TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 342: Caitlin Albert’s Boyfriend Tristin Morris Threatens To Punch Award Winning Journalist In Front Of Children After Provoking Confrontation  


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This afternoon I was grabbing lunch at Sullivan’s in Southie when I noticed a guy staring at me. I thought I recognized him as being Tristin Morris, the boyfriend of Caitlin Albert, but I couldn’t be sure.

We got our food, left, and spent 20 minutes eating on a bench overlooking Boston Harbor. We then began walking around Castle Island and went back to my car. While we were walking I was confronted by this guy again:

He asked me if I had something to say to him since I was such a tough guy and wanted to talk to him before. I realized then that it was in fact Tristin Morris, but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of me recognizing him, since he’s just a bit player in the McAlbert Mafia. He was apparently upset about a story I published in December in which I reported that he drives a Ford SUV that is similar to the one Lucky Loughran described seeing outside of 34 Fairview Road at 3 AM on January 29, 2022. He told me that I messaged him prior to the story, and I informed him that I was looking for comment and had some questions.

The person I was with was filming initially because he looked like an ogre, and since she didn’t recognize him she assumed he was a Giannetti-esque crackhead confronting me. He asked me not to film our encounter and said that he just wanted to have a talk, so I agreed and motioned for her to stop recording.


However, it became clear he had no intention of talking about what I actually wanted to talk about, which I realized after I asked him 2 questions that made him very upset:

  1. On the night of January 28, 2022 you got dinner at the Waterfall Bar with Caitlin Albert and her mother Nicole, and according to Nicole Albert’s interview in a police report you picked her up and drove her back to your house in Easton at 12:15. Where did you go after dinner, and why did you leave your girlfriend?
  2. Caitlin Albert told police in August of 2023, after testifying in front of a federal grand jury, that she left her parent’s house at 1:45 AM, not 12:15 AM as they initially told police. Why did she change her story, and why did they lie to police?

He refused to answer my questions. This confused me since he told me that he wanted to talk. What did he think I wanted to talk about? Clearly I didn’t message him to ask him about his favorite movies. He’s a McAlbert, and the only interest I have in speaking with them is to ask them about what happened to John O’Keefe.

It became clear that he thought that I was one of those guys who talks trash on the Internet but will cower and walk away when confronted in real life. He thought that by coming up to me with his arm tatoos and saying “you got something to say to me,” that I wouldn’t have anything to say to him at all. He probably should’ve Googled me, because instead of running away or taking my camera out to humiliate him I just asked him exactly what I intended to ask him when I messaged him in December. This caught him off guard and he said he was leaving.

However, as he walked away he yelled “Karen Read fucking did it,” so our truce was off at that point and I pulled out my camera and began recording. He threatened to punch me in the face in front of small children, called me a snitch, then ironically called the police on me:

Him yelling “Karen Read fucking did it” was clearly a hostile move that he knew I would respond to. I asked him the same questions I asked him moments prior and he demanded I leave because “you’re not from here.” According to Tristin’s LinkedIn, neither is he:

But it doesn’t matter, because no one in Southie under the age of 40 is actually from Southie anyway. Fact check – you do not have to be from a place to go there.

This comment says so much about the mentality of the McAlberts. This is how they view the town of Canton – it belongs to them. If you’re not “from here” then you don’t get to criticize the way things are run. Brian Albert is royalty in the town of Canton. If you’re not from there you wouldn’t understand. When a dead body shows up on his front lawn the cops don’t search the house. Only people who aren’t from there would think that would happen. Every cop who responded was “from here.” The lead detective Michael Proctor was “from here.” The entire Board of Selectmen is “from here.” These are people who think that because they were in a place first that it belongs to them, and that they can be aggressive and threatening to outsiders like John O’Keefe and Karen Read because they’re not “from here.” Remember Tim Albert’s threatening Facebook post to her defense team?


