
Elected Officials Meet With Prisoners At Shirley Max Prison, Blame CO’s After Violent Attack On Guards, Globe Calls CO’s “Sadistic”


It’s been three weeks since three corrections officers were beaten and nearly killed in an orchestrated a premeditated attack by prisoners at Souza-Baranowski maximum security prison in Shirley.

This was a direct result of the 2018 “criminal justice reform” that prevents prisons from keeping violent and dangerous offenders in solitary because it’s “cruel.” Instead they’re forced back into gen pop where they can assault officers and create a dangerous and volatile situation for everyone. At no point was anyone who actually works in corrections asked for their input on what jails need, but that’s OK because a bunch of politicians who get their news from the Huffington Post know what’s best for them.

You’d think that the violent attack would be a wakeup call, but instead it’s caused State Senators like Jamie Eldridge to double down. We’ve written about him more times than I can count. He has regularly advocated for criminals, pretends to care about minorities while living in one of the whitest towns in Massachusetts (Acton), voted against allocating money for bullet proof vests for cops after Auburn police officer Ron Tarentino was killed, but voted to spend $18 million to give himself a raise, and holds ribbon cutting ceremonies at water fountains with plastic bottles.


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Here’s what he had to say after the attack.

Wrong. Your stupid plan was being implemented. That’s why all those violent offenders were in the same place at the same time. You did that. This is all your fault.

The media has been quick to write hit pieces on guards not being nice to prisoners since this violent attack that nearly killed a man.

A great way to avoid being “mistreated” by prison guards is to not rape or murder anyone in the first place.

This bootleg Peter Pan (right) is former prisoner Michael Cox.

He was sentenced to six years in prison for violently beating a 59 year old man in Provincetown with a 10 pound dumbbell.

Michael Cox, 23, of Worcester, was sentenced to six years in prison on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, mayhem, armed assault to murder and attempted murder. Cox attacked the owner of Dorian Studios in his home above the store at 322 Commercial Street on May 28, 2007. Police and rescue workers responded and found the 59-year-old owner unconscious and bleeding from a head wound. Cox was also on the premises, in possession of a bloody dumbbell. Cox has a criminal record in Massachusetts that includes a 2004 assault and battery conviction, and 2005 convictions for possession of marijuana and crack cocaine.

Because of his extensive criminal history it qualified him to publish a letter in the Boston Globe in which he said that corrections officers are all either, a) sadistic, or b) have given up their humanity to “earn a buck.”

The Boston Globe did not seek out or publish letters from former or current CO’s. Their opinions don’t count, but prisoners do.

Michael Cox is also good friends with Jamie Eldridge and did a podcast with him two days before the attack about the abuse from prison guards “through the lens of queerness.”

Seems like being straight in jail would be much less fun than being gay in jail, but that’s just me being logical. Regardless, if Mr. Cox cares so much about gay people perhaps he should’ve thought about that before nearly beating a 59 year old gay man to death with a dumbbell. I’m not really concerned with his Yelp review of his 6 year stay in Shirley.

On Sunday Jamie Eldridge went with his coworkers, State Senator Pat Jehlen and State Reps Mary Keefe and Mike Connolly, to meet with prisoners, not guards, at Souza-Baranowski.

He did not attempt to meet with any CO’s.

Senator Jehlen has a long and documented history of being anti-law enforcement. Two years ago we she proposed a law banning resource officers in public schools because a drug dealing Woburn High School 9th grader who yelled “f*** science” and threw something at his teacher got arrested.

Mike Connolly is the Cambridge State Rep who proposed a law that makes it so that prisoners can have an unlimited amount of visitors.

Because he knows more about how to run a prison than the DOC that does this for a living.

Connolly is of course a Bernie Sanders supporter.

It’s not surprising that he supports Bernie, since Bernie literally wants to let the Boston Marathon bomber vote.

Eldridge also wants prisoners to vote, because as he told one of his supporters – all these prisoners live in his district.

Rapists and murderers are an untapped potential voting block for him.

Mary Keefe is a radical SJW from Worcester who listened to a group of rapists and murderers who told her one-sided stories about how mean guards have been to them since they tried to kill their coworkers.

Meanwhile, Senator Eldridge is making up baseless lies that the guards being attacked had nothing to do with his criminal justice reform law.

Even though those men could not have attacked the guards if they were in solitary confinement.

Some may say ridiculous things like, “how do people like this get elected?”, and “we need to vote these assholes out.”

Newsflash – they’re not getting voted out. They represent a large group of people who think just like them. This is what the citizens of Massachusetts want. When you choose to live in a state like this, don’t act surprised when your elected officials behave like this. People like Jamie Eldridge get elected because they represent and appeal to a large majority of the people who think like them. People like Shirley Woods Cosenze.

“The union is using the reform act of 2018 as an excuse for recent violence.”

Just remember my fellow union friends, the left hates unions now. They’re calling unionized corrections officers liars because they are advocating for themselves. If you’re a union member and you’re still blindly voting for democrats after seeing how they treat unionized corrections officers, you’re voting against your own self interests.

This is who the new democratic party stands for – prisoners over unionized workers. The squad is in charge now. The days of Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton are long gone. Conservatives will be begging for them to come back if Bernie wins in 2020, and they’ll realize that it really wasn’t that bad under those guys.

Just look at all the comments from these constituents supporting Eldridge, who all live in overwhelmingly white communities with little to no crime.

Yes, thats right – there is a rally in Roxbury for prisoners on Thursday.

I’m sure some new Jamie Eldridge voters will be in attendance that night.


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