,” is specified for a drunk on a park bench. She knew what she was saying.
I’d like to hear how the call was dispatched… a major trauma, someone succumbing to the elements… or “a man passed out.” How heavily did she downplay the need for assistance?
McCabe’s proactive involvement in the search for her “friend,” coupled with her whispering to her sister, implicates her deeper in the unfolding tragedy. The abrupt shift from panicked search to calm, upon discovering the gravely injured individual in the snow underscores her culpability. This isn’t merely a “man passed out in the snow,” but someone’s son in dire distress, neglected by those feigning concern. The urgency to alert her sister to the unfolding crisis further exposes McCabe’s callous indifference.
Shockingly, Chloe slept through the entire encounter with lights, sirens, and strangers on her lawn… and no one expects much from a Milton RN, Sara/Sarah/Suhruhhhhh (sp?)
It was a loud bright scene… diesel engines, flashing lights, firefighters and paramedics yelling, radios squelching, sirens blaring. And a cop slept through it all…
Anybody wanna by a Bridge?
Amazing how every piece of evidence available that is not favorable to Karen Read must be part of the coverup and part of the corruption. Based on your theory (which by the way isn’t supported by the defense), the coordination that must have taken place between all parties would be nearly impossible. There would surely be phone records between all 42 witnesses in order to plan this cover up that would have had to occur in a short window of about 3 hours between 1245am and 345am. all the “corrupt” police officers, firefighters, EMS personnel, hospital staff, DPW workers, etc.. just all happen to be working that night. O’Keefe’s own niece must have been contacted and brought into the cover up at some point as well that evening…. You really cracked the case. 😂 nice job violating your restraining order the day you are released from custody after having your bail revoked. I’m sure that’s a cover up/conspiracy just like all the other 20+ charges you have pending . You sir have become the ratchet you always wrote about. free my boy … remember that ?
To be fair, that’s been a common argument. To orchestrate and execute a cover-up like this, and pin this on Read, you’d need a fair amount of tight-knit people to cooperate and keep their mouths shut. Way too many people involved to not leak information or slip up with their witness statements, timelines, testimony, heck even with police help it’d be almost impossible to execute. And you’re right. But you’re only right if what you’re saying is what is needed to execute it. To commit the murder, get away with the cover-up, and pin this on Read.
So let me ask you: does it feel like they’re going to get away with pinning this on Read? Does it feel like they’ve all kept their mouths shut? That their stories are completely consistent? That there are no holes in the conviction of Read? Or does it feel like none of this makes sense, none of it ever made sense, and there are loads of questions and inconsistencies with evidence, testimony, witnesses, even the prosecution’s own changing theories?
What you’re seeing isn’t an executed cover-up. What you’re seeing is what happens when the whole thing unravels.
Bingo. You just hit the nail on the head. Spot on.
Agree. I don’t think it was as much of a “brilliantly executed , planned cover-up” as much as it was a cluster-fuck of terrible happenings in search of a scapegoat, and Karen Read unfortunately fell into the trap as the unwitting victim. As soon as the cracked tailight happened at 5:08AM, an excuse existed and an opportunity presented itself to plant the “Did you hit him” explanation into play.
My theory as well. I believe Plan A was to say he was hit by a snow plow. The cracked taillight at 5 AM and McCabe overhearing Read “did I hit him?!?!” in a panic (and maybe still drunk) state is what lit the Plan B lightbulb.
What you fail to recognize is that Karen Read need only convince the jury that there is reasonable doubt that the prosecution’s theory is true.
Coverup or no coverup, issues with chain of custody of evidence is sufficient to make most of it inadmissible. Then what? Very likely an acquittal.
I actually think this argument has a lot of merits to it. I mean, the part about so many people being on the same page for a coverup. This just does not happen in reality. This truly is a case where either scenario is about impossible to believe. So while I would say I would normally side this this Harmon as common sense tells us that you can’t get this many people on the same page about a cover up, the State’s narrative about what actually happened, as hard as it is to believe, is even LESS likely.
It’s sad that these discussions always seem to devolve into scurrilous, scatological and often homophobic ad hominem attacks on the various participants. Oh well, I guess that is what our society has become.
Anyway, as I have mentioned previously, my first exposure to this case was finding the autopsy photos of Mr. O’Keefe when I was looking for something else. My first thought was “Who beat up this poor guy?” When I read the theory that he had been hit by a car making a three point turn, I found that hard to believe (as an emergency department physician I have seen lots of folks who were beaten, and lots of folks who had been hit by cars; I shared that theory and the photos with a colleague, who laughed out loud). Simply based on the pictures, the alternate theory made more sense: a fight, a dog attack (I have seen dog bites like that, including ones on a young girl that haunt me to this day), and a fall down the stairs. Of course, as others have pointed out, this requires an extraordinarily well organized conspiracy involving a large number of people (a la Bad Day at Black Rock). Is that feasible?
