Cape Cod Times “Watch Dog” Reporter Wants Parents To Send Her Their Children’s Class Pictures So She Can Write Story About Imaginary Racism In Schools

This is Rachael Duvaney, an alleged reporter for the Cape Cod Times.
Last week we published a blog about a Yarmouth mother who accused her child’s elementary school of racism because her biracial daughter and 3 other black children were in the back row of their kindergarten class pictures. When parents became upset with her for posting images of their children that were designed to cause controversy and be shared widely, she accused them of speaking from a position of white privilege. She alleged that the photography company was racist, and was doing this with all class photos. Unfortunately for her we did some digging and found multiple class photos from this school that featured black children in the front and middle rows as well.
As it turned out that generally the children in the back row were always arranged to make a triangle, with the tallest child in the middle:
Mystery solved.
The women who were humiliating themselves by attempting to find racism where it didn’t exist wanted the mainstream media’s attention.
They finally got it this week from Rachael Devaney. Here’s what she posted on her own Facebook page, and in a group called We Are Barnstable.
“Please send me pictures of your children and their peers so I can analyze them and see if I can find some racism where it doesn’t exist.”
This is what “reporting” looks like when you work for a multi-national corporate controlled media outlet.
Good news Rachael – we already did the investigating for you a week ago and we discovered that the racial composition of class photographs was entirely based on height. I know it hurts your narrative when you see pictures like this:
But black children are not always put in the back row. Also, the back is better because you can see significantly more of the children in the back row than you can of the children in the middle row. Most importantly, all of these kids are in the same classroom 180 days a year, therefore they’re not being segregated by race.
Nevertheless, Rachael was convinced that she had the scoop of the century.
She’s looking into it guys, but it looks deliberate:
She’s taking a “deep dive” into it though, so who knows what she’ll find.
She’s doing the hard hitting investigative journalism that nobody else will do. Except she already has her story written, she just needs people to send her pictures that confirm her pre-conceived narrative. Any images that show otherwise will be ignored.
Rachael is the official “watch dog” of Cape Cod, so it’s her job to look through first grade class pictures in order to analyze the racial composition of other people’s children.
She’s just here to do her job guys. She’s a watch dog. Luckily there is no political corruption, crime, or other things people want to know about in any of the Cape Cod towns, so she can focus her time and resources on the issues that people really care about – elementary school class pictures. Going after powerful institutions that control our lives is boring. People really want to hear about class pictures.
Someone pointed out that she was digging for an issue that wasn’t there, which isn’t what real reporters are supposed to do.
But her mission was top secret, and she couldn’t explain the REASON she was looking for this information, even though it was blatantly obvious to everyone what her reason was. Regardless, it WILL be running in the Cape Cod Times, because this is groundbreaking journalism speaking truth to power, and the story needs to be told.
White people wouldn’t understand. We need to have more “conversations” about what percentage of class photographs have black kids in the third row. It’s the civil rights movement of our generation.
Anyway, Rachael Devaney has all the tea on the cape, and she is NOT playing around.
This is serious business, and a HUGE story. So make sure you’re following her if you want to be updated on the racial composition of class photos from 1995-2022, because the truth will be told one way or another.