
Clinton Woman Says Devastating Injuries Came From Tripping Over Trash At Park, Claims Appearance Of Different Injuries Is Due To Taking Selfie


People lie for various reasons on the Internet. Often it’s because they’re scamming people out of their hard earned money, but other times people lie simply because they enjoy the kind words and well wishes that come along with being a victim. That appears to be what happened on a Clinton Facebook group, in a new series that SSTG thinks we should start calling, “Things that never happened Thursday.”

I always new trash was bad for the environment, but I had no idea it would beat you down worse than Myles Garrett. Rumor is the trash yelled “this is MAGA country” and attempted to put a noose around her neck too. Poor woman’s face looks like Stalingrad circa 1943. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

You’ll notice that the two images she posted show the same woman (her) with very different injuries to different eyes. The image on the left looks like Josh Abrams full aroused womb broom has been stapled onto her left forehead, while the picture on the right looks like a Saudi woman who tried to get an education without getting permission from her husband. How does she explain this?


One picture is a selfie that she took immediately after falling. The fall from the killer trash broke the camera lens, yet she was still able to take a picture of herself anyway, and after that the camera stopped functioning. That’s when her husband stepped in to take a picture with his phone. So they look like different eyes because one is a selfie and the other isn’t.

I don’t think that’s how selfies work Donna. And I don’t think selfies can make a black eye look like a brain tumor either.

Also, why was Donna going for a walk in the park at 7 PM when it’s dark outside and well below freezing?

Clearly this didn’t actually happen, but yet people still feel the need to humor her as if it did.

But, why? Do human beings just think it’s mean to call other human beings liars when they’re clearly lying for attention? Or are this many members of society truly this naive and dumb to believe it did happen? I honestly don’t know.

Either way, a lot of people did question it, so Admin Chad, who lives in Washington state and runs a Central Mass townie Facebook group came to her defense.

Yea, who cares if it’s a lie for attention? The important thing here is that Donna warned us all of the dangers of trash. Thank you for your service Donna.


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  1. If you look at the picture more closely you can tell that one of these was a selfie and one was taken straight on. Look at the markings on her face they are in opposite positions in the pictures. Have you ever taken a selfie and noticed that things were on the wrong side of the picture than they are in actual life? You’re accusing this woman without knowing. And you’re describing the picture as being fake without looking for details first. I wasn’t there and have no idea what happened however your reasons for calling her a liar are not justified by these pictures. Bruising takes a while to show up and swelling can go down. And she can take a selfie with her husband’s phone if hers is broken.

  2. actually I’m sorry but I know this specifically because of the fact that I hate it so much. If you have an iPhone the screen flips different ways depending if you’re using the front facing camera or the back camera.

  3. Looks like you dropped the investigative ball on this one. Clearly not fake. Look at the crease above the nose/between the eyebrows. It’s a case of a flipped image from a front facing camera, and a back side camera on a phone.

    What kind of 2 bit show are you running here?

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