Poor Behavior

I Received The Most Hilarious Cease And Desist Letter From A Leicester Couple Who Sent A T-Shirt To My House, Here Is My Response


Turtleboy gets the best emails, including this one I received from a woman we recently blogged about:

For those of you who don’t remember, Rochanna Buckley is a ratchet from Leicester we blogged about 2 weeks ago for sending a t-shirt to my house with a morbidly obese friend of hers for the purposes of harassing my family who has no interest in anything she’s saying. The laardvark she sent to my house on a Sunday afternoon last March refused to give me the package and made a family member sign for it. The t-shirt inside had a QR code to a YouTube channel for something called “Team Storm,” which is a small group of unemployed middle aged women who are obsessed with my personal life and spend all day scheming to expose me for it while their cuck husbands are at work.

Rochanna used to be a Turtleboy groupie before rebranding herself as “boss bitch” on YouTube. After the blog went up this married mother of 2 chose to embarrass herself further by doing a 3-hour mid-day YouTube live stream (that I joined at the 42 minute mark) that went horribly wrong for her. Warning – extreme cringe, my guy!

The stuff you have time for during the day when you don’t have a job.

“Before I didn’t have a platform to fight back. Well guess what mother f***er? I have a platform now.”

The sad part is that there are two children who have to call his human “Mom.” Congratulations on figuring out how to create a YouTube account. But you’ve been on Facebook for several years, which is also a platform. Nevertheless, I will now think twice about ever messing with someone called “Boss Bitch.”

Apparently she doesn’t believe that having a friend hand deliver t-shirts with QR codes to YouTube videos isn’t harassment or stalking, but most rational people seem to agree that it’s bizarre behavior. What’s even more bizarre is that her and I had no relationship, but yet she’s very invested in my personal life. The irony of it all is that I discovered after writing the blog that Rochanna had a sexual affair in her car with a man in Connecticut, which I mentioned on a live stream.

I do feel a little bad for her husband Leon, who apparently had no idea. They’ve been married for a long time and he stuck with her back when she had her own gravitational pull.

After she lost a few pounds she decided she was too hot for one guy and started sneaking around behind his back. Again, I don’t really care about people’s personal lives. It’s just too ironic that someone who is so concerned with my personal life would have so many skeletons in her’s.

Multiple sources who are close with their family and have been disturbed with Rochanna’s behavior since joining Team Storm, reached out to us to confirm this story. They all feel for Leon, as Rochanna threatens to divorce him and take the kids if he voices objections to being cuckholded like this. Poor Leon is the lone provider for his family and owns a business called Buckley Home Improvement. His wife’s “t-shirt business” is just her spray painting Team Storm onto cheap shirts and sending them to Internet trolls. Rochanna essentially lives on YouTube, which requires him to do the same if they are to spend time together. The two of them go on small YouTube panels where they greet each other in the comments while sitting on opposite sides of their living room couch and ignore their children.

This qualifies as a hot date in the Buckley household. Leon is the new Metro Narcissi.

Anyway, Rochanna sent me that amazing cease and desist letter in response to me talking about this on a live stream.

Imagine how stupid and unaware you have to be to demand that someone stop harassing your family after admitting that you bothered their family on a Sunday by making them sign for a package with a QR code t-shirt inside. Here’s my response.

Dear Rochanna,

I have thoughtfully considered your concerns in your professional and very official cease and desist email. However, I have decided to continue to insult, mock, and expose you and your cuck husband Leon.

I have not slandered your name, your husband’s, or your businesses. Your “businesses” lack customers, which means you have no damages. Additionally, nothing I said about you was untrue. If people choose to leave negative reviews on your husband’s business Facebook page because of his support for a well documented child abuser, that’s a choice he made by choosing to engage in this sort of online behavior. He could have asked you to stop at any time, or not engaged himself. But since he is an emotionally abused man he had no choice but to support you in your online endeavors, in spite of the infidelity that likely keeps him up at night. I am not baiting him into fighting me, as the emotional scars you have placed on them are more than human fists can ever dream of doing.

I’m not trying to intimidate you from participating in a criminal investigation, because no such investigation exists. I know you think it might because you call and harass the Holden Police with your abundance of free time, but they aren’t taking you seriously. You and your friends at Team Storm have promised investigations for quite some time, but I have yet to be contacted by anyone doing an actual investigation.

I am interested in learning more about “all the tools at your disposal to take legal action” though. I’ve never had anyone try to sue me, charge me with a crime I didn’t commit, or obtain an order on me. What should I do? Do I need a lawyer for that? Please advise. 

I do think it’s bizarre that you’re a middle aged woman involved in something called “Team Storm” that sends t-shirts with QR codes to YouTube videos to my house. It’s also ironic for someone to complain about harassment after admitting to harassing that person with packages delivered by laardvarks on a Sunday, while pretending to work for the USPS. I spoke with MSP and Holden Police about your post, and they both assured me that you’re making this all up. We had a good laugh over it. Good luck with your pursuits though, you’re doing great!


Dr. Turtleboy

So these idiots have been insisting that they collaborate with DA’s, Holden Police, State Police, and every other law enforcement agency imaginable to have me arrested for an assortment of crimes. They constantly bother these agencies with their nonsense, which I discovered through a public records request. I don’t even get alerted that it’s happening because it’s not serious. They’re just a nuisance to police officers who work for a living, unlike them.

Don’t worry though Rochanna, although many have tried to use the same tactics you are to take down Turtleboy, I have faith that you’ll definitely be the one to finally do it. Keep at it girlfriend! I believe in you!



Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries