Canton Cover-Up Part 357: Two More Videos Of Colin Albert Fighting In High School Prove He Lied Under Oath In Karen Read Murder Trial

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Colin Albert testified in the Karen Read trial that he has never been in a fight with anyone but his own brothers.
That proved to be false when we found a video of him fighting in August of 2021, just a few months before John O’Keefe was killed.
But as it turns out it was far from the only fight Colin has been involved in. During his sophomore year at Canton High School Canton got into a fight in the locker room with another kid in which he once again connected on zero punches. Here’s the video.
Why are all the males in Canton taught from a young age to grab their opponents from behind and thrust tallywackers into them?
The black kid landed the only punch of broo-ha-ha.
Aside from that it was just a whole lot of swings and misses followed by more grab ass.
During Colin’s freshman year he decided to pick a fight with a much bigger kid on the football team. As you can see in the video, the bigger kid clearly didn’t wanna hurt Colin so he basically throws his weight into him and lets Colin try to get some jabs in.
Colin Albert might not be the best fighter in the world, but he definitely lied under oath about never being in a fight. For a bunch of people who have nothing to hide these people sure feel the need to lie about a lot of harmless little things that wouldn’t get them in trouble. Imagine the kind of lies they’d tell if they killed someone and didn’t wanna go to jail.

Brian Higgins was texting his friend’s girlfriend thinking that when John O’Keefe found out, and went into Brian Albert’s house to kick Brian Higgins’ ass, Brian Albert would save Brian Higgins from a bitch beat-down by John Okeefe.
Poor Higgy got rejected by Karen Read and it was exposed for the entire world to see. If he’s embarrassed and angry about it then he may want to have a conversation with the DA and Lally. It was after all, them that brought the shame to Higgins.
I think they killed John O’Keefe for more nefarious reasons. They tried to trick both John and Karen to riding to 34 Fairview separately.
I think after the murder Brian Albert started having his friends spread rumors that John’s death was just a little roughhousing accident. Because that excuses it to some cops and people.
I think both Karen Read and John O’Keefe knew something the McAlberts didn’t want getting out before John was killed.
So Karen is still alive. Do you think she would spill that info? I do.
You are an impotent cuck.
What a weird thing to say.
Because that’s exactly how desperate and stupid these Karen Read supporters are. They have no integrity whatsoever. Neither does a cuck.
You actually paid TB money? You are a fucking moron.
Well why in the world wasn’t this brought out when he was on the stand? Or did I miss that? Surely to God the defense investigated this and had these video’s ….
Why so Auntie Bev can deny them and say “ poor little Colin was a minor” Also is it me or are Canton kids al pussues that can’t fight their way out of wet paper bags?
These videos only came out after he LIED on the stand!!
The kids all then went through their phones and were more than happy to provide TB with their footage ….to expose the mouthy little brat!!
They didn’t know he’d lie on the stand and I’d imagine people with these videos reached out, after watching perjury. Otherwise, they would’ve been harassed by the McAlbert’s too
After Colin testified
TB sought out and went looking for evidence that he lied
Sought the help of turtle riders
Offered $100 reward
Turtle riders delivered
They done lied so much that now they forget all the lies.
Is that fighting or titty bumping?
Who’s going to charge him with Perjury ? Co-Conspiritor Norfolk County D.A. Morrissey ?
Well if he gave the same reply to the Feds then I’m pretty sure that they will be more than happy to charge him 7 years for every single lie!!
Might be what the Feds need in order for them to cough up once and for all to stop Wimpy Kid Golden boy spending the rest of his life in prison!!
His and Allies testimony proved they both lied!!
Jen and Matt McCabe inadvertently put the hammer down on them both!!
Matt and Jen were specifically asked about TYRE TRACKS and FOOTPRINTS
Allie testified that she drove in the direction of Chapman Street past the flagpole!!
Matt McCabe was specifically asked if there were tyre tracks IN FRONT of Karens car and he gave a decisive answer of NO!!
He was then asked about FOOTPRINTS again a decisive no!!
So if Matt and Jen claim they got there at 00:20 and Colin and Allie were adamant about leaving at 00:10 showing their screenshot text messages to prove it.
Then why is there ZERO TRACE of ALLIE OR COLIN??
Unless of course Colin levitated out of the house and Allie teleported her car to and from the scene ….then why are there no tyretracks or footprints??
