
Shag Bark Farm Hosts Kid’s Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser For Convicted Child Sex Offender 


Shag Bark Hickory Farm is a horse farm in East Windsor, CT. They are a registered non-profit, according to their Facebook page, and have a lot of activities that center around children.

They hold an annual Easter egg hunt for kids every year, and the money goes towards the non-profit.

At least it usually does. Today they announced the fund would be redirected towards a guy named Jim whose horse barn burnt down.

Which is nice. Except by the look of Jim’s Facebook page his “family” consists of him and the horses, all of which survived. Also, Jim Giorgio is a convicted child sex offender.

A 43-year-old former East Windsor man avoided time in jail Tuesday after pleading guilty to inappropriately touching a minor girl in 2005. James Giorgio pleaded guilty to fourth-degree sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor in Superior Court of Enfield. Judge Howard Scheinblum sentenced Giorgio to a seven-year suspended term with 10 years of probation. Scheinblum also ordered Giorgio to register for 10 years as a sex offender, have no contact with the victim, undergo a sexual offender evaluation and have no unsupervised contact with a minor under 16.

Assistant State’s Attorney Anthony Bochicchio said East Windsor police became aware of the situation in December 2005 after they were contacted by Windsor police. The victim, a girl under the age of 15, told police that incidents happened in East Windsor, Block Island, R.I., and Stowe, Vt., Bochicchio said. The victim, the daughter of a friend of Giorgio’s, told police that on one occasion in East Windsor he inappropriately touched her under her pajamas, and on a second occasion he hugged her then fondled her under her bra and asked her to take a shower with him, Bochicchio said. Giorgio apologized to the girl for all of the incidents in November 2005, Bochicchio said.

Attorney Rob Britt said his client, who now resides in East Lyme, has from the beginning sought to resolve the case in a way that did not cause the victim to have to testify or be deposed. Giorgio has said there are no winners in the resolution of the case, Britt said.

“Everyone in the case has a need to move forward,” Britt said.

The outcome of the Connecticut charges convinced authorities in Rhode Island to drop their case after it became apparent that the prosecution in that state and the defense could not come to a resolution, Britt said. There are no legal issues in Vermont, he added.

There are no winners in the case? Well, you diddled a kid and never went to jail, so I’d say you’re the winner here James.

I guess in Connecticut you can sexually assault a child, admit to it, and then not go to prison. Who knew there were courts that are more ineffective than the ones we have in Massachusetts?

Of course the disgusting part about this is that it’s a fundraiser that kids will attend, and the money is going to a guy who diddled a kid, instead of going back towards the organization that exists to help kids.

Why does he need money for this anyway? Does he not have insurance? He’s obviously wealthy if he owns a horse ranch and can afford the kind of lawyers that keep you out of jail after you sexually assault a child. Is this really the kind of person they want to raise money for?

Shag Bark is well aware of this past, as several people commented about it underneath their post:

Jim chimed in once his past started getting unearthed by the Internet.

Actually Jim, we do know the situation. You plead guilty to sexually assaulting a child. End of story. The fact that you’re “no longer on the registry” doesn’t matter. You committed a crime that has the highest rate of reoffending. You don’t diddle kids and then lose your urge to diddle kids. I don’t think you should’ve been killed in that fire, and I’m glad the horses are OK, but did you ever consider that what happened to your farm was a gigantic act of Karma? Because it was.

But Shag Bark has elected to delete all of those comments, and anyone else who pointed out this fact. That way gullible people who don’t know how to Google, but who might be less inclined to donate if they knew where the money was going towards, remain blissfully unaware.

The woman who runs this place is Katie Hunt.

If 1986 had a face.

Miss KHunt responded to our Facebook message after taking down our comment:

Well, of course Jim isn’t going to be there. He’s not allowed anywhere near kids. And the fact that she said, 1) that it was “over 10 years ago,” and 2) that they were “accusations,” tells me everything I need to know about her.

Newsflash – they weren’t accusations, they were convictions. And the fact that it was 10 years ago means nothing, because once a diddler, always a diddler. I decided to publish this blog because the public has a right to know, especially since Shag Bark is actively trying to cover it up and justify what happened.


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