Canton Coverup Part 318: Attorney Tim Bradl Files Spicy Motion After Discovering Ken Mello Has Been Hiding Grand Jury Documents Used To Indict Turtleboy


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Ken Mello has been refusing to give us discovery and grand jury testimony in the witness intimidation cases against me, and Attorney Tim Bradl is sick of the bullshit. Last month we finally received grand jury testimony from the following individuals, which took place on December 20 at the Registry of Deeds:

  • Brian Tully
  • Chris Albert
  • Elizabeth Proctor
  • Michael Proctor
  • Yuri Bukhenik

We never received grand jury testimony from the following:

  • Colin Albert
  • Brian Albert
  • Jennifer McCabe
  • Matt McCabe
  • John Fanning

There may have been others who testified as well, but we wouldn’t know because Mello only gave us part of it. I am not allowed to share the grand jury minutes, which is filled with lies used to indict me for a crime I obviously did not commit. I can only imagine the whoppers Colin Albert and Jennifer McCabe told the grand jury though. Without knowing what was said we have no idea what lies we’re even up against.

We have been asking for these GJ minutes and discovery for several months now, and Mello just doesn’t return our emails while claiming to be sick in the hospital. Luckily he was healthy enough to write a motion for a dangerousness hearing, and another motion to revoke my bail two weeks ago, as well as writing a motion for sanctions against my attorney while trying to take away my ability to use the phone in jail.

Attorney Bradl found out earlier in the week that Mello has given ALL grand jury testimony in my case to Karen Read’s attorneys though. They are required to do that because the testimony these “witnesses” gave is exculpatory for her, as well as for me. Yet he didn’t serve the attorney for the defendant in the case in which the grand jury indicted. Bradl has had quite enough of his games, and fired off this email today:

“You make promises and discard them like yesterday’s trash.”

“It takes about three minutes to send an email.”

“We both know exactly why you are withholding these particular items.”

“intentionally neglectfully to provide it to the individual that you’ve gone out of your way to prosecute on these unprecedented charges that make a mockery of the First Amendment”

Spicy Bradl.

Tim is a very laid back person who’s easy to get along with. It’s why he has so many friends and has a good rapport with judges.  He has never in his 30+ years of being a lawyer dealt with someone as unprofessional as Ken Mello, and has never spoken to another attorney like he did in that email.

We are also waiting on outstanding discovery, including all phone calls and text messages between Ken Mello, Brian Tully, and the fake victim who has had 5 different men arrested for allegedly assaulting her. These messages would no doubt show that they conspired to set me up and have my bail revoked, which is why they’re not handing it over. They have no respect for the law, and don’t mind obstructing justice while whining about my free speech is obstructing justice.

At my next court date on April 23 we will be arguing several motions. One of them is a motion to compel overdue discovery:

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The charges against me allege that Chris Albert got 50 fake orders for pizza every day, that there were threats of retribution, recordings of Colin Albert being followed from his home, and a screenshot I sent the fake victim showing multiple Signal calls to Karen Read. They haven’t given us any of this evidence because it doesn’t exist.

But as Bradl points out, while the Commonwealth has ignored our emails they’ve had plenty of time to seek to jail me, arraign me on new charges, conduct interviews, and harass third parties who they believe I incited to harass witnesses. We believe they’re not handing over this discovery because it’s filled with easily disprovable lies, many of which we have come to learn from the FBI investigation into the Karen Read case.

Mello is well known for not doing his job, and not getting work in on time. It’s why he has so many BBO complaints, and why he’s had 14 cases in which he represented plaintiffs dismissed for failure to act.

But in our case the incompetence is clearly intentional.

The well documented issues in my personal life the last few months have served as a distraction from this much more important case that the government originally arraigned me on. But now it’s time to get back to what matters and start aggressively exposing these fascists who are using lawfare to silence the loudest voice criticizing and exposing them.



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