Rosie O’Donnell’s Worcester Cop Girlfriend Dumps Her In Favor Of Dangerous Job In Worcester Where She Could Be Killed

Turtleboy first reported two years ago on the news that Rosie O’Donnell was dating Worcester police officer Elizabeth Rooney.
It was the perfect match. Rosie’s rich so she got her choice of scissoring partners, and Officer Rooney is already experienced with riding horses so Rosie was the natural choice.
Initially you figured this was just a fling. Rosie is a rich, and just like any wealthy person they can pretty much have anyone they want. But things took a turn for the serious when they went and got engaged.
Let’s hope Rosie got her to sign a pre-nup, or else Officer Rooney was going to take more money out of her paycheck than Bernie Sanders.
Tragically it appears as if this relationship has come to an end.
Rosie O’Donnell and fiancée Elizabeth Rooney have reportedly broken up after two years together. According to RadarOnline, O’Donnell, 57, hasn’t mentioned Rooney, 34, “in a while,” and scrubbed the Boston police officer from her Instagram. Rooney scrubbed her Instagram clean of any references to their engagement. As Radar readers recall, the Massachusetts police officer first showed off her massive sparkler gifted by O’Donnell last October. That post has since been deleted. Rooney also deleted the letter “R” and a diamond ring emoji from her Instagram bio. Rooney also deleted O’Donnell from her social media, including a photo from Oct. 2018 showing off her engagement ring.
It’s been reported that Rosie wanted Officer Rooney to quit her job and move to New York, but she wouldn’t. Being a Worcester cop involves dealing with some of the worst people humanity has to offer and putting your life on the line every day. The fact that Rooney chose this over a lifetime of pampering and riches has to be the biggest slap in the face Rosie O’Donnell has ever gotten. If I were given that choice I would gladly fiddle around with Rosie’s lady bits in exchange for the guarantee of financial security for the rest of my life.
Then again, Rosie’s first wife killed herself with pills after the divorce so Officer Rooney probably got out at just the right time.
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She already bit the bullet scissoring Rosie,she should have got married and got paid.she already faced consequences worse than death.