
Pat Mahomes’ Girlfriend Made Her UPS Driver Come Into Work Sick Because She Couldn’t Wait Until 8 PM For Her Package


Brittany Matthews is an Instagram “influencer” whose only claim to fame is the fact that she is dating Kansas City Chiefs All-Pro quarterback Patrick Mahomes. She’s also an attention seeking liar, who made up a story two weeks ago about being harassed by Patriots fans at Gillette Stadium.

This week she shared a story about forcing her UPS driver to deliver a package to her, despite the fact that he had killed in sick from work.


Not sure what’s worse –Ā if she’s lying, or if she’s telling the truth.

If she’s lying then it’s just another standard, “look at me” post from a woman who’s only claim to fame is dating a professional athlete.

If she’s telling the truth it means she’s one of the most entitled and least self aware women on the face of the earth. It would mean that she thought so little of “her” UPS driver that she forced him to come into work while sick, because she couldn’t wait for her package to get to the house before 8 PM.

Actually, the latter is way worse.

Of course if she had a job she’d know what a selfish thing that is to do. But she doesn’t have a job, unless you count posting pyramid scheme nonsense while pretending like everything she has isn’t 100% due to the fact that she’s dating the reigning NFL MVP.







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  1. But isn’t she very woke? So woke that she should be caring for the less fortunate, especially when they are ill!! Or is this just another one of her many stories to show how far she rides those coattails.

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