
Mass Democratic Party Twitter Account Accuses High School Girl Of Spreading Propaganda And Hate For Voicing Concerns About Losing To Boys In Track


Last week we published a blog about Selina Soule, a Glastonbury High School junior who bravely came forward and did a video on what it feels like to constantly lose to two  transgender biological boys in track and field. It was pretty powerful:

The two most important quotes from this brave young lady were:

“It’s frustrating when you know you run your best, but your best is never going to be good enough.”

“It’s really hard to come out and even talk in public just because of the way the far left, and how you’ll immediately be shut down.”

When “progressives” have crushed a high school girl’s spirits to the point where she believes competing in track and field is hopeless, because she rightfully understands that she will never be able to beat biological boys, we have a huge problem.

When “progressives” have created a culture where high school girls are forced to repress their valid concerns about issues that impact them directly, for fear of being attacked by grown adults on the far left, we have a huge problem.

Evidently the Mass GOP saw our blog and tweeted out the video:

And they’re 1,000% right. You can support the right of transgender people while also saying that biological boys are not allowed to compete against biological girls in competitive sporting events. This doesn’t make you “transphobic,” it makes you a woman’s rights advocate.

But whoever runs the Massachusetts Democratic Party blue checkmarked verified account evidently disagrees with this.

“Congratulations on achieving a new low, @MassgGOP.”

Standing up for high school girls is a “new low?” This is the party that’s telling us that there is a war on women that we all need to be worried about?

Spreading propaganda? Hatred and bigotry?

It’s the testimony of a high school girl doing what the left refers to as “speaking her truths.” Except they’re actually universal truths. The two boys who beat her were on the girls team less than two years ago! They have big male muscles and bones. The only bigots are the people who think it’s OK or “progressive” to treat young girls like this.

This just boggles my mind. This isn’t some yahoo on Twitter. It’s an official statement from the Democratic party that a high school girl’s legitimate feelings on an issue that effects her ability to get into college is “propaganda.” This is disgusting and democratic leaders should be asked if they support this.

Then there was the Bay State Stonewall Democrats account that had this hot take:

“The trans girls worked just as hard as their cisgender opponents.”

Do any normal democrats out there actually believe these girls are losing to biological boys because the boys worked harder than them? It insinuates that they could’ve beaten these boys if they weren’t lazy. What a disgusting and insulting thing that is to say to young women.

And seriously, they believe that because a girl exists out there who can beat a transgender boy, that this somehow proves that blending boys and girls in sports is fair? Why have separate boys and girls sports at all if that’s the case? Let’s bring this thing to its logical conclusion and get it over with.

This is Jeremey Comeau, the guy who runs the Stonewall group:

He’s completely unhinged, but yet embraced by people like Maura Healey, Elizabeth Warren, and others in the mainstream wing of the party.

He also still has this up on Facebook and Twitter:


Even though this story was thoroughly debunked, the child did nothing wrong, and he’s suing several major media networks for defaming him, all of who have since retracted their stories. So I guess using his platform to attack 16 year olds is something Jeremy Comeau and the Mass Democratic Party do a lot. He also threatened to physically assault this 16 year old child:

And yet this unhinged lunatic continues to be an official designated voice for the Democratic party.

Don’t worry though, when this is brought to their attention they’ll just label this particular blog as right wing hate and dismiss the valid concerns brought in it, because it’s easier to do that than confront your own hypocrisy.


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