Tristin then called the Boston Police to report me for…..something. Because McAlberts view the institution of the police as a weapon they can use to attack anyone who challenges them. The police exist to protect them, not anyone else. It’s why you get charged with felony witness intimidation when you ask them questions. It’s why they don’t when they tell Tom Beatty he needs to tell police that Colin Albert never called his daughter at 12:33 AM on January 29, 2022. It’s why Lizzie Proctor can call your workplace and demand you be fired for criticizing her husband, but you get charged with a felony or visited by Bukkake and Tully if you leave her employer a bad Google review. It’s why Chris Albert has Ken Mello’s personal cell phone and can have 9 peaceful protesters kicked off a sidewalk and charged with a felony. They control the institution of the police because they are part of its makeup. Brian Albert is a cop. Kevin Albert is a cop. Tristin Morris is banging Brian Albert’s daughter, so he gets to be 5th in line on the Canton Police list while acting like a thug in public:

Two reputable sources from Canton also have reported to Turtleboy that Tristin Morris hit a pedestrian in 2021 and was never cited for it. According to this 2021 news report, a Canton Police Officer hit a pedestrian on his way to responding to the accident that Tristin was allegedly involved in. If true, his name was never made public, just like Helena Rafferty’s wasn’t, because they’re part of a protected class.

It’s no wonder the McAlberts welcome Tristin as part of their family though. He isn’t afraid to call people a “f***ing pussy” or say “you’re lucky I don’t punch your f***ing head in” in front of small children.

The comment about punching me in the head was also pretty telling. If a McAlbert feels comfortable doing that in broad daylight in front of hundreds of people, then imagine what they would do to a guy like John O’Keefe behind closed doors after drinking all day, if he stood up to them. Physical violence is second nature to the McAlberts. So is victimizing yourself after the fact and calling the cops. Being a McAlbert means that you get to be both a bully and a victim. Just ask Jennifer McCabe, Chris Albert, Colin Albert who have run around their entire lives bullying and threatening people, who even helped cover up a murder, and now get to be victims of “witness intimidation.”

The incident with Tristin also showed us more about the McAlbert mentality with his comment about me being a “rat f***.” These are people who subscribe to the “no snitching” creedo. They’re thugs. Imagine how quickly they’d demand “no snitching” if they beat a man to death inside 34 Fairview Road. Does anyone wonder why people like Sarah Levinson and Julie Nagel were too afraid to tell the police what really happened that night? Now they’ve bound themselves to the lie and there’s no going back.


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  1. If you really wanted to make him mad you shoulda asked if he ever got the chance to see Larry Legend play.

  2. He is not from southie he is a canton high graduate and another shit athlete who played for massatoilet basketball he is now paul blart the security officer as some whose born raised and lived on g st in southie he is not know! And ps us older southie folks think ur a punk swearing infront of ladies and a baby

    1. Yes! Us older Southie folks really do think you are a disrespectful PUNK. Tristan, your fingers are as small as a child…is that the same for what’s allegedly in your pants?!

  3. Geez, he sounds like he would fit right in with the Canton Police.

    He certainly looks different from those social media photos. He is not aging well. Not a good looking guy at all and very grungy looking.

    By now, the Albert Family, the McCabes and the Proctors are becoming known worldwide as the white trash folks from Canton.

    And another great day for the defense too. As they pick apart the credibility of each of these cowardly witnesses.

    1. When someone has something weighing very heavily on them, be it abuse, or a MURDER…well it does tend to affect you physically as well.

  4. I can’t wait to see how the non McAlberts do on the stand. They are obviously scared to death to cross the McAlberts after seeing them kill a police officer and get away with it. They must be thinking what can they do to me?! The answer is nothing now that it’s a world wide story so tell the truth! They can’t touch you now thst the world is watching

  5. This pussy is from Canton just like all the other clowns that hacked their way into jobs in the city now claiming he’s from Boston? Saying that you’re not from here, but he is? I wonder which street and Southie he grew up in?? All of them grifting trash taking City jobs from people that are actually from the city playing tough guy hiding behind their badges or their City jobs that they grifted. None of them could make 20K a year in the real world, I.E private sector with their lack of skill set. Calling you a “maggot” which is a often used military term and I guarantee this clown ever served a day in uniform to any capacity. I guess he figures if he talks tough, he must be tough? Pathetic fu*king Bozo that he is.🤡 Perhaps maybe talk tough with a guy that’s a little bit bigger and closer to his size, which isn’t big at all btw. Never would though. That’s the way these pussies roll.

  6. It’s obvious that A) this guy is an idiot, and B) he was upset about the camera because he had intended on doing/saying something he’d rather you not have video evidence of! He also didn’t call the cops, at least not the Boston Police! So he dials 911, the dispatcher probably said something to the effect of, 911, this call is recorded, what is the address of your emergency and he replies “Im being harassed by a guy that’s 5’ 2” at the beach? He then said nothing but fuck you, pussy, yada yada yada, and kept playing with the phone while pacing. $100 he was calling or texting an Albert!

