RIP Aaron Hernandez’ Prison Boyfriend Kyle “Pure” Kennedy

Kyle “Pure” Kennedy, the prison boyfriend of Aaron Hernandez, was reunited last week with the former Patriots tight end, as he reportedly died on January 29.
It’s been a wild ride for Pure, the last person to see Aaron Hernandez alive. The son of a successful business owner in Uxbridge, Pure robbed a Cumberland Farms at knifepoint in Northbridge in January of 2015. Shortly afterwards he was pulled over on 146, but as the cop approached the car he started driving 110 mph back towards Uxbridge. He hit several signs and a guardrail as he got off the exit. He then tried to go back up the offramp, but his car was not drivable and he was arrested. Two days later he escaped from the Northbridge Police Station holding cell, and was arrested again after running through three people’s yards.
Right after his car stopped and he was about to be arrested her posted this to Facebook.
Kyle was sentenced to 3-5 years in jail for what his friends described as “some broke n***a shit.” It was there that he met Aaron Hernandez, who was already incarcerated, became cellmates, and began to have a romantic relationship.
After Hernandez died his lawyer Larry Army held a bizarre press conference in which he said that Kennedy believed believed that one of the letters Hernandez left behind was for him, and demanded that Hernandez’ attorney Jose Baez hand over the letter to his client. Pure also claimed that Hernandez promised him a $50K watch before he died, which would be sent to Pure’s family, but that they did not receive it. Army produced a letter that Hernandez wrote to Kyle Kennedy’s Dad, in which he referred to Kennedy as “Pure.”
After that we spoke with a man who was in juvenile detention with Pure when they were younger, and showed proof that Pure had literally sold his soul in exchange for a video game when he was younger.
It’s not clear how this will affect Pure’s legal standing in the afterlife, and his potential reunification with Hernandez.
Pure got out of jail in 2019, after which time WBZ posted an interview in which he described their first sexual encounter
“He told me just lay down, close your eyes and shut off the lights And that was the first time.”
How romantic.
He also released a letter that Hernandez had written, talking about continuing their relationship if they were both released from prison.
We could be together in the street, what would people say?
I just wanted to tell you this morning that I love you. You never have to question us. I will stop questioning you and us. I realized through our thing over the past few days how much I love you and how much I want you and us. Mainly how I want you [to] know what real love, real loyalty is, and to experience someone who is with you through all in life. We will have ups and downs. Times of some pain and suffering, but together we will make it right. I’m sorry for overreacting, but it’s something I have to work on, because I’m used to being done dirty my whole life.
I hope you have a great day, you will. Come to my door, ASAP. I miss you so much. You should be awake, knowing you sleep all f***ing day, LOL. I just wish we were cellmates, so I could at least kiss you on the forehead and say I love you. Then let you sleep while I make sure you have your coffee ready when you wake up. (Spoiled b***h!) I wouldn’t have it any other way. I truly love you that much. No words can describe it, nor will it ever, but I’m still stressing.
Still has more game than Brian Higgins.
Later that year (2019) we wrote about an incident where Pure filmed himself driving 160 mph on the highway and posted it on Instagram.
I don’t know what he died of, but I’m honestly surprised he lived this long.
Pure seemed to have no intention of ever obeying the law when he was released back into society, yet no matter how many times he was arrested he managed to avoid long term incarceration. He hasn’t had a license or a registered car since….ever. But it never stopped him from driving around.
He’s been charged with driving with a license more times than I can count. This included 2020 and 2022 charges in Uxbridge, on top of a 2021 charge for distribution of class E drugs.
In 2022 Pure was arrested along with his girlfriend Alyssa Kennedy in the small town of Princeton, after an officer saw him throw a duffle bag with a sawed off shotgun and ski masks inside it out of the passenger side window. When the female driver wouldn’t stop officer had to lay down stop sticks to deflate the tires.
In a twist I didn’t see coming, Alyssa and Kyle Kennedy shared the same last name because they were step siblings (his Dad married her mother, who was promoting her aspiring career as an auto-tuned singer and future pass around for the Hell’s Angels).
For the arrest in Princeton he had his bail revoked (from his plethora of other charges) and spent some time in the Worcester County House of Corrections.
Then he got out and immediately was arrested and charged in Westborough District Court with driving with a suspended license, after he was pulled over in Shrewsbury then hit the gas on Route 9. Police determined that a pursuit was too dangerous so they just sent him a summons.
He also had his bail revoked earlier in 2022 when he missed a drug test a few months prior.
He would do his 90 days, get out, and immediately violate the terms of his release before having his bail revoked again.
In Worcester District Court he had charges of violating an abuse prevention order in 2020, followed by drug possession charges (that got his bail revoked) in 2023, and yet another driving without a license charge in August of 2024.
In Dudley District Court he previously had two charges, but picked up a third in November of 2024 when he was once again popped for driving without a licence.
