Canton Cover-Up Part 361: Elizabeth Proctor Makes Facebook/IG Defending Michael Proctor’s Text Messages, Makes Up Lies About Her Children To Cover For Bad Behavior
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Millions of people watched in horror today as Michael Proctor’s text messages were read out loud in the Karen Read murder trial. Proctor called Read a “wackjob,” “nutbag,” “cunt,” and “retarded.” He made fun of her “Fall river accent” and said she had “no ass.” He told his buddies that he had no luck finding noodz on her phone. He leaked sensitive information about her medical records and mocked her condition by telling his friends, “she’s got a leaky balloon knot. Leaks poo.” On the day she was indicted he texted his wife Elizabeth saying that he was “waiting to lock wackjob up.” In a group text message to other troopers (including his supervisors) Proctor said of Read, “she’s gross, f*** that b****.”
A normal wife would be disgusted with this sort of behavior from her husband. But Lizzie Proctor isn’t a normal wife. For the last several years she has been mocking people on social media, and even calling their jobs to try to have them fired, simply for writing critical comments about her husband’s unprofessional behavior on social media. After the disastrous testimony today Lizzie wrote what was quite possibly the most tone deaf, narcissistic statement you will ever see on social media:
Lizzie used her two young boys as human shields to protect her and her husband from legitimate criticism:
This is what scumbags like them always do when they’re caught doing something deplorable – make up lies about people attacking their children so they can try to make it seem like the people criticizing their behavior are actually worse than they are. Kind of like how Jen McCabe made a completely baseless LIE that someone sent her a picture of one of her kids with semen on them.
Lizzie Proctor might be the most tone deaf person on the Internet. This is a woman who has the audacity to pretend to be a victim when she is constantly the aggressor. A woman who cried about “witness intimidation” when people gave her employer negative reviews on Facebook, after she literally called people’s workplaces and demanded they be fired.
Women like Lizzie LOVE being cop wives. They refer to themselves as a “LE family” and pretend that their husbands are off fighting in Gaza while they check into work at the DA’s Office in Canton. They think that sleeping with a cop makes them a higher class of citizen. They LOVE the fact that they can tell people their husband’s are cops. It’s what they live for.
Her husband wasn’t labeled as a corrupt criminal – he is one. He wasn’t slandered, bullied, or harassed. People just pointed out how corrupt he was and peacefully protested his involvement in the coverup of a REAL COP’s murder. The only “toxicity” on social media comes from people like her, who create dozens of fake accounts to attack others for pointing out what a trashbag she and her husband are.
The death of John O’Keefe shouldn’t be entertainment for us, but unfortunately the DA’s Office failure to drop these ridiculous charges has made it entertainment for millions. We are all collectively laughing at the McAlberts and Proctors as they are exposed in front of an international audience for their murdering and corruption.
Lizzie has the nerve to cry about people telling her she should kill herself when it will be revealed in court tomorrow that her husband wrote in a text message that he hopes Karen Read kills herself.
No one is trying to harm or intimidate Elizabeth Proctor. No one sent photos of their children to them. No one sent them a letter hoping their children would get cancer (if that happened they 1000% would’ve posted it everywhere and blamed it on Turtleboy). There are no voicemails from people threatening to kidnap her children. The only useful function her children have to Elizabeth is when she can make up disgusting lies about them for sympathy in order to mask the vile behavior of her husband.
Of course Elizabeth ends her self-victimizing nonsense by saying she “couldn’t be prouder of Mike.” And therein lies the problem. No self-respecting woman would be “proud” of a husband who bragged about looking through a woman’s phone for naked pictures. No self-respecting woman would choose today of all days to announce how “proud” she was that the man whose last name she took embarrassed her and the children she claims to care about so much in front of an audience of millions. A decent woman would feel nothing but shame and embarrassment after what happened today. But Lizzie Proctor is shameless, and she’s no better than he is. They are the perfect couple, and it’s going to be so sweet to watch their lives get ruined in front of our eyes. Couldn’t happen to two more terrible people.
The big poop I’ve been waiting the whole trial for. Let it flow down your legs Lizzie!
