Law and Order

Manchester Police Publicly Shame Good Samaritan, Lie About Incident, Ask For Witnesses Despite Video Of Curb Stomping Incident


Last night we blogged about the incident outside of McGarvey’s Bar in Manchester, in which in which a bouncer curb stomped a drunken patron’s head and then assaulted a good samaritan who came to his defense, only to see the good samaritan arrested. The Manchester Police issued a press release about it today, and it’s as tone deaf as you can get.

Is the Internet machine broken at MPD headquarters? Have they not seen the video? Because it’s crystal clear what happened if you watched the video. As soon as they saw it the charges against Brandon Pichette should’ve been dropped. Instead they put his mugshot on their Facebook page for the purposes of public humiliation, and lied about what happened. According to the responding officer he found Pichette (the good samaritan) putting a bouncer in a headlock, which is actually the exact opposite of what he found.

As you can see, the exact opposite is true. He’s pinned down by four of them when the cops get there, one of them has him in a headlock the entire time, and he nearly snaps Pichette’s neck in front of the cop. The only reason Pichette was arrested was the fact that he wasn’t wearing a black STAFF shirt two sizes too small. No witnesses were questioned, and several of them came up to the cop to tell them what actually happened. He was just too distracted to do his job.

Those charges should be dropped, they should take down the post and issue an apology.  The officers screwed up. It happens. Just own it. Figure out who the bouncers in the video are who assaulted the drunken boob, arrest them for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and publicly shame them instead. Problem solved.

But instead of doing that they’re asking the public to do their job for them now, because they can’t solve this mystery without “witnesses.”

I watched the video. I’m a witness now. What do you need to hear from a witness that you can’t see on that video? Would you like to know what cologne the bouncers were wearing? Because I’m guessing it’s Axe body spray. You’re the police. It’s not hard to figure out who these guys are, especially since ownership seems eager to cooperate. Here’s an email they sent me this morning.

Wanted to personally reach out to you, we are looking in to everything that happened thoroughly. Obviously just an all around shitty situation. One person has already been terminated, obviously there is a lot more leading up to what you see on video so we are piecing it all together, I’ve been advised to wait to make a statement but I’m a big fan and read the blog daily and saw you picked up the story so I wanted to  reach out. I will circle back and give you more info if it’s something you care to follow up on. I’m meeting with detectives this evening to try and get to the bottom of this, I care very much about my business and take it very seriously so obviously something like this is devastating and we want to get to the bottom of it very quickly. 

What I’d really like to know are the names of the bouncers. Shouldn’t be that hard. Because we all have things to do, and it’s not our job to figure this out. We’ve already done most of the work anyway.

I’ve called and left messages with both detectives but have not heard back. I have a source who’s given us the names of two of the bouncers but don’t have confirmation yet so I’m not publishing anything until we do. They’ve all deactivate their Facebook pages, so they know it’s coming.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries

One Comment

  1. The owner doesn’t care enough to ensure his security staff are trained. He ‘cares’ because of all the bad press. If they had curb stomped the guy but not gotten lit up on social media he wouldn’t give 2 shits.

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