I don’t live in Massachusetts and have not read all these blog posts or other relevant news about the case (just touching base once in a while), so I may be missing some information. And I don’t know anything about geo-fencing or cellebrite or cell phone timestamps or any of those sorts of things, so I suppose the defense and prosecution can argue about that. Apparently there are some odd things that happened (selling the family home at a loss, tearing up relatively new carpeting, filling in a swimming pool) that I guess could be argued away as unrelated coincidences. And if someone found a dead body on my lawn in the middle of the night, I would be out of the house in a heartbeat, but maybe that homeowner is just a heavy sleeper. But how can the snowplow driver’s testimony be refuted? Has the actual autopsy report been made public? Where is the dog? Based on what I have read, I don’t see how the prosecution can prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course what really matters is the evidence that will actually be presented to the jury. I toy with the idea of a trip to MA just to see the medical witnesses testify, that will be very interesting.
Dr. Fang
All I needed to convince me was to see the autopsy photos of both hands clenched into fists and both fists with significant bruising. I didn’t even get to the arm wounds yet and I already knew he fought hard for his life with the wounds he had. You would not have to defend yourself double fisted if it was a rear bumper coming at you instead of an enemy with intent to hurt. In the beginning, in a single moment before ANY of the other lies and stories were so much as thought up yet for alibis and excuses, all it took was one good look at this ppr guy with the shittiest family and friends in his short life to know he died viciously protecting himself from those who were supposed to unconditionally love and defend him.
::As stated previously.
Yeah, that was my impression on seeing the photos. Apparently the story has changed from backing up for a 3 point turn (a low speed mechanism) to a deliberate high speed reverse attack (am I getting that right?). In that case, one would probably expect significant lower extremity trauma (pelvis, femur) if he were standing directly behind the oncoming car. Or did he stand just outside the path of the car, and bend over sufficiently that the rear of the car (and the taillight) hit him in the head? Why would he do that? And if that is the case, how did he injure his hands, and incur those arm lacerations? That is why I am very interested to see the actual autopsy report. Did he indeed have pelvis/lower extremity injuries? Did he actually have “boxer’s fractures” in the hands? Strictly from the admittedly sparse medical evidence I have seen, the fight/dog attack theory seems more likely than the car-vs-pedestrian theory. But then you have to accept this elaborate coverup. Maybe it is as Sherlock Holmes declared, “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Dr. Fang
They are using the system, just like the democrats are using the DOJ to get rid of Trump. Now, Aiden, you must know how Trump feels. They are using a simple RO to keep you in jail, and make it harder for you to expose their corruption .
It’s just a game to them. It’s not costing them anything. Not their money, not their time, and not their freedom. They’re gonna throw more and more at you, mostly fake and false charges. They’ll have you in jail and bankrupt until you stop.
It’s disgusting what the establishment can do to an honest man.
Yeah yeah yeah it’s all one big conspiracy right lady? Has nothing to do with Aids actually committing crimes and you cry babies angry the justice system won’t let him get away with it. Even Aids knows he’s fucked and he’s guilty as charged. It’s wonderful what the establishment can do to a con man.
Instead of trading juvenile insults and calling each other names, it would be nice to take note of what TB has mentioned in this segment: 1.) Brian Higgins Jeep with a snowplow is parked in front of the house at the same time as KR and Ryan Nagel are there and all sorts of witnesses are looking out the door and window , but nobody has mentioned Higgins’ Jeep AT ALL previously (it was pointed towards Chapman Rd: would have driven right past JO’s body) and Brian Albert LIED about what time his daughter left 34 Fairview ; by an HOUR and a HALF! WHY? Is anyone seeing the importance of what TB has pointed out here?
And the moon was aligned with Pluto! The breeze 11.9 mph. The snow shaped in the form of a trapezoid. Yeah yeah pal all the cars pointing this way and that lol TB is hopelessly fucked with his own legal cases he can’t get out of. But you say he’s cracked the case here. Higgins hasn’t been mentioned before because Read told Aids to never mention him (because she was sexting him and fucking him). Now that Read cut Aids off Aids wants to toss Higgins into the laughable “coverup” too.
Also, has Aids cum on his own face yet today?
Let me partially retract: I digress, you are a sick, twisted fleabag
I have pointed out in my post that there is a reason that Caitlyn added all of those little details.
Higgins car was parked on the road with a snowplough attached……thus proving that Karen did not reverse and hit John at 24.2 mph!! If she was in front of Higgins Jeep she would have hit it … damage on her car showing that she hit another vehicle!!
If she parked behind Higgins Jeep, and then Nagle pulled up behind her, again how did she reverse and hit John with Nagels car behind her??
The lawn looks larger in the photographs than it is in reality.
Both Jen and Matt Mcabe made no mention of either Nagel or Higgins vehicles in their statements ……in fact this is the very first time that we have heard a word about Highins statement!!
Thus proving Jen and Matt Mcabe lied!!
Initially they claimed she did a 3 point turn even adding details like seeing tyre tracks in a V shape ….but then changed that statement upon realising that it was the wrong taillight that would have been damaged …..they then changed it to her pulling forwards …..never once mentioning that Higgins car was parked there!! Exactly where Johns body was found …..but he didn’t see it even though he would have had to walk past it to get into his Jeep!!