She’s illiterate & sounds like a “Holster Ho”. How many cops have seen her balloon knot? I hope the Governor intervenes and terminates her lying vile retarded husband.
maybe she’ll finally get it when her husband is in federal prison, but maybe not. it’s funny that she needs to be the victim here when there’s a dead man and her husband is trying to send an innocent woman to prison for life. but yeah she’s the real victim here because people think her husband is a bag of dicks.
We don’t just think it, we KNOW it. He even looks like a penis.
I hope she doesn’t “get it” when he’s in prison. I hope she sticks with him so Karen can take everything from them.
Stand by your man Lizzy!
Good job, as usual, Aidan Kearney. Thank you for exposing the shithole of Massachusetts for what it is. The talk all over Beacon Hill, for months, is that feds have been investigating. Apparently they are investigating not only the scumbags at the Mass State Police and Norfolk County DA Office but also the pieces of shit working in the legislature and Governor’s office. NO WONDER MAURA REFUSES TO DENOUNCE HER CORRUPT GOON SQUAD. No worries, though, because nothing can stop what the federal law enforcement officials have planned. The crime wave is almost over. (That goes for you too, judges. They watching all of y’all.)
I heard that too. Lots of people at the State House are freaking out. They’re working on the budget shit to steal another pile of tax dollars but they’re being watched like and everything’s being recorded. Gonna be fun watching Marino and Spilka and the Fake Auditor arrested, followed by their scumbag helpers and friends.
OMG you sound like you know what you’re talking about because I used to work there after Mariano got installed when his fat bastard predecessor (DeLeo, the fucking unindicted co-conspirator) had to leave the Speaker of the House job. Mariano fucking hates it when he’s called “Marino,” but we all did that behind his fat ass back because, well, fuck him. Fuck Maura, too. They’re freaking out in private because they know they’re being investigated but they don’t know when the arrests are coming. My friends who still work there tell me they’re spazzing out because the entire world is starting to see how bad they are. I can’t wait for the arrests
MSP has to have some powerful people helping. They are just way to confident even on the stand.
The feds are investigating but this is dementia Joe’s DOJ and unless they can find a way to indict Trump nothing will come of it
You guys are delusional. The minute this trial is over, everything will be swept under the rug and everyone will move on to the next bread and circus. At best, Proctor MIGHT lose his job, but will probably still get paid benefits for life. Nothing else will happen. If anything the fed involvement is to see how much dirt needs to be covered up.
They are confident, all right, almost like they know that the allegedly corrupt feds running the U.S. Attorney’s Office (where Carmen Ortiz, Andrew Lelling, Rachael Rollins, and Joshua Levy have been juggling all the crimes of Massachusetts public officials while apparently shielding the criminals) work, and where all those allegedly corrupt feds working at the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts (like Denise J. Casper and others) and the United States Court of Appeals (run by Juliette Kayyem’s husband, David Barron [for the moment]) will cover it all up for them (kinda like how tough guy, William G. Young, ultimately covered up the 2014 Probation Scandal for which none of the corrupt Massachusetts Legislators involved were ever indicted).
We get it. They think they are untouchable.
But what if feds are looking at them from far away? The federal government is big, and the people around this country are ripshit.
Just a matter of time before it all catches up with the criminals holding office. The swamp really is being drained.
I offer a fervent prayer that you are correct and hope that any Judges and Courts that were involved with any type of cover up in cases are prosecuted and that ALL Cases that were before them Get a second look .
But we are trying to harm her. We are trying to make sure she never knows another day of freedom in her life. We are trying make sure she is made to answer for her crimes. That will hurt a lot. She deserves to be hurt.