    1. It would’ve been so cool if TB just played Jill Daniels’ “you’re a fuckin loozahhh!” message at him while he threatened(Aidan). This kid is 1000%. uneducated loozah douche.

  7. You should’ve squared up with him you little pussy. You’re going to have to get used to getting the shit kicked out of you.
    It’s going to happen daily in prison.
    You’re a pussy turtlebitch

    1. Hi Tristan. He couldn’t square up with you. You were to busy pretending to call the police but really talking into your phone yourself. Didn’t work. Nice try though.

    2. Tristan, you’re a straight up Bitch. Now go back to your corner, stick your thumb up your ass, pull it out and smell it like a good wittle baby…you pussy ass bitch.

    3. The dude with the chic name revealed all the ratchets read everything written.

    4. Tristin dad is well known for big mouth and getting his face punched in back in the day must run in the family

    5. Oooo!! Someone is afraid of the truth coming to light! Poor John O’Keefe was killed by you people. 🙁 would have been hard for you to send a cop to prison with your bullshit lies so you killed him instead. That’s so so sad. Too bad you’re all too f***ing stupid and completely botched your cover up. I guess I’d say practice holding onto the soap, but you seem like the type of guys who want it up the butt, so enjoy! 😉 🤎

  8. I hope all the new people see how a story is written. Old school. Kind of reminded me of a ratchet story before Karen’s casey

  9. Good move TB goin to castle island for lunch
    Great place, good food, great views

    Haha ya still made it work
    He really sealed his fate as a security guard

  10. Jw why someone wld be on the phone with police threatening to “punch someone’s fu@&ing head in 🤣🤣🤣 or if they’re so tough wld then follow behind a group of older ladies he felt had his back can’t make this shit up

    1. A haha! First we have Chrissy Albert and now there’s a Trissy Morris or whatever his last name is.

  11. Wouldn’t be too worried about a guy named Tristan. His tough guy tats are to compensate for his weenie name.

  12. That kid is a total fuckin pussy! He’s gonna make a perfect Canton cop. If he just minded his own business instead of pokin the turtle, he could have avoided showing us what a total fuckin idiot he is!! What a friggin dope. I bet Brian the cop killer is gonna be thrilled with him! 🤣

  13. Hey Trixie, I ran with the same crowd as your daddy. Trust me, from that alone, you ain’t no tough guy. You’re not from Southie either. You might get away with that fake tough guy shit in Canton, you’ll get rolled in Southie and Dot.

  14. Marinate in the knowledge that Brian Albert , the big tough MMA gorilla’s greatest victory will be destroying his family and the Albert legacy

    Congratulations, and I’m be surprised if you have the stones to take the stand

    It takes brains , not brawn , and brother you are woefully short in that department

    It’s truly laughable that these McMorons continuously step up the plate and strike out in spectacular fashion when it applies to a verbal confrontation

    All they got are fists

    That will come in handy when it’s time to pay the piper for your criminal behavior

    1. They have the stones to take the stand because they legally have to. There is no getting out of it.

  15. This reminds me of one time I was sitting at a red light. The guy next to me starts mouthing off, I told him to pull over. He whips out his cell phone starts recording, spits through his car at me out the passenger window then proceeds to tell me he’s going to shoot me. While he is recording, mind you.

    I brought it to his attention that that wasn’t very smart, he screws through the red light and takes off nowhere to be seen.

    I mean, threatening someone, tell him you’ll knock him out, call him a p**** while you’re calling the cops….

    1. Oh yeah he definitely gets pegged by manly Caitlin Albert! I don’t think she needs a strap-on though.

  16. Poor turtleboy he can’t even go for a walk on his day off from work without people harassing him. As a completely legitimate journalists Aidan would never accost people who are just going on with their daily lives, or show up at their homes, or children’s sporting events, or places of employment.

    1. It’s strange how all those people have had plenty of time to bring legal complaints against AK, but instead they have corrupt fat pig Morrissey weaponize the courts because they know if they really pursued defamation, they’d have to do something they’ve never done before and that’s tell the truth.

  17. The question is what is this pussy doing hanging at Castle Island by himself in the middle of the day in the middle of the week. Sounds like he was waiting for his gay hookup! C’mom Trissy, admit that you are a wide receiver!

  18. I’m from Southie, and I’ll tell you 2 things.
    Back in the day there was never anyone guys named Tristin, and we would have slapped the piss out of him for the way he was dressed. He looks like a roadie from a carnival.

  19. “Tristian” WTF, is this the 2024 equivalent of “A boy named Sue”? Such a pretty, feminine name.

  20. Dang, I thought Oliver Jones was capable of coherent statements. He’s showed his true colors, finally. It’s as if the notion of commas kicked in towards the end of his rant – he just piled them on.

    Sir, may I suggest that you sublet some trolls from X, or even 4chan, to enhance your breeding stock? The ones you have here tend to experience inbreeding, and they carry substandard traits like hip dysplasia, blindess, cleft palate, and micropenis.

  21. What an overcompensating faggot with the tats and the tough guy act. Rolling in a Ford Edge and dating a fat chick. No wonder you’re batting 5th. Cock chugger Morris

  22. Aww Twistran are you hoping to get in on the McAlberts Year Book 2024

    A nice array of Mugshots with their prison numbers to identify them with!!

    Please keep up your tough guy persona you’re due in court pretty soon in your chimp suit to testify as to where you were that night …..are your nerves getting to you now you have seen Jackson and Yannetti tear all of your buddies a new one??

    I wonder if the defence can use this threatening video as evidence of your threats and thuggery??

    Which shows that you’re not too smart eh??

    Don’t worry to much about not spilling your load to Aiden.

    I’m sure after you testify in court ….Aiden will be more than happy to write another article about you after the Defence ask you the exact same questions!!

    I’d call you a clown but hey that would really be insulting to Clowns eh??

    Moron is far more appropriate ….only a moron would provide the Defence with evidence of their thuggery in action …..maybe your name should be added to the suspect list ….afterall we don’t actually know if you were also in the house that night ….but I’m pretty sure the Feds do!!!

    Anyway that’s all for now …..I’m off to have a good chuckle to myself awaiting the next story about yours truly!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  23. lol what a fucking douchebag Kristan is Don’t you know who I am I’m fifth in line. Where’s the fucking dog Kristan?

    1. Avoiding peds is a lot harder after 10-15 shots of vodka…these people are all alcoholics. Stimultans like Adderall go hand-in-hand with being a hardcore alcoholic these days.

      At least that’s how it worked with my ex-girlfriend. She was smart enough to never drive though.

    2. Cops hitting pedestrians is a rite of passage in Canton. Just like being a made man in the mob requires a hit.

  24. Aidan, aren’t you a witness in one of the many bogus Norfolk county cases? Tristy shouldn’t get away with threatening and trying to intimidate a witness..now should he?

  25. i’m from here. NO YOU ARENT KID. What school did you go to what street did you grow up on. GTFOH kid

  26. Violence is alway the first go-to for these families and their friends. And the middle finger. Not possible for them to be any more ignorant.

  27. So glad gentrification has at least driven the inbred Irish mafia out of Boston & into various South Shore backwaters.

    Remember the Irish mafia with fancy hats – Boston Archdiocese – raped little kids for 100+ years in Boston. 22% of priests in Boston Archdiocese involved.

    They used to control the entire State House, now it’s just the criminal justice system in a few counties….progress!

  28. Security guard usually means he can’t pass the police entry exam….even with help from his connections

  29. Tristan was suspiciously walking around Castle Island by himself. My guess is he was meeting a guy to suck off, very suspicious. He only goes to the Canton Park and Ride at night, doesn’t want to get seen with guys in Canton. Just a Fake Tough Guy mall Cop giving some other dude head at Castle Island. He’s Stupid also …… don’t talk shit and cry like a bitch to leave him alone.

  30. I’d be questioning how he knew you were where you were. If I was you I’d be extremely careful of the company you keep no doubt these people have eyes on you at all times. They want to know your every move and the more you expose people like them the more problems they are going to try to cause and the more desperate their measures become

  31. Trying to get on the job, calls the real cops like a little bitch. What a fkn pussy.

  32. I know I might have been seen in the area.
    I swear I wasn’t there to meet Tristin.
    I heard Sullivans had good clams.
    I was just waiting for the trolley tour of creepiest places in Boston.

  33. Id be that pissed all the time too, if my girlfriend was as plain looking and fat as Caitlin Albert

  34. What an ignorant little wuss, swearing and giving the finger in front of women and children at Castle Island. A guy who wears a backward baseball cap and drinks Corona belongs in Canton, not Southie, not even now. Save that video for when he comes up for appointment as a police officer. The majority of honest citizens in Canton should have a real fear of this guy being given a badge and a gun.

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