Canton Coverup Part 423: Michael Morrissey Used Burner Email Account To Investigate Stoughton Court Whistle Blower, Lied About Going Through Turtleboy’s Phone, Told Judges To Orders
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Attorney Mark Bederow has entered Part 3 of Bederow Letters into the official court docket, and it’s the most explosive and damning exposure of corruption thus far. These letters are written to Special Prosecutors Robert Cosgrove and Ken Mello, and will be used as a basis for motions that will be argued in court at upcoming hearing dates. While the first two installments detailed damning allegations of a setup to frame Turtleboy by Kate Peter, the Fake Victim, Mello, Nicholas Guarino, and Brian Tully (that were discovered in the Fake Victim’s phone extraction), the latest letter directly implicates District Attorney Michael Morrissey. It involves Morrissey using a private email account to conduct secretive ex-parte communications with judges in my case that Morrissey didn’t want me to know about, provable lies perpetrated on the court, withholding of critical evidence used to try to indict Karen Read and Turtleboy, glaring conflicts of interest, surveillance of my children, and State Police using extracted messages from my cell phone that they used to fire a whistle blower who broke no laws.
10.17.24 letter and exhibits to SADA Cosgrove
It began on September 28, 2023 when Chris Albert walked into Stoughton District Court and attempted to obtain a harassment prevention order against me, two days after I stood next to him at a Select Board meeting holding a sign that said “Chris Albert killed a man.”
In his after David, Chris Albert alleged that I caused him emotional harm which made it hard for him to live like a normal person.
Notice the quotes from my YouTube show (episode 598) that Chris cited as harassment were the EXACT QUOTES used in the charging documents against me when I was charged with felony witness intimidation 13 days later. This was a dry run for the witness intimidation charges, but it ended in defeat when Judge Daniel O’Malley denied Chris an order, saying that my speech did not constitute “true threats” and thus was protected under the First Amendment.
Clearly Chris had been coached by the State Police and the DA’s Office to emphasize that he felt “emotional harm,” because they had already formulated a plan to exploit that vaguely worded statute in a way in which it could be used to arrest journalists and insulate elected officials like Chris Albert from legitimate criticism from citizens.
Although this was not enough to pass the bar for a harassment prevention order, it WAS enough to charge me with the much more serious felony witness intimidation. Judge O’Malley also put stay away orders in place, preventing me from contacting Chris Albert and the others, despite the fact that he had denied such an order on First Amendment grounds just 13 days prior.
Since I have sources in every courthouse in the state, and Chris Albert is an extremely recognizable figure, multiple people reached out to me to let me know that he was in the courthouse trying to get an order on September 28. These hearings are not private, and the after Davids filed with the court are publicly available to anyone who wants them. I made a post announcing that I knew Chris was in the courthouse, and would be writing about it later.
After I obtained the publicly available after David I published an article on it. This prompted Jennifer McCabe to immediately text message someone from the DA’s Office, telling them that she was “horrified” that Chris didn’t get the order, and was even more disgusted that this public document was obtained by Turtleboy.
Instead of informing Jennifer McCabe that when you walk into a courthouse and go in front of a judge you are doing so with the understanding that anything you say can be heard by the masses, Michael Morrissey himself immediately sprang into action in defense of the McAlbert Mafia’s feelings. He used his personal email account (iCloud) to contact the following state officials on their government email accounts:
- Stacey Fortes, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts District Court
- Thomas Ambrasino, Administrator for the Trial Courts
- Philip McCue, Deputy Court Administrator
- Stoughton District Court Judge Daniel O’Malley
- Lynn Beland, Morrissey’s second in command as ADA for Norfolk County DA’s Office
In his September 29 email he began by expressing his grave concern about the actions of a Stoughton District Court employee, who he believed was a woman named Michelle Littlefield, accusing her of sending me Chris Albert’s public affidavit.
I’d never spoken to her before and had never heard her name. But even if she had sent it to me it wouldn’t be illegal, since the court hearings were public, and so was the affidavit.
The email contained a screenshot of a message sent by McCabe, referencing her failed attempt to obtain an order against me in that same courthouse on May 30.
