Law and Order

Fitchburg Pedophile Poacher Vigilantes Allegedly Catch Stow, MA Chief Of Police Ralph Marino In Sting To Meet 14 Year Old Boy


Update: The video and text messages sent by the Police Chief have been published. See them here

The Fitchburg vigilantes we’ve written about several times before caught their biggest predator to date yesterday in a sting. Although they have not released the video, they have released still images of what is allegedly Stow, MA Chief of Police Ralph Marino. To add legitimacy to this story the predator poacher was visited by the State Police for questioning, the Town of Stow has put “acting police chief” on their website and taken his name down, and they’ve taken down all their social media.

Marino was recently on the news after a 2 year old girl went missing in Stow. Based on the aired video it would appear as if this is a match, right down to the sunglasses and the hairline pattern.

They have not published the chat log yet, but based on their past history they are always accurate. He has read some of them out loud on a live stream, and Marino asks him how big the imaginary 14 year old kid’s male member is, says that his is six inches, and claims to live in Leominster. He also agrees to meet at the boy’s house while he thinks his mother is at work, and drive him into the woods. This messaging was happening on the same day the child in Stow was missing. The vigilantes have now caught over 30 pedophiles and many have been arrested as a direct result of their work. They plan on putting the video up this afternoon.

Subscribe to the Predator Poachers MA on YouTube by clicking here.

I know I gave these guys crap the other day about the flat brimmed hat, but this is a huge public service and they should be commended for it. If this turns out to be true, which it almost certainly will based on the evidence, then this is a major news story. A guy who would gladly oversee the arrest of a pedophile in his town is actively trying to meet up with teenagers for sex when he thinks no one is looking. He also did it during a pandemic in which people are urged to social distance, and here he is trying to do the exact opposite with a child.

How does the Chief of Police not know about these pedo hunters? They’ve caught a million people in a concentrated area in just a couple months. They’ve been featured on TB many times. If you’re still dumb enough to go out looking to have sex with kids, knowing that these guys are out there, then you are a moron on top of being a predator.

Greg Hill does a weekly “Stow 5-0” segment on his show, because he lives in this town, in which he reads the police call logs. Wonder if he’ll be reading this one this week.


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