Michael Proctor is your average MSP Trooper/
When I used to live in Canon City, Colorado I knew a guy from Massachusetts named Devlin Palaza. Every time I bumped into him he’d somehow work the same poem into every conversation because Devlin was a little weird and the poem always made him laugh. It was just, “HERE I SIT, ON THE POOPER, GIVING BIRTH TO A MASS STATE TROOPER”. I never knew why Devlin hated the Mass State Police until this trial. Now it all makes sense. Oh, yeah. The reason I said his first and last name? Because when Devlin Palaza lived near us in Colorado he tried killing some sheriff’s deputies. He became an infamous public figure. Devlin Palaza from Mass is serving a sentence of something like 128 years in Colorado now. He’s a piece of shit, but at least he was right about the Mass State Police. Apparently it takes one to know once. Fuck the crooked cops who live along us good people in society.
It makes me wonder how many innocent people are sitting in a MA prison.
Indeed. Corruption is a pre-requisite to becoming an MSPT.
Notice how she makes no mention of the O’Keefe family? Ya know, the family that likely and unfortunately will never see anyone (whomever that may be, but it’s definitely not Karen) held accountable and receive the justice they deserve based largely on her husbands lack of integrity and common decency. You’re right about them being perfect for each other, they are both awful people.
Wow, she honestly thinks it wasn’t her husband and his crappy work that ruined any chance for the truth to be known? She thinks his scumbaggery comments are the height of professional pride? Really? She thinks that doxxing people and then playing the victim when called on it still makes her an angel? Tell me these two don’t deserve each other.
Hmm Mrs Proctor should be apologizing for her mistaken support of her corrupt husband over the past 2.5 years. All of that social media “harassment’ bore fruit today for the world to see. Trooper Proctor reciting his depraved text messages out loud and in real time made some compelling TV!
I for one enjoyed every minute of it. I think it’s safe to say that Mike will be texting inappropriate content in the future from his new burner phone.
Chip must be terminated ASAP
Liz Proctor pretends to have no shame, it’s all an act. Her Parents, relatives, Proctors Parents, relatives and everyone they know hold their heads in shame. Nobody they know will ever look at Michael Proctor with any respect. His father in law completely understands the piece of garbage raising his grandchildren. Michael Proctor showed millions of people what a piece of garbage he is. Liz loved the respect she got as the wife of an MSP INVESTIGATOR. Proctor is the new replacement for Mark Fuhrman. This will get much worse when Cross examination continues on Wednesday, there is plenty more for him to destroy his own name. His testimony so far was unprofessional and disgusting. He also should not of been talking about and making fun of a persons personal medical information. Liz is mentally ill that she is proud of what her husband said.
At least Furhmann dated Vanity.
Well said!
Oh Lizzie you’re just a pathetic little badge bunny. Karma is upon you. Lurking. Waiting to serve you the very tea you so desperately defend. Cheers bitch
read the room mam, your hubby got his ass handed to him! Jackson had his way with him for the short time Lally left for him. Don’t worry we have a full day on Wednesday to embarrass you and your Loosah husband!
Denialism is a form of mental illness. Elizabeth. Here’s a suggestion.
Save your sob story Elizabeth Proctor. Redeem yourself for the sake of your precious children.
Because in the end my dear, all you have is your name and honor. The greatest inheritance you will leave for your children.
You’d be surprised how much better you will feel.
Funny, he was making these comments about Karen in texts before any of the “harassment” started. Seems like she’s trying to justify it, but…
The way Proctor described Karen is the perfect description of Lizzie.
This comment is the best I’ve read yet! Couldn’t have summed it up any better.
Oh but it’s totally ok when her husband tells his friends in a group chat that he “hopes she (Karen) kills herself”? Which btw is actually proven and in writing …. Ok Lizzie – scum
Wow, LIzzie and Michael seem to be perfect for each other. Two disgusting people.
Hos long before the pathetic Proctor family puts their home on the market?
But unfortunately for Lizzie, they don’t want you and your disgusting husband back in Belmont.
What will Lizzie tell her kids when her husband is sent off to prison? Those kids will have to live with that FOREVER. Same is true for the little Bukhenic’s.
All these kids will have to live their lives knowing that their dads were disgusting, crooked cops that tried to frame an innocent person.
That’s an incredible shame and embarrassment that won’t ever go away.
Can’t wait for the crotch fruits to start asking “where’s daddy?”. These 2 sick fucks deserve eachother. JUSTICE IS COMING.
