Danvers Stop & Shop Employee Calls Customer “EBT/Welfare” Rat, Others Demean Strikebreaker In Big To Lose Public Support For Strike

As the Stop & Shop strike drags on it appears as if striking workers are hellbent on making themselves as unlikable as they can be. Here’s one from Danvers:
Oh good, they’re calling customers “EBT Welfare rats,” posting pictures of their license plates, and accusing them of “going after 2 young kids and their mother,” (whatever that means) without any evidence.
Here’s another post from a Facebook group called Stop & Shop Workers, taking pictures of a striking worker (who happens to be black), calling her a “crack whore,” saying that it’s “probably the first time she’s ever done any real work,” saying that she “looks like she can’t spell education,” and alleging that she’s a drug dealer who needs to “get back to her corner before she loses customers.”
It’s really simple if you want people to support your strike – just smile and and look pleasant. People are inclined to take the side of workers because they’re regular people, and it’s easy to hate on the big bad corporate villains who don’t live in our towns, don’t send their kids to our schools, and wipe themselves with $100 bills.
Instead they call customers welfare rats and make broad generalizations about strikebreakers, that quite frankly I have a hard time imagining they’d say if the strikebreakers were white. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand scabs. They undermine strikes and they agree to work knowing that it’s only gonna last a couple weeks at most. Plus, what the hell is she wearing? They can’t even give these people aprons? All you have to do is just let them be, and if the scabs are as ratchet as you believe then film them doing ratchet things. Instead they do the opposite and they wonder why people keep crossing their picket line.
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