Stinnett Police Chief Gets Caught Cheating On Wife After Both Mistresses He Proposed To Discover Each Other On Facebook And Unravel His Lies

Editor’s Note: We will be discussing this story on the Live show tomorrow night at 9 PM EST, or Saturday night at the same time. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel. I’ve reached out to both women in this story to invite them on as well. The Stinnett Police Facebook page has been removed since Jason Collier also controls that.
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Jason Collier was appointed Police Chief of Stinnett, TX in February, a town of under 2,000 people in the Texas panhandle.
Jason is an ordained minister who’s married to a woman named Opal and has two kids and two step-kids.
My general rule of thumb in life is to automatically distrust anyone who calls themselves a minister or a reverend, because studies have shown that 95% of the time they are using the cloth for nefarious purposes.
This is Cecily Steinmetz from Amarillo, TX, not far away from Stinnett.
Cecily began dating Jason, who told her that his marriage to Opal was annulled, and he proposed to her in November.
He even showed her a forged document to prove it.
A week ago she updated her Facebook profile picture to the two of them together.
Two days ago the Stinnett Police Department Facebook page that he runs posted about something, and this woman showed up in the comments.
Kristi Shaffer lives in Kansas, and a friend of Cecily noticed that the profile picture she was using to comment on the Stinnett PD page was a picture of her and Jason Collier.
Cecily did some snooping and figured out that Kristi was also recently proposed to by Jason! It was then that she posted the truth and commented on her profile picture with an update. From there it just went full Jerry Springer.
Posted by Cecily Steinmetz on Monday, January 18, 2021
Turns out he was with Kristi and her kid on the weekend of the 16th.
Then this past weekend he was with Cecily in Taos, New Mexico, but told Kristi he was away on work in Portland.
Meanwhile, on the weekend of the 16th when he was stuffing Kristi’s crust in Wichita he told Cecily he was in Lubbock, TX helping his disabled brother (who likely isn’t disabled, or real).
The women figured out that he proposed to Kristi in December, picked out a ring, and even asked her Dad for her hand in marriage, despite being married to Opal and engaged to Cecily (whose father was also asked permission to wed Jason).
Pro tip – don’t get engaged to guys you just met two weeks ago, even if you live in the south or midwest.
Kristi and Jason’s text messages (she calls him Hunny Bunny) show that they had set a date for their wedding, begun an invite list, and he changed her name to “Mrs. Collier” in his phone, even though he’s married to a Mrs. Collier and engaged to another woman.
Like most of these psychopath manipulators, Jason Collier also blamed Kristi for “tearing a man down” who’s “after her heart, not body,” when she accused him of using her for sex.
He also shared a text message from him and his coworkers, in which they discovered that Kristi was one of his girlfriends.
Meanwhile, Cecily realized that he had updated the Stinnett PD Facebook page to remove any mention of him being married as well, right around the time he started dating and got engaged to her.
On December 27 he claimed to have put down $5,000 deposit for his wedding with Kristi, who he had known for all of 2 weeks, while simultaneously sending Cecily messages about how in love with her he was.
While sitting in Kristi’s house he sent Cecily a video claiming to be at a repair shop getting his window fixed after filming himself driving there.
He bought them both coffee makers.
They found out he was using different credit cards to buy them gifts so that his wife wouldn’t figure out what he was doing.
While traveling on his way to Wichita to see Kristi one weekend he sent a video of himself to Cecily, claiming to be going to a parole hearing.
And when he got to Wichita he went to Kristi’s ex-husband’s contempt of court hearing on December 26, met her lawyer, then said he had to leave abruptly to go to Nashville to do emergency work on the Christmas bombing.
According to Jason the federal government calls him up whenever they need help with a riot or a national emergency.
Sound familiar?
This is Landon Steele all over again. Read Part 6 of that series to see all the lies he told various women he was dating about being hired to do contract work all over the country. And just like Landon Steele, Jason Collier claims to have been shot during one of these missions. In 2015 Amarillo Police Sgt Houston Gass was shot, and Jason claimed to have been struck by bullet fragments while standing next to him. Kristi even sent him flowers to commemorate the anniversary of the shooting.
Turns out he was there, and actually was honored for helping Sgt. Gass, but he was never shot.
He lied about standing next to Sgt Gass when he was shot, causing him to be covered in blood. Sounds familiar.
Meanwhile he was telling Kristi that he was looking for jobs in Wyoming and Louisiana, while telling Cecily they were going to buy a house together in Texas.
While all this was going on his wife Opal was nowhere to be found, and unlike Jason her Facebook page is still up.
They attempted to contact her, she responded, and it became apparent that they were actually talking to Jason since he has all of his wife’s passwords.
Jason and Kristi had already picked out each other’s wedding songs.
And he had told both women that he wanted to have more kids with them, and was willing to have his vasectomy reversed.
Both women ended up confronting Jason about it yesterday, at which time he informed Cecily that he couldn’t be with her because she doesn’t go to church or have a relationship with God like he does.
Again, this is why you should never trust a “minister” or “reverend.” Biggest racket going and they ALWAYS hide behind God.
Finally he sent Cecily this video while working in his squad car, in which he apologized, said he didn’t mean to hide anything from her (LOL), asked for forgiveness, and ignored the radio in the background even though he’s the Chief of Police.
My question is, how did he think was going to end? At least Landon Steele moved from woman to woman and only pretended to be in love with them so he could have a place to stay and avoid being homeless. This guy actually planned on marrying these women, living in different places, and spent thousands of dollars on rings, weddings, and gifts, all while still being married to poor Opal. Pro tip – if you’re going to try to pull something like this off then you need to make sure your side chicks don’t change their profile pictures to you and her and comment on your work Facebook page. If not then you run the risk of ending up on TB.
Update: Right after publishing this blog another girlfriend came forward.
How much money does this guy spend on gas?
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