If I had a striking resemblance to Kamala Harris, I would be angry and resentful as well
Proctor certainly knows what cunt is as he is married to one
Is this woman for real? She is as much of a liar as her hubs..Good luck trying to contact my Employer whack job..stop whining.Nobody is buying your BS.Liz- this is the result that comes from a corrupt mind.When one brings such a level of shame and disgrace to his profession as your husband has- he has zero right to wear a badge.Protect and Serve? Girl, absolutely not.Nobody has threatened your Children,NOBODY is making you or your rodent hubby anything.HE is responsible and YOU are as well-for being viewed the way you both are.perhaps you blacked out during Trial as your man sat there showing how deplorable he is.I assure you the rest of us did NOT. Have you NO self respect? I’m going to say that you do NOT.You could NEVER be Karen Read.That must sting.Seek Therapy for that.
Rodent husband 😂 it’s always the ugliest men commenting on women’s appearances. He looks like his face is melting talking about other people? Rodent is accurate!
He is a real piece of work!!Making fun of her health condition,calling her the R word?!He deserves consequences for his language Alone let alone everything else!How unprofessional and disgusting!He should be ashamed of himself AND his wife defending him!?lol omg?Don’t they have Daughters?one day they will hear it for themselvss !Whatever he is being internally investigated for he needs to be punished!What a joke to his profession!You would hope in an emergency or tragedy you can count on and trust the police to help you..not call u names behind your back hoping you kill yourself etc!!The community can’t take him seriously after this!!?!
Another scandal is proctor is still operating full capacity as a detective. Not desk duty, not a paid suspension they don’t care how bad it looks. To them we are just random citizens.
The Massachusetts State Police need to be disbanded immediately if not sooner. It has passed it’s breaking point. The citizens of Massachusetts do not trust or respect them in any way. Time to disband and come up with a completely novel solution going forward.
You think the state would give up it’s mini-military? Complete with “troopers,” “barracks,” and the power to enforce the will of politicians upon anyone and everyone with lethal force. If you think that I’ve got a bridge to sell you. This will go away as soon as the case is over and the MSP will just go back to being the corrupt mafia with a monopoly on power that it is. I’m legitimately afraid of these guys. They’re legal killers. When I see a MSP cruiser, I just think “gangster coming through.”
I think the public in general has lost trust in any police – they can do whatever they want w/o consequence. It’s literally the definition of a dictatorship, and if this continues this will be the end of the United States as you’ve known it.
Vile person she is and her husband is a disgrace! Always trying to blame tb and readers for fake threats is sad and a total cop out. BTW who still jams out to Hootie and the Blowfish?
youtube em
Lizzie Proctor theme song
John Lee Hooker – It Serves Me Right To Suffer 1969
great tune
And when Lizzie lay her head down at night
she now hears
Metallica > Enter Sandman
only she hears > Enter Turtle Boy
kinda horrific
Nice !
Sweet dreams
As a retired police officer, I and many of my peers recognize what’s happening here . Proctor has been a trooper for 10 years, and after five years he’s investigating homicides? Really? We all know how that happens, and it’s called dropping a dime. As for his investigation’s integrity, well, there’s nothing in his “investigation“ that would lead me to believe it has any integrity. The chief suspect, Colin Albert, participated in his wedding! Proctor never ventured into the house to interview anyone there or secure the scene for evidence. He didn’t separate witnesses prior to interviewing them. His behavior with the texts is beyond reprehensible. How exactly did he get assigned the case? Random on call? No such thing. On-call schedules for detectives is always scheduled at least a month in advance. This is clown car detective work. Shameful. Was he certified to even investigate homicides? By what school when?
This is not an investigation. It is a cover-up and not even a good one. Disgraceful. If I had ever presented a case like this to my ADA, she’d have been on the phone to my Commissioner demanding a reassignment and IAD investigation. What is going on at the MSP?
Retired police officer? A mall cop, which you assuredly were, is not a police officer.
A mall cop? Really? That all you got sweetheart?😘
Spot on!
