
Laura Reilly Had No Idea She’d Be Going To Jail For Lying To Police About Jo Ringer’s Disappearance


Two years ago we began doing some blogs on a missing woman from Clarksburg named Jo Ringer. Catch up and read about it here. In summary:

  • Jo Ringer went to her first day of work at a new job in Easthampton and never returned home
  • Her car was found abandoned in Northampton and the seat was adjusted for someone of a different height
  • We pointed out how shady her husband Chad Reidy was acting by going on TV and shedding crocodile tears and posting shady things on Facebook while not really helping in the search
  • Chad Reidy committed suicide (we got blamed for that too and were asked to pay for the funeral) because he’s a murderer
  • State Police revealed that he was the lone suspect and had previous been to jail for 10 years
  • Jo Ringer’s body was discovered a year later in Hatfield
  • It was revealed in court that a woman named Laura Reilly, who happened to be Chad Reidy’s ex-girlfriend and who was still in love with him, was with him on the day he killed her as well as the next day in Chicopee
  • Laura Reilly lied to the police twice; once when she said she didn’t drive him back to Clarksburg on the day of the murder, and again when she said she wasn’t with him on the day after the murder
  • Chad Reidy called Laura Reilly in Northampton on the day of the murder, using a stranger’s borrowed cell phone
  • Chad Reidy hung out with Laura Reilly all day in Chicopee the next day, despite the fact that he had not reported his wife missing
  • During that time the police were led in the wrong direction by her which prevented them from getting a confession and possible arrest of Chad Reidy
  • Laura Reilly was still in love with Chad Reidy and had a motive for wanting her to disappear
  • According to her own defense attorney “Reilly’s love for Reidy bordered on reverence and she would do the things he asked almost reflexively with unthinking devotion.”

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I find it impossible to believe that she was not made aware by Chad Reidy the day after the murder that he killed Jo Ringer. Why else would he know to call her the day of the murder? Why else would he be in Chicopee with her the next day? Jo Ringer even confronted Reidy when she caught him texting her.

Well, Laura Reilly could’ve provided this family with closure now that Chad Reidy is dead by admitting to her part in this. Maybe she didn’t have anything to do with the planning of the murder, but the fact of the matter is that we know for a fact that she lied to the cops, we know she had the motive, and we know that there’s a 99.99% chance she knew where Jo Ringer was buried for almost a year after she disappeared.

But instead Laura elected to drag the family through court. Initially she planned on taking it to trial, but then abruptly announced that she would be pleading guilty. To almost everyone following this case it meant one thing – she knew she wouldn’t get going to jail. Why else would she plead guilty for a crime that carries a maximum sentence of 2-4 years? I would’ve bet my mortgage on probation.

Luckily Berkshire County has one of the only judges in this state with any balls though:

A gasp was audible in court Friday when the judge announced that Reilly would be sentenced two to four years in prison. After changing her plea multiple times since being charged, Reilly officially pleaded guilty to two counts of misleading a police officer with the intent to impede, obstruct, delay, harm, or interfere with a criminal investigation in connection with the Ringer murder investigation. The state said that the misinformation provided by Reilly led state police assigned to the Berkshire County District Attorney’s office down the wrong path as they embarked on the largest investigation they’ve ever conducted.

“If Laura Reilly told the truth about driving Reidy home on the day he reported Ringer missing and spending time with him the day after, police could have questioned Reidy about the killing prior to him committing suicide,” said Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington in a statement.

The judge addressed Reilly before sentencing her, reminding her that the United States Constitution offers the fifth amendment.

“We give great freedoms to individuals we allow individuals the right not to talk to the police so you have to voluntarily agree to talk to the police with the consequence being when you talk to the police you have to tell the truth,” said Judge John Agostini.

Agostini told the courtroom that as a member of the public, he looked for the news every day to see what happened to Ringer and that constant worry for all was just not right.

“The public was really the victim in this case….It was not just police that were misled. It was all of us,” Agostini added.

“This is not a situation where probation is appropriate,” Bell said, calling Adams’ request, “ludicrous.” “This defendant needs to be punished for her actions.”

She had NO IDEA that she would be going to jail on Friday. None. If she did she wouldn’t have plead guilty. The look of surprise when she realized that she’d be up Scissoring Creek for the next 2-4 years was priceless.

A lot of people are complaining that it’s not enough time, but the judge gave her the maximum under state law. That’s all you can ask for. You can tell that he was disgusted with her and didn’t think she was the least bit sorry for what she did. The family of Jo Ringer never got justice with Chad Reidy because the coward took his own life and couldn’t even leave a note behind to say where she was buried or how he killed her. So this will have to do, but at least after 2 years someone is finally in jail for what they did to Jo Ringer.

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