Both Jen and Matt testified to there being WAVY tyre tracks in the road ….so they now can’t claim there was no snow!!
They have lied so much and changed their statements umpteen times to fit the evidence ….in their efforts to prove their own innocence ….they proved Colin and Allies guilt!!
Sooo what do they do ….let the kids go to Prison ….or tell the truth??
The ball is very much in their court 🤣🤣🤣
Lying is still lying.
Doesn’t matter. Coleen will just say he calls everybody she physically fought with “brothers”. As in “hey bro, what are your plans after school?” Instantly it’s no longer perjury, just semantics
First and foremost, let’s remember what we are all fighting for and that’s for justice for Officer John O’Keefe and for Karen Read.. and anyone that tries to make this about themselves has lost sight of the bigger cause.
Let’s put our differences aside and not lose focus here. It’s fantastic that so many people are involved in this movement and it takes lots of people to raise money, hold standouts, spread the word, etc. So maybe it’s time to put aside any conflicts and get back on track.
As for Colin, he clearly LIED under oath on that stand as did many others. Brian Albert, Nicole Albert, Caitlin Albert, Chris Albert, Julie Albert, Jen McCabe, Matt McCabe, Allie McCabe and others.
Along with justice for John and an acquittal for Karen, what we also want to see is that the killers of John O’Keefe are arrested, charged and brought to trial.
And how about all these people taking the stand that are employed by the tax payers of MA. LYING under oath should be enough reason to lose your comfy state/ taxpayer funded jobs. That means Caitlin Albert, Brian Higgins, Katie McLaughlin, and some of those Canton Police Officers, Lally, Proctor, Bukhenic, Tully and Michael Morrissey.
This SHAM case has to be costing the taxpayers millions of dollars.
See, that’s the thing though…not everybody is here in the name of such a noble cause, and it would be naive to believe that they are. Some just want to enrich themselves (notariety in 2024 is currency), and if that comes by way of raising money for others, then that’s the con. We’ve seen this before, and we’ll continue to see it. People trying very hard to appear virtuous are rarely that.
TB is what he is, and he’s been consistent. I’ve been following since 2016 and this is just the same re-run. Unoriginal scam artists trying to piggy-back off of what he’s built. He must really be sick of this sh*t, cuz even I’m tired of seeing it happen, and I’m sure I don’t even know half the sh*t that goes on. I can’t wait for these two pissants to crawl back into the hole that they came from. Fake altruism really is appalling.
Dude, it’s called perjury and they should all be prosecuted for a crime, not just fired from their jobs.
Of course we live in a police state and the very definition of that is that people from the political class and especially the enforcers of the oligarchy are immune from any prosecution, consequences, or liability.
Just ask the hundreds of kids that got raped by the Boston Archdiocese for all those years.
Listen dumbass, no Alberts, no McCabes, no anyone is going to go to prison for killing John O’Keefe is going to go to prison other than Karen Read.
This entire charade is a sick joke written by an idiot for consumption by morons.
I thought this page was TB so why is it changing to JO, I mean has always been about TB see no reason why it should change.
Karen Read drunken murder of O’Keefe has cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. Keep your eye on the ball.
He is clearly NOT the best fighter in the world. Someone needs to teach that little bitch how to throw a proper punch. He’s nothing more than a slap-happy assclown.
I’m beginning to think maybe he did fall on an icy driveway. He still hasn’t landed a punch in any of the videos
Whose to say his hand wounds resulted from a punch that landed on a target… he may well have whiffed and bruised them as a result.
Lmaoo evidence Colin could never have connected his fist with an opponent.
Dear Nick
Business 101
There can only be one boss
Rule by committee
Does not work
Wise words. And Nick ain’t that.
Jenna is a dumb cunt
First off Jenna got caught LYING and called out by Jen Fun Bags Altman. Ruoccos have zero credibility
Colin’s a fucking pussy. I met some tough kids from Norfolk on college at a state school. Colin would have pledged a fraternity, start fights and hide behind his older “brothers.” That’s the type of coward he is
What exactly happed here? I missed this drama…
Go to Grant Smith Ellis on Twitter.
Hard pass on that psycho cuck. Cheers!
Yes GSE is such a solid, reliable resource for truth. That’s sarcasm, knucklehead.
Grant Ellis probably is enjoying a hungry man frozen dinner and wondering where it all went wrong for him in life.