Morrissey went on to bemoan how horrible it was that Jennifer McCabe, who the evidence shows participated in murdering Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, had lost all confidence in the Court of the Commonwealth (God forbid)! Morrissey, who is unconcerned about the public’s confidence in the detectives he uses to investigate murders and the public’s trust in the DA’s Office as a result of the Karen Read and Sandra Birchmore investigations, expressed his concern about the public’s confidence and trust in his office as a result of a public document being released that embarrassed the McAlberts.
Morrissey claimed that the public document was “improperly disseminated,” even though by law the clerk’s office would have to give it to me upon request, and said that it “harmed and damaged witnesses.” It’s unclear how anything besides Chris Alberts’ pride was damaged by the L he took in court that day.
Meatball Morrissey wrongly opined that it was a violation of the law for the clerk to do so, and said that I “should not have known that hearing took place,” despite the fact that Albert did this in front of a packed court room that was open to the public.
Morrissey lectured all these judges and court officials about how the actions of a whistle blower were “unacceptable” and told them that this “must be resolved immediately.” In doing so he was telling them how to do their job, something that is not his job.
He told them that “you have to provide us with some evidence and assurance that you have taken action.” In doing so he was directing Judge O’Malley to “take action” against someone for providing public court documents from his courtroom to Turtleboy.
This is extremely alarming for several reasons:
- Morrissey used a burner email address to conduct government business so that it wouldn’t be available in public records requests. This means that he wanted to keep it a secret because he knew that it was inappropriate, unethical, and possibly illegal.
- By directly communicating with the judge in my case this constituted an ex-parte hearing, which violates my civil rights.
- Judge O’Malley denied the order against me on the 28th, got this email on the 29th demanding that he do something, and then instituted an order against me 12 days later without any new evidence against me presented in court. It seems as if he was pressured and threatened to do so by Morrissey.
- We cannot see any of the responses from these government officials.
Why did Morrissey accuse Michelle Littlefield on September 29? What most likely happened is that he was alerted by Jennifer McCabe (directly or indirectly) that someone in the clerk’s office sent me the after David. He would have no idea who, so he most likely gave the McAlberts a list of all the clerks, who sent the list to people like Kate Peter, who ran their names in the Justice for John O’Keefe and Karen Read Facebook group until they found someone who was a member.
Four days later on October 3 Kate Peter used her “Masshole Report” Facebook and Twitter accounts to dox the clerk Morrissey accused of being the person who sent me the public court documents. She posted her name and picture, accused her of leaking “personal information,” and said that she was perp walked out of the court and suspended from her job. She called the woman a “fucking scumbag,” told her that she “worked for me” (Kate Peter is unemployed and does not pay taxes), and said that “trust and believe” more consequences would be coming. She also mentioned Avon dispatcher Jannell Webb, who was not charged with any crimes at the time, and whose identity had not been made public.
This is more direct evidence that Ms. Peter works directly with the DA’s Office and the State Police as their mouthpiece on social media. She knew about the clerk being suspended within minutes of it happening. She knew about Jannell Webb before she had been fired or linked to the “conspiracy” charges that I would be arraigned for 8 days later.
She also stated on September 29, the day Morrissey wrote the email from his burner account, that I would be arrested on October 10. Turns out she was only off by one day.
There are dozens of other things she has posted on social media that prove she is in direct communication with the DA’s Office. For instance, she knew on April 3 that Michael Proctor was under Internal Affairs investigation for his text messages saying horrible things about Karen Read.
This is before any of this information had come out in court. Clearly the DA’s Office is leaking information to her, while publicly crying about Karen Read’s team leaking information to me. They are using this woman to harass and dox government employees who act as whistle blowers to inform the public about government corruption.
Even more shockingly, State Police radio transmissions from the morning I was arrested show that Kate Peter was at my house doing surveillance on October 10 in order to inform the State Police what time my children got on their bus.
“Heard from KP, it was the same thing yesterday, 2 older kids got on around the same time as now, but it was definitely 8:30.”
