TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 308: Elizabeth Proctor Writes Email To Western Mass Superintendent Demanding That School Committee Member Be Fired For Posting Negatively About Husband Michael Proctor


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Elizabeth Proctor was up to her old tricks last week after news came down that her husband Michael Proctor was being investigated by Massachusetts State Police Internal Affairs. On Instagram she shared a screenshot of a comment she found on Facebook from a woman who suggested that Lizzie’s husband might commit suicide.

Imagine how tone deaf you have to be to have your husband’s face all over the news for being a corrupt cop who lied to a state grand jury in a murder investigation, and to go on social media and post about how YOU are the victim! Personally, if I were in her shoes I would be keeping the lowest profile possible because it’s so humiliating and embarrassing to have your husband exposed like that. But not Lizzie though. She goes right to Facebook to screenshot random people sharing their opinions and exercising their First Amendment rights.

For the record, there is nothing sick or evil about what this other random woman posted. Many people assume that if Brian Albert is charged with murder he will kill himself before turning himself in. Many of us might even consider doing the same if we were in his situation. Opining about what someone might due in order to avoid prison is not sick or evil, but covering up a murder by dumping a man’s nearly dead body on a front lawn to die in the cold certainly is.

But self-victimizing is all these people know how to do. They murdered John O’Keefe, subsequently covered it up, and then cry about “emotional harm” and “witness intimidation” when people post negative things about them. They are so used to the system existing to protect them that they can’t fathom a world in which other people are allowed to criticize them, even if they cover up a murder.

After shaming the woman of no particular significance Lizzie did what she always does – looked up the woman, found where they worked, and began crafting an email designed to get her to lose her job. As it turns out the woman lives in Western Mass and is on her local town’s school committee. The bosses of a school committee members are the voters who elect them, but apparently Lizzie doesn’t understand how any of this works. So she wrote her angry email to the superintendent, whining about how she’s being bullied, suggesting that her and Michael are going to press charges against the woman, demanding that the superintendent “take action,” and claiming to be worried about the safety of the woman’s children.

Just a reminder – Lizzie Proctor used her real phone number to harass a woman’s workplace for commenting on Facebook with her belief that Michael Proctor should be fired, then claimed she was the victim of felony witness intimidation when I wrote about it and posted a link to her employer’s social media accounts so that people could share their opinions about Lizzie’s behavior, and got me indicted for it after lying about what she did to a grand jury. She did this without even thinking twice about what a hypocrite this made her.

Yet she has the NERVE to lecture other people about bullying and bad behavior. She has the NERVE to call Jennifer McCabe and Michael Proctor “innocent witnesses in an ongoing murder case.” She has the NERVE to demand that the superintendent “take action,” while simultaneously claiming to be a victim of witness intimidation because the factual article exposing her poor behavior caused her “financial harm” (she didn’t lose her job).

The funniest part about this is that the superintendent works for the School Committee and is hired by them, not the other way around. This is like writing to an employee at Walmart and demanding that the manager be fired.

The Western Mass woman, whose husband is a police officer, contacted State Police IA to alert them to what Lizzie Proctor was doing on behalf of her husband, who is under IA investigation. She then received a call back from Brian Tully himself.

Ultimately they did nothing, because covering for Michael Proctor has been Brian Tully’s primary job for the last 2 years.

Lizzie then took to social media to let the woman know that SHE was a disgrace to police wives everywhere.

Imagine how pathetic you have to be to not only refer to yourself as a “police wife,” but to tell other police wives that they’re not living up the unwritten code that you came up with? Apparently being a “police wife” means you go around harassing anyone who has the audacity to speak out against police misconduct on social media.

P.S. she also posted this tone deaf comment while I was in the can:

The wife of the man who misspelled 5 names in one paragraph on a police report used in a murder investigation is correcting spelling mistakes of another corrupt cop whose name is spelled differently every time it’s written.


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  1. And the Ketanji Brown Jackson Award for Outstanding Lack of Self Awareness goes to……..