The kid is a POS but none of these videos are of actual fights.
Colin is definitely a POS that doesn’t look very good at fighting but those are still fights. May not look like much harm is being done but they are still considered physical fights.
This should be addressed by the defense team in court along with any other “witnesses” that lied on that stand.
An embarrassing fight is still a fight.
Hahahaha what an intimidator! Bang bang?
wonder if the roccos committed wire fraud
Those were his brothers he was fighting.
Sadly you’re right. Colon can just say he was horsing around with his “bros” and instantly perjury charges get washed away.
This joke went over a few people’s heads
At least one was definitely a brother.
No way Colin would be able to take on okeefe without his uncle Brian.
Tyson vs Albert jr. Before he goes to jail.
Would rather see him get smacked around by Manny Pacquiao in a prolonged beating than laid out by Tyson. But either would do
Mickey Ward lives right up the road off of 128 / 3.
that’s a fight?? looks more like advanced grab-assing…
Colon got his ass popped by Webster!!!!
Fi-ng Disgraceful.
What you talking about Willis?
Do you realize what a shit person you are? Did you compare any of the other players in this saga to someone with the same skin color? Fuck all the way off, we don’t want you here.
Speak for yourself when using the pronoun “we”
watch how YOU are using “”we””
You stand for everything that’s wrong in this world.
Your whining is quite amusing, if not indicative about the kind of person you are.
Tell me you’re a Loony Liberal without telling me you’re a Loony Liberal. You half-head, simpleton.
You do know who Emmanual Lewis is, right? All 4′ of him?
So where I was poking fun at Colon getting manhandled by a midget…. you, oh holy wokeism slut, YOU invoke skin color, albeit, racism.
Liberalism is a disorder and you are proof.
What a piece of shit . Lying under oath . Pussy Boy
I don’t think lying under oath by itself makes anybody a piece of shit. I mean 99% of people that swear under oath prior to testifying don’t attend church, believe in God, or both. And why do we separate church and state until it comes to testifying in court? Doesn’t make any sense at all. Just done in attempt to force people to not lie on the stand.
Now Colleen Albert is 100% a Pussy Boy/Girl, whatever you will. That simply can not be debated
its not about god its about the law and the consequences of breaking the law
Oh Dear Wimpy Kid
AT least we know you’ve got your dad’s Genes ….picking fights with people with his mouth without the fists to back it up!!
He normally gets his brothers and their badges to do the beatings for him when he gets his ass kicked too!!
Won’t be long until you are killing foreign exchange students with your car either will it!!
Don’t worry though Uncle Kev and Aunty Bev will make sure you only get 6 months!!
Then you can continue your life opening a business not paying your taxes or suppliers and committing Perjury on your business licence if all goes to plan and you follow in his footsteps!!
Only problem in the plan is that if you gave the same answers to the Feds … are in a bit of bother ….7 years for every lie!! And boy oh boy did you tell some whoppers!!
At least know that by the time you have finished your sentence you will have saved a student from being killed….and you can just go back to committing Perjury whilst signing for your business licence!!
I have never ever in my life seen such malarkey. And I been ridin the true crime scene for a hot minute now. I’m actually experiencing 2nd hand embarrassment rn. Ha just kidding. These assholes get what’s coming to them & I hope it multiplies.
We’ll have seen lots of screen shots and text messages that says TB is a liar a fraud a manipulator now I hear he is also a criminal who spent time in jail 2 ppl have shown he is only after the money nothing about justice, apparently now not getting his hefty % out of a FB page he is having a major tantrum. Reading all the comments below it is clear Colin is not a fighter so is TB going to apologise for ruining a young man’s life with lies? It seems the true TB is now out for all to see, he is still asking for donations what for he stated long back his legal fees were a flat rate and paid for already I think he said it was $100,000. So please ask him what your actually donating for he shouldn’t have a problem answering if he is not just another grifter.
Colin bout to be the fish. Haaah Haah
Ruining a young man’s life. You all love to use the same phrases over and over. Tell us you’re a McAlbert without telling us you’re a McAlbert. 🤡
When this is all said and done, after the book is published and is a NYT bestseller the week it becomes available, Uncle is going to be stupid rich. Like buy your entire neighborhood rich. He was the one to reveal all this corruption when everyone else was too busy or ascared to do it.
Fuck every corrupt cop out there. I hope they suffer and die early slow excruciatingly painful deaths
Where’s the videos of him fighting a girl?
WOW!!!!!!!!! They have no shame, no fear, no conscience. What a terrible existence.
The way everyone except Kerry Robert’s and John’s friends talked about him vs McAlberts.
“The guy.”
“A man passed out.”
Smashing their phones, deleting calls and texts, “I don’t recall,” can’t even say “yes” or “no.”
These people have always been “right” and those that disagree… now we know.
Why do “witnesses” hire high-powered criminal defense attorneys? Aidan will you investigate the investigation in case the Feds abandon Sandra Birchmore and Officer John O’Keefe?
This raises a new question – how did this pansy kill John O’Keeffe?
I have a feeling they tied up JO also no way would bang bang have a chance with him,I believe he sucker punched him and BA Higgins and Chloe jumped in most likely bang bang hit him in the back of his head with something or maybe it was a pistol whip.
why are you fantasizing about how they killed him
were any women or children injured during the filming of those fight scenes with Bang Bang?
Colin pushes Stool in
I can’t wait to see Aiden’s hurt feelings trial. All these same people going on the stand, with tears streaming down their faces saying how intimated they were to be on social media. Are they going to arrest the people on Court TV? Fox25? About twenty Youtubers?
I can’t wait.
Aiden will be so famous!
TB remains entirely full of shit.
Totally agree, you put it so politely so I doubt anyone in this group will understand it.
There is something up with Brian Higgins Jeep he was 1 of the first at the house pulled in the driveway then backed out and parked in front of the mailbox at the edge of the driveway. Ryan Nagel said he never saw a Jeep only a dark SUV. John O’Keefe got out of Karen’s SUV and jumped in Higgins Jeep and left before Ryan Nagel got there
Listen, the jury’s going to convict Read on all counts just like the Trump jury just did.
How did she hit him and exactly where did she hit him? All theses people looking out the window at the exact spot where John was supposedly laying and no one saw him they all left and not 1 person saw him WHY because they were telling the truth he was in the basement bleeding out
Well then that would another sham just like Trump’s trial. Clown boy.
Trump is a scumbag. His supporters are morons. Karen Read is going to prison. So is Turtleboy, you moronic fuck. Mark my words.
nobody has ever marked your wards. not memorable at all
What happened in court today???
Time to start thinking about some actors playing these clowns for the miniseries. I think John Malkovich for Brian Albert, Kathy Bates as Aunty Bev, Jeremy Renner as Turtleboy, and Barry Keoghan as Colin to start.
Any random baboon could play the part of Brian Albert. Instead of paying John Malkovich let’s put that money towards special effects
Elliot Page should play Colon Albert
Your blog is a testament to your passion for your subject matter. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s clear that you put your heart and soul into every post. Keep up the fantastic work!
Do you smoke crack? TB has done nothing but lie and defame.
Fuck the Roccos Thirsty backstabbing grifters
Deleting post is not only against TOS it is also against the law, so glad I screenshot the 3 post I left.
TB out of your own mouth said your making $50,000 a month and still begging for donations, that’s pure greed. Stop taking these peoples hard earned money, you don’t need it you just want it. Didn’t want to believe it buts true your just a parasite leeching of all the kind hearted people that unfortunately can not see your faults.
Interesting reading CC Part 112, 113
Stoughton Police Chief’s press conference on Sandra Birchmore’s botched death investigation shows Acting-Chief Rafferty what “true leadership” means.
Town of Canton waits for Berkowitz to do the right thing, the world is watching
Thank You Aidan for investigating and naming participants.
Justice for Officer O’Keefe~ Free Karen Read
Albert McCabe Coverup is destroying town. Maybe RE agent with a conscience will come forward. Tough selling a home in Canton
I imagine once the Defense moves forward with their case all these videos will be introduced and he will be impeached.
This is an excellent article! I appreciate the depth and clarity with which you addressed the topic. Your insights are valuable and provide a lot of useful information for readers. It’s clear that you have a strong understanding of the subject matter, and I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise.
Its like you read my mind You appear to know so much about this like you wrote the book in it or something I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit but instead of that this is excellent blog A fantastic read Ill certainly be back
If I survive this Lally Dally kangaroo court today. I just might master the art of P A T I E N C E !!!!
Get a job. Karen Read is going to prison.
Ha! I’m a well earned retire!
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