He apparently moved to Milford after finding his true love in September of 2024. The first thing he did was pick up another charge for driving without a license. A month later he was charged with receiving stolen property after neighbors in his girlfriend’s section 8 housing became concerned when they realized a felon was staying there with her two children, and they believed that he was selling drugs and driving a stolen motorcycle. Every day he would appear to hot wire the bike, leading to a police investigation in which they determined that the bike was stolen in August. Pure told police he paid $3K for it on Facebook Marketplace.
In November of 2024 he was once again arrested in Milford after a cop found him passed out behind the wheel of yet another car he was not licensed to drive.
Honestly, there are just too many charges, courthouses, bail revocations, probation violations, and surrender hearings to keep track of.
His latest girlfriend he was living with was Heather Cleary. Their relationship was brief, but filled with priceless memories groping each other in the clearance aisle.
Heather, who goes by “Yuh Mutha” on Facebook, seemed to be smitten by her one true love, and appears to be devastated by her loss.
And you can’t fulfill the ghettorific lifestyle in your section 8 apartment with your felon boyfriend if you don’t own a pitt bull that lives with your small children.
However, in a twist I was not expecting, it appears as if Heather has been feeding Turtleboy story ideas since 2017, and was actually the one who informed me that Alyssa and Kyle Kennedy were step siblings. She didn’t seem to like Pure very much, and made fun of him to me when she alerted me that he was in protective custody in jail.
As you can imagine, Heather is well acquainted with DCF, and this is not the first time she’s dated a felon. It appears as if one of the many things she and Pure have in common are that they both have at least 5 charges of driving without a license on their record. Obviously Pure was the ideal stepfather because he could get her kids to pose for pictures with what is most likely drug money.
As part of the courtship Heather used an app in November in order to pretend to be a victim of domestic violence on Facebook. It was apparently some sort of social experiment, designed to see if more people would respond to that post than her previous posts about how happy she was with him.
It appears as if the most healthy relationship Pure has ever been in was with Aaron Hernandez.
Anyway, I’m not sure if his obituary is parody, but it says he excelled academically, had a vibrant social life, was deeply committed to the community, was instilled with values by his parents, and made a positive impact on society.
But in reality he spent most of his life as an adult auditioning to be a recurring star on Turtleboy, went on a drug and gun fueled crime spree with his sister, constantly broke the law and did multiple stints in jail, and got scammed out of a $50K watch by his Jose Baez. It’s honestly a miracle he lived as long as he did, and he will be greatly missed as a source of content.

Still a better son than Colin “Did it” Albert will ever be.
Are we there yet?
This was also Cock Boy Colin’s roomie at Bridgewater State
There’s white trash and then there is WHITE TRASH. Heather’s got nice ta tas.
They hang down to her 2nd Fupa. You probably just made her year.
You haven’t seen her in person lol. There saggy and she’s a heroin addict who gets high in front of her two young children who she keeps telling everyone we’re Kyle’s children because she doesn’t know who the real dads are
Not too sure that’s a real obituary. Might want to fact check this. It’s just too far fetched…
You clearly don’t get it…..
The gd nyquil got pure?!?!?!?!
I know Kyle’s Dad and I talked with him about this situation. He’s a good Dad. From what I know, Kyle was a mentally ill young man, who became addicted to cochise, and this is all very sad. I hope his soul is reborn into healthier body and that his father and family find peace. Alyssa is sober, doing great with her music, and regretful for her mistakes. I’m sending prayers for the family.
I hope you’re sincere and the Nicole girl is really in recovery. That would be a great story ending. And I hope that cute Pibble isn’t playing with Cloe in doggy heaven
He wasn’t addicted to cocaine so you clearly don’t know anyone.
Alyssa’s just as guilty and a scumbag. She was found with an eight ball of cocaine if I recall and a sawed off shotgun. Along with being so high out of her mind that she totaled her car after getting in an argument with Kyle. So I don’t know why anyone is giving her praise. She’s just a loser inside and out. I mean take one look at her. And obviously her parents are just as fucked because who allows there underage daughter to date/have intercourse with her stepbrother and take Xanax and smoke crack under there roof. But now she’s a “jazz singer” if you even wanna call her that so that makes it okay. And Matthew was not a good father at all so you clearly don’t know anyone or anything to do with this situation.
You sound mad hun. Clearly, you don’t know about anything to do with Alyssa based on your comment. Carry on
*cocaine not cochise
Glad you clarified because I was like wtf is cochise?
Y’all crack me up.
RIP in piece
RIP Kyle. You were a real one dawg.
Subscribe on YouTube while you’re at it !
Nobody wants to listen to that crackheads music. She’s straight trailer trash take one look at her. Obviously she didn’t have a good upbringing. must of been really high when she smashed that car too. Or got caught with an eight ball of cocaine and a sawed off shotgun. Ya let’s run and stream her music. Her mother clearly wasn’t a good person to look up to, I mean she was literally fucking her step brother and smoking crack under her roof. But maybe she was so upset that her husband was still hooking up with Kyle’s mom to pay any attention to Alyssa who was so clearly SCREAMING FOR ATTENTION
lol she’s trying to get streamers from an article literally dogging her. Matt go give Cindy some more money behind your wife’s back. Debbie please don’t have anymore children you’re clearly not meant to be a parent look at your daughter. She’s screaming for attention.
