New Bedford Dance Studio Owner Says Turtleboy Story Exposing Him For Being Charged With Sending Naked Pictures To Kids Is Fake News


New Bedford dance studio owner Shawn Pacheco has responded to our story about how he’s currently being charged with disseminating naked pictures to a 13 year old boy. In a since deleted Facebook post he calls our accurate, documented reporting untrue, because we’ve had Twitter and Facebook accounts previously removed.

“This is sufficient to determine that such website is not a reliable source of information that bases their articles on facts but rather hand picked biased hateful content by someone who is not a professional or yet qualified as a trustworthy and only spread these lies in order to take advantage and monetize through their ads system.”

Those certainly are words. When you put them together they almost make a sentence. His overall point appears to be that because our Facebook accounts were mass reported by trolls, that the police reports and court documents we posted in our story are therefore unreliable. Pay no attention to the evidence and facts pointing out that Shawn Pacheco is a pedophile. Focus on the fact that Turtleboy is one of millions of people who lost a Facebook account due to mass reporting.

“None of these accusations have come to fruition and there is nothing else to speak on this matter now or in the coming future.”

Sir, these accusations were all substantiated by Cellebrite extraction reports showing that you sent sexual, inappropriate messages to a child. You also solicited a dick pic from a 13 year old, and then commented about what a “big growing boy” he was.

“Biased articles and social media can quickly ruin someone’s life”

You know what else can ruin a person’s life? A kid being sent dong pictures by his dance teacher. But yea, you’re the victim here Shawn.

“There’s always 2 sides to every truth.”

No, there’s really not. There’s the truth, and then there’s not the truth. And the truth in this case is that you were charged with a crime after an 8 month investigation because MSP cyber crimes and the New Bedford Police found messages of you sexting with a child on your phone.

Anyway Shawn, you’re a creepy dude who uses dance as a way to groom and victimize children. If you go through with opening your business you can expect to see me soon, peacefully protesting and reminding your customers what you’re being charged with. If they choose to do business with someone like you that’s their choice. But they will be informed, because people like you don’t stop preying on children.




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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries
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