    Elizabeth Proctor.

  2. Anyone want to let Elizabeth know you spell it penitentiary. She’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted with that one.

  3. Doesn’t she work in Human Resources for a nearby company?

    How does this company still employ her? Imagine that you are an employee and being harassed by another individual in the company? The HR Department is who handles those types of issues. How come this company hasn’t figured it out yet? You can’t have someone that is harassing people, people she doesn’t know, in a position like this.

    Hasn’t she been harassing people for months? That’s bizarre and concerning. She and KP would get along. Two twisted, angry, obsessed nut jobs obsessing over random people on a regular basis.

    I wonder if those emails are sent during her workday? I wonder if those calls she made are made during her workday?

    If they are then perhaps that company she works for should be made aware that their HR person is locking herself in her office and instead of doing work for them she’s harassing people. They may not like the idea of her doing all this on their dime. If they know this is happening while she is at work and still take no action, could they be complicit in the harassment? I think so.

    Prediction for Proctor. The MSP knows he’s not worth saving. His days in a uniform with a gun and a badge are coming to an end.

    1. From personal experience, the HR department employees have different rules for themselves compared to non HR employees.

      1. That may be true but if someone is harassing people while at work and the company suspects it doesn’t that mean they are partly to blame? Would love to know the times she is sending these emails, messages, phone calls, etc.

      1. That was the end of the call. At the start of the call I’m sure he was made aware he was being recorded.

    1. I’m sure you are aware that all calls to and from the PD are recorded…..don’t assume that the lady in question recorded it herself. A simple FOIA request could have been how she got the recording.
      Don’t forget that’s how we heard all of Mello’s calls to the PD when he was ordering them to arrest people holding signs!!

  4. YIKES! What makes this woman feel so entitled?!?!

    You’d think she’d be ramping down the histrionics now that WE ALL KNOW what her husband and his buddies have been up to–>conspiring to:
    – cover-up the murder of a police officer
    – frame an innocent woman resulting in the LOSS of said woman’s career and causing her great financial harm given two years worth of legal expenses NOT to mention the heartache being experience by her family (elderly mom and dad) and the hatred heaped upon this innocent woman by her boyfriend’s family who’ve been falsely led to believe she committed the crime HER Husband is conspiring to pin on her.

    1. Seriously? Now proctor is a witness??
      Isn’t he the one who fabricated evidence and lied on his reports?

  5. Being an emotionally fragile and thin-skinned woman who feels that proximity to authority entitles her to respect, makes her the leading candidate for HR Employee of the Year.

    1. But is it denial or did she know that her husband was intentionally covering up for the murderers?

  6. Dont tell me Tully is running the ia investigation against proctor. Why is he calling the cops wife? Explains why he is still on full paid duty still. So feds are the last hope I suppose and they are known to be corrupt themselves.

    1. Perhaps they want to charge the cop’s wife with felony witness intimidation. It seems to be the crime du jour these days.

    2. Feds ARE corrupt but I do trust Levy, so far so good it seems. I think Levy is aiming for bigger things and trying to make a name for himself. Thus he’s gotta take down some big fish. I think he’s still investigating because the corruption goes way up. Cannot wait to Proctor to go down. Pig.

  7. It’s just a matter of time before the full shame is felt by this woman. Once her husband is indicted she’s going to need to make plans to get out of Canton and away from those that know all the dirty deeds of the family.

    Pay attention to signs that the house is getting ready to go on the market. They will need that money for the lawyers first, then the lawsuits, and then to compensate for the loss of his income.

    Her kids will grow up with everyone knowing that their dad was a dirty cop and involved in one of the biggest corruption scandals in Massachusetts history. Living with the shame of a dad in prison is a lot to put on a child. Shame on both of them for not putting their children first.

    1. Her husband will also be known as a RAT!!

      Lol he was happy to do the dirty deeds and lied through his teeth to point the finger at Karen Read …..but when push came to shove he ratted out his boss Bucheinik!!