That was a sweet romantic story with a sad ending. Who cares that anybody is bisexual or made mistakes? Its nobody’s business!! We’re facing an existential threat from Elon Musk and Donald Trump! Fuck DOGE and who exactly elected Elon to anything!!! I mean seriously! 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
what a fag lollll 😂
good riddance
Go stream Alyssa’s music? who would actually take the time to go stream someone’s music who was into incest and looks the way she does? I don’t know about you but I’d rather go stream a real artist or a productive person in society. She screams ratchet and raunchy love that Chanel tattoo in between her eyes though and how her mother and Kyle’s dad allowed her to have sex with her step brother while she was underage and live together and high and smoke crack together and total vehicles that they bought. Great parenting.
Turtleboy, what’s going on here? Yes, it’s notable that AR’s cellie, his *close* cellie, passed. Sharing the letters and other information about their relationship adds to the telling of AR’s tragic story, which is also Odin Lloyd’s tragic story. But then-dude, you go rooting around this person’s life, dragging out every pathetic detail, and heaping scorn on this guy. What’s he done to you that you got to be so mean? Did I miss something where he crapped on you? I don’t care where you come from: Bel Aire or Bed Sty. Everybody’s life has sordid events. Please! Know when to stop.
So true if anything this article should have been about Heather and how she seems so hurt and upset when she was emailing you talking crap about “her man” and how she’s so devastated about the man she couldn’t stand and was with for five months and how she was having her children call him dad and is still telling the world in her posts that those are his kids cause she don’t know who the real daddy is. All the while he was talking to multiple other woman and picking them up in her jeep while she sat at home passed out from being so high in front of her two boys that I can’t believe she still has custody of. There should be an article on her and how much of an attention seeking heroin addict, dcf involved, section 8, life she lives. Now that would be a good article.
You guys are really just mad that a pretty young girl was able to turn her life completely around 🤣🤣. You guys can’t stop talking about the shit that happened 3 years ago, as if a person can’t change their life for the better and move on…. Talk about the shit that’s happening now why don’t ya. Alyssa went to NYC to perform, flew out to California to record an album, opened her very own vinyl record shop, currently nominated for ‘best jazz act’ in the WMA’s, sings the national anthem at Seekonk Speedway, is now 3 YEARS SOBER !! No longer has face tattoos. And so on, so on.
I wanna see y’all make that big of a comeback after being groomed, manipulated and abused by a person like Kyle. Oh & not to mention, you guys don’t even know her personally do you?? Yea I didn’t think so. Y’all act like you know this girl & her whole life story. Go find a hobby. & on a side note, it appears that the only ones “screaming for attention” here are the ones trying to make a comeback with lies 🤣 carry on mama, looks like you’ve got a couple kids to take care of… go find them a new daddy why don’t you.
I don’t need to know her personally, the point of the matter here is that this article is bashing Kyle, and it’s ignorant to his family that is grieving him and knew the real him not just all the bad things they posted in this article going back 10 years. And you mentioned Matt Kyle’s father when Matt completely disowned his son and had nothing to do with him and how he’s upset and grieving. He didn’t care when his son was out sleeping on the streets though. And what I said was true he cheated on Debbie with Kyle’s mother and it ending up resulting in Matt having another child with Kyle’s mom while married to his current wife. And why don’t we talk about why Kyle was like this and why his life was like this? POOR PARENTING. And I do know Alyssa personally and I know Kyle was completely traumatized by his awful abusive childhood and used drugs as a way to cope and try to block out how horrific his childhood and his parents were to him. So for everyone and this article to come on here and say bad things about his is absolutely disgraceful. And he was not addicted to cocaine so do you know him PERSONALLY to be speaking about him? If we wanna talk we can talk what about all the times when he was younger how his mother would prostitute herself at random men’s houses and make Kyle and his brothers go with him and sleep on the floor while she had her flings late at night. Or how when Kyle was younger and would fall or was sick and his father would tell him to stop being a faggot and how gay he was. Things like this traumatize people, Kyle was not perfect but if he had a different upbringing and wasn’t completely depressed and traumatized from his life with his parents maybe he would have been different. And he did not “groom” Alyssa. Alyssa knew what she was doing she would constantly wear her bikini and very revealing clothes trying to hook up with her stepbrother. Meanwhile it was all happening under her OWN MOTHERS roof if it was so bad and he “groomed her” why was this condoned in the home with her mother and Kyle’s father. The whole family is fucked. And I don’t know about anyone else but I think that just because she had her face tattoos removed and she claims she’s clean doesn’t mean she is. And anyone can sing and open a store, with there parents money and a free ride. Money gets you far in life and her parents have a lot of it. But couldn’t help Kyle though. Her voice is awful she sounds like a man and absolutely has daddy issues. And is absolutely still an avid cocaine user. And yes I know this personally
Alyssa has been clean 3 years I’m with her every single day. What a harmful lie you are speaking. I’m sure your in a horrible state of grief I wouldn’t wish on anybody, but attacking those who knew or were related to Kyle isn’t going to help you heal. Would you please stop doing so?