State Police under the command of John Fanning (they call him Johnny in those transmissions) observed a middle school bus on my street pick up two kids at 7:53 AM. They were unsure if they were my children, so Trooper “Kevin” contacted “KP” who ensured them that she witnessed my children get on their bus at 8:30 the previous day.
Why was Morrissey involving himself in the witness intimidation case against me on September 29? He hired Ken Mello on September 20, specifically to avoid a conflict.
An internal email from a records request shows that there was a meeting on September 26 in which they all agreed Mello was in charge of the witness intimidation case.
He has billed the taxpayers for more than $80K already for his services.
So why was Morrissey involving himself on September 29 in a case in which his office had been recused?
When Michelle Littlefield was put on leave on October 3 they didn’t have any solid proof she had contacted me, because she never had. However, on October 11 when State Police seized my phone they immediately began going through it, looking for information from whistle blowers about her, to see if anyone had given me information on the federal investigation into MSP and the DA’s Office. Despite claiming that they have never gone through my phone, Stoughton District Court Clerk Lauren Greene confronted Littlefield with a Cellebrite report from my phone, showing a conversation with a friend of Michelle who sent me the Chris Albert and Jennifer McCabe after Davids.
But they intentionally omitted the first message he sent me from the extraction, in which he told me that a reporter from Boston 25 News was also in the courtroom:
The DA’s Office intentionally left this part out because it would show that other media witnessed Jennifer McCabe trying to get an order against me, therefore it would be perfectly normal for me to find this information out on my own. They want to create the false impression that these orders take place in empty, secretive court rooms that the public isn’t allowed to know about.
Littlefield was afraid to tell me this information for 11 months because she lives in fear of the State Police and the DA’s Office. When she showed me these documents a month ago I was in shock, as the Commonwealth and Police have repeatedly insisted that they have not gone through my phone. Yet here was this woman I never met, holding a printout of my phone communications, which they used to punish her for being a whistle blower.
Ken Mello repeatedly stated in open court on November 28, 2023, and in several email communications with Attorney Timothy Bradl, that the police have not searched my devices. In fact, he said they were in “pristine condition” and had not even been “perused” by investigators.
He lied in order to oppose a motion to give me my phones back, because he knows that if I had my phones I’d be able to defend myself better, since all the crimes I’m accused of committing happened before they took my phones. If they had admitted to downloading my entire phone, which they clearly have done, then there would be no reason not to return my devices. Brian Walshe got his phone back in less than 24 hours despite the fact that police knew he murdered his wife.
Since then Robert Cosgrove has repeated the lies several times in court, including at a July 11 hearing in which there was a motion for the government to return my phones.
Additionally, at a March 27 grand jury convened by Mello, in which the only witness was Tully, Lt. Tully admitted on the stand that he had gone through my messages and read communications between me and Karen Read’s attorneys. Mello was well aware of this but repeatedly denied any such thing had ever happened in court and in emails with my attorney.
Brian Tully had access to my phone at 9:15 on October 11. At 10:15 Kate Peter sent this threatening message to David Yannetti, telling him that “we” knew that he had texted Aidan Kearney. She ended with the threatening and ominous “buckle up buttercup.”
She later tried to cover for herself by claiming that I had sent other people screenshots of my text messages with Yannetti, but the download of my phone will show that this is also a lie.
More coming soon.
Theres dirty laundry everywheres. Using a burner email wasn’t enough of a security measure Meatyballs. You playing checkers. You might wanna up your game.
Why are OUR hard earned taxes being used to entrap Aidan Kearney? He’s been right from the start.
Listen to the state cops follow the weird, disgruntled former employee of TB Daily News stalk a school bus. This hits an embarrassing low, Morrissey must be completely unhinged to sanction this desperate behavior, the Lunatic Dreyfus from “Pink Panther” movies comes to mind.
lol buckle up, buttercups, indeed. Y’all are f*cked and I’m roasting marshmallows over the bonfire of your future.
JFC. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, Morrissey just one-ups himself. This clown is going to stroke out before this is all done. He will die a lonely death before he gets to collect that pension. He is so fucking desperate to save his ass he has stooped as low as he can go. I’m beginning to think Morrissey killed John O’Keefe!
