Sexual Predator Moves To New Jersey, Brags About Dumping Drinks On Women’s Head And Getting Herpes

A Kenne, NH man named Matthew Brown deactivated his Facebook page three months ago after we revealed that he was sexually harassing women in the region with unsolicited noodz, screenshots of someone else’s bank account, and demeaning messages.
This is the same man who didn’t raise his own daughter, has no part in her life, and pretends that he does by posting private text messages she sent him on Facebook.
He appears to have moved to New Jersey, and this week he put his page back up and illustrated that he learned absolutely nothing from his last episode.
Dude, save some tail for the rest of us.
Obviously none of this actually happened. It’s just a lonely, sad, pathetic man expressing his hatred of women because he believes they owe him sex, simply because he has a pulse. He’s free to have this opinion, and since the imaginary situation he wrote about never actually happened, no one was harmed in the process. We know that if it did happen there is no way he would’ve responded at that, as the fact that a woman was willing to speak to him without being paid to do so would’ve caused him to unleash a DNA volcano in his pants. Plus, in order to be able to dump a drink on a woman’s head, he would’ve had to have money to pay for the drink in the first place.
When some women pointed out how gross it was for him to talk about 50% of the population as nothing more than sex objects, he couldn’t understand why they felt this way.
At first I thought he was playing a character, but the fact that he initially thought this woman was agreeing with him seems to indicate that he thinks porn is real life.
He also claimed that his spam javelin gets more action than mine.
Obviously I am not match for this walking ball of sex juice.
He began messaging women who had the audacity to call him out on his comments.
And capped it off by bragging about how he had herpes.
And this is a man with a teenage daughter. It would be a real shame if she read this blog to see what her sperm donor was really like. Please, if you know her, do NOT send it to her. That would be bad.
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