
Malden Squatter And Campaign Organizer For City Councillor Demands Apology From Other Councillor For Asian Halloween Costume, Forgets His Candidate Wore Indian Costume


This is Malden City Councillor Jadeane Sica.

We blogged about her last year when the mob came after her for letting her daughter have a birthday party in May back when people still thought that staying away from other human beings could stop the transmission of COVID.


She survived the scandal and recently got re-elected to the City Council where she will be joined by this woman:

Karen Colon Hayes is an ultra progressive radical, whereas Sica is a moderate Democrat. Her campaign team was filled with lunatics, including her daughter Maya Colon Hayes.

As you can see, they are white women, but they kept the Colon surname for political purposes so they could identify as people of color. As a white woman fronting as a person of color Maya Colon Hayes was outraged that not enough people of color like her were getting elected to office. So in August she posted on Facebook that white men over the age of 50 had to drop out of the election.

“This is our time and we deserve a chance.”

Yea stupid, that’s not how democracy works. You don’t just get handed elected positions because of your skin color and gender, unless your name is Kamala Harris. And the average age in Malden is 36 because that includes infants and newborns, you absolute short bus. In a normal country racism like this would be condemned, but it’s become pretty standard on the left to denigrate groups of people based on their age, sex, and gender.

In June the campaign worker posted about how she didn’t want cops to be allowed to attend the Pride parade because the presence of public safety officials would be traumatizing to communists and drag queens.

Again, people like this should be laughed at and mocked, but in places like Malden they run political campaigns and are taken seriously.

This is Karen Colon Hayes’ campaign organizer Nicholas Lennox.

Like Colon Hayes, he is not from Malden. This sort of thing is happening in cities like Malden and Boston – carpetbaggers like Michelle Wu and Ayanna Pressley move there after attending college in Boston, bring their communist ideologies with them, get funding from national groups, get elected, and change the places they move to. She credits him with being the biggest reason she won.

The problem is that Lennox doesn’t appear to have a salary because he’s a full time campaign worker, so he couldn’t afford to pay rent anywhere. It should be noted that he’s from Colorado, and was literally imported by Karen Colon Hayes to work for her. She set him up with a fellow communist named Cynara Cannatuna, who lived in Malden and allowed him to stay in her house while she went up to Maine with her family for a bit. She didn’t charge him for rent since she was not a landlord, and only asked that he pay the utility bills. She was willing to do this because she was committed to getting communists elected to office, and this guy was a good foot soldier with plenty of time on his hands.

But the thing about communists is they don’t like paying their bills. Lennox never gave her what he said he was going to, he invited friends to live in this woman’s house, and then when she finally had enough he complained that he was getting evicted by a woman who probably wanted to extend the eviction moratorium. She blasted him on Facebook for it.

This is exactly what I would expect a grown man who can’t pay for utilities after sleeping on a child’s twin bed and living rent free for months in another communists’s house would look like.

Tax the rich, says the guy with a technicolored pube farm growing on his face who will never have any money and thinks he’s entitled to live in other people’s homes for free.

After the election wins for Sica and Hayes, the ginger squatter decided to smear Sica by posting a 2 year old Halloween picture of her dressed as one of Bob Kraft’s handjob girls, and called her a racist.

Only in Massachusetts can a grown man squatting in an other person’s pretend to have the moral high ground over anyone else.

Nevertheless this harmless Halloween costumer made the news, there was outcry from Asian people pretending to be offended, and the Mayor and Communist State Senator Jason Lewis chimed in.

It should be noted that we reached out to Senator Lewis to see if he would condemn his colleague State Rep Liz Miranda for the hundreds of tweets she posted containing racial slurs, while mocking the Asian community and special needs individuals. His silence on this issues suggests that he condones this speech.

But yea, he really cares about Asian themed Halloween costumes. He’s offended.

Senator Lewis and Mayor Christensen were also quiet about the fact that Karen Colon Hayes also appropriated a different culture in a 2012 Halloween costumer that was featured on her Facebook page.


That picture of Wokeahontas started making the rounds, but it never made the news. So she got out in front of it and admitted that she was a racist, said there was no excuse for it, but then immediately excused herself because she went to anti-racism training sessions after that.

As long as you’re currently spouting communist talking points about “dismantling racism,” and forcing critical race theory on others your previous transgressions are overlooked (just ask Ralph Northum and Justin Trudeau).

Oh, and she’s the descendant of the Taino people, which kind of made it OK.

You. Are. White.

Anyway, you should just wear whatever you want for Halloween and stop apologizing to people like this who clearly aren’t offended and are making you dance for political purposes.



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