You’re awesome. My grandpa was a policeman in the Boston area and my dad was an Assistant District Attorney. He had Lally’s job, in other words, and he would be bullshit if he saw what is happening in this shithole right now. The days of the corruption are coming to an end, I know. I know. I know because I know that officials outside of the borders of Massachusetts are actively investigating all the shit, all the way to the toppy top. Thank you for your service, @thinblu. We all appreciate good police like you. Someday we’ll get the ranks purged of the dogshit and communists. It won’t be long.
Thinblu, where does Proctor’s supervisors, etc fit into this equation? They participated in the cover up because they knew exactly what Proctor was doing. What happened to the top honchos being responsible for those they supervise?
Does something feel off with Proctor’s affect? He certainly isn’t a hostile witness ? All of the others blatantly lied, were hostile and rude. Maybe that’s why he seems off. Lol
It’s interesting to see the people that always trusted and believed police to be good start to realize how truly corrupt police are. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. Well, there may only be a few good apples left and they will either become rotten or get forced out if they don’t want to play their dirty games.
She is so proud she doesn’t even use his name as her social media handle.
I hear that construction will soon begin on the new Canton wing at Souza Baranowski…rat cocksuckers
People who still believe Karen is guilty are the same people that believe pedo Joe won the election fairly.
Exactly. No amount of evidence could convince them otherwise.
I will echo the same sentiment today that I said back in May. A man with integrity that works hard to provide for and protect his family, doesn’t conduct business like this. It’s extremely tarnishing and disheartening.
Silence is golden in this situation. As statements condoning behavior like this only make public perception worse. Step away from the keyboard Liz
I imagine Liz’s pulsating, floppy ol’ lower intestines hanging out whilst she lies under the sunlamp, glistening like a bunch of plump grapes under the warm Tuscan sun; eagerly awaiting her heavily medicated husbitch, Chip, to enter their bedroom in his sexy Mrs Beasley costume. She knows it’s Tuesday night, that’s the Proctor family’s “lovin’ night”, the magical time of the week when Chip rubs his Lady Love’s hemmaroids with the special ointment her family doctor prescribed to help lessen the swelling and ease the discomfort Ms Liz suffers when hubby lovingly stuffs them back in her disfigured, gaping rectum so she can ride her beloved Peloton.
You are a depraved, sick fuck.
There is a place in hell reserved for you. What a sickening comment.
Well lucky for her that Mike won’t be employed by the MA state police much longer so the cop wife thing is over.
We can cry out, “corruption!” all we want, but this is Massachusetts. The next election cycle, they’ll use the well-worn counterspell — “my opponent is a racist!” — and all the Wine Grandmas will trip over themselves to prove they are one of The Good Ones, and vote them all back in again.
Predictable. Pathetic. Inevitable.
Cant wait until the feds are done with their investigation and lizzy has to visit him in jail! Such scum!!
How low can you go? You are proud of his behavior? Wow you’re going for the bottom of the barrel with this guy. I pity you.
ironic elizabeth proctor same name as the salem witch trial woman who saved her own ass by pointing fingers
The worst thing you can be in this world, is a pedo or a Proctor He’s ruined his own kids lives. The only thing Proctor will be remembered for are those text messages.
Lizzie is ugly inside and out. She’s all gums and supports cop murders.
you still proud now lizzy…jackson waffled ya man
She sounds like a ” pick me”.
There actually were threats against her kids, so please do your research before you make these claims. I’ve known Elizabeth for several years and first hand saw the posts of internet warriors send her threats about her kids.
Okay, Lizzie. We’ll take your word for it.
Those are such shiny large matching foreheads. Is that his sister he tells everything to?
This is nothing but another example of the rampant corruption that flows through the MSP who on a daily basis show that the majority are on a power trip thinking they are above the law and everyone else is below them. Typical cop stereotype that continues to be shown in the light. If Procter is a lead investigator ,what does that say for the rest of them ??
To serve and protect… Laughable, they serve themselves and protect themselves. What a disgrace to real LA Why is Procter still investigating cases let alone still employed by MSP ?? This Gestapo needs to be refurbished by people who can be trusted by the public
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