Nick Fuentes Confronts Ben Shapiro With Pregnant Wife And 2 Kids Because No One Fears Getting Punched In The Face Anymore

I challenged Nick Fuentes to a debate last month, after the leader of the largest collection of sexually repressed 21 year old virgins relentlessly whined that conservatives like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro wouldn’t debate him. For that he blocked our Twitter account, like the cowardly little cuck that he is, while simultaneously complaining about a lack of free speech and debates.
I can’t say I blame him either. Nick has a high school degree and a YouTube channel. He knows I’m smarter than him, and he knows I’ll expose all of the basic, easily debunked talking points he spews to easily manipulated 4chan rejects on YouTube. Nick has no interest in any sort of debate. His only goal is to get denied by people who are much more relevant than him, so he can then whine about it on his show while racking in thousands of dollars in donations from the involuntarily celibate basement dwellers who follow him. These are people who don’t like women because women won’t sleep with them, and they hate black, brown, and Jewish people because they’re afraid of competing against them in an open market for jobs.
Nick was back in the news this week after confronting Ben Shapiro in public outside of a Charlie Kirk event, while Ben was with his pregnant wife and two crotch fruits. Watch.
Here's Nick Fuentes confronting Ben Shapiro who's walking with family, including his kids. Ben ignores him and walks off while Nick cries about "free speech."
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 20, 2019
That video is why more people need to get punched in the face. Nick Fuentes grew up in a world where toxic masculinity was frowned upon, and thus it became frowned upon for boys to beat up other boys when they got out of line. But it was so necessary because it corrected shitty behavior. And confronting a man like that when he’s with his pregnant wife and two young children is shitty behavior that can only be corrected with a punch in the face. And that’s why Nick confronted Ben, and not the 99% of the population who would’ve punched him in the face – because he know Ben Shapiro is a pushover who won’t fight back.
This has always been my biggest beef with Shapiro – he has no fight. He’s really good at talking really fast, roasting 19 year old liberals in viral videos, and fitting 35 minutes of commercials into a 50 minute podcast. This happened a few days ago and neither he, or any of this employees at The Daily Wire, has addressed it. I understand not wanting to legitimize Nick Fuentes, but the fact of the matter is that Megyn Kelly, Meghan McCain, and Nikki Haley have all chimed in on it. You can’t just pretend that it didn’t happen. You can’t let someone potentially traumatize your kids like that. It’s cowardly of Ben Shapiro not to fight back.
Nick Fuentes knows exactly who I am and he hides from me. I know this because the producer of the Jesse Lee Peterson show (which has talked about and discussed Turtleboy before) contacted me and wanted to set up a debate with Fuentes. Nick ignored him for weeks. Then he connected me with Ethan Ralph, one of Nick’s biggest defenders on Twitter. He reached out to Nick and Nick ducked him too, because Nick doesn’t want any part of someone who will fight back. He wants a nerdy dude with his pregnant wife and kids.
Speaking of Ethan Ralph, he’s equally douchey.
Ben Shapiro using his family as a human meat shield so he doesn't have to address Nick Fuentes is one of the most pathetic things I've seen in awhile.
Not surprising, though. Kinda like how he promoted using American soldiers as human meat shields for Israel.
— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) December 21, 2019
Then you must be a coward. I don't think anyone but you and the Fuentes haters brought up children, wife's, etc. It's the talking point of a loser. Anyone can have a fucking kid.
— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) December 21, 2019
You don’t have to have kids to know that you don’t do something like that in front of kids. They probably have no idea what their Dad does for a living, and should be left completely out of it. If you see Shapiro in public without them and you want to confront him then go for it. But not with his wife and kids there. Like I said, 99% of people watching that video would’ve beaten the ever loving snot out of Nick Fuentes, which is exactly what he needed. Ben Shapiro is part of the 1%, which is why Nick Fuentes targeted him.
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Robby Starbuck proves Ethan’s point. Wife and kids are highly provocative, salient targets. As such, they are NOT off limits. You want to hurt a man? Hurt what he loves most. That’s usually his wife and kids.
Why do you think it pissed off Bill Clinton so much when Rush called Chelsea “the White House dog”? Because. Kids. Are. A. Salient. Target. Hit them to hit your enemy. If anyone complains, accuse them of hiding behind their wife’s skirt.