
Rachael Rollins’ New Boston: Protesters Threaten Police After Shooting Family Member Who Shot At Them First


For more colorful analysis of this story click here to read about it on TBS.

The Boston Police shot and killed a 19 year old in Dorchester the other day after the he began shooting at them.

 A 19-year-old suspect was shot and killed by police after Boston Police say he shot at officers. Boston Police Commissioner William Gross said the shooting occurred in the city’s Dorchester neighborhood after police officers “issued several verbal commands” to the suspect “to drop the firearm.”

“According to several witnesses, the suspect pointed the firearm at the officers and discharged the firearm,” Gross said during a news conference late Monday night. 

“The officers returned fire, striking the suspect. The officers immediately rendered first aid to the suspect” before paramedics arrived, Gross said.

Two Boston police officers who were on bicycles responded to Penhallow Street shortly before 6 p.m. Monday. The officers responded after receiving a report of suspicious activity in that area. 

One of the officers dropped his bicycle and chased the suspects onto Penhallow Street, police said. That’s where the officers allegedly saw the suspect wielding a firearm, and issued several verbal commands for the suspect to drop the gun before shooting the suspect.   

This doesn’t exactly seem like a controversial shooting. When you point a gun at a cop and pull the trigger you’re probably not going to live to post about it on Facebook. The police gave him a chance, pleaded with him, put their own lives in danger by doing so, and even tried to save his life afterwards. But he made his choice and this is the result.

Yet there are still people protesting the police in Dorchester while they’re trying to gather evidence on the shooting.

When police returned to the scene Tuesday afternoon to search for evidence, family members of the teenager gathered nearby and shouted insults and threats at the police.

And the reason he’s now dead suddenly becomes a lot more clear. Perhaps is he was raised by people who held him accountable for his behavior, rather than blaming authority figures for doing their job, then he would’ve grown up to be law abiding citizen who didn’t shoot at the police.

Even people who admittedly would not say complimentary things bout the Boston Police admit that the cops did everything they could to save him from himself.

Witnesses said that the police clearly did not want to shoot him, and even pleaded with him to save his own life.

He  made his choice.

Shockingly none of these fine, upstanding citizens had to work on a Tuesday afternoon, and had plenty of time to harass and threaten the police while they investigated the death of a family member who they profess to love.

Lot of flat brimmed hats, oversized t-shirts, and iPhones in the house. Never seen that before.

Why are they filming the police again? What exactly are the hoping to catch them doing? Oh right, they’re not trying to catch them doing anything. They’re just using hysterics to interfere with an investigation.

This is what happens in a city where Rachael Rollins is the DA. She has set the tone that the police are the bad guys, and that criminals shouldn’t be prosecuted for their crimes. When you do that you create distrust of the police and this is the result.


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