
New Bedford Woman Needs Help Identifying Men Who Broke Into Her House, Won’t Allow Questions About Drug Dealing Boyfriend Or Bag Of White Stuff Stolen


A New Bedford woman named Kristen Soares has asked for the public’s help in identifying one of two men she caught on camera breaking into her house and stealing something, but it came with a caveat.

“It doesn’t matter what they took…I just know it doesn’t belong to them and they f****** stoled it.”

It would appear as if the New Bedford Public Schools also “stoled” an education from her.

Here’s the thing though Kristen, it kind of does matter what they stole. Especially since this plastic baggie looks like every bag of cocaine ever.

Just sayin.

The thieves knew exactly where to look, and knew exactly what they were looking for. They were in and out in 15 seconds. And instead of going to the police Kristen went to Facebook, because she knows the police will ask a lot of questions that she’s not allowing anyone to ask.

According to Kristen and her PR spokesperson Amanda, there were no drugs stolen, just some cash and panties which for some reason Kristen keeps in a bag that they also stole.

Nothing to see here.

There’s also the fact that this particular room has a camera in it, which I’d definitely put in my room if it contained cocaine and cash. Then again, you’ll notice there’s a sex swing hanging on the door.

So the camera could have alternative uses.

Kristen does not pass the guttermuppet smell test either. The bathroom selfies, flat brimmed hats, dog filters, and willingness to procreate with men who flash gang signs while wearing shirts that say “Making that bread” (which totally is not a reference to drug dealing) seem to speak to her character.

As does her social media postings.

And the fact that she enjoys dressing small children in wife beaters and handing them stacks of $20 bills so they can get a head start on following in the foot steps of whoever the poor child’s father is.

Oh, and she’s a CNA who likes the Chicago Bulls, Hennessy, and inappropriate sexual Facebook posts involving Hennessy that you can see on TBS by clicking here.

Another interesting fact that she neglected to point out is that the guy in all the pictures with her happens to be a drug dealer with Google trophies for breaking and entering, burglary, and assault and battery.

WBSMA New Bedford man has been arrested and faces multiple charges for breaking into a home Sunday night, assaulting and then occupant and preventing him from calling police. New Bedford Police say 24-year-old Orrin Guidry broke into the a 968 Rockdale Avenue residence, damaging the window in the process. Police report that the occupant of the home is known by Guidry. While inside, Guidry then assaulted the occupant and prevented emergency calls the police.  Arrest reports indicate that emergency calls from the residence came into New Bedford Police at approximately 3:54 a.m. The exact timing of Guidry’s break-in is unknown. Guidry was arrested and charged with unarmed burglary, malicious destruction of property, witness intimidation, disturbing the peace and assault and battery.

I can’t imagine why anyone would possibly think this robbery was drug related. He seems like such an upstanding individual.

If you recognize the men from the video please let us know so we can help Kristen get her stash back. I mean, panties.


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