
New Bedford Toilet Paper Saleswoman Contacts FBI Over False Accusation Of Animal Cruelty Charges, Old Facebook Post Proves Otherwise


New Bedford woman Jill Martin came on the TB Late Night Garage Podcast show last night for ratchet redemption hour to explain why she’s selling toilet paper on Facebook, why her “husband” assaulted her midget ex-boyfriend at Market Basket, and why she has so many Google trophies. Not only did she grace us with her presence, but her “husband” Leroy was there as well, and rest assured he had a perfectly good explanation for why he likes to go mid day midget-tipping.


I for one am shocked that Leroy justified his crime by accusing the man of calling him the n word while drunk at Market Basket. You almost never see anyone do that.

Chef Ployardee’s big contention was that we had the wrong Jill Martin from the courthouse records. She claims she’s never been charged with animal cruelty or any of the other things when you search for her name in the database, and says that she’s already brought this to the police and the FBI for a variety of very serious charges against TB. Except this post from 2014 suggests otherwise.

Holy Mary, mother of sentagraphs! Welcome to New Bedford – home of the missing periods. That sure sounds like an admittance that her plethora of pooches were not taken care of, thus prompting animal control to liberate them from her.

The charge was from August 19. The exact same date Jill Martin was charged with animal cruelty. Yup, TB got the wrong person for sure.

And is this the hardest 42 you’ve ever seen in your life?


She might be 42, but that’s like 112 in New Bedford years.

We answered all those questions and then previewed Bristol Blarney Part 5, because as ratchet as animal cruelty and selling hoarded items during a pandemic are, they pale in comparison to giving away two of your children, neglecting the two remaining ones, and judging others while having an open DCF case.





This episode of The Turtleboy Live show is brought to you by our friends at APC Roofing in Charlton. Like APC Roofing in Charlton on Facebook by clicking here, and be automatically entered to win a pair of Red Sox tickets! There’s nothing they like more than helping their customers protect their home with a quality roof installation.


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