
RMV Rejects CDL Application For Woman Due To 8 Year Old Seatbelt Ticket In Connecticut But Not For 6 Week Old DUI For Volodymyr Zhukovskyy


Much has been made about the fact that Westfield Transportation continued to employ Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, even after his second DUI in Connecticut on May 11, 2019. Had they not done so he never would’ve been in the position to kill seven bikers in New Hampshire last Friday afternoon.

However, the fact that he even had a CDL to begin with is an even bigger issue. Shady companies do not answer to the taxpayers, but the Massachusetts RMV does. Yesterday the head of the RMV fell on her sword and likely will receive a golden parachute from the state in the form of a healthy pension and a new state job down the line. But she doesn’t personally approve of all CDL applications, and the people who actually allowed this to happen are still gainfully employed. Thus the problem has not been properly dealt with.

To show you just how outrageous this is a turtle rider contacted us and told us that she was a refused a CDL permit by the Massachusetts RMV because of an unpaid seatbelt ticket in Connecticut from 2011. Here’s the rejection letter.

The rejection letter came within the last 2 months but the date has been redacted in order to protect the source.

Here’s the ticket the State of Connecticut gave her when she contacted them.

A $92 seatbelt ticket in Somers, CT eight years ago. The Massachusetts RMV was somehow fully aware of this, but NOT aware that just six weeks ago Volodymyr Zhukovskyy was arrested for DUI in the same state. This is what they want the public to believe. Either they are incompetent or intentionally let Zhukovskyy skirt the rules.

This is the rule book for safety regulations the FMCA puts out.

Here’s their rules on the CDL status for people arrested for DUI.

One year suspension. Even for people arrested while doing so in a non-CMV.

Charlie Baker owes it to the families of the 7 deceased, two of who are from Massachusetts, to order a thorough investigation of the RMV, find out all parties who allowed this to happen, fire them without severance packages, and charge them appropriately. Their negligence directly contributed to this tragedy.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. It clearly reads ” CONVICTED”, which he hasn’t been yet. Unfortunately, in a perfect world, the law should read “CHARGED”. I don’t believe this person should have been allowed to even obtain a CDL, just based on principal. Also, the rejection letter was basically telling THAT person to clear up the old ticket and reapply.

  2. Too bad she wasn’t an illegal immigrant, they would have given her a Class A CDL, Housing vouchers, and a raise on her EBT benefits

  3. I’ll give you a quick breakdown of how this works, as I know from experience getting a dui in ct but being a mass resident. First off ct police only notify the registry of ct, if it is an offense that causes immediate license loss- refusing chemical test, crash causing injuries, reckless drivin etc. after your court date the registry gets notified what you are charged with and your suspension goes from there. Ct and mass don’t directly communicate so technically mass doesn’t know you are suspended until you are up for renewal or you try to add an additional class to your license because it will be flagged in the interstate databases just telling them there is an out of state issue that needs to be addressed like the turtle rider in this story. The kicker here is if/when mass learns you have an out of state dui mass will suspend your license again as if it happened in mass, so even if you were suspended in ct for a year and jumped through all the hoops paid your reinstatement costs and go to renew your mass license suddenly you get suspended again and have to pay reinstatement fees in mass, ask me how I know. (How this isn’t double jeopardy is beyond me). The reason this kids wasn’t suspended for a dui that just happened is, just that, it just happened and he hadn’t been to court yet. It was about to all come crashing down on him, unfortunately the system didn’t move fast enough to stop him from taking out those fellow riders. As much as I hate the mass rmv, they are less at fault then ct is for not notifying mass.

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