JFC. Meatball is communicating off the books with a burner email. Calling Josh Levy. You might want to look a little harder into your boy.
Bederow’s little love letters are absolutely hilarious. It’s quite obvious that the letters have no legal significance and serve only one purpose; theatrics.
If there was any merit as to the content of the letters, they would be brought as motions before the court seeking a remedy and the appropriate the legal authority.
But the letters are actually meritless, puffery…. Veiled threats meticulously intertwined between conjecture, assumptions and personal bias.
It’s actually pretty funny…. I dare someone to find a single docket from any district or superior court in the Commonwealth where a Defense attorney not only sends the Commonwealth love letters but then files the letters with the docket without an accompanying motion ….
What’s with the hypocrisy? TB made his entire career doxxing people and sharing their personal lives. Whether it’s doxxing a juror because he doesn’t like a decision the juror made on a case or it’s publishing the DCF records on a random person because they posted something on Facebook he didn’t agree with . That’s what turtleboy does.. that’s what his cult loves . But he is absolutely flabbergasted and so incredibly shocked, outraged when someone does exactly that thing that he does . Makes zero sense .
There is actual evidence, court documents, billable hours, texts, court hearings, radio transmissions and more that prove this stuff and you still want to believe it is fluff.
An attorney shouldn’t have to ask the court to force a prosecutor to turn over discovery. They’re supposed to just do it, because they are officers of the court. Just the fact that an attorney has to request discovery is enough to demonstrate to anyone looking at the case that the prosecution is not playing by the rules. Apparently, this is your first rodeo with a pack of criminals posing as a court of law.
Perhaps you should go give your legal advice to Brian Tully and Kate Peter. They’re going to need some!
Kate you write like a junkie starving for oxygen. No structure, no substance, no wit.. Give it a rest and go back to your hole.
You are incorrect. Lawyers send emails, letters etc back and forth all the time. When there is no response or they do not get what they need, a motion would be the next step.
Buckle up Buttercup….it’s gonna get more interesting!
He would have gotten away with it too if they didn’t pass the extraction data around to a bunch of angry harpies and use the info to go on a retaliation spree.
So this just proves to me Morrissey directly communicated with Bev throughout the entire trial and pre trial hearings. 100%. WHERE ARE YOU JOSH LEVY?!?!?
If that’s the case, there has to be criminal charges against them both. I’m a current Plymouth county resident who spent my first 30 plus years in Norfolk county, and I’m fucking disgusted. The canton select board going to zoom should get them all un elected next time their bid comes up The fact that the weasel Chris Albert continues to serve while threatening journalists is beyond belief. Wake the fick up canton, organize and run em off. None of the current board should not be deciding anything, they’re all dirty. Fire Helena Rafferty!!!
FOIA request Morrissey’s iCloud account!
B.O.L.O. Alert for Josh Levy.
Please report to H.Q. a.s.a.p.
This is bigger than a free snowblower .
How do you know it’s Katie Peters watching bus and not the trooper K.P?
The smell how else?
Number 11 on those recordings sounded like Yuri.
Clearly you have committed the crimes you are charged with and are once again trying to thwart justice…the police and prosecutor are doing there job…the letters from your lawyer are a joke and to keep you paying…your lawyers don’t believe in your innocence they believe in the money you received from your cult…Lawyers will say anything for money
Please tell me your real name. My favorite thing to do is read the articles that TB has written in the past about clowns like you. You’re easy to spot because you come in with no facts and levy baseless accusations. It’s people like you that won’t let the word “retard” just go away. It’s an ugly word, but it fits you perfectly.
Show us on the doll where you got a turtleboy blog written about you.
This is Fucked up. Truly bad. I think this is the worst one I have read yet. I am actually sick of this shit. Dude MA needs serious help.
Keep your chins up Morrissey
Probably get John Goodman to play you in the movie
After he puts on a few more pounds
has Morrissey’s use of burner email been presented to a higher authority (ie Not MSP)? like:
Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct?
Massachusetts Bar Association?
US Attorney’s Office?
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