Poor Behavior

Duke Is Now Selling T-Shirts, Profiting Off Of Rachel Richardson’s Hate Crime Hoax, South Carolina Cancels Games, Students Banned From Attending


Five days after we exposed the alleged racist incident at the BYU-Duke women’s volleyball game to be a complete hoax, and four days after the police report and student interviews confirmed our reporting, no mainstream media outlet has admitted that it was all a lie. Several right wing media outlets and personalities like Jason Whitlock, Breitbart, the Washington Examiner, Outkick the Coverage, and The Spectator have linked our work, but none of the left wing media has. And because our society is so polarized half the population will have no idea this is a hoax because they only read the Washington Post and watch MSNBC. Fake news isn’t just what you report, it’s what you choose NOT to report.


Jay Bilas, LeBron James, Seth Davis, Jemele Hill, ESPN, and thousands of other left wing influencers still have tweets up pretending this happened. Governor Spencer Cox still has his tweet up condemning the “racist assholes” at BYU, but retweeted a story 3 days later confirming that there were no racist assholes.


Consequently Duke is now selling t-shirts profiting off of their student’s lies.

Seventeen years ago 3 members of the Duke Lacrosse team were wrongly accused of rape by a black stripper. The school did nothing to protect their students from false allegations of racism and rape, the players had to withdraw from school, and the nationally ranked team had their season cancelled. Duke has learned nothing from this, and is now encouraging more backlash against the entire BYU and LDS community by advertising these shirts.

In fairness, BYU administration deserves this. Their fans and students don’t, but the school administrators do. They fed into this hoax by putting out a statement that they had banned a fan after the incident, but failed to point out that this fan did not yell any racial slurs during the game. They fed into this hoax by lecturing students about how they need to “do better,” and “stand against racism.”

This is why the state of Utah elects people like Mitt Romney and Spencer Cox. That former was called some of the most heinous things imaginable when he ran for President in 2012. Instead of fighting back he has spent the last 10 years throwing his own people under the bus in the hopes that the communists will suddenly embrace him. They haven’t, and they won’t, because the communists seek only to destroy you. Luckily the New Right no longer plays by these rules.

Holmoe knows this never happened, but like Mitt Romney he is too afraid to fight back against the communists who portray him and his community as racist. The same way Romney is willing to throw Donald Trump under the bus to gain favor with the enemy, Holmoe is willing to throw his students under the bus to gain favor with Rachel Richardson. He wrote this pathetic op-ed yesterday, in which he stated, “Regardless of whether we were able to identify racist statements during the event, my first concern remained for the student athlete who felt unsafe in our venue.”

He knows it didn’t happen and that the evidence proves she is lying. But she told him that she “felt unsafe,” and pleasing her was important important to him than protecting BYU students.

Additionally, Holmoe has banned BYU students from attending volleyball games in the future. Not only does this punish them for something that never happened, it also punishes the nationally ranked women’s volleyball team, which is extremely lucky to be one of the only schools where students want to show up for women’s volleyball games.

Meanwhile, South Carolina women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley has cancelled BYU’s 2 games this year with the reigning national champions over this lie.

Those should be 2 forfeits.

The biggest aspect of this story that has gone unreported is the fact that not a single player on Duke’s team besides Rachel Richardson reported hearing racial slurs. Rachel does not have special abilities to hear the n word when no one else can. If it happened, then her teammates heard it too, and did nothing. Oh well, just pay for more diversity training and pose for pictures like this and hopefully the fake hate crimes will stop.



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