
Leominster Woman Starts GoFundMe For Husband Detained By ICE, Doesn’t Mention Recent Arrest For Raping Mentally Disabled Woman


A Leominster woman named Destany Silva is sharing a GoFundMe to help her husband Javier avoid deportation.


It’s very sad to see families split apart like this, especially when the person being deported came here as a two year old and seemingly has done nothing wrong since then. Except she forgot to explain why he’s in the custody of ICE in the first place.

Those are some pretty serious allegations that Melissa Murphy-Cotto is making against him. But is there any documentation that can back up her assertion that Javier Silvan is being detained for sexually assault? Yes there is.

10:28 a.m.: Javier N. Silva-Espana, 21, of 659 Mechanic St., Leominster, was arrested for two counts of rape and indecent assault and battery on a disabled person.

This information would certainly not help with the GoFundMe, so I understand why it was left out. However, this was not Javier’s first arrest either.

11:44 p.m.: Gustavo Viera, 46, of 167 Fifth St, Leominster, and Javier Silva, 19, of 659 Mechanic St, Leominster, were arrested for disorderly conduct.

Leominster Police have arrested him twice, but he was not detained by ICE until recently because state courts aren’t allowed to cooperate with ICE. It would seem as if state courts treating federal law enforcement as some sort of boogey man doesn’t help keep Americans safe. In Massachusetts it’s clear that the rights of undocumented immigrants trump the safety of law abiding Americans.

Javier’s wife has been sharing the GFM a lot, but hasn’t told her followers why he’s in ICE custody in the first place.

Again, bad for business.

I don’t have anything against dreamers like Javier. They came here as kids so they had no choice in the matter. This is the only country they know and I think they should have the right to stay here, regardless of the crime their parents committed. Unless of course they are arrested for raping an intellectually disabled woman after previously being arrested for disorderly conduct. In that case we have laws in place that allow us to deport individuals like this.

I don’t want to do this for all dreamers, just the ones who are charged with serious crimes. When I’m dictator dreamers can stay, so long as they obey the law and aren’t looking for handouts from the government. All Javier had to do was not get arrested for rape, and he failed in that regard. Ideally I’d deport American citizens who commit the same crimes, but unfortunately we can’t deport people who are here legally.

Of course one of the biggest ironies of this whole saga was this post I found on the alleged victim’s mother’s wall.

And now the man she’s accusing of raping her daughter is being deported because of Trump. Thank you to all the “idiots” who made this happen.

I would be happy to speak to any parties involved in this, or anyone who has more information on Javier Silva. Email me at [email protected] so we can chat.


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