      Which now actually make him look an even bigger liar, by denying his close familial ties with the McAlberts …..I wonder of the Feds did Facial recognition on the pics with Jen Mcabes kids yet??

      Proctor has nowhere to run now, ratting out your boss and lying to a court ….then getting found out ….eek I don’t know what I’d be more scared of my ex collegues or Prison with the people he previously fitted up!!

      There had to be something in this for him…..what was he promised for taking part??

      What he never ever realised was that once they get you to do one dirty thing, that information is then used to make you do more, then the more you do , the more evidence they have to throw you under the bus when push comes to shove ….how did he think the Alberts etc got their promotions in the first place 🤣🤣

      Lizzie is now tarnished goods and she knows it. Her only option is to Divorce him and disappear to a ghost town ….lol problem is her little vendetta will still be on the Internet for all to see!!

      That’s what I call Karma!!

  8. The only reason an investigator would not recuse themselves in a murder investigation where he/she knows the “witnesses”, is because the witnesses are in fact suspects. LP needs to ask her husband why he lied to a State grand Jury about that.

    1. Yeah Liz ask him why he lied ! You doubled down Instead of fessing up, didn’t your mother tell you it’s way worse of a punishment when you lie and decieve people. Come forward and confess your sins, pay your price and come out a better person.

  9. Dear oh dear Lizzie,

    Has your husband not taught you anything about the law or what the Feds specialise in …..I’ll give you a clue WIRE FRAUD!!

    Are you aware that every single person that you have contacted as part of your vendetta in order to keep your home, material possessions, income and freedom …..can and will be found using your IP Address!!

    Malicious communications, via text, email, mail, telephone etc all come under the same law now that the laws have been updated in-line with the Internet and modern technology!!

    Do you have evidence that the cop sleeps on the job like you claim??

    I hope so because SLANDER will cost you dearly!!

    Unfortunately for you it’s not illegal to have an opinion …..you need to prove what’s written about your husband is untrue…..kinda hard when he himself ADMITTED IT AT A FEDERAL GRAND JURY eh??

    Don’t forget you were photographed with key ‘witnesses’ at your home who are in actual fact potential suspects especially now we know that silly silly Jen Mcabe didn’t quite manage to delete ” Hos long to die in cold” at 02:27 from her phone!!

    You involved yourself in this case, therefore you aided and abetted with these suspects!!

    Asking questions is not a crime and all of the contact has been recorded for posterity is also otherwise known as evidence!!

    Perhaps you should be using your time more wisely …..maybe write a book for your kids about ‘WHEN MOMMY AND DADDY WENT TO PRISON’ to help them cope when they are only getting weekend visits with you both!!

    The choices you made are all of your own making the same can be said about your husband!!

    His face is plastered all over every TV network in Boston and beyond telling the world that he is corrupt …..we all watched the Pre Trial hearings so have the evidence to prove it.

    Something tells me that pretty soon you are going to be having a whole lot more to worry about than people telling the truth on Social Media …..like finding a State in the US that will allow you to live amongst then knowing that you helped cover up the Murder of a Boston cop, depriving 2 orphans of the man that promised to take care of them after the loss of their own parents and that your husband covered up his murder so he could continue to attend POOL Parties will his murderers!!

    Tick Tock Lizzie, your day is coming real soon ….you had better hope that Criminal Defence Attorney you hired hasn’t put his prices up now that you and your hubby are implicated in the biggest investigation ever know about Police and State corruption in the entire United States!!
    Don’t let yourself go, like Skeletor and her husband Donut Boy eh??

    I get the feeling it will be your pic on the Mainstream Media really really soon!!

  10. Hi Lizzie Proctor: Fellow “police wife” here. Let me make one thing very clear. YOU, my dear, are a disgrace to “police wives” everywhere. You are making a complete fool of yourself. Your corrupt husband has tarnished the badge of all the hardworking, trustworthy police officers out there. If you disagree, please feel free to contact my place of employment, (if you haven’t done so already). Quit while you are ahead, you are going to eat your words.

    1. Well said.. we’re all thinking the same thing. Michael better rein her in as she’s just causing more harm. She’s unhinged

      1. How does he let her do this stuff? Or maybe he doesn’t know what Lizzie is doing on the internet.

  11. Karma a bitch Lizzie. Maybe Auntie Bev can lend you the cape cottage, likes he did for the Nagels, so you can unwind.

  12. Hey Proctor, put a muzzle on your woman, she’s only making things worse for you. That’s no way for a LEO wife to act. Probably would be best if you kept your family off social media. That goes for the matriarch of the family too.
    You may have actually gotten away with this if it wasn’t for your family’s insane obsession with facebook. Y’all outed yourselves

    1. I hadn’t fully thought about that, but you’re right. They were laying their own traps to get caught in with all those Facebook posts.

  13. Call my business, you dumb corrupt twat, I own it myself. There are no straight state troopers. They’re all corrupt some just haven’t been caught yet. I wonder if Portnoy had to fetch any towels to wipe his balls after Yuri the Starfucker Stoolie teabagged him.

  14. Is Tully in Internal Affairs? How improper is it that he contacted this woman? I also want to know how Lizzie Proctor is a witness?

    1. Talk about laughable circular, incestuous behavior. Knowing how deeply compromised MSP are, surprised it wasn’t Proctor himself investigating.

    2. She’s a witness by Proxy ….apparently in Canton you can’t call out the bad behaviour of her husband because she will involve herself in the case and go after your job!!

      They will then weaponise the laws to even make the family cat a witness I hope the other kitties in the neighbourhood have been told they will be put in the pound if they don’t hand over their mice 🤣🤣🤣

      Lizzie may regret her decision, after having two of the main liars sorry I mean criminals at her home and photographed doing so!!

      She then has the slanderous accusations to deal with against another Boston PD cop who she claims sleeps on the job ….just because his wife made a comment on Social Media about Proctor…..Lizzie thought it was a really good idea to name and shame that lady ….citing it was not becoming of a cops wife …..eek I guess she hasn’t looked up the meaning of hypocrite yet!!

      We then have Lizzie contacting people’s jobs to get them fired because they don’t like her husband ….the silly moo forgot to withold her number!! I dare her to lie about that ….I’m sure the feds will be more than happy to check her call logs and IP address!!

      Even after her husband has been exposed by every media network in Boston and beyond …..she still thought it was a great idea to contact he workplace of a teacher to try and get them fired for daring to say exactly what the MSM have reported …..she even went as far as saying that the woman was a danger to her own children??

      Lizzie Proctor should be more concerned about her own children especially since she was getting Chicken Parm Charlie (a convicted killer, Perjurer and lowlife in general who doesn’t pay his taxes or suppliers to his pizza shop) wife to babysit, who is a great example of parenting considering her own son runs around town bullying the local kids and is very proud of his grazed knuckles from his punch ups!!

      You just cannot make it up ……just remember though Lizzie is the victim and not the people that her husband and her have targetted!! 🤣🤣🤣

  15. I guess she didn’t get good legal advice from Bill Kettellwell or she didn’t follow said legal advice. Hope somebody told her to stop incriminating herself and to lay low. Moakley’s on the horizon.

  16. Wow she’s fucking delusional to be still contacting people’s employers when her husband is all over the front page. Then trying to garner sympathy from strangers on the internet as if she’s a victim. What a cunt!

    1. They kinda already haven’t. Not in any way full justice for Officer O’Keefe;, but the McAlbert cabal has gone from the in-crowd townies bending rules, to public ridicule and town pariah.

  17. Michael Proctor is a 💩🐀 who is going to prison. He will spend his life savings on a Lawer & in the end will go to jail. While he is in jail his whore wife Lizzy will divorce him & by the time Proctor gets out of jail his kids will be calling Lizzy’s new husband Daddy. She will not bring his kids to see him he will have a nervous breakdown and probably Epstein himself

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