We also have Jen telling the 911 Dispatcher that she saw John get out of the car …..this then changed to her not seeing him get out of the car!!
We know that Lucky the plough driver started his shift at 02:15am arriving at Fairview at 02:30 ….no body!!
At 03:00am he passed by again and there was a Ford Edge parked there!! Exactly where Johns body was found!!
Back to the 911 call that Jen Mcabe didn’t realise was being recorded on Johns voicemail after Karen left her phone in the back seat with her call to John still connected.
She tells the Dispatcher that he has been there an hour!!
Coinciding with her call to her sister at 04:53am telling her John was dead!!
That is the statement that Julie Albert made initially as to when she found out John had died …..however in the Grand Jury she testified that she was called at 04:53 but missed that call because she was asleep!!
Also that Morning Karen pointed out a CRACK in her Taillight both Jen Mcabe and Kerry Robertson in their initial statements said the light was cracked!!
However when it came to testifying in the Grand Jury Jen Mcabe testified it was CRACKED WITH PIECES MISSING!!
How can 3 people on that very morning all describe the exact same thing …..a crack.
Yet in June Jen Mcabe is basically describing it as SMASHED after the tailight collector Proctor claimed to have found pieces of it ….37 in total!!
A crack in no way resembles something that is smashed to pieces!!
How on earth they think they are going to get away with this is beyond me!!
Caitlyns statement specifically says that Higgins was UPSTAIRS being shown around the house which she thought was strange because he had been there before!!
We know Johns Apple Data recorded him ascending stairs which of course they are trying to deny … is reasonable to believe that he was indeed upstairs when the fight took place and he fell down the stairs fracturing his skull he was clearly alive due to his injuries and the fact that Karen had FRESH BLOOD on her whilst trying to resuscitate him. There were 6 drops of blood ON TOP of the snow ….yet only 2 inches had fallen between 00:30 when they claimed he was murdered until 06:04 when he was found … how did it end up on top??
Catelyn Albert was interviewed for the first time almost 18 months after Johns death only AFTER being Subpoenaed to the FEDERAL Grand Jury!!
From her testimony it’s clear that if they can’t get Karen for it …..then they are going to point the finger at Higgins …..hence the incredulous stories they are pushing at the moment about Higgins and Karen having an affair!!
They are still protecting their own but in doing so it’s exposing all of their own lies!!
When your very own daughter becomes the star witness against the entire rest of the family clan!! Karma~~
All spot on! This is the FIRST we’re hearing about Higgins’ Jeep with the snowplow being parked DIRECTLY in front of the house pointed towards Chapman Rd.. (SO…. he would have HAD to see John’s body on the front lawn as he drove directly past it when he departed 34 Fairview- unless he is a complete idiot…or liar or …the body wasn’t there yet!) If Higgins’ statement is true, then he is parked exactly where (or behind) Karen’s car would have pulled over to let John out. BUT NOBODY HAS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT HIGGINS’ JEEP!!! At what time did Higgins leave 34 Fairview rd.? We know he has previously said he checked into his Canton PD Office at 1:30AM. (Strange check-in time for a man who’s been drinking all day, isn’t it!) Of all the people who were so actively “looking out the window/glass door” and reported seeing Karen’s Lexus, NONE have mentioned Higgins’ jeep with the snowplow! WHY? This is an important piece of the story that has not been reported until now. When did these police reports surface? Haven’t heard anything till TB’s CC #300.
Hey hey Aid,
How many criminal charges today?
Instead of railroading the boy, y’all in the Commonwealth should offer him a job. You’d cut the state crime rate in half after year one. Seriously.. enlist his services. Hate him or love him – the boy is relentless in pursuit and smart AF
Yeah. He’s relentless…in pursuit of gutter-trash and morally lose women lol! He “got no quit” but now quit the Read case saying it’s “too much” and wants to move on. Smart? The man who’s always claiming he’s been set up lmao!?!? He has 19 criminal charges because he’s so stupid people can easily set him up? Aidan you’re on crack.
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This page is fabulous. The brilliant information reveals the publisher’s interest. I’m awestruck and envision further such mind blowing presents.
Well done TB👏🏻 you have won the hearts and support of Massachusetts residents. Keep up the great work. You are incredible.
“The prosecution is torturing the law” – Brian Watkins with the FACTS. BOOM!
From this it seems as though it could of been John OKEEFE that was being given a tour of the home. Perhaps once they made if upstairs where the dog was a fight broke out and John could of fallen down the stairs. That would explain the data of him going up and then down the stairs very quickly. … it’s horrible how the full truth will never be fully known as even when Karen is cleared it will be almost impossible to get a conviction on any one person that actually was involved as most all evidence has been so heavily tainted. I truly pray justice comes sooner than later.
I can’t imagine how hard this is for karen having to deal with all this trauma onto of the trauma of finding her other half the way she did and the immense grief that she can not even begin to process until thus shit show is resolved.
McAlberts ben extra salty lately. Somebodys poopn their pants.
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