Law and Order

North Providence Biker Mom Who Assaulted Cranston Cop And Beat Providence Woman In Front Of Child Was Arrested Again In Pawtucket After Serving Just 60 Days In Jail


Shyanne Boisvert is a 7 seed in Ratchet Madness and recently advanced to the second round thanks to her 2 separate arrests for assaulting a Cranston cop while her children were at home, and then months later when her ATV gang terrorized a woman by dragging her out of her car and beating her in front of the woman’s traumatized 8 year old child.

Thanks to lenient Rhode Island judges Boisvert was able to avoid jail time for the assault on the cop as she pled nolo contendere to reckless driving and simple assault charges, and was given a criminal sentence of one-year probation and community service. Judge Brian Goldman made sure that she would suffer “no loss of license or forfeiture of her motorcycle.”

Because, why would we punish criminals?

For the second assault, in which her gang dragged a woman out of her car and beat her in front of her child, Judge Joseph Ippolito ordered Mommy Muff Marauder to 60 days, which she served in September and October. Since then she’s gotten her act together, given up the bike life, and has focused on getting a job and raising her two kids.

LOL. Just kidding. She got arrested again a couple weeks ago in Pawtucket for driving an unregistered vehicle and forging fake license plates.

Since she’s been given so many chances the Judge sentenced her to a year in prison.


This is Rhode Island, so she got probation and a suspended sentence for a year.

This time she DEFINITELY learned her lesson though.

The only good news here is she has no custody of her kids and appears to be making no effort whatsoever to reunify with them. The quicker she pulls an Aiden Blarney and gives them away to someone who actually